Chapter 109 Neighbors (please subscribe, 1010)

But Feng Zhengming opened the bag of vegetables given by his senior brother in the morning and found that the vegetables inside had obviously been carefully selected.

Whether it is eggplants, potatoes, green vegetables, green peppers, cabbage, or even Chinese cabbage in a separate bag, it is obvious that they have been carefully selected.

Feng Zhengming looked at these dishes, and he felt really helpless.

"Brother, you really don't have to be like this. I don't need such good food to sell lunch boxes."

After talking to himself for a while, Feng Zhengming went to the kitchen in the courtyard to take out the big basin brought from the canteen.

Pour all the vegetables in the bag into the big basin first.

There is almost no need to sift again, and some dishes do not even need to be carefully washed.

If it weren't for the eldest brother, they would have been waiting at the intersection of the farmers' market.

Feng Zhengming even doubted whether the senior brother had washed all these dishes in the cafeteria and brought them to him.

Almost all the vegetables we brought back have been cleaned up.

The sky is gradually getting brighter.

Some elderly people have begun to pass by outside the small courtyard.

It can be seen that these old people are going out to exercise, and some of them are probably going to buy breakfast.

After a while, some old neighbors of Feng Zonggu went out and when passing by the small courtyard, they saw Feng Zhengming busy in the small courtyard.

"Huh? Are you so early?"

"Lao Feng's eldest grandson, right? He got up so early?"

"What are you doing? So many dishes?"

"Hey, you guys, let's smell it. What's the fragrance?"

"This smell, it seems? It seems to be the smell of meat from Lao Feng's family."

Feng Zhengming saw that his old neighbor smelled the aroma of meat.

He smiled and said: "Good morning, grandparents. My name is Feng Zhengming. I came back to live with my grandfather today. I also took over my grandfather's meat. I am cooking it at home, and I am going to fry these dishes." , at noon, together with the meat, we took him to the train station to sell lunch boxes."

After hearing what Feng Zhengming said, a group of old neighbors outside the yard were a little surprised.

They had heard Feng Zonggu talk about it before.

It was said that the eldest grandson was going home and taking over the family's meat business.

But what they didn't expect was that Feng Zonggu's family actually started doing it right away.

The old people looked at Feng Zhengming carefully.

Every time Feng Zhengming came here before, everyone just met casually.

Now taking a closer look at Feng Zhengming, the old people found that this young man was really quite handsome.

He is tall and has a kind smile on his face.

This gave the old neighbors a sense of trance, as if they had seen Feng Zonggu in his youth.

An old lady said: "Well, it looks like it. If you look closely, you and your grandfather look quite similar when they were young."

Feng Zhengming grinned and said, "Of course, he is my grandfather."

The old man next to me asked: "When the meat is ready, can I come and buy a few pieces? I haven't eaten your meat in many years. The smell of it today has brought out the glutton in my stomach." ”

Before Feng Zhengming could open his mouth to answer, Grandpa Feng's voice sounded behind him.

"Hahaha, no need to wait, the meat is almost ready. Zhengming goes and serves a piece for each of the grandparents to try."

Feng Zhengming immediately agreed, turned around and ran quickly to the kitchen.

When the old neighbors saw Feng Zonggu coming out, they all started chatting with him.

"Old Feng, I didn't expect that your family would actually start fucking again."

"Okay, Lao Feng, your eldest grandson is a great young man."

"Yes, you start working in the yard early in the morning. It's just like when you were young."

"If you look carefully at your eyebrows, they look a bit like you when you were young."

Feng Zonggu laughed and said, "Are you as handsome as I was when I was young?"

This statement amused the old people. “Hahaha, Lao Feng is still so immodest.”

"That's right, Lao Feng was like this when he was young."

"It's good like this. It's good when people are happy."

Feng Zhengming quickly came out with bowls one by one. In the bowls were pieces of meat, eggs, tofu, dried tofu, gluten and green peppers.

Seeing such rich things in the bowl, the old neighbors outside the yard were a little surprised.

"Oh, is it so rich?"

"You kid is too honest. Your grandpa asked you to get it, so you really do it?"

"That's right, you still take so much. Aren't you still going to do business at noon? Why do you do business if you give us all?"

Feng Zonggu said: "Okay, my son, take it with all your heart. Go home and pour it out. Remember to bring back all the bowls you want. The meat will be given to you to eat. I didn't say I would give the bowl to you."

When Feng Zonggu said this, the old neighbors all laughed.

Everyone knows that Feng Zonggu's words were a joke.

However, this feeling makes old people naturally recall the scenes of their youth.

At that time it was really similar to now.

From Feng Zongguo’s Baozi Pork Dried Rice Shop, they always leave some left over to give to the neighbors.

At that time, because the material conditions were not good, Feng Zonggu would give everyone more soup every time. Because the soup is stewed with meat, there will be meat flavor in the soup.

After neighbors take it home, they can also use the soup to make several dishes.

Then sometimes, everyone forgets to bring bowls, so they can only take Feng Zonggu’s bowl home.

As a result, I sometimes forget to return the bowl.

At one point, Feng Zonggu ran out of bowls at home.

He could only go door-to-door again and ask for all those bowls back.

Today, everyone seems to be back to their youth again.

Although the material conditions are not as good as today, the bowls of meat served by Lao Feng's family are the unforgettable taste and temperature of these old neighbors.

Feng Zhengming originally thought that the old neighbors would take the meat back and forget about it.

However, what he didn't expect was that after he washed the rice, he put it in the pot and cooked it.

Several old neighbors from before are back again, carrying all kinds of breakfast snacks in their hands.

"Come to Zhengming, I see that you are very busy in the morning. You definitely don't have time to buy breakfast. I bought too much. This jar of noodles and porridge is for you and grandpa."

"Come on Zhengming, here are some fried dough sticks for you."

"Zhengming, I still have some oil cakes here, you can take them too."

Feng Zhengming didn't expect that he would receive all kinds of breakfast in the blink of an eye.

Although these things are not worth much, the kindness of the old neighbors really makes Feng Zhengming feel warm in his heart.

After sending off breakfast, a group of people did not forget to tell Feng Zhengming before leaving.

"Is there anything you need to tell us?"

"Yes, come to us at home if you need anything."

"Go and sit at grandpa's house when you have time."

"Does Zhengming have a partner? Wait until grandma comes back to help you look for someone."

Feng Zhengming could only accept them one by one, and said that he already had a girlfriend and thanked his grandparents for their kindness.

After the old neighbors had finished sending off and left early, Feng Zonggu came out of the house again.

The old man said with a smile on his face: "Hahaha, did you suddenly realize that the old neighbors are too enthusiastic?"

Feng Zhengming looked at the various breakfast items in his hands and said, "I was just thinking, how can we eat so many?"

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  (End of this chapter)

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