Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 222 Reclamation Area Trip

Chapter 222 Reclamation Area Trip (Second update, please subscribe)
  The war continues, but so does construction.

With large numbers of laborers coming from home, construction in Borneo was rapid. Almost every day, the scenery from Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The once-destroyed railways were rebuilt, large areas of rainforest were reclaimed as flat land, and the wood was sent to sawmills, where it was made into lumber, dried and used to build houses and factories.

Unlike workers in other areas who live in wooden houses, in reclamation areas close to the rainforest, workers from the mainland live in wooden houses with steel frames similar to containers. They sleep on tai ping pavilion with a thoroughfare made of wooden boards. Ten people are crowded together. These wooden houses can be hoisted up to cars at any time and transported by trucks to another reclamation area, so that the workers will not live in thatched houses with harsh conditions and full of snakes and insects.

However, even so, the environment for reclaiming the rainforest is very harsh. Due to the dense forests in Borneo, there are not only mosquitoes in the mountains and swamps, but also a lot of giant pythons, and they are usually as thick as an adult's thigh or even larger. If a person is entangled by a giant python alone in the forest belt, he may even be entangled by a giant python. The possibility of swallowing it alive.

A few giant pythons frightened the reclamation workers who had never seen one before. People were panicked, so they organized people to hunt down the giant pythons, even using light and heavy machine guns and grenades. In the end, the giant python was killed and became A meal for the reclamation workers!
  Under the guidance of the old overseas Chinese, the reclamation workers were very careful when entering and leaving the camp, and tried to avoid going out alone during the day and night. They usually walked in groups when entering and leaving, often carrying rifles, bags containing sulfur powder to prevent pythons, and mountain vines to clear the way. Tools such as machetes and iron bars can only be carried out together when sitting in a car or a large tractor.

However, compared to the hardship of the external environment, the life of the reclamation workers is not difficult at all. In addition to salary, each person's daily food includes two kilograms of rice and [-] cents for vegetables.

"There's meat again..."

"Haha, it's not dragon meat, it's pork!"

The dragon meat in their mouths is the meat of pythons in the jungle. There are a lot of game in the rainforest to eat, especially pythons, which saves some money.

When the cooking team brought the food in the truck, Watanabe couldn't help but swallowed his saliva when he saw the food in the rice tube.

White rice, water spinach, and palm-sized slices of meat.

"In this day and age, eating pork and white rice every day, the landlords and rich people have to live in poverty..."

Once again, Long San picked up the palm-sized piece of meat with chopsticks and sighed.

"Before the Japanese came, when we were doing the work for the Xu family, the Xu family put two pieces of meat the size of fingers in each person's bowl. They were good hosts hundreds of miles away. Put this aside... This piece of meat is enough to feed five or six people, and this meal is enough to fill your stomach..."

"No, it's oil and water every day. It's either fish or meat. What if we go home in the future and live without fish and meat?"

"How's it going?"

The people next to him laughed.

"Then don't go back. In a place as big as Borneo, just clearing the forest is enough for us to work for a lifetime. We can work for 10 yuan a month for a lifetime, and then buy a piece of land. It won't be enough to live there..."

While talking, the man took two mouthfuls of rice and said.

"Go back, what are you going back for? The war is in turmoil, and if you can't save everything, you will starve to death... It's so good, you can eat all the fruits on the trees..."

His words attracted a burst of agreement from everyone. However, although the food was good, the work they did was not easy. Soon, the one-hour lunch break was over, and the reclamation workers were busy again.

In addition to the humidity in the rainforest, the thatch in the forest is much taller than a person. The ridges and edges on the back of the thatch leaves are sharper than knives. If you touch it accidentally, your skin will bleed.

Due to the limited number of machines for reclamation, settlers often used long-handled scythes to chop down thatch and bushes, and then burned them with fire. While they were working, swarms of hornets were buzzing; leeches were everywhere, and if they weren't careful, the exposed parts of their faces, necks, and limbs would be sticky, leaving their skin itchy. , the dry leech has sucked up enough blood and swelled to the size of a chopstick. It still bleeds after being peeled open with hands!

