Chapter 230 Purgatory (Fourth update, please subscribe)

When the fleet of aircraft in the sky was like a small boat, tossed up and down by the fire storm, it was a different scene to the people on the ground.

The intimidating fleet of aircraft came overwhelmingly like a giant dragon. Under the illumination of the searchlight, the green aircraft appeared red under the reflection of the fire on the ground.


It's fiery red, it's bright red!

Eighteen-year-old Kato Taka watched a string of bombs blossom over Tokyo. After the air-raid siren sounded, the family members who woke up from their sleep hid in the air-raid shelter one after another. However, because he had to prepare for the exam, he moved a little later at night.

From the dark red sky, pieces of flaming napalm fell around him, one of which landed on the roof of his house. He quickly picked up a "fire extinguishing bat" - a long stick with a rope tied to the other end. Many rags climbed up to the roof and slapped the flame, but as he slapped, the burning napalm glue was thrown around, making the fire bigger.

In his sight, the surrounding houses exploded like gas stoves, bursting into flames.


Seeing that the fire was too strong, he had no choice but to run into the room and pick up three books - for those who study seriously, books are always the most important. Then he went to look for the ancestral tablet, but he couldn't find it. His mother must have taken it away first. He picked up a gold Buddha statue and carefully selected some of the most precious antiques, including an ivory carving sent by his father from China. In fact, the Buddha statue was also sent back from China by his father.

Out of habit, he closed the door, put the antiques on his back, and went out into the street. Everything around him was burning. He ran to an avenue on the left. There was no fire there yet. A fire truck was parked there, but there was nothing he could do. There were buildings burning all around. The fire hose was flat and there was no water in it.

As he fled to safety, he saw charred trees and telephone poles lying on the road like matchsticks, some of the trees still burning. Firefighters yelled at them to run to the bridge or burn to death. The young Kato Eagle took the lead and jumped over the tree poles, which burned like wood in a stove.

Others followed, and the strong fire made it difficult for Kato Taka to open his eyes. He had to open his mouth to breathe, but the choking smoke came in. He couldn't bear it anymore and fell down. When he saw the water on the ground, he hurriedly wet his clothes with water and covered his nose with his clothes. As a medical student, he knew very well that most people would choke to death in fires. .

Compared to many people, Kato Taka was lucky. At this time, those burning blocks were burning as brightly as the sun. Thick smoke billowed into the air, and the fire below turned orange. Thousands of people huddled in simple herringbone-shaped wooden air-raid shelters. The frightened people with pale faces had no idea what was waiting for them.

The air-raid shelter, which was covered with a layer of soil, was only a defense against bomb fragments. Under the blazing flames, the air-raid shelter was getting hotter and hotter. The women crowded in the crowd no longer cared about any shame. In order to be able to To make themselves cooler, they took off all their clothes one after another, but sweat still continued to flow from their bodies.

It is inevitable that there will be some strange men standing next to women. Although they are also very hot, their hearts are even hotter. It is inevitable that they will even move their hands and touch the women around them, as if they want to enjoy it. This last pleasure. In the face of violation, women can only push away the claws on their bodies.

The choking smoke poured into the air-raid shelter from the gaps, causing the people inside the air-raid shelter to cough violently.

"Cough, cough, mom! I'm hot..."

"Whoever has water, please give me a drink..."

"Please...kill me..."

As the temperature in the air-raid shelter gets higher and higher, the people inside can only scream in despair. The air in the air-raid shelter becomes thinner and thinner, and the billowing smoke and scorching heat waves pour in from the vents. In the air-raid shelter, within a few minutes, the air-raid shelter that had been used to save lives had now become a Quanjude barbecue box or a furnace for roasting beggar's chicken.

hot! Getting hotter!

It's no longer hot, it's burning!

The desperate screams have turned into feeble moans. While struggling in pain, with a little light, the women noticed that some bubbles seemed to have bulged on their delicate skin. The burning pain made people want to scream. But the hot air from the mouth almost burned through their throats, and the people who opened their mouths could never close their mouths again.

