The devil is coming

Chapter 765 Catch up

Chapter 765 Catch up
After pouring it with blood, the woman seemed to be casting a spell. Then, they brought a large piece of snow to cover the black-armored man, and the woman began to cast a spell again.
Finally, the snow turned into ice, freezing the black-armored man again, but this time the red in the ice was very bright.
"Are you using ice to insulate? Are you afraid it will go bad?"
Xue San muttered in his heart.
It is precisely because the team has to carry a big ice lump that it cannot move faster, and the team's attrition is already very serious.
After doing this, the team did not delay and continued to move westward, leaving many wounds in place.
"He is on the run, but the reason for such an exaggerated escape at all costs is because..." Xue San twisted his neck and stood up from the snow, "Judging from the previous military crossbow, it is because, to the west, Will anyone help them?"
We can't wait any longer, we have to take action.
The starry sky in the snowfield is very pure. Perhaps the reason why the savages formed their belief in the stars is because in this bitter and cold living environment, for most savages, looking up at the stars is something that is difficult to do elsewhere in their lives. It's a kind of comfort.
Under this beautiful starry sky, a dwarf was commanding his men to ambush.
Dai Li didn't understand. The ambush location was really far away, but this group of people had long been accustomed to the Third Master's authority, and no one dared to question it.
Xue San specifically ordered:
"Remember, the ice block pulled by the team's sled has a master sealed in it. If the ice block breaks open and the guy runs out after taking action, there is no need to resist, and he can quickly form a formation and retreat.
That thing was just like the pills sold in the red tent. It was powerful for a while and then withered away.
Okay, everyone takes their positions and waits for my signal. "
Xue San groped forward alone again. The team had to stop after nightfall. The snow wolves could no longer run and the horses had lost their strength. They had no choice but to stop and take a breath, otherwise they would really just have to stop. We can rely on human power to pull the sled, but the problem is that people are also tired.
This team had traveled a long distance for a long time before Xue San discovered them. During this period, they had experienced several attacks, and the endurance of humans and animals had reached their limits.
The remaining people in the team started to guard on the outside, while inside, they all gathered around the sled. There were insufficient manpower to form an internal and external level of defense.
And tonight, there will inevitably be another assassination. This is something both sides know.
After Xue San lurked closer, he did not dare to go deeper. Instead, he buried himself in the snow and restrained his aura.
After waiting quietly for about an hour, the sound of "buzzing" came from my ears again.
Xue San smiled under the snow and placed his palms on the leather drum around his waist.
All around, the message conveyed probably means reconnaissance.
Obviously, the several attacks not only caused heavy losses on the team's side, but also on the attacking side. Furthermore, they also lost many star guides.
In this long pursuit, both sides had lost too much blood.
The most important thing is that they are very afraid of the existence in the ice.
Simple communication is mostly about observation and arrangement, and the messages sent out are also very simple.
Xue San frowned slightly,
what's the matter,
Are you guys planning on taking action?
This is not okay, you are not ready, but I am.
Xue San started to play the drum,
In fact, this kind of information transmission is very simple. The prelude is the level, followed by instructions or situations.
Xue San didn't know what the hierarchy between them was, but thanks to the last time the attacking party launched an attack, he remembered the highest-level expression for issuing orders.
With the sound of Xue San's drum,
fell on those people’s ears,
That is, a new command is issued:
"The Great Elder has attack!"
For a moment, these people were stunned. There were only a few of them. They were here to observe the situation tonight, so why did they suddenly attack?
"The Great Elder has attack!"
"The Great Elder has attack!"
Orders to advance the attack were still being issued.
Finally, someone got up from hiding, held a knife, and rushed down shouting to kill.
Immediately, everyone else got up and started killing him.
The team was alerted and immediately prepared for defense, but they were sparse and only a dozen people rushed down.
The military crossbows in the team were fired, and most of them fell down quickly, while the rest began to retreat.
A farce-like attack started like this and ended like this.
However, during the chain reaction caused by this, a group of people on horseback rushed over from the other side, and the number was not large.
They were obviously attracted by the previous attack from their side, and they also fought out, and then launched a projectile. The momentum was quickly broken up, and they began to swim.
Not long after, a group of dozens of cavalrymen rushed out from the other side.
A single move can affect the whole body, which is the scene at this time.
But sometimes, miracles can happen suddenly. For example, this second wave of cavalry did not encounter much obstruction and rushed directly into the team, and then began to kill.
