Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 313 Chapter 311, buddy, you really fucking understand.

Chapter 313 Chapter 311, buddy, you really fucking understand.

The solution to a global problem is not as simple as getting points if a question on a test paper is solved, and no points if it is not solved.

This global problem is more like an example problem. The problem-solving ideas learned through the explanation of this example problem are the key. This problem-solving idea can be used to deal with other problems.

Therefore, everyone must be cautious and cautious about whether a world problem is solved, because this is directly related to the direction of human civilization.

But Su Yu really didn't care much about whether the people in the audience could accept his report.

When he was young, solving various problems was more about his desire to be recognized and famous. But now that he has these things, he is not so eager. Now solving problems is completely Su Yu's hobby.

But when her hobby became a job and she was asked to explain it to everyone, Su Yu was not willing at all, so even the question-and-answer session in the afternoon was handed over to her own students, treating it as two students. PhD graduation project.

But for Su Yu, the question-and-answer session was completely burdensome. For Su Yu's two doctoral students, Gao Bin and Chen Hongdao, this was an opportunity to stand in front of mathematicians around the world and showcase themselves.

And this question-and-answer session on behalf of the teacher is also their doctoral graduation project, which means that they, who have just graduated from the Ph.D., will be at their peak when they debut.

Although Su Yu didn't pay much attention to the report at first, as soon as he stood on the podium and started speaking, Su Yu became serious and engaged.

The small number of people who understood it were completely immersed in it, just like a top student doing the test paper smoothly, and suddenly realized: Oops, two hours have passed.

Feeling a little thirsty, Su Yu took a sip of water, rolled up her sleeves inadvertently, and became more immersed.

Under the stage, Xiang Anzhi, a third-year mathematics student from Donghai Jiaotong University, sat in the last row near the door. While listening carefully to the report of "Grandmaster" Su Yu, he excitedly and quickly wrote in a thick The already full notebook is filled with writing and drawing.

Even though only a handful of people understood the report, it did not affect the tense atmosphere in the entire auditorium at all.

Although everyone spent the same time, the feelings were completely different.

“.对任意Q_1,Q_2∈NPC,有Q_1≤_P Q_2且Q_2≤_P Q_1”

As for Su Yu, he had no sense of time. Soon, he reached the second half of his PPT.

This report was made by Su Yu himself. He had also practiced it before the report, but when he stood on the podium and explained it again, Su Yu would gain something again.

But his mentor is awesome. His mentor is a student of Academician Su Yu and Academician Dong Nianwen, so he is honored to squeeze into the last position.

Previously, Su Yu had completed the new "explanation of terms", introduced several new formulas created by him and his students, and several new calculation models. After completing the preparation, it was time for the final integration proof.

In the audience, even if few people could understand his overall report, they also knew that an exciting moment was coming.

Listening to the last critical point of the "Grandmaster"'s report on the stage, Xiang Anchi's heart was so excited that he almost jumped out of his chest. His heartbeat was not as exaggerated as it was when he first checked into a room with his girlfriend.

Following the guidance of the laser pointer, Su Yu began to perform the final step of deduction in an orderly manner.

As Su Yu explained carefully, the entire auditorium seemed to be divided into two worlds:


Most of the people who don't understand, like the students waiting for the end of the last class on Friday, look at the time and feel that every second passes so slowly;

Regardless of whether they understood or not, everyone stared at Su Yu nervously, as if waiting for the teacher to highlight the key points before the final exam.

Logically speaking, as a graduate student, Xiang Anchi was not qualified to enter the venue, let alone have a seat.

The atmosphere in the entire auditorium was extremely quiet. In the auditorium where thousands of people were crowded, the only sounds that could be heard were the reporters opening the door, the sound of the air conditioner blowing air, the sound of the pen tip scratching the white paper, and the sound of Su Yu on the podium. Report sound.

