Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 209 All the sheep were bald

Chapter 209 All the sheep were bald (first update, please subscribe)
  What can I get?

While looking at Sandakan Bay in the dusk, Li Nian's lips raised slightly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Looking forward to the changes that will take place in Siam after the end of "Operation Iron Fist". This change will undoubtedly benefit Borneo.

After all, having just one Borneo is too lonely.

If Siam is also a country with Chinese as the main body, then the situation in Nanyang in the future will be different from history.

Moreover, the emergence of Siam will fundamentally change the situation in Southeast Asia. No matter how the situation develops in the future, Borneo will be the only choice for the United States.

Because... thinking of this, the corners of Li Yian's mouth raised, and his eyes became a little complicated...

From another perspective, in the Southeast Asia, Borneo is no longer fighting alone, and no one will accuse Borneo of being a group of colonists in the future. Of course, there is also Lijiapo, but Lijiapo is a little too small. At most, it can only be built into a Hong Kong.

In fact, when it comes to construction, as long as there is a suitable environment, the abilities displayed by the Chinese will definitely make the whole world look at them, even Sandakan now - two months ago, this place was just a ruin. But what about now?
  The prototype of a city has vaguely appeared here. Although there is no shadow of a metropolis yet, at least the framework has begun to appear. To a certain extent, Sandakan is a very suitable place to build a metropolis. Although there are many things inside and outside the city, There are several undulating mountains, but most of them are plains, but its geological foundation is mainly composed of granite. The solid rock foundation has reduced a lot of difficulty for the construction of metropolises. After all, whether it is building a subway or building a skyscraper, a good geological foundation will make the construction more efficient.

Perhaps, in just a few years, a new metropolis will emerge in front of the world and prove to others the excellence of the Chinese.

From north to south, from China to Siam, to Singapore and then to Borneo, the descendants of Yan and Huang are bound to shock the entire world in just a few years.

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Yian's mouth rose sixty degrees. Thinking of the large-scale construction that was about to begin, he was now even more eager to end the war as soon as possible. Only by ending the war could real large-scale construction be carried out.

“Kota Kinabalu…”

Kota Kinabalu, the port on the west coast of North Borneo, is connected to Sandakan by railway. As long as Kota Kinabalu is captured, it is not only equivalent to recovering most of North Borneo, but also can directly take Danan to the south, which is the Japanese independent mixed army. The headquarters of the 56th Brigade is located. After this unit is completely annihilated, North Borneo will be its own Borneo at that time.

"The key is to strike hard..."

Walking to the map again, staring at the Japanese troops scattered across the map, Li Yian raised the corners of his mouth and muttered to himself.

"Okay, from now on, it's time to start punching hard!"

In fact, the garrison had been on the offensive and was approaching Danang, the core of the Japanese defenses in North Borneo.

Just as the troops were steadily attacking toward the southwest of North Borneo, an old acquaintance came to Sandakan unexpectedly.

"Haha, my friend, no, Your Majesty the King, your most important confidant has come all the way!"

Obviously, even in Europe, Mickey knew that Li Nian bought the Kingdom of Sarawak, so he called him "His Majesty the King." After bowing with an exaggerated gesture, Mickey, this guy who appeared out of nowhere, grinned.

"Coming with good news!"

"Wait, let me tell you first, how did you get here?"

Li Yian asked with some uncertainty.


Mickey said directly.

"Your plane."

"What? My plane?"

After Mickey explained it, Li Yian understood what the aircraft he was referring to was the SM.95 aircraft manufactured by his Savoia-Marchetti Aircraft Company. This large four-engine transport aircraft is no less powerful than Douglas' DC4, a large transport aircraft, made its first flight two years ago. However, both prototypes were stolen by the Germans last year, but the company assembled two using previously produced parts.

As for Mickey, as his agent, of course he had the right to use that plane. After learning that Thailand had withdrawn from the war, he hurriedly left Italy and flew directly to Sandakan via India and Thailand.

"It's not an easy journey for you, but..."

