Chapter 133 Grandpa is in danger (first update, please subscribe)
  Feng Zhengming still entered from the exit of the train station and waited for Luo Qing outside the ticket office.

Luo Qing saw him and asked the people next to her to help take over her window. She immediately came out of the ticket room.

"what's wrong?"

Before Feng Zhengming could say anything, Luo Qing continued: "Let me guess, is the shop issue settled?"

Feng Zhengming pretended to be surprised: "It's amazing, you guessed it all."

Luo Qing saw that Feng Zhengming was deliberately pretending to be surprised. She raised her hand and pinched his nose and said, "Am I that stupid? You told me yesterday that you were going to talk about the shop today. Why don't you do it at this time tonight?" If you set up a stall properly and come to me, the business of the shop must be settled, I can't even guess it."

Feng Zhengming did not mention the matter of his third uncle, but simply said that he bought the shop with a loan, and then he would work hard to make money to repay the loan first.

Luo Qing was a little surprised when she heard this: "You are so bold, you actually bought the shop directly with a loan."

Feng Zhengming said: "There is no way, I can't afford that much money to buy a shop now."

"Then you haven't thought about renting a shop first to start a business? Will you buy it after the business makes money?"

Obviously Luo Qing still had some difficulty accepting the idea of ​​buying a shop directly with a loan.

In fact, most people in this era do not have the courage to take out loans to buy things.

Most of the time, everyone depends on how much money they make and how much money they spend on buying things.

There are even many people who do some searching and save some money every month without spending it.

This may also be a traditional virtue of thrift and housekeeping of the Chinese nation.

So Luo Qing was surprised when she learned that Feng Zhengming borrowed money to buy the shop and would have to repay the borrowed money every year. At the same time, she was somewhat worried about Feng Zhengming.

Feng Zhengming can probably guess what Luo Qing is worried about?
  "Don't be afraid, you should believe in my ability to make money. After I have the shop, I won't come to the train station at night. I will close the stall at noon and sell in the shop in the afternoon and evening. This way more people will come to buy. For meat and pig’s trotters, I think the business may be better than here at the train station.”

Luo Qing said: "That's right. Now your meat and pig's trotters are quite famous. Our neighbors are all talking about it."

Feng Zhengming immediately said: "Let your neighbors go to my shop to buy from now on."

Luo Qing said: "Okay, I will help you promote it."

Feng Zhengming went on to explain the next steps to renovate the shop, purchase tables and chairs, separate the back of the shop, and install a stove in the shop.

Luo Qing was a little surprised after hearing this: "Then you will be really busy next time."

Feng Zhengming nodded: "Yes, I may need to run back and forth every day. I should only come here at noon to sell lunch boxes, and in the afternoon I have to look at the decoration of the shop."

Luo Qing asked: "Are you going to find someone to decorate it?"

Feng Zhengming said: "Actually, there is no need to decorate much. The main thing is to separate the back door into a room, install a stove, paint the walls, and put in a bunch of tables and chairs, and that should be enough."

Luo Qing thought for a while and asked: "If you install a stove, will the shop become a small restaurant?"

Feng Zhengming nodded: "Yes, it is planned to be a small restaurant. The signature meat and five-spice boneless hooves are the signatures. You can also order some stir-fries. You can also have a meal with friends and have a drink."

Luo Qing said: "That's great. When you finish decorating and open the restaurant, I'll invite Sister Wang and the others to eat together."

Feng Zhengming smiled and nodded: "Okay, you invite Sister Wang and the others to come. Then I will treat you and let everyone go and warm up my new shop."

Chatting about the shop, the two of them looked forward to the future together.

Luo Qing feels that Feng Zhengming will definitely do great things in the future.

Although it is just a small shop now, Luo Qing feels that with Feng Zhengming's craftsmanship and his serious attitude, he will definitely expand the small shop into a large restaurant in the future.

Feng Zhengming chatted for a while and asked: "Your brother is still making trouble at home? He didn't make trouble with you, right?" Luo Qing said proudly: "He doesn't dare. That coward only dares to make trouble with my mother, not my father." He was cruel because he was afraid that my father would beat him."

Feng Zhengming did not continue to ask, but just said to Luo Qing: "When my shop is ready, I will buy a new house and take you out from home."

Luo Qing immediately said: "Don't be anxious. You just got the shop and it hasn't opened yet. Opening a shop is definitely different from setting up a stall at a train station. You need to slowly stabilize the business and have regular customers. Then you can concentrate on , pay back the money you borrowed to buy the shop first, we are not in a hurry."

Feng Zhengming nodded: "Okay, I promise I won't keep you waiting too long."

Luo Qing smiled and said, "What does it matter if you wait? Xu Xian and White Snake have been waiting for so many years. Waiting can deepen their relationship."

After hearing these words, Feng Zhengming stared at Luo Qing carefully for a while.

Luo Qing was looked at a little strangely and pushed Feng Zhengming gently: "What are you thinking about?"

Feng Zhengming came back to his senses and said, "Suddenly I realized that your words are quite philosophical."

Luo Qing stretched out her hand and slapped Feng Zhengming: "You are kidding me, right?"

Feng Zhengming held Luo Qing's hands and said, "I'm definitely not laughing at you. I think you are very strong and have your own independent thoughts. You are really a good girl who can hold up half the sky."

Luo Qing was a little embarrassed by the praise, so she took out her hand that was grabbed by Feng Zhengming.

He turned Feng Zhengming around and pushed him away: "Okay, okay, go back quickly. Don't let grandpa wait alone for too long. I have to go back to sell tickets."

After being pushed away by Luo Qing, although Feng Zhengming was a little reluctant to leave her, he still wanted to hug her.

But I thought it was in a train station, and there were some train station employees watching.

Feng Zhengming could only say goodbye to Luo Qing and leave the train station.

After running out of the train station, Feng Zhengming quickly ran towards the stall.

Her reminder when parting from Luo Qing also made Feng Zhengming a little worried about Grandpa Feng.

I ran out of the train station and walked to a row of stalls outside the station. I saw a few people gathered in front of my stall from a distance. It didn't seem like they were buying anything, but more like they were making a fuss on purpose?
  Feng Zhengming rushed over quickly and decisively.

The moment a person walked sideways into the cart, trying to reach Grandpa Feng.

Feng Zhengming rushed to the stall, reached out and grabbed the other person's wrist, pulled him out directly, and gave him a rude kick.

Feng Zhengming is [-] meters tall and has strong muscles. He can almost knock people away with his kick.

This shocked everyone around him.

"Dare to touch my grandpa? Believe it or not, I will destroy you."

The person who was kicked struggled for a long time before getting up with a grin on his face.

Then he took out a knife from his waist, pushed aside the crowd, and tried to pounce on Feng Zhengming.

But when he pushed aside the crowd and rushed in front of him.

After seeing Feng Zhengming's face clearly, the other party stopped instantly and exclaimed with disbelief: "It's you."

Feng Zhengming looked at the other party and recognized him.

It turned out to be one of the people who blocked him before, the same guy whose head was hit by Feng Zhengming with a wooden board.

 Sorry, I said I would update it earlier, but I was delayed by some things at home today. I didn’t start writing until so late. I will send you the first update first. I will work hard on writing today and update the five chapters as much as possible.

  (End of this chapter)

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