Chapter 1
  "It's all you who killed my man and killed my son. I will fight you."

"Hold her."

Sun Xiangyang was woken up by a burst of noise.

Drowsily, he was still thinking, who is so unethical, quarreling so early in the morning, and not allowing anyone to sleep?

He angrily sat up from the hard 'bed'.

"Cheat corpse!"

At this time, a sharper sound exploded next to his ears, which frightened Sun Xiangyang, and the remaining sleepiness completely dissipated.

Then he was dumbfounded.

who am I?
  where am I?
  No, wasn't he hit by a car?
  Logically speaking, he should be in the hospital, why is he lying on the ground?

And there are more weird people around?
  Judging by her clothes, she looks a bit like she did in the [-]s and [-]s.

Before he could figure it out, a surge of memories rushed into his head, causing him to almost crash.

Sun Xiangyang, a man with the same name as him, was born in a remote rural village in northern Shaanxi. His father died six months ago while trying to save three educated youths who fell into the water.

His mother demanded retribution, made a fuss several times, and forced the rescued female educated youth to marry him.

And this Sun Xiangyang secretly learned some Feng Shui from his father since he was a child, and became addicted to it.

Just two days ago, the only well in the village that provided water suddenly ran dry.

And this well happened to be one that his father had found for the village before.

So the old party secretary came to the door, hoping that he could help take a look and think of a solution.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the original owner went down, part of the well collapsed inexplicably, burying the original owner.

When everyone finally dug out the original owner, he was already out of breath.

Then the scene in front of me happened.

In other words, he traveled through time.

Just when Sun Xiangyang was stunned, a figure rushed in front of him and poked his mouth with a dirty finger.

He instinctively avoided it.

"It's not a fake corpse, it's really alive. He probably just held his breath and is now recovering."

The old branch secretary retracted his fingers angrily and used his rich voice to suppress the commotion around him.

"My son, why are you so miserable?"

Then, another figure came next to him, squatted on the ground, and began to cry at the top of his lungs, which made Sun Xiangyang feel a black line on his forehead.

"Why are you howling? Xiangyang has just woken up. Do you want to make him hold his breath again?"

The old branch secretary spoke again.

The howling stopped abruptly.

"Xiang Yang, how are you? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Do you want to go to the health center?"

The old party secretary's wrinkled, dark and weathered face came closer and looked at Sun Xiangyang with concern.

"I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital."

Sun Xiangyang shook his head. His head was still a little confused at the moment, and he just wanted to find a quiet place to sort out those messy memories.

"Mother Xiangyang, take your child home to rest first, and we'll see about Jing in two days."

"What else are you looking at? My son almost died. In my opinion, this well is ominous. Please fill it up quickly."

Zhang Guihua became angry when she mentioned this.

She had already said that she should not touch this harmful thing, but her son was also careless, just like his father who died because of his ambition, he was a stubborn person.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If the well is filled, where will the whole village get water?"

The old branch secretary stared.

"You can eat wherever you like. It has nothing to do with my family anyway. Don't come to my son for this kind of thing in the future. He is so young and can't understand anything. Besides, my family will have to live a good life in the future." Zhang Guihua is not afraid at all. Old branch secretary.

"Mom, let's go home first, my head is still a little dizzy."

Sun Xiangyang said softly.

According to the memory of the original owner, his mother was not like this in the early years. She was kind and helpful to everyone.

It wasn't until his father was reported for engaging in feudal superstition that he suddenly collapsed.

So, his mother stood up and became a 'shrew'.

He had to carve out a world for this family.

Therefore, others can be dissatisfied with Zhang Guihua's behavior, but not the original owner.

It's a pity that the original owner didn't understand this before and often felt embarrassed, often making his mother cry at night.

"Hey, I'll be back soon, Chen Shuting, why don't you come over and help your man go home?"

Zhang Guihua was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, and then said to a woman with messy hair and red eyes next to her.

Sun Xiangyang also cast his gaze involuntarily.

This woman is his current wife. She is an educated youth from a big city. Her appearance is definitely not bad. It is difficult to find her even with a lantern in eight villages within ten miles.

But she looked a little embarrassed now.

Chen Shuting lowered her head and walked to Sun Xiangyang without saying a word, squatted down, carefully lifted him up, walked through the crowd of spectators, and walked towards home.

Sun Xiangyang opened his mouth, but because his mother was still following behind, he said nothing in the end.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a difficult problem since ancient times.

And the memory of this woman popped up from the depths of his mind from time to time.

It can be said with certainty that Chen Shuting is a good wife, but she is also a very proud woman.

This may have a lot to do with her origin.

Although she only agreed to marry Sun Xiangyang because Sun Xiangyang's mother demanded retribution and felt guilty, she has taken up her share of responsibilities since the two got married, and she wants to live a good life with Sun Xiangyang wholeheartedly. .

The biggest conflict between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that even though they have been married for half a year, Chen Shuting's stomach has not moved at all.

This made Zhang Guihua very dissatisfied. She felt that Chen Shuting was unwilling to pass on her family lineage because she looked down on her son.

But in fact, it was not that Chen Shuting was unwilling, but that the original owner had read a book called "Book of Lu Ban" before, which talked about the secret skills of being a widower, widowed, lonely, alone, and disabled, and all five disadvantages must be the same.

The original owner was convinced of this.

Because his parents had a son and a daughter before they had him, and they all died in infancy.

When he was a child, his health was also not good, and he got sick frequently. He was a poor doctor, and even now he is far inferior to ordinary people.

Even his family used to be a wealthy family, but a few years ago, it suddenly failed.

In addition, the original owner was weak and stubbornly believed that Zhang Guihua had done something wrong and should not ask for retribution. He always resisted Chen Shuting. Even if he slept on the same kang at night, everyone would sleep on their own.

If the conversation were told, Zhang Guihua might not have such a big objection to Chen Shuting, but this woman is a proud person, and she might find it difficult to talk about it. After all, this is an era where people are shy about talking about sex.

The original owner, who only wanted to 'revitalize the family', was almost in a daze. He was indifferent to the affairs at home, or was a little evasive, and did not take the initiative to explain to Chen Shuting.

Chen Shuting's pride and silence, as well as the original owner's inaction, led to the intensification of conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

However, in Sun Xiangyang's opinion, these are not a big deal. When he turns around, he will take the initiative to be honest, admit his mistake, get married, and give birth to a fat boy next year.

His biggest problem now is what happened to him. How could he travel through time?
  Moreover, the further he walked home, the more dizzy he became, and his head swelled, as if something was trying to escape.

"There won't be any sequelae, will it?"

Sun Xiangyang thought drowsily.

When he got home and entered the house, he was helped by Chen Shuting to lie down on the kang. He couldn't hold on any longer. He barely said that he would sleep for a while, then he fell completely into darkness, and his consciousness seemed to be sucked in by everything. .

Vaguely, he seemed to hear someone calling him daddy, but he didn't know if it was an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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