Chapter 248, He is a Man-Han banquet

[Send off: Jimmy]

[Reward: Certified Public Accountant Skills]

[Temperament Camouflage +10]

[A gang member for a while, a gang member forever, do you think the label is so easy to remove? You want the benefits of the gang but don’t want to bear the consequences. How can such a good thing happen? Don’t be so greedy. If you go out to hang out, you will always have to pay back]

CPA competencies
What should I say? From now on, if I stop filming, I will just use this to earn a living?

As for temperament camouflage, it probably means being able to hide part of one's temperament.
This is somewhat useful.

Like the noble attributes and domineering attributes obtained before.

Some characters don't need it, so use the ability to disguise your temperament to hide it.

Just like Jimmy, he uses wisdom to cover up his greed, cruelty and all his true colors.
it works.

Although in the crew, Zhang Jiahui and Li Yun didn't have much personal contact, and Li Yun didn't know what Zhang Jiahui thought of him before.

By the way, he's not Jimmy Tsai anymore.

Fishing with Ren Dahua.

But after that scene, Ye Youhai felt a creepy feeling from the bottom of his heart.
Feel the chills.

"Actually, I feel like I'm serious."

A kind of acting that makes him really have a shadow on fishing.

at this time.

"I'm afraid Liang Jiahui won't be willing to go fishing with you for a while," Ye Youhai teased.

This is also one of the main themes of Du Qifeng's filming of this movie. None of these gangsters have a good ending. For people like Fei Xue and Fei Qian, Du Qifeng has shown mercy. After all, these two idiots

There is no one who doesn’t wear a helmet when fishing - a bloody lesson learned from the big D.

Of course Ye Youhai knows that this is an expression of acting skills!

It's really wonderful
He has absolutely profound skills.
Off-screen, he became quite elegant.

Although the 'ending' part has been completed, many of the side plots of the supporting characters have not been completed, such as Da Tou, Dongguan Zai, and even the plane scene has not been completed.

The Hey Society drama is still filming.

Li Yun and Ren Dahua were the fastest to finish filming.

At this time, Li Yun smiled slightly.

Even if he knew it was filmed by himself and knew it was fake, it was all acting, but that kind of acting really cast a shadow on Ye Youhai's soul.

It is estimated that no one would dare to do so.

“Who doesn’t wear a helmet when fishing?”

Zhang Jiahui was stunned for a moment.

The performance of the great actor Ren Dahua.

At this time, Zhang Jiahui came to Li Yun.

"Your acting performance is really wonderful. I can't wait to see your performance on the screen." Du Qifeng was also blushing at this moment.

As soon as Ren Dahua's words came out, the audience burst into laughter.

At this time, Ren Dahua smiled slightly.


not kidding.

and also.

There are no winners in this movie.
Maybe, the winner is the people of Xiangjiang?

These two are the two big winners in "Dragon City Years" and "Peace is Most Important".
But that being said, it is said to be the biggest winner, but in fact.

"Okay." Li Yun smiled. He originally wanted to take the red wine, but put it down after taking it halfway and picked up the beer: "This is better."

"This time filming Hey Society also made me very happy. Liang Jiahui is a very good opponent. If possible, I would like to go fishing with him again to relive that feeling."

"You are very powerful." Zhang Jiahui paused and said, "I am too narrow-minded."

"have a drink?"

Du Qifeng held a small closing banquet, which was for Li Yun and Ren Dahua, the great actor.

Don't want to go fishing.

Ye Youhai also pondered for a while and then said: "Actually, I also like fishing, but next time I go fishing, I should also think about wearing a helmet."

Of course, the main thing is to entertain the great actor Ren Dahua.

He was just afraid.

But knowing that he knows, his inner feelings will not deceive him.

And I'm still an 'airplane'.

But this future movie king may have had some grudges against him before.

But it doesn’t matter.

Li Yun smiled faintly.

"I don't have any skills. If I play these difficult roles, I'm afraid I'll be laughed at."

"Actually, it's not impossible. When I was young, I saw too many people who didn't live up to their names." Zhang Jiahui joked: "Including me back then, I was such a person. When I was least capable, I carried the most expectations and glory. .”

Zhang Jiahui was trained by Fatty Wang as the second generation Zhou Xingxing.

The resources I have are not lost at all.

Back then, he was the person he said he was, and he suffered too many rumors.

I have endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden until now.
The character of Airplane is presented as a person who has gone through painful experiences.

Li Yun was a little surprised.

Then he raised his hand and picked up his beer.



After clinking glasses, Zhang Jiahui joked: "The way you chop people is really scary, it really doesn't look like a show."

"Is that what you said?"

Li Yun showed the same expression as when he chopped people off in front of Brother Jiaqian. It was exactly the same, completely replicated.

