Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 203 Iron Fist Plan

Chapter 203 Iron Fist Plan (Third update, please subscribe)

It turns out that some people are inherently unreliable!
  No, it should be said that if you rely on some people, sows will climb trees!

In just two days, Chen Cang brought bad news—the boss rejected his suggestion.

Rather than risking far-reaching political strategies such as creating a country, they preferred to use the uprising to contain the Japanese army.

They didn't even think about other things. It’s not that I haven’t considered it, but because the risk is too great, I naturally don’t want to consider it.

"They are really a group of short-sighted people. No wonder they will be victorious in the end..."

Faced with this situation, Li Yian was also helpless. After all, we were new to the business and had never run a business before.

What is powerlessness?

Maybe this is because of weakness.

But not everyone thinks so, at least for Otto Skorzeny, a guy who was called "the most dangerous man in Europe" by Fatty Qiu and whom Eisenhower declared would "hang on the spot" if caught. , what he saw was an opportunity.

As an expert in special operations, he saw the opportunity almost as soon as he learned about the situation in Thailand. So he, who had just arrived in Borneo a few months ago, took the initiative to make his suggestion.

"Your plan is to carry out a special operation, right?"

Looking at Otto Skorzeny, Li Yian did not expect that he and Scarface would meet under such circumstances.

The reason why Otto Skorzeny appeared here was entirely due to Berlin. After dismissing his men, this guy had been hiding in the Alps waiting for the end of the war, and then voluntarily surrendered to the Allies.

But Berlin found him and showed him a clear path. Of course, it was not about reviving the Third Reich, but it gave him a chance to escape with a dozen other close subordinates. That's why he's here, and for the past month he's been helping to train Borneo's special forces while helping to set up the Secret Intelligence Service, both of which he's an expert at.

It was precisely because of the subsequent work that he discovered from little information that the owner of Borneo, Chief Li, was interested in Thailand. So he took the initiative to come to the governor's office. As an expert in special operations, his suggestion was naturally to implement special operations.

"We only need 1000 people to occupy Bangkok!"

Otto Skorzeny took out a piece of information and said.

"Mr. Li, the Thailand of today is not the Thailand of the past. Although Thailand is still an ally of Japan on the surface, they are doing everything possible to seek opportunities to join the Allies. Currently, Allied intelligence officers can freely enter and leave Bangkok without any restrictions. Because of this, if an allied force appears in Thailand, Thai officials will never resist. This is the key to the success of the plan..."

As "the most dangerous man in Europe", Otto Skorzeny planned too many special operations, from the "Oak Operation" to rescue Mussolini to the kidnapping of the Hungarian regent Horthy Mik. Admiral Loche, to avoid his "Operation Iron Fist" effort to negotiate a withdrawal from the war with Russia. There is also the "Operation Griffin", which disguised US troops to infiltrate into the Allied rear lines and wreak havoc during the "Ardennes Counterattack".

After introducing his idea, Skorzeny looked at the man in front of him expectantly. In fact, he already knew something about him before coming to Borneo. After all, they had all appeared on the Ardennes battlefield.

He is absolutely a legend - not only bought a country with money, but even had an army of his own in a short period of time.

Looking through the plans in his hands, Li Yian thought for a while and asked.

"So Colonel...what do you need?"

"Paratrooper, Chief Li."

A smile broke out on Skorzeny's scarred face. "The paratroopers under Lieutenant Colonel Haidt, and our special forces."

Lieutenant Colonel Haidt was captured by Li Yi'an in Bastogne, along with hundreds of paratroopers - the unlucky ones who almost froze into popsicles after airborne in a snowstorm.

At first, they were prisoners, but later they became advisers and assisted in the training of the troops. Now, they are mercenaries of the company.

"As long as you need."

Spending money to raise mercenaries must of course come in handy, and of course Li Yian immediately agreed.

On July 7, "Operation Iron Fist" began to enter the deployment stage.

This day was supposed to be a big day - the world's first atomic explosion, July 7th, Western United States time. On this day... the atomic bomb did not explode.

Li Yian is convinced of this, not because there is no news about the "explosion" of ammunition depots in all newspapers in the United States, but because of a secret letter sent by Wu Jianxiong. The content of the letter is very simple, just introducing the "Manhattan Project" She estimated that the atomic bomb test would take place at the end of March or early April next year, which means that it would be May next year at the earliest before the atomic bomb could be dropped on Xiaori's head.

At that time, the Allied forces had already launched "Operation Downfall" to land on the mainland of Xiaozhi.

Decline... almost means the sinking of Japan.

"God bless, we must let little Japan resist to the end!"

While sighing, Li Yian looked at another report, which was about the reconstruction and restoration work of the oil field and refinery on Tarakan Island. Compared to the ignited Balikpapan oil field, the damaged Tarakan oil field and refinery are easier to repair.

"The current output has exceeded 1000 tons, and the Tarakan Refinery left by the Japanese Navy has resumed production and can produce various oils such as gasoline, diesel, and kerosene. However, due to refinery equipment problems, the quality of gasoline is extremely poor, with an octane number of only 50 It is not suitable for our cars or tanks. Reluctant use of the TV will also cause damage to the engine. It is recommended to purchase equipment from the United States to further upgrade the refinery equipment to improve the quality of the oil..."

Looking at the report in his hand, Li Yian said to himself.

"The quality of gasoline is poor and can easily cause mechanical failure...that's no problem!"

Rotating the pencil between his fingers, Li Yian gave direct instructions.

"Expedited transportation of 2000 tons of gasoline to Sandakan."

Gasoline...that is the main raw material for making napalm bombs!
  Because Sandakan currently has no industrial base at all, it is impossible to make bombs at all, but it is still possible to make napalm bombs. After all, the structure of that thing is simple.

Now because Li Mei is going to be promoted to the Grand Master of Barbecue, he has got all the napalm bombs from all over the world to him, and even the chemical bomb casings have been filled into napalm bombs on site.

The BBQ Master is about to advance, so Li Yian naturally has no way to get napalm and go barbecue Little Japan.

But how could he be stumped by such a small difficulty?
  Others can advance to become a barbecue master, and we can also become a barbecue master!
  In the past period of time, Li Yian has successfully acquired the "barbecue" skill through his research on napalm. No, it should be said to be the skill of designing barbecue stoves.

Compared with ordinary bombs, the structure of napalm bombs is ridiculously simple - a tinplate shell, a few impact fuses, this is napalm... at least it can throw napalm out, and then destroy thousands of square meters of Area lit.

So Li Yian personally designed a simple napalm bomb. The structure is similar to an auxiliary fuel tank. It is basically a shell smashed out of tinplate. However, the amount of napalm loaded is amazing. Compared with the US military napalm bomb, it can only load 30% of the bomb weight. of napalm, and the napalm charge can reach 80%.

There is nothing wrong with anything shoddy. The main thing is to have a large amount of food!
  Now since the gasoline produced by the Tarakan Refinery is of poor quality and can even cause engine failure, let's use it to make napalm!
  As for the high content of impurities, that's really the best thing. It can aggravate the injury. Those impurities are harmful to the engine, and of course they can't be friendly to the human body!
  Okay, that’s it!
  (End of this chapter)

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