Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 144 142, a top-secret train heading to Shencheng

Chapter 144 142, a top-secret train heading to Shencheng

In the northeast, Shencheng, a high-speed rail station where few high-speed trains originally stopped, was under martial law today.

All the high-speed rail trains originally planned to stop at this station have also changed stops. Today, there is only one train from Yanjing on the pick-up schedule at this high-speed rail station.

The train began to slow down and slowly entered a station that was not on the train schedule. The announcement on the train sounded:
  "Hello fellow passengers, our train will temporarily stop at Shencheng ** Station. Please do not get off the train, close the sun visors on both sides of the windows, and take photos and videos carefully. Thank you for your cooperation!"

"what happened?"

"I do not know?"

After the broadcast ended, the train carriage became agitated. Passengers stretched their heads curiously and looked out of the carriage.

Without this announcement, most passengers who had not arrived at the station might not be so curious.

Unlike other trains that are only equipped with one or two safety officers, this train is equipped with two safety officers in each model.

When each passenger curiously looked out of the car, the majestic security guard came over and said seriously: "Hello, please close the window visor and filming is prohibited."

In the first-class carriage located in the middle of the train, Su Yu was sitting on the seat, staring at the computer on the small seat board and reading various information carefully. Facing this huge project, Su Yu was still under a lot of pressure. .

Feeling that the train began to slow down, Su Yu glanced out the window, stretched, and asked the young Jiang Changmao next to him: "Are we here?"

"Yes, teacher, we are here!" Jiang Changmao, who was sitting next to Su Yu, said respectfully.

After Su Yu became a professor, young Jiang Changmao became the first doctoral student of Su Yu. His rank of major was also promoted to lieutenant colonel. He was only 22 years old.

Su Yu glanced out the window and said with a smile: "Let's pack up and get ready to get off the car. My dad is still working here. I just happened to see him!"

There were fewer people in the first-class seats, and compared to the more complicated second-class seats, the degree of cooperation was higher. The announcement asked them to pull down the sun visors, and they also cooperated.

However, the sun visor of the seat at the front of the carriage was not pulled down, so when the train staff passed by, a man pointed to the window sun visor that was not pulled down at the front and said: "Hey, why is his sun visor not pulled down? ?”

"Sir, he will get off the train soon!" After seeing that it was the VIP of this train, the conductor smiled and explained to the man.

"Aren't you allowed to get out of the car?"

When a woman sitting next to him heard this, she immediately became upset: We cooperated and pulled down the sun visor but refused to get out of the car. Why didn't he cooperate at all? Not only did he not pull down the sun visor, he also got out of the car!

"Shut up!"

Sitting next to the lady, her husband angrily scolded her and told his wife to shut up!

"Huh!" Although the lady was unhappy, she didn't say anything else!
  When the train came to a stop, a young officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel stood up and started to pick up his luggage, followed by four young men with flat heads in plainclothes seated around him also got up.

Seeing this scene, the originally unhappy lady was shocked. She was no longer unhappy, but was curious about who this person was?

"Husband, who is that?" the lady asked her husband curiously.

"I do not know!"

Originally, this husband didn’t care who belonged to whom! Just cooperate, pull down the sun visor, don't get out of the car, just cooperate!

But when he saw through the translucent visor that those waiting on the platform were the leaders of the province and the military region, he became anxious and stretched his head to look forward.


After the train stopped, Su Yu stuffed her laptop into her bag, stood up from her seat, stretched herself comfortably, and started to prepare to get off! "Who is this? So young? Who is the second generation? Such a high salary!"

When they saw a man as young as a male college student standing up, everyone in the carriage was completely shocked!

And when Su Yu turned around and had a brief exchange with Jiang Changmao, someone immediately recognized him: "Hello, are you Su Yu?"


Su Yu was communicating with Jiang Changmao. A man sitting across from him greeted him nervously and excitedly. Su Yu smiled and nodded, but she didn't expect that he could be recognized as well!
  The middle-aged man immediately became excited and hurriedly said to Su Yu: "Mr. Su, it's such an honor to meet you. I make screw materials for your Taotie Drone Company! I'll make money by following you. A lot of money!”

"Hello, hello!" Su Yu smiled, shook hands with him, and chatted, "Are you here on a business trip?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly replied: "Isn't it that Taotie Drone is going to build a factory in Northeast China? Our company is also here!"

"Ouch!" Su Yu nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Su, can I take a photo with you?" the middle-aged man said excitedly!
  "Hahaha, yes!" Su Yu smiled and agreed!

At this moment, more people saw Su Yu in the carriage. In the back row of the carriage, several fruit candy employees who were on a business trip from Yanjing to Shencheng also saw Su Yu:
  "Who is that? He's so handsome!"

"Are you fucking stupid? Then our boss, Mr. Su!"

"Oh my god, it's really Mr. Su!"

Compared with the excitement of others recognizing Su Yu, several employees of the fruit candy company were both excited and nervous to see their boss Su Yu!
  One of the young employees tidied his hair and said, "It doesn't matter. Mr. Su doesn't know us anyway, so I'll just treat it as a non-Fruit Candy employee!"

"After all, when you go out, you give your identity to yourself!"

"Come on, come on, see if my hair is messy, I'll take a picture with Mr. Su too!"

After the train stopped at an unplanned station, Su Yu took his Ph.D. student Jiang Changmao and four security guards to get out of the car, and the train continued to move forward.

"Director Su, welcome!"

Su Yu received a warm welcome as soon as she got off the car.

"Secretary Wang, hello, hello!" Su Yu replied hurriedly, then shook hands with several leaders and had a cordial exchange.

"Dad!" Also in the greeting group were Su Wenbin and Su Yu's father. Su Yu called her dad with a smile.

Not to mention, it is quite embarrassing for a father and son to meet on such an occasion!

"Director Su, thank you, thank you!"

In the welcoming group, the most excited person to see Su Yu was Shen Fei's leader, who excitedly held Su Yu's hand.

The new factory of Taotie UAV is located in Shencheng. Su Yu’s first stop for inspection and research is also Shencheng. This already shows that there is a high chance that Su Yu’s UAV project will be settled in Shenfei. !

For Shenfei, this is a very important development opportunity!
  Seeing the kindness of the person in charge of Shen Fei, Su Yu felt embarrassed and hurriedly said: "No, no, no, Mr. Wang, don't be so polite. I'm here just for research! I have a project in hand, but How to allocate it, I must base it on the objective situation!”

As soon as Su Yu finished speaking, Secretary Wang, who was leading the team on the side, hurriedly said to Su Yu: "Director Su, don't worry, our province will definitely actively promote the settlement of the Taotie UAV. With the Taotie UAV as a guide, Build the world’s largest drone production industrial base and cultivate fertile soil for your drone projects!”

Although it has already entered March, the temperature in Shencheng is still a bit low. Everyone exchanged a few brief greetings on the platform, got in the car, and drove towards the city.

(End of this chapter)

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