Zhang Jiahui almost spit out his beer after taking a sip of it.

Damn, that's really scary.

"You did it on purpose." "Hahahaha, don't take it seriously if you're just teasing me at the wine table." Li Yun smiled.

But this performance really shocked Zhang Jiahui.

What kind of actor is he?
Judging from the filming, he seemed to be an immersive person.

And the level of immersion is very deep. If it were not such a deep immersion, it would not be possible to achieve such expressiveness.

But now he seems to be able to pick it up easily, and it seems to be something from the method school.

"I really can't understand you. This is the first time I've seen an actor like you in such a long time."

On the other side of the wine table, the director team Du Qifeng and Simon Yam were bragging.

"Let me tell you, no matter what the next movie is, it is already very difficult to get an all-star cast like ours. Our Xiangjiang Film Market is like yesterday's flower."

"I have been thinking about what our Xiangjiang Film Market will look like if Xingye and Jackie Chan, two actors with great box-office appeal, retire. It's so yellow!"

The last Kung Fu vs. New Police Story was definitely a small peak for Hong Kong movie box office, with two top figures with box office appeal leading the junior ranks.

The two movies accounted for 80% of the box office for that period.

This box office appeal is terrifying.

I thought it was a resurgence of momentum, but I didn't expect it to be a small swan song.

Du Qifeng has listed some data for everyone here. In almost every schedule, foreign movies have accounted for 70% of the box office in the Hong Kong market.

What people are talking about is no longer the popular old Hong Kong stars.

It's a green giant, a spider-man wandering the streets and alleys with dangling spider silk.

Even literary and artistic films, which can only be used to win awards in China, can make a lot of money at the box office when filmed in foreign countries.

Times have really changed, and for the worse.

"They make those literary and artistic films, which are nothing more than freedom and democracy. These little brats just like these things and secretly change the minds of us Hong Kong people in their literary and artistic works. , they are very bad!"

"Americans and British golden orangutans are the same."

Du Qifeng said with a blushing face.

Whether it's good to vent or not.

Now the entire Xiangjiang Film Market is like yesterday’s flower.

He alone can't change anything. Even Xing Ye and Jackie Chan can't change anything.

Cut it off.

Once you've been harvested twice, you'll get used to it.

Of course, this was just a casual topic. After all, some of the people present had elders who were knights from the British Empire.

Chinese Jazz, haha.
More topics return to the film Hey Society.

Back to the movie itself.

But at this moment, Ren Dahua got up and excused himself.

"I'm going to find our Mr. Li. Please excuse me first."

"It's okay, Mr. Ren Dahua, just go find your appetizer first." Du Qifeng also sobered up a bit at this time and stopped saying those depressing words.

It is useless to talk too much in frustration.

"By the way, you have been staring at your side dishes since the beginning of the banquet. Go find him."

"Excuse me."

Zhang Jiahui drank a few glasses of wine at this moment, and his mind was still confused. He was still struggling with whether Li Yun was an immersion actor or a method actor.

He's so weird.

"Mr. Ren."

"You don't mind if I sit next to you."

"Please." Zhang Jiahui woke up a little when he saw Ren Dahua coming. He was a big shot in Xiangjiang.

I am a big shot with a very high social status and status in the industry.

"have a drink?"

"I won't neglect myself." Li Yun smiled slightly and raised his wine glass.

However, at this time, Ren Dahua stared at Li Yun and said.

"I don't want to drink from you, I want to drink from Jimi."

At this time, Zhang Jiahui was a little stunned. Looking at Ren Dahua's serious eyes, he didn't seem to be drunk.

Li Yun shook her head and said.

"I'm not right here."

"Really?" Ren Dahua smiled and said, "Then let's drink with you and have a toast."

Wine glasses clinked.

Li Yun had a glass of beer and drank it down. Ren Dahua still had some stars and got a glass of red wine.

Clinking glasses of red wine and beer looks a little strange.

But it's so natural.

After Ren Dahua finished a glass of wine, he turned around and left and returned to his table.

"I hope we have the opportunity to work together again in the future... I hope we can have more team drama next time we work together."

When he came back, the great actor's face was flushed.

"Why did you look like this after going to see the side dishes?" Du Qifeng looked at Ren Dahua's flushed face with some surprise.

Is this too much wine?
This was the first time he saw this gentleman showing such an expression.

So greedy.

An expression so greedy that his face turned red.

"You may be mistaken about one thing."

"He's not an hors d'oeuvre."

"He is a Manchu banquet."

At this time, Du Qifeng looked at him in shock.

Drool flowed from the corner of Ren Dahua's mouth.

It was indeed the expression of seeing a full banquet.

The expression of wanting to swallow it completely!

(End of this chapter)

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