Li Yian asked, looking at the proud look on Mickey's face.

"Tell me what good news it is that brought you all the way here."

While he was talking, he invited Mickey to sit down and even poured him a cup of tea himself. After all, this guy had come all the way, so whether he had good news or not, he should pour him a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Mickey still looked playful and smiling.

"This cup of tea is enough for me to show off for a lifetime. After all, few people in this world have the opportunity to have a king pour them tea."

"Not yet." Li Yian smiled.

"As for the future, whether I am willing to be that king or not is another matter."

"Your Majesty, you already own a kingdom. Whether you like it or not, you are Your Majesty in my heart!"

Well, I have to say that Mickey is not only good at speculation, but also good at flattery. This flattery makes him very comfortable.

This is the characteristic of foreign devils. When flattering, they do it without any restraint.

"Tell me what good news you have brought!"

Putting down the tea cup, Mickey took out a document from the briefcase beside him and said.


  Li Yian didn't react for a while.

"Your Majesty, Fiat... Fiat is yours now!"

Li Yian stood up suddenly and said.

"Are you sure?"

This news is indeed a bit sudden, so sudden that people almost doubt his authenticity.

  The Fiat he had longed for finally got it. This company is not an aircraft manufacturing company, nor is it a car manufacturing company. It not only produces aircraft, cars, tanks and ships, but also has steel plants. In short, it is almost a complete company. industrial chain.

He employed as many as two hundred thousand workers!

It is definitely the largest company in Italy!

Now he is mine!
  "Yes, Your Majesty."

Mickey nodded seriously and said.

"At the beginning of this year, after the liberation of Turin, the National Liberation Committee of North Italy began to take action against Fiat. It started by instigating strikes and demanding higher wages for workers. Last month, the Liberation Committee planned to confiscate Fiat - as its support Mussolini's punishment, of course, there is no example of this in the world, except in Russia... Well, the guys on the committee are the same as those people, it's just that they introduced a law specifically to try to make it legal. "

Li Yian was not surprised by this result. After all, this was Fiat's fate in another world - the factories in the north were confiscated by the National Liberation Committee of Northern Italy, and only factories in Rome and other places were saved. This was because the south was The area controlled by the Allies, as for the National Liberation Council of Northern Italy, is the group that hanged Mussolini and his mistress. They control northern Italy, and they are recognized by the Allies, although in December last year, the National Liberation Council of Northern Italy Representatives were sent to Rome to negotiate with the Allies. The British and American governments recognized the actual power of the Liberation Committee of Northern Italy, on the condition that the Committee promised to maintain law and order, protect economic resources, and hand over the city to the Allies. But this does not prevent them from implementing some laws in the areas under their control.

For example, the confiscation of a series of companies led by Fiat was their economic policy. Until the late 50s, after an appeal by the Agnelli family, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that the confiscation was illegal and ordered the return of Fiat in Turin, Milan and other northern parts. factories and enterprises in the region.

However, when the factories were recovered, those factories were generally in a state of loss. It took Fiat Group almost 20 years to rescue those factories from the brink of bankruptcy.

"so what?"

Li Yian said in as calm a tone as possible.

"So, Giovanni Agnelli came to us... for 1000 million US dollars! He sold us all the factories and businesses in the north and all his assets!"

After saying this, Mickey said proudly.

"Of course, I'm not that stupid. I only gave him $500 million! Your Majesty, Fiat is yours now!"

It should be said that it is a northern enterprise, which is equivalent to almost 70% of Fiat's assets. What is its value?

Almost worth $5 million. Taking into account the damage caused by the war, it is worth at least 2 million US dollars.

I have to say that this time the wool harvesting definitely made the sheep bald.

"Your Majesty, as long as you sign these two documents, you will replace Giovanni Agnelli and become the owner of Fiat. Of course, you have no right to use the Fiat brand. After all..."

"It does not matter!"

Li Yian shook his head and said.

"What's important is those factories, those companies, and the technology they master. That's the most important thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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