This is very interesting. The attacking side, which was still confused at first, saw this situation. People also appeared from other places and began to attack the team in a chaotic manner.
The efficiency was very low, the incident occurred suddenly, and there were heavy casualties. However, due to a moment of negligence on the team's side, the gap was widened, and the two sides fought together.
Xue San poked his head out from the snow again and put away his leather drum. He did not expect this scene.
It can only be said that both parties are at the end of their strength, and the team's weakness is much greater than expected.
But at this moment, the woman jumped onto the ice pulled by the sled again.
When she jumped on, the attackers suddenly became sluggish. Apparently, they recalled the terror of being dominated by the black-armored man in the ice that day.
However, it's not like he was frightened and collapsed. At the very least, he had to let the man in black armor stand up again.
The people on the defensive side of the team are actually waiting for movement on their side.
For a time,
Everyone was fighting a little absent-mindedly. In some places, they even kept a distance apart in a tacit understanding, waiting for the result on the sled.
The woman seemed to be hesitating, but the current stalemate made it impossible for her to wait any longer.
After taking a deep breath, she placed her palms on the ice again and began to chant the spell.
"Kachacha... Kachacha..."
The ice cubes began to crack.
The attackers began to disengage on a large scale and were even preparing to retreat.
The ice exploded.
Xue San remembered that the last time the ice cracked, the force was terrible and the woman was thrown directly away. But this time, the woman was able to jump down calmly.
The man in black armor broke through the ice and woke up again.
He holds a knife,
stood up,
His eyes glowed red, scanning in all directions.
Finally, the attacker collapsed and began to flee.
The team still did not pursue;
Xue San quietly continued to stare at the situation ahead, but at this moment, the man in black armor suddenly turned his face in the direction where Xue San was hiding, and cast his gaze over.
He discovered himself!
The man in black armor raised his knife. As an assassin, Xue San had the illusion that he was being stared at by a ferocious beast.
Fuck, careless!
The man in black armor stepped forward and walked towards Xue San.
However, maybe it was because he was rebelling against himself, but it did have an effect. The man in black armor had just taken a few steps, when the knife dropped and his body leaned forward, face down, and fell to the ground.
The other people in the team obviously didn't know what the black-armored man meant. They just immediately surrounded the black-armored man, and then prepared to pile snow on him and prepare to freeze him.
Xue San also breathed a sigh of relief, but he still waited. When the woman started to cast the spell again to freeze, Xue San made sure that she was not digging a hole, so he pulled out the fire letter and raised it.
A roaring sound came out.
Immediately, a group of well-equipped Pingxi Houfu fans who had been trained by Xue San himself began to run quickly. They were three in a team, and they all had crossbows in their hands.
This team, placed in the arena, can easily destroy a sect, because they are killers in the true sense. Even if they are not as strong as you, even if their level is not as high as you, they are better at killing than you, and more capable. Understand what cooperation means.
The group of people who had attacked the team several times before seemed to have a large number of people, but in fact it was very chaotic.
The third master took a deep breath, pressed his hands down, and prepared to go down and harvest the heads.
In his opinion, the outcome is already determined.
at this time,
Suddenly there was the sound of horse hooves from the outside. The horses' hooves were very fast and dense.
Immediately afterwards, a group of cavalry appeared from the west. A cursory glance revealed that they were thousands or even more in size.
There was a cheer immediately from the team. Obviously, this was what they wanted after running so hard and committing a taboo of military strategists at the expense of exhaustion. The team to support them is here!
Xue San opened his mouth wide. At this moment, he felt like a villain in a movie. When he was full of confidence and won everything, reality rushed up and slapped him hard.
On the other side of the team, there were cheers and many people were still crying. Obviously, they were finally saved, at least, that's what they thought.
Xue San is a little embarrassed now. He can choose to escape immediately. He has not fallen into the battle circle yet. Now he has a high probability of escaping with the help of the terrain, but this also means that he has brought these men , I have to basically explain it here, and the third master feels a little reluctant to part with it.
At this time,
From the other direction, there was also the sound of horse hooves, with a neat rhythm and rhythm, and at the same time, there was also the chilling sound of the collision and friction of armor.
A man rode Pixiu to the front of the formation.
Smiling at the swordsman on horseback next to him,
"Oh, I caught up."
I was a little stuck today, but I finally got over it. There are not enough words in this chapter, so I will fill it in when I wake up.
In addition, monthly voting will be doubled until the 7th. If you have votes, you can vote for the dragon. Hug everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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