For those towering trees, they can only be wrapped with large steel cables and allowed to be pulled down by tractors. The big tree tractor that can be hugged by one person with both arms is not actually a tractor, but an old French tank such as the R35 that the search team collected on the French battlefield. Although as tanks, they have long been outdated, and the tractor is definitely Enough.

However, even if the tank encounters a towering tree, it is not easy to deal with it. If it is a very large tree that can be surrounded by two or more people with both arms, two or three tanks must be used to pull it together. For a big tree that cannot be surrounded, we can only send a dozen saws to cut the roots, call in three or four tractors modified from Shire tank chassis to work together, and then wrap them with large steel cables. Each giant tractor with hundreds of horsepower sends out a With an earth-shaking roar, several tractors pulled together in the same direction for a while, and the roots of the big trees rattled, and the roar of the motors made people deafen. With a loud "boom", the big tree was finally pulled down. Several tractors rushed forward due to inertia. The tractor driver quickly braked and then stumbled to a stop. This scene was very spectacular and of course very shocking. . When the reclamation workers cheered for the fall of the big tree, Li Yian, who was standing on the jeep, was also stunned by the scene in front of him.
  Because the reclamation of the reclamation area is related to the industrial and agricultural construction of Borneo, he will take time to inspect the reclamation area, supervise the progress of reclamation, and go deep into the front line to understand the reclamation situation and the lives of reclamation workers.

Unexpectedly, I saw this extremely spectacular scene as soon as I entered the reclamation area.

This was the first time he had seen a giant tree with a diameter of five or six meters, and it was dragged down just like that. When the tractor converted from a tank rushed out suddenly, Tian Yongzhe introduced it.

"Chief Li, to tow such a big tree, the bigger the horsepower of the tractor, the better. We don't have many high-horsepower tractors, and each mission area can only use them in coordination. But there are many big trees in the rainforest. Sometimes, we use five or six tractors." It will take a small tractor and manpower."

These tractors are actually French tanks captured in France. Most of them have had their turrets removed by the Germans and converted into trailers. They are now being used in the reclamation areas of Borneo.

"I'll figure it out later."

Over in Europe, the British tanks should be starting to be scrapped, right? Otherwise, why not buy some tanks and use them as tractors?

At present, European tanks are cheaper than tractors. Of course, there are also a large number of military tractors used by the militaries of various countries. You can buy a batch later by purchasing surplus supplies.

Thinking of the generosity of the United States in disposing of surplus supplies after the war, Li Yian couldn't help but look forward to it. After all, at that time, everything was sold at a discount, even big fractures.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money. The United States can directly provide loans. In short, that time will be the real feast!

Even now, Li Yian has made a list and is waiting for the Americans to break their bones and sell them.

Unfortunately, we have to wait a little longer.

When he was thinking this, Li Yian saw the workers cutting with hand saws, and the thigh-thick trees were cut down by the movement of the hand saw. Seeing this, he almost subconsciously asked .

"Why are they all using hand saws? Don't you have a chain saw?"

Although I’m not very familiar with chainsaws, who hasn’t seen Chainsaw Massacre? Isn’t that what that guy used?

It's definitely faster to saw a tree with that thing than with a hand saw.


Tian Yongzhe said in surprise.

"Chainsaw? What chain saw?"

Tian Yongzhe's reaction made Li Yian stunned for a moment, and then he said doubtfully.

"The chain saw should have been invented. Otherwise, if you coordinate with those German engineers, the chain saw must have been invented. It only takes tens of seconds to cut a big tree. Using it, the work efficiency can be increased by ten times..."

With a chain saw, the speed of forest reclamation can be increased by at least ten times, or even more. For Borneo right now, time is very tight. After all, Europe has already begun reconstruction. By the time Europe completes reconstruction, , Borneo's palm oil and other agricultural products can take advantage of the opportunity to enter the European market, dominate the consumer field, and let them experience modern food science and hard work.

"If you have a chain saw, try to purchase some. After all, this is related to the reclamation plan of Borneo."

(End of this chapter)

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