All this happened quickly. After only a minute or two, the air-raid shelter fell into a dead silence. The people who took off their clothes had a strange sheen of oil on their bodies. The oil from the people's bodies flowed along the bottom of the air-raid shelter to the outside. Under the influence of high temperature, the oil sublimates and turns into steam. For a while, the air is filled with a rich and strange fragrance. The fragrance that hits your face can even make people drool.

Some people were lucky. They did not hide in air-raid shelters, but were forced into nearby rivers by the scorching heat. Faced with the heat wave that almost set their clothes on fire, many people instinctively jumped into rivers and pools. In places like this, while running, people kept making pitiful screams. Their clothes were ignited by the scorching heat and turned into flames. A few lucky ones managed to escape to the water's edge. The thick smoke and flames in the sky obscured people's sight. When they ran to the river, they didn't even notice some small fish floating on the surface of the river. When the belly was floating on the water, only some tenacious fish jumped out of the water from time to time.

"Put tom, plop tom..."

Just like dumplings, in order to escape the high temperature, people kept jumping into the water. The moment they jumped into the water, people let out bursts of comfortable shouts. They felt that their whole bodies were cooled and they seemed to feel much better.

However, the coolness brought by the river water only lasted for a while, and only after a few minutes did the people in the water feel that something was wrong.

The water is hot!

They also saw those fish with white bellies turned over. Why did the fish die?

But it's too late now!

The river water has begun to boil.


In the almost boiling river water, people kept crying, screaming, and struggling hard. They instinctively wanted to grab the person around them, but they found that their hands were directly taken off when they grabbed the other person's body. The skin on their bodies was also peeling off at this time. When the skin and flesh were separated, they were still struggling in the scalding boiling water.

When people were crying and struggling, they could never imagine that the river would boil and the creek would turn into a hot pot.

At this time, fire swept through the entire Tokyo, igniting everything in the world. The temperature on the ground has exceeded 1000 degrees. Not only are trees and houses burning, but even the human body is spontaneously combusting in the flames that reach a thousand degrees, turning into a good fuel.

The temperature on the ground in Tokyo even rose to over 1000 degrees Celsius. Wherever the flames touched, everything was melting. Even because of the excessive temperature, people, trees, and buildings began to spontaneously combust, and even rivers boiled. The fire spread like a flood, and people fled in all directions. But the fire storm quickly swallowed them up, and quickly turned into fuel for the fire dragon, turning into a pile of burning charcoal.

At this time, Tokyo once again turned into a tumbling hell.

The ground shook like an earthquake, and the flames roared like cannons.

The wind is howling!

Dust and smoke are swirling wildly around Tokyo!

Some people who were lucky enough to survive struggled to shout in the dust and smoke, and women and children were also moaning. At this time, these survivors were already battered and ragged.

Although these lucky people who escaped to the open area escaped temporarily, it was only temporary. Soon they were swallowed up by the billowing smoke blown by the wind. The thick smoke knocked them to the ground and then spread. The incoming fire burned them to death, and many of them were roasted alive by the fiery storm. Thousands of corpses were burned together due to the high temperature and could never be separated.

At this time, the air in Tokyo was filled with a strange smell. It was not the smell of smoke, but the smell of burnt human flesh. But among the smell, there was also a strange fat smell that would even make people crazy. Big drool.

At this time, the bomber group in the sky had already begun to return, leaving behind only a Tokyo that was spitting flames and thick smoke into the air.

When they returned, they seemed to be flying on a sea of ​​flames. The blazing flames shone with the light of death through the thick smoke. In this city that had become a hell on earth, countless lucky People who were not burned, roasted or choked to death also suffocated to death due to depletion of oxygen...

The number of casualties caused by this bombing was even greater than any bombing caused by Li Mei, because when the bombing was going on, Tokyo was undefended that night, and Tokyo was very hot that night!

(End of this chapter)

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