Chapter 183 More work, more reward

"Sha Zhaolei, right? What's your problem?"

Sun Xiangyang looked at the young man who raised his hand and directly called him by name.

Sha Zhaolei was stunned for a moment, then became excited.

He didn't expect that Sun Xiangyang would still remember his name.

This made him straighten his chest instinctively.

"Xiang, Captain Xiangyang, we have no objection to what you said. If another mine is discovered in Shuangshui Bay in the future, or if you lead everyone to find new ways to make money, can the Shapingba Production Brigade treat them equally?"

Sha Zhaolei said stumblingly.

His words immediately received a lot of support.

For example, the coal mines, Heilong land, and the original cultivated land in Shuangshui Bay have all been decided long ago. They don't have to participate, but what about the future?

Can Shapingba enjoy the same treatment as Shuangshuiwan?

Anyway, with coal mines, black land, and paper-cut paintings, Shuangshuiwan will definitely have no worries about food and clothing from now on, and will become the envy of all the production brigades in the commune.

"From today on, there will be no Shapingba Production Brigade. There will only be the Shuangshuiwan Second Production Brigade. That is to say, from now on, you will all be a part of Shuangshuiwan, regardless of salary or other benefits." In terms of safety, there is no difference between you and the Shuangshuiwan First Production Brigade.

Moreover, your behavior seriously interferes with the enthusiasm of others.

As for whether Sun Xiangyang can lead them to find new ways to make money, they have no doubt at all.

But after all, their surname is Sha. To Shuangshuiwan, they are outsiders. There is no guarantee that others will not reject them. In terms of treatment, they are even worse.

Moreover, if any minerals or other benefits are discovered in the future, then according to your own ability, the more you work, the more you will get.

If the Second Production Brigade pays more, it will be a matter of course that it gets more.

Just like a paper-cut painting group, the more you cut out, the more work points you get. If you sit there and play all day without cutting out a single piece, what qualifications do you have to get the same work points as others?

In the future, both coal mines and various production groups will implement the distribution method of more work and more gain. "

This is their focus.

"First of all, you are wrong about one thing."

Not only Sha Zhaolei was puzzled, but everyone else was as well.

If you are not ashamed, I am ashamed for you.

If the other party didn't have this idea, they wouldn't let Shapingba move here at all. They would just take the people like Shuangshuiwan and live happily in this three-acre land.

There is no such thing as favoritism here. No matter you are from the first production brigade or the second production brigade, no matter your surname is Sun or Sha, I only look at your ability and whether you work seriously or Cheating and cheating.

I can even tell you with certainty that in the past, working more and doing less, and getting the same amount in the end, has become a thing of the past in Shuangshuiwan.

Therefore, Sun Xiangyang must have wanted to do something big, so he felt that the population of Shuangshui Bay was too small.

"I've mispoken?"

Sun Xiangyang looked at Sha Zhaolei and the other people in Shapingba and said.

Sun Xiangyang glanced at everyone, and took advantage of today's opportunity to directly determine the future development method of Shuangshui Bay. Only this method can greatly mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.

This is Shapingba’s opportunity.

Otherwise, it will become the norm for a rat droppings to spoil the whole pot of porridge.

Although his distribution method is still slightly controversial today, he is not afraid. He wants to see who dares to jump out.

Just use it to establish your authority.

Otherwise, if he only gives benefits, everyone will think that he is a good gentleman and can get whatever he wants.

Giving both kindness and power is the long-lasting way.

In fact, many places have already begun to use this method, but they are not so obvious or made public.

Even the distribution of farmland to each household started at the end of this year in a place called Xiaogang Village.

As for the reputation of the first village, Sun Xiangyang never thought of trying to steal it. Various matters in Shuangshuiwan were not suitable to be observed in the spotlight, so he could only wait for the news from there and then take the opportunity to promote it.

But this does not prevent him from first determining that Shuangshuiwan will take a path of more work and more gain in the future.

And this more work, more reward, will penetrate into all aspects of Shuangshui Bay.

Compared with just now, when some people jumped out to object, now there were just discussions, and some people could even see joy on their faces.

This group of people are often relatively capable, and they have even complained about the even distribution of work points, but they have no choice but to join in the trouble, and at least don't burden themselves. As for those people who like to cheat and play around, work as little as possible, or even stop working, their faces are full of pain, and they know in their hearts that the good days of the past may be gone forever.

But they did not dare to stand up and oppose. Not to mention the cost of opposing Sun Xiangyang. Just standing up showed that they were sneaky people. It was equivalent to hanging the humiliation card around their necks. Who could be so stupid?

But in their hearts, they couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with Sun Xiangyang. We all support you so much, and we don't object to the relocation of Shapingba to Shuangshui Bay. You haven't even become party secretary yet, and you are starting to destroy our 'jobs'?

If I really want to wait until I become a branch secretary in the future, is that okay?