As "Grandmaster" Su Yu's report came to an end, Xiang Anchi used the last bit of ink from the last pen refill to make the final deduction on the cover of the last notebook:


The relationship between P, NP and NPC:


NPC N.P. If P∩NPC≠, then P = N”

When he wrote the last letter, Xiang Anchi's last refill was out of ink, and the "p" in the last "p=np" was very blurry.

After listening to this report, he used up 7 pen refills and filled 5 thick notebooks. He completed the last step on the cover of the notebook.

Although the last letter was not written, this did not affect Xiang Anchi's excitement at all. Just like a college entrance examination candidate who had written the entire mathematics paper from beginning to end very smoothly, Xiang Anchi happily said to himself : "Isn't this done!"

At this moment, Su Yu, who was standing on the stage to give a report, had also reached the last step.

The last step of Su Yu's reasoning on the stage was exactly the same as the last step of reasoning written by Xiang Anchi on the cover of the book, both:

".The relationship between P, NP and NPC:



If P∩NPC≠, then P = NP. "


And when he read Academician Su Yu's report on the podium, and then took a look at the reasoning completed one step ahead by the young man next to him, a university mathematics professor sitting next to Xiang Anchi was stunned for an instant, staring at the shamelessly young man with his mouth open. Xiang Anzhi asked: "Brother, do you really fucking understand?"

Xiang Anzhi nodded proudly: "That's right, I told you that I understood it from the beginning, don't you believe it?"

The university mathematics professor asked: "Are you a graduate student?"

"Yes!" Xiang Anzhi nodded, took out his cell phone, and excitedly took pictures of "Grandmaster" Su Yu who was giving the final words on the stage.

The university mathematics professor sitting next to him suddenly lost his composure and said excitedly to Xiang Anzhi: "Oh, come and study for a Ph.D. with me!"

Geniuses always have a touch of arrogance, and so does Xiang Anchi. Facing the invitation from the university professor next to him to study for a Ph.D., Xiang Anchi said with a touch of disdain: "Tsk, my graduate tutor is Academician Dong Nianwen. And I want to apply for Academician Su Yu’s doctoral degree!”

Having said this, Xiang Anchi's young face was full of expectations.

Chen Hongdao, who was standing in the back row of the auditorium, had been staring at this young classmate for a long time. He smiled and said to this young classmate: "This classmate, please stay for a while. I think my teacher will want to see you." of."

"Who are you?"

The disturbed Xiang Anzhi looked at the soldier brother behind him in confusion.

Chen Hongdao smiled and said: "I can introduce you to my supervisor. After my junior brother and I graduate, my supervisor will have no doctoral students. I think he will be willing to recruit students. I think you can understand the whole thing." Report, I can take you to see my mentor."

Xiang Anchi continued to be dismissive of this and said, "Tsk, who is your supervisor? I am preparing to apply for Academician Su Yu's doctoral studentship, and Academician Dong Nianwen has written a letter of recommendation for me!"

Chen Hongdao smiled, pointed to a model on the young man's open notebook, and said, "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Chen Hongdao. You see, this CHD model was completed by me."

Upon hearing the name "Chen Hongdao", Xiang Anchi froze instantly. No wonder Xiang Anchi felt that this soldier brother looked familiar. Isn't this Chen Hongdao, one of the two doctoral students under Academician Su Yu?

Xiang Anchi hurriedly pulled Chen Hongdao excitedly and said: "Wow, senior brother! Senior brother!"

Looking at this smart little boy, Chen Hongdao smiled.

Fortunately, this junior looks very arrogant, but he is not without emotional intelligence. He knows how to take advantage of the opportunity to please, which shows a certain cleverness.

Chen Hongdao was relieved at this point. At least he would take him to see the teacher without making the teacher angry.

Chen Hongdao smiled and said: "Don't rush to call me senior brother. If my teacher doesn't accept you, you have to call me uncle! Your mentor, Academician Dong Nianwen, is my senior brother."

(End of this chapter)

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