Infinite war begins with Cao thief.

Chapter 146 Fengxiao is here, why should the Prime Minister worry?

Chapter 146 Fengxiao is here, why should the Prime Minister worry? (Second update, please vote for me)

"Guo Jia? He came in person? How many people did he bring?"

In Chenliu City, Zhihu Chi'er, who was playing with Niu Fu's concubine, was surprised when she heard the news that Cao Cao's envoy Guo Jia had arrived.

People who know a bit about the history of the Three Kingdoms will generally know about Guo Jia. Zhihu Chier's interest in the Three Kingdoms is limited to a few games, but he also knows how powerful Guo Jia is.

Guo Jia was able to come in person, allowing Zhihu Chi'er to see Cao Cao's sincerity. But then Zhihu Chi'er became a little worried, whether the other party might have any conspiracy. After all, neither Cao Cao nor Guo Jia was a kind person, so was there any conspiracy behind Guo Jia's coming in person?

It was a matter of wealth and life, so Hu Chi'er couldn't help but be careless.

"Only ten guards and one attendant dressed as a scribe."

The subordinate replied.

"Only let Guo Jia and the entourage come in, and take the others aside to serve them wine and meat."

Zhihu Chi'er pushed away Niu Fu's concubine and stood up. After walking a few steps, he called to his subordinates: "You go and arrange other guards first, and I will personally greet Guo Jia! Come, prepare a banquet, I want We will never return until we get drunk with Guo Fengxiao!"

Zhihu Chier made new arrangements.

He was cautious, fearing that Guo Jia's guards would revolt. After all, the envoys of the Han Dynasty had too many histories of revolt, and he had to guard against them. According to Zhihu Chi'er's temperament, it would be safe to only let the frail and sick Guo Jia in alone.

But if he really wanted to do this, it would not only be rude, it might even anger Guo Jia, and make many of his Liangzhou soldiers laugh at his timidity.

You must know that it is not easy for Zhihu Chi'er to control this army. In addition to Niu Fu's unpopularity and his efforts to win over the soldiers, another reason is that many people in Niu Fu's army are Qiang people like Zhihu Chi'er. People, in the impression that Zhihu Chi'er is very brave and fierce, are very convinced, but once Zhihu Chi'er shows his cowardice, then these Qiang Hu will come back to bite him.

Qiang and Hu only follow the strong!

Therefore, Zhihu Chi'er could only receive Guo Jia and his entourage at the same time, and could not even let them remove their swords, because sword-wearing has been a ritual handed down from ancient times, and the story of Ji Li's gift of a sword is still highly respected in this era; What's more, the guards are not allowed to be taken by others, and it would be too cowardly to remove their swords.

Zhihu Chi'er, accompanied by the generals, saw Guo Jia, who was thin, pale and coughing from time to time, and his short and thin attendants at the gate.

[Just two weaklings! 】

Seeing their figures, the cautious Zhihu Chi'er breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your kindness, come here in person!"

Zhihu Chi'er walked towards Guo Jia surrounded by everyone.

Guo Jia also ran with him in both directions with a smile on his face.

Just when the two of them were one step away from each other, reaching out to hold each other's hands, the entourage behind Guo Jia suddenly drew his sword, stabbed, sealed his throat, and cut his head. The whole process was incredibly fast.

Zhihu Chi'er's smile was still on his face, but Wang Yue had already lifted his head in his hands. The blood spurted from the corpse splashed on the faces of Zhihu Chi'er's subordinates.

Zhihu Chi'er's subordinates were all stunned and did not react at all.

But Guo Jia has been waiting for this moment. He said loudly: "Zhihu Chi'er is just a lord-killer, how can he be qualified to be the leader of all warriors? Today, Jia is willing to make an alliance with you all with blood. Jia guarantees it with his life. Cao Jia The general is an outstanding person in the world, and he will treat all generals sincerely. After you surrender to General Cao, not only can you continue to command your troops, but your titles and official positions will be promoted or reduced. General Cao has prepared hundreds of carts of property and is ready to give them to the generals as gifts. I wonder if you generals would be willing to follow Jia to get it for your home?"

Are you willing or unwilling?

The general, who lost two lords within half a month, had no idea for a while, but looking at Zhihu Chi'er's good head and thinking of the chaotic situation in Guanzhong, they gritted their teeth and finally decided to surrender to Cao Cao first to see the situation.

Cao Cao was overjoyed to get the rest of Niu Fu!

Although Niu Fu's remaining troops also had some servants, those 50,000 elite soldiers were indeed the most powerful soldiers in the world, especially the more than 10,000 cavalry among them, which made the greedy Cao Cao almost lose his temper.

[It's a pity that there are only Niu Fu's concubines here, and his wife Dong is still in Chang'an...]    This is Cao's only regret.

As Cao Cao recruited the remaining 100,000 Niufu troops, the news of Dong Zhuo's death finally could not be hidden and spread throughout Kanto.

Dong Huang received the news almost at the same time as Yuan Shao and others.

For this reason, Dong Huang decided to wear hemp and mourn in person, set up an altar to worship Dong Zhuo, and ordered a ban on entertainment activities within his jurisdiction for ten days.

Regarding Dong Zhuo, Dong Huang's mood is actually very complicated.

On the one hand, he knew that Dong Zhuo was just a plot character, no different from the NPC who gave away equipment in the game; on the other hand, his growth was indeed inseparable from Dong Zhuo. Before Dong Zhuo was confused by Fu Shou, Dong Zhuo really cared about him. lung.

Humans are very complicated animals. On the one hand, Dong Huang felt that this was just because he pretended to be good and deceived Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo was not really good to him, but to the identity that Infinite War Space helped him replace; On the one hand, Dong Huang felt very cold.

It's just that this man is gone, and talking more would be hypocritical. The worst thing he can do is take good care of his family in the future.

The news of Dong Zhuo's death also forced Dong Huang to face another decision, that is, whether to move to Jingzhou and make a northern expedition to Nanyang to attack Luoyang and Chang'an.

To be honest, the recent continuous rainy weather has annoyed Dong Huang. He already has a little back pain and washes his hair in the rain every day. He is afraid that he will get rheumatism if he stays here any longer.

But Dong Huang then thought again. His military advisor Jia Xu didn't let him go to Jingzhou, and the fighting was going on in Huainan, so it wouldn't be good for him to just leave like this.

Therefore, Dong Huang, who wanted to be Liu Chan, decided not to leave yet and wait for news from Jia Xu.

Be obedient and obedient.JPG

"Rebirth of the Cao Thief: I am the pendant on the thighs of the advisers and generals"

The life of being a pendant was really pleasant. Dong Huang had just kept Dong Zhuo's spirit for one day. An urgent report came from Jingzhou: Luo Yangyang was back.

Previously, Gao Shun had already made preparations to attack Nanyang, Xi Zhicai and Gan Ning were sharpening their swords, and even Tai Shici and others were gearing up.

When there was something unusual in Niu Fu's troops, Gao Shun decisively ordered Tai Shi Ci's troops to investigate. After that, Tai Shi Ci's troops recovered Wancheng, which had been looted.

Realizing that the situation had changed, Gao Shun decisively ordered Taishi Ci to pursue the remaining Niu Fu troops, find out their direction, and at the same time personally led his army to Wuguan.

Wang Fang, Dong Zhuo's old subordinate who was guarding Wuguan, came out of the city and surrendered to Gao Shun. Only then did Gao Shun learn the truth about the Guanzhong Rebellion.

After that, Taishi Ci marched decisively. Although he encountered a slight setback at Tongguan, he easily captured Hangu Pass. Duan Xuan, Dong Zhuo's old unit guarding Luoyang, saw that Gao Shun, the general under Dong Huang's command, was coming and decided to attack Gao Shun. surrender.

Soon after, Taishi Ci's troops also recaptured Xuchang, which had only more than 10,000 people in charge.

Of course, it is not appropriate to say that it was recaptured, because these defenders who originally belonged to Niu Fu and Zhihu Chi'er, after seeing the banner of Dong Huang's army, took the initiative to open the city to welcome the king's division.

So far, Dong Huang had just done something he loved to do, and his enterprising generals had already helped him conquer a large territory.

"No, Wancheng is in ruins, and Gao Shun's battle line is stretched too long. I'm afraid the front and rear cannot care about each other!"

Dong Huang, who had somewhat developed a strategic vision, immediately decided to send an additional 50,000 troops to Jingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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