And there are actually not a few such people.

Again, in the past, Sun Xiangyang wanted to use the favor to harvest experience points, and fed them too much, making Sun Xiangyang look like a piece of fat dripping with oil, and everyone wanted to take another bite.

Sun Xiangyang waited quietly for half a minute. Seeing that no fool came forward, he was somewhat disappointed. However, some experience points generated by negative emotions such as complaints and dissatisfaction made Sun Xiangyang clearly know which people were unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

Compared with when Sun Xiangyang first came here, in order to make money and experience points, he tried his best to use favors, share meat, and give everyone benefits to achieve his goals. Now Sun Xiangyang has completely established himself and won over most people's hearts. He can completely take another path. road.

Make a batch and pull a batch.

Only with a clear contrast, people who are grateful to him will be more grateful, and people who hate him will hate him even more.

Both pros and cons can provide him with experience points, so why not do it?

In particular, the old branch secretary was his, the militia captain Sun Qingwu was his, and the county police officer who had just taken over was also his.

With so many advantages gathered together, if he was still worried about this or that, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill him.

And after what happened today, it has been proved that white-eyed wolves are only a handful after all, only twenty or thirty in total, which is really insignificant compared to those who are still grateful to him.

It can be seen that the many benefits he gave him in the first place are still useful.

If it had been useless, he wouldn't be standing here today presiding over such a big thing as the integration of Shuangshuiwan and Shapingba.

Even though he is not the party secretary of Shuangshuiwan yet, whether he is the old party secretary or Sha Hongcheng, whether he is a member of Shuangshuiwan or a member of Shapingba, 99% of the people take it for granted and do not feel at all that he is standing there. There's nothing wrong with coming out.

This is prestige.

"Old Party Secretary, Party Secretary Sha, do you two have anything to say?"

Despite this, in the end, Sun Xiangyang asked while looking at the two branch secretaries with pleased faces.

"I have nothing to say. I have already said that you can make the decision regarding Shapingba."

Sha Hongcheng was the first to express his stance.

At the same time, he also said this to the people in Shapingba, telling them clearly that what Sun Xiangyang means is what I mean. Who of you objects?

The old party secretary next to him originally wanted to strengthen Sun Xiangyang's prestige, but he was overtaken by Sha Hongcheng. He could only give him a fierce look, then shook his head and said, "You can do whatever you want."

"Okay, the last step is the specific vote on the relocation of Shapingba to Shuangshuiwan. This is also the right of every member. Anyone who disagrees with the relocation can raise their hands and let's count the number of people."

Sun Xiangyang finally used a classic move.

The main reason is that this thing is too early and meaningless, and it was used in the end to stop unnecessary gossip. After all, the first step for the integration of two villages is to recruit all the members of the two villages, that is, the two production brigades. Opinion.

Only when the vast majority of commune members are satisfied, and in accordance with the principle of the minority obeying the majority, can the report be reported to the commune, and then to the county, region, and finally the province, step by step.

However, due to some reasons this time in Shuangshui Bay, the first step was postponed to now. Although it was a little late, in any case, the steps had been completed. Even if someone came to investigate and ask for opinions later, it was still done.

At a conference held in front of so many people in Shuangshuiwan and Shapingba, you can try lying when asking for their opinions.

As you can imagine, after Sun Xiangyang finished speaking, a full minute passed, but no one raised their hands.

"Since no one objects, it means that all the members of Shuangshuiwan and Shapingba agree to the relocation. Now everyone has a rest and can continue to work, especially the cave dwellings excavated. That will be your future home. You can't dig it. Well, don’t complain later.”

Sun Xiangyang ended the conference with the issue of digging cave dwellings.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, there will be a meeting between the cadres of the two production brigades later. After all, it is not an easy thing for the people of Shapingba to move here, especially how to allocate the cave dwellings.

But Sun Xiangyang had no intention of getting involved in these matters. They were Shapingba's own affairs. If he took care of them all, his reach would be too long.

In the following days, Sun Xiangyang has been observing everyone's reactions, and it can be clearly seen that everyone is more motivated.

The people in Shuangshuiwan also had a sense of urgency on their faces.

After all, in the past, even if there was any benefit to Shuangshui Bay, it was for oneself. If you couldn’t eat it all, it would rot in the pot. But it’s different now. The number of people in Shapingba is almost twice that of Shuangshui Bay. So many people have moved here. Although it promotes the development of Shuangshuiwan, it is actually taking away their jobs.

Especially during the previous meeting, Sun Xiangyang announced that he would implement a production method of more work and more rewards in the future. The sense of crisis was suddenly heightened, as if there was a beast chasing behind him.

This is essentially the same as the catfish effect.

In this atmosphere of urgency and pursuit, Chen Shuyuan and his party finally returned to Shuangshui Bay and brought the results of their trip.

(End of this chapter)

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