Chapter 512
The Jiedushi of Wei Zhen, whose surname was Jia and whose name was Tianhua, was not afraid of tigers when he first became an official. He once wrote a letter to impeach the Han Xianggong, saying frankly that Han Xianggong deliberately slackened the military preparations of Daqian and put Daqian Sheji in danger.
The most famous saying of Xianggong Han is "The one who rolls the name at Donghua Gate is the good son."
Moreover, Xianggong Han was known to have a bad temper and prided himself on being upright, so after receiving this impeachment letter, he simply gave up his son and refused to go to court.
When high-ranking officials are impeached in this way, they usually seek medical advice, and then return to the court and enter the government office after their official career has declined. This is called honorable.
However, as one of the prime ministers of the current dynasty, he had to face countless impeachment and criticism every day, so this example was no longer applicable. However, for some reason, Xianggong Han did not like Jia Tianhua, so he chose the one that seemed to be the most suitable. Appropriate but actually the most cruel move.
official family,
Do you want me or him?
This is no choice.
Therefore, Jia Tianhua, a new scholar who was ranked among the best and had a prosperous career even though he did not rank first, second or third overall, was directly demoted to Qiongdao by an official decree.
Qiongdao is located at the southernmost point of Daqian. It is said that the climate there is hot and full of miasma. When outsiders enter, few will not get sick. Being appointed to be an official there is equivalent to a reprieve from death.
It is not known whether the people of Qiongdao think that their home is such a terrifying place, but officials and literati have long regarded it as a place to "die".
I remember that when Yao Zizhan was young, he once wrote a poem called "Ode to Apricot Blossom", which described the various amorous feelings of a prime minister and his concubines riding in a sedan chair and lifting the curtains at the Lantern Festival;
Therefore, there was news that the prime minister was furious and wanted to demote Yao Zizhan, who was still a Hanlin in the Hanlin Academy at that time, to Qiongdao.
After Yao Zizhan heard the news, he cried for three days and wrote 78 "Farewell Fu" and [-] "Gifts".
The farewell poem recalls the scenes from birth to studying to imperial examination and finally becoming an official, and it is a farewell to the past.
A gift is a gift to relatives and friends, a teacher, a friend, a colleague, and a farewell to everyone.
It probably means,
I'm going to Qiongdao to be an official.
I'm dying.
After the transfer order was issued, Yao Zizhan gave all the concubines around him to his friends, and asked his wife to return to her hometown with her children, while he went to his post alone;
On that day, many people went to see Yao Zizhan off outside the capital, as if he was not going to take office but to die.
Not long after Yao Zizhan left Beijing, and before he entered Qiongdao, news suddenly came that the Prime Minister had died of illness. When a new Prime Minister came to power, it was natural for the new official to take office and create some different atmosphere. Yao Zizhan, who arrived at the place of assignment, was recruited back.
Yao Zizhan cried with joy and hurried to the capital.
However, Master Yao did not go to Qiongdao, but Jia Tianhua stayed in Qiongdao for more than ten years, and he still did a great job in Qiongdao.
There were pirates in Qiongdao. He organized and trained the armed forces of the islanders, integrated the indigenous soldiers from 36 holes and 72 villages on the island, and cooperated with the ancestral army to win several great battles.
three years ago,
The Yan people went south, and the triangle of Daqian was in vain. The Yan people's horseshoes knocked on the Bianhe River, and they went to Beijing in shock.
After the Yan people retreated, Han Xianggong and several other Xianggongs stepped down and abdicated. The officials took this opportunity to begin to take back power.
Jia Tianhua was able to be transferred back to the capital from Qiongdao and served as Minister of War for a year. After that, he was transferred to the three sides and became the Jiedu Envoy of Wei Town.
In fact, his life trajectory is very similar to that of Master Yao. They were both punished for offending Zaifu, and their destination was Qiongdao.
But who calls Master Yao a literary sage? If a literary sage has the word "sage", his life will be hard.
The prime minister died of illness before he arrived at Qiongdao. On the other hand, Jia Tianhua's Xianggong Han was recognized as one of the best among all the prime ministers in the dynasty. If it hadn't been for the Yan people going south, Han Xianggong would have been killed. Mr. Xianggong can still stand in the court for ten years, and he can compete with the most good officials today to decide whether I will be the minister who cares about life or you will give me "gentleness".
But no matter what, Jia Tianhua is back, once the emperor and the courtiers, but the emperor's change has to wait for the emperor's death, so compared with this, it is easier to wait for the emperor and the courtiers.
"Oh, after staying in Qiongdao for a long time, I'm used to the heat, but to be transferred from that place to Sanbian is really a world of ice and fire."
Jia Tianhua was joking.
The young general sitting opposite him smiled and said, "Master Jia, where are you going? You must know that Yinlang County to the north of us is already the place with the mildest climate in the Yan people's territory."
This young general talked and laughed freely in front of Jia Tianhua, because he had the capital.
After nearly 50 years of fighting, the Western Army is recognized as the most capable fighter.
As for the Zhong family, they have presided over the situation of the Western Army for decades after assassinating the father-in-law. They are deeply entrenched. He is the new flag-bearer of this generation of the Zhong family.
His Majesty even gave the Emperor Ji as his wife, and she became the consort of the dynasty, a blessing that was unparalleled for a while