Chapter 191 On the Road
  The road from Huiping County to Haicheng is still the same as in Wang Ping's memory.

Occasionally, you can see a mountain demon walking through the nearby forest, and from time to time, a slight smell of blood penetrates your nose.

After walking for about an hour, the number of pedestrians on the road gradually became less and less. When he turned around a winding path, he saw six wolf demons holding rusty hatchets. Three of them had lost most of their hair. It's obviously caused by aging.

Two of the remaining three are still female wolf demons, and only one is strong and stands at the front, with the weapon in his hand polished to be brighter.

As for their clothes, they were even more shabby, with worn wolf skins covering their vital parts. However, there were more than a dozen wild wolves following them, looking at them eagerly, as if they were about to rush over and fight at any time.

"Looking at their appearance, do they want to rob them?" Yu Lian was in a mood at the moment, wanting to do an 'ocean call' to these wolf demons, but Wang Ping suppressed this idea.

Facing the gazes of these wolf monsters, Wang Pingping slowly put his hand on the handle of the knife and pulled out a sharp steel knife to show these wolf monsters the sharpness of his weapon. At the same time, his steps did not stop.

In just over ten breaths, Wang Ping walked in front of these demon wolves. The leader of the young and strong wolf demon glared at the pale yellow eyes, took a step forward, stretched out his hand and said: "Pay taxes..." He was talking about Zhongzhou. His official language was just a bit awkward, so he explained: "This is the new rule of our tribe. Everyone who passes by must pay a tael of silver."

How dare you ask for one tael of silver per person.

Wang Ping was about to say something when the sound of horse hooves came from behind him. It was a large caravan, at least a hundred people at a glance, and more than half of them were guards wearing leather armor.

"You accept them first!" Wang Ping stepped aside to watch the show.

The leader of the wolf demon glared when he heard this. He was about to say a few harsh words, but when he saw the caravan getting closer and closer, he decisively turned around and entered the forest behind him with the old and weak and the wild wolves behind him.

Wang Ping didn't want to be too troublesome, after all, even God has the virtue of good things. When he was about to take a few steps to leave, there was a sound of horse hooves behind him. It was two guards from the caravan who were armed with spears and came on horseback. The speed was so fast that Wang Ping could only retreat to the nearby forest to hide.


When the two of them saw Wang Ping ducking, they had no intention of embarrassing him. They just glared at him fiercely, as if to warn him to stay where he was and not move.

Well, Wang Ping was used to the kindness shown to him by people when he was wearing Taoist robes. Now that he was a jock at the bottom of society, naturally no one would treat him well.

"Your mood is very strange now." Yu Lian communicated with Wang Ping in the spiritual sea.

"Human nature is contradictory, and they are actually not wrong. This is a necessary behavioral quality for doing business. We can talk about a lot of these things and principles in the past. Those great principles seem to have taught us what to do, but, really When it happens to ourselves, we think differently..."

Wang Ping calmly waited for the merchant team to leave, and communicated with Yu Lian in the spiritual sea: "I'm a little angry, but I think they are a bit contemptuous of others, and subconsciously I want to teach them a lesson."

"Are you going to do this?"

"No, because I am now a fledgling charlatan."

"What you are saying is just like what the enlightened masters in folk tales say... life is all about cultivation."

"This is bullshit!"


"That's a rhetoric to deceive ordinary people, not about our practice."


When the two briefly communicated here, the caravan had already passed by Wang Ping. At the end of the caravan, there was a guard with a spear on guard. One was to be wary of Wang Ping's actions, and the other was to guard against the demon bandits in the mountains and forests on both sides. At this time, the wolf demon that had just left came out of the mountain forest again, seeming to continue to collect the tax that had not been received just now.

Wang Ping returned to the road and stared at the approaching wolf demon. A flash of anger flashed through his eyes, and then he heard a "clang" sound. The steel sword was unsheathed, and the sword energy driven by the blade flashed past. , the sword energy brought a strong wind, and the wolf monsters only felt the sting on their cheeks, and then, the howling of wild wolves came from their ears.


Several wild wolves were split in half by the slashed sword energy.

When the blood spattered everywhere, Wang Ping frowned slightly, and inadvertently pinched out a magic formula with his left hand. The main body introduced the wood spirit energy to hide it. In his original position, an illusory illusion took his place.

At the same time, there was the sound of an arrow piercing the air, and its target was Wang Ping on the road!

The arrow was stuck in the middle of the road, and Wang Ping had already controlled the illusion to flash to the other side. But at this moment, several figures jumped out from a distance. They glanced indifferently at the wolf demon that fled into the forest, and then headed towards the illusion. Chase in the direction of escape.

What they didn't notice was that when they ran into the forest, each of them was marked with a gray-green talisman.

More than ten breaths later, Wang Ping walked out of the forest, looked at the figures just now and said: "They should be those people on the border. Their division of labor is really clear. What am I doing here? There are fake information." They probably touched everything clearly."

"Aren't you all talking about the prosperous age? Is this the prosperous age you are talking about?" Yulian got out of her sleeves and breathed out towards the forest where the wolf demon fled. A stream of water spirit energy shot out, forming two ice cones, which went deep into the forest. Attacking deep into the forest, the wailing sound of the wolf demon could be heard not long after.

"You also have murderous intentions?"

"I'm just unhappy with them." Yu Lian said, "Where are those people who are chasing you?"

"In the next two hours, everyone who has been in contact with them will be infected with my newly researched toxin."

"Is it a poison that can erode inspiration?"


"This is good. It's more painful than killing them."

While the two were talking, they got on the road again. When it was getting dark, they saw a large tribe, including humans and monsters. There was a very large camp outside, and there was a large trading market outside the camp.

This is where Wang Ping originally rested with the caravan. The original grove now has the foundation of a city. When Wang Ping walked over, two human guards wearing chainmail came forward to ask questions. After checking their identities, they They didn't embarrass him and let him into the city without even paying the entry fee.

Herbal medicines are the most traded in the market, and they are mainly wild good medicines.

Wang Ping walked around twice and almost failed to settle on the character and spent money.

Early the next morning.

Wang Ping woke up from the small place he rented in the camp and got out of the city before the caravan hit the road.

At noon, when the scorching sun was shining in the sky, Wang Ping saw Haicheng. It was still the same as in his memory, looking full of vitality but lifeless.

(End of this chapter)

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