There is a progress bar in my cultivation of immortality

Chapter 125 Wang Kang pays homage to the prime minister

Chapter 125 Wang Kang pays homage to the prime minister (please subscribe)

It is impossible for Wang Ping to use the method used to deal with Baishuimen again.

The most common way for two sects to compete is to compress each other's living space, which in reality means suppressing their business.

Wufengguan's situation is a special case. He is an outsider. Even if the local sects kill their disciples, as long as they do not violate the default rules, Daozang Palace will turn a blind eye.

Of course, if there are high-level monks who risk their lives to protect the calf, it is another story.

"Your idea is good, but remember to take your time and don't rush it. We have plenty of time."

Yu Lian was very happy and ran to Baishui Lake after lunch, presumably to discuss the specific implementation plan with Hu Qianqian.

in the afternoon.

Yang Hou came to the mountain top dojo.

This time he came to report on the specific plan to combat Wufengguan's secular business. He was much more careful than Zhao Qing and reported more things.

Wufengguan has been established in Lou County for three years.

Wenhai was interested in the silk business. He planted mulberry leaves on most of his farmland. He only got the first batch of profits last year, which was very lucrative, especially from maritime trade.

Yang Hou's plan was simple and crude, which was to directly eliminate this line and then use the resources at hand to block other trade routes. If necessary, he could cooperate with Pingdongmen to ambush their caravan.

It's a bit harsh, but that's how competition is.

Wang Ping did not make any changes to the plan. He just listened to the opinions symbolically and asked Yang Hou to follow the plan.

After Yang Hou left, Wang Ping took out the puppet Feiniao to contact the puppet Zihong and asked him to try to sneak into Lou County to carefully inquire about information.


Spring to autumn.

At the beginning of the spring of the next year, the new emperor, who had endured for four years, finally couldn't help but use troops against the north.

But first, he first gave great rewards to his subjects from all over the world. The first person to be rewarded was the Lord of Xiaoshan Prefecture, who was named the Emperor of Nanfu. Then came other princes, powerful practitioners in the area, and the great demons of the mountains. Canonization.

Then, the emperor appointed the minister of state affairs of Shu Province as an imperial envoy to inspect the northwest districts and take charge of military and political affairs.

In April, the emperor officially issued an edict, conferring Wang Kang, who was idle at home, as the general of the expedition to the north, with the title of chief minister, and led the army to conquer the rebel Liu Yue who was entrenched in the north.

The edict was circulated throughout the world in just one month. After Liu Zixiu got the news, he went to the top of the mountain to drink a few glasses of wine with Wang Ping, and sighed: "I didn't expect that our junior brother would be the one to worship him in the end."

He was still very upset about not being able to enter the phase, and it even affected his practice for a time.

Wang Ping just lamented that things in the world are unpredictable.

a month later.

News came from Wudao Mansion that a group of demons were causing trouble in Lou County, and they briefly clashed with the county's [-] garrison troops, causing panic among the locals.

After Yu Lian got the news, she chatted in Wang Ping's ear for a long time, and Wang Ping kept praising her for her ability.

After that, Wang Ping entered a state of ascetic cultivation again. Three months had passed, and Liu Zixiu, who was at the foot of the mountain, came to the dojo on the top of the mountain after a rainy day.

"I underestimated our junior brother. After he arrived in the north, he took it one step at a time. He would write down what he did every day at night, and then report to the emperor in Beijing on time. Every time, he would ask what to do next." Liu Zixiu It's like giving up on the phase thing.

"How can we fight if we do this?" Wang Ping was puzzled after hearing this.

"Liu Yue's lesson is still in front of us. The victory of this war is actually not important to our junior brother. What is important is his foundation." Liu Zixiu explained with a smile: "If he is smart enough, When Beiguan is captured, half of the military power should be handed over, otherwise it will be a disaster in the blink of an eye!"

"…"   Wang Ping didn't know how to describe his current mood. The emperor ruled the world with magical powers, so he was not afraid of anything but the Forbidden Army. Therefore, he would hardly use the Imperial Guard under normal circumstances, but this The imperial army had to be used to quell the rebellion in the north.

Liu Zixiu continued minding his own business: "Before entering Shangjing City, everyone envied Shangjing City. After entering Shangjing City, they thought about leaving every moment, but they still could not give up the power in their hands... Now retreat." After taking a step forward and looking at the situation above the temple, we can see more clearly that the emperor has magical powers, and the princes and ministers are just tools to him."

He waved his arms gently, laid out a chessboard and said: "The minister is just a chess piece, and it is a chess piece that cannot jump out of the chessboard. It is normal to give up at any time."

Looking at it this way, it seems that the emperor is the root of the turmoil in the world. He plays with power and kills ministers who have contributed to the country and the country, making everyone in the world's noble families feel in danger.

Thinking of this, Wang Ping quickly calmed down and no longer viewed the emperor and the people of the world with positive and negative attitudes.

"Junior brother Wang Kang has chosen the path he has chosen. Let him go on his own. If he really can't go on, we can send him on his last journey." Wang Ping's tone became as cold as Taoist Yucheng.

When Liu Zixiu heard Wang Ping's words, he couldn't help but look Wang Ping up and down.

Wang Ping met the eyes of the second senior brother and asked: "You went to the temple and still insisted on humanity?"

"If there are no humane moral standards and no theory of good and evil, how are we different from animals? If we give up these things, why don't we find a cave and just sit there until we die?"

Wang Ping heard this and said seriously: "You know that's not what I meant!"

"I know, but some human nature should not be suppressed, otherwise what's the point of practicing Taoism? The state of no sorrow and no joy is practice, not pursuit."

After Liu Zixiu said this, he stood up and handed over to Wang Ping, and then left without looking back.

Wang Ping also stood up and waved his hands as Liu Zixiu left.

When Wang Ping was the only one left in the dojo, Yulian said: "If Wang Kang is really executed by the emperor, will you save him?"

These words stumped Wang Ping.

He walked to the locust tree in silence and sat down, then went into meditation and did not answer Yu Lian's question.

He sat down and didn't get up for several months.


It's winter time.

One afternoon in early November.

At the foot of Qianmu Mountain.

A fast horse appeared on the official road galloping rapidly. It rushed through the bustling market. Immediately behind it was a disciple of the martial arts academy. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he pulled the reins of the horse, handed the horse to the disciple at the foot of the mountain, and then quickly climbed up the mountain. steps.

After half an hour.

He walked into the inner courtyard dusty.

"What's the matter?" Yang Hou asked calmly.

"We seized a batch of smuggled power pills at the Shang'anfu port and found two inner disciples of Wufeng Temple. Unfortunately, they were noticed and they detonated the power pills stored at the port, causing losses to the disciples stationed at the port. Most of it, and a third of the port was destroyed as a result!”

Yang Hou took the letter handed over by his disciple. Before he could read it, the disciple who was standing outside came in and reported: "Master, there is a flying pigeon delivering the letter. It is urgent!"

"Bring it..."

Yang Hou stretched out his hand and decided to read Fei Ge's letter first.

There is only one sentence in it: Yang Ziping of Yang Mansion in Yongshan County was convicted for failing to transport military rations!
  (End of this chapter)

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