Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 207 The first performance of the nine-headed snake

Chapter 207 Hydra’s first performance (Third update, please subscribe)
  Sometimes, the reason for pushing something is just to follow the trend.

The support for Billy Panonjung is in itself a natural move.

In the past two years, Billy Phanonrong has been operating under the banner of Free Thai. He has received support from some senior Siamese generals and has controlled a large number of troops. Free Thai directly controls more than 1 armed forces. Thousands of people, and now there is even an entire division that has just been formed, all supporting him.

Why do these troops support him?

Because they are all the same kind of people!

Most of them are Thai immigrants, all compatriots. On the surface, they look the same as Thais, but at heart they are still compatriots. Even some of the young people among them cannot read or write because of the closure of schools, but they are still compatriots. It does not hinder their inner recognition of their compatriot identity.

This is also the fundamental reason why they oppose the alliance with Japan and why they choose to fight.

But for some things, they alone are not enough, and more people need to be won.

On the morning of the 27th, in a certain room, Billy Panonrong looked at several military bosses in front of him and said.

"Generals, the Allied forces are now continuously increasing their bombing of Siam. The Allied forces' patience has reached its limit. According to our contacts with the Allied forces, by 12 o'clock tonight at the latest, if we have not taken any action, then They will cross the Thai-Myanmar border and attack Bangkok!"

  The generals present stood up hurriedly and said.

"How could this happen, Billy, who contacted you? Is it the Chongqing side or the British side?"


Looking at the panicked Army Chief of Staff, Billy Panonrong, who knew that he also maintained certain contacts with the Allied intelligence agencies, said.

"Tonight at 12 o'clock is the ultimatum from the Allied Forces Command. This is an order directly issued by General MacArthur. If we miss this opportunity, then tomorrow, Siam will become an ally of Japan and accept the disposition of the defeated country. , General.”

Defeated country!
  When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed. What kind of punishment would the defeated Congress receive?
  The kingdom collapses, so what will happen to these generals then?
  He will definitely become a war criminal.

"Can't we really wait any longer?"

"The Allies' patience is limited."

"What about the Japanese? There are tens of thousands of Japanese troops in the border areas! If they attack..."

What a bunch of cowards!
  Billy Panonrong sneered in his heart.

"In March this year, the Myanmar National Defense Forces led by Aung San staged an uprising, attacked the Japanese troops and entered Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, first, which was recognized by the allies. At that time, did the Japanese troops in Myanmar resist? They all took the road and fled. Aung San How many troops does Shanshou have?"

Seeing that everyone was still hesitant, Billy Panonrong took out his trump card again and said.

"If we launch a coup today, an advance team of the Allied forces will enter Bangkok at midnight today. At that time, the Provisional Committee can directly negotiate with the Allied forces and obtain the recognition of the Allied forces by cooperating with the Allied forces. Only in this way can it be possible Save everyone."

Save everyone!

For these generals, preserving their own power is the most important, even more important than preserving the king. In fact, their power was obtained through a coup - Thirteen years ago, the military responded with lightning speed The force disarmed the Royal Guards and arrested more than 40 important government officials and members of the royal family, including the Prince Regent, the Minister of the Interior, the Chief of Army Staff, and the Inspector General of Police. Key departments such as stations, police stations, and radio stations were occupied.

In the following years, state power has been firmly in the hands of these elders. Even though the marshal who resigned last year has seemingly retired, his influence on the military is difficult for others to match. and. As his closest friend, Billy Panonrong certainly knew all this. In fact, these words were also said to his former friends.

Just tell him that now he has no other choice. As a friend, he knows very well what choice that old friend will make, and this is why he will make appointments with these people, because he seeks benefits and avoids Harm is human nature, and no one is willing to accept the comprehensive punishment of Siam by the Allies after the war, because they are personally the targets of punishment.

Under this kind of stakes, they will definitely make the choice that is most beneficial to them.

Just a few hours later, the generals who came to power through a coup more than a decade ago finally made a decision - to launch a military coup to overthrow the current pro-Japanese regime of Kuan Apaiwang.

They are familiar with launching military coups, which involves mobilizing several troops, and the newly formed 37th Division, because it is stationed around Bangkok, is naturally among them.

At 27 pm on the 10th, a large number of soldiers suddenly appeared on the streets of Bangkok. They set up roadblocks. With lightning speed, the military occupied key departments such as stations, police stations, and radio stations, and arrested Prime Minister Kuan Apai. Hundreds of government officials including Wang. At the same time, dozens of guerrillas under the leadership of "Free Thailand" also launched operations on the same day. Since Thai troops from various places had received orders from Bangkok, requiring them to cooperate with Free Thailand, everything seemed to be logical - The Thai troops stationed in the rebel city market disarmed obediently without making any resistance.

Of course, the so-called lifting does not mean handing over the weapons to the Free Thai guerrillas, but putting the weapons into the arsenal and then waiting for orders from Bangkok.

But when the Thai troops disarmed, they never imagined that this military coup was completely different from any military coup they had experienced in the past.


7 month 27 day.

Ten Douglas C-54 Skymaster aircraft took off from Sandakan Airport, and the cargo bay of the aircraft was filled with special forces.

In addition to the Douglas transport aircraft, there are twelve Me 323 "Giant" transport aircraft in the formation. In order to increase its range, auxiliary fuel tanks are even added. Compared with the crowded C54, the cabin of the Giant transport aircraft has only one Outside the M22 "Cicada" airborne tank, there were a few armored soldiers.

This is also the reason why the Me 323 "Giant" transport opportunity participated in the operation - 12 "Cicada" tanks are the most important armored force of the commando.

In addition, there are 24 P51D Mustang fighter escorts.

This is the first time that the Borneo Air Force has performed a mission alone. Although it is the first time, there are no problems with the personnel - the pilots are all experienced veterans and Italian pilots.

As for the super aces from Germany, they did not participate in this operation. This was to keep it secret. After all, they were all included in the list of war criminals by the Russians.

"Why us?"

Lieutenant Colonel Haidt looked at Skorzeny with some resentment. Since Bastogne last year, he had begun to enjoy the peaceful years. He never thought that he would be suddenly asked to carry out this mission.


Skorzeny grinned.

"This operation needs to be carried out by some Europeans and needs to give the locals the illusion that we are Allied forces."

Sometimes the reasons are as simple as that. Since it is the Allies, some blond Europeans must come forward. Only in this way can they confuse the other party. Just like when he fought back in the Ardennes, he used a lot of English-speaking people. Team members perform the same tasks.

"That's it?"

Haidt looked at the other person with a little doubt in his eyes.

"Of course, our mission this time is very simple, just to launch a coup. It is much simpler than the previous mission. We landed directly at the airport in Bangkok as an allied force, and then the local army will cooperate with us to implement the coup. Of course, we are the main force behind the coup."

When Skorzeny mentioned the coup, all he could think of was admiration for the plan. What is the biggest difference between Li Yi'an's plan and his plan?
  One is a battle and a coup.

Combat means an attack and a battle, but what about a coup?

But it seems very secretive, and even some of the participants don't know that they are just chess pieces.

Just then, the radioman came over and reported.

"Reporting to the commander, a telegram was sent from Bangkok. The operation was successful. We can land directly at Bangkok Airport."

The radioman's report made Skorzeny smile.

"Okay, we succeeded, now, let's go and occupy a country!"

When the words fell, Skorzeny's face was full of excitement. This kind of life was the life he longed for!
  Go take over a country!
  Just imagining it is enough to make people a little excited...

(End of this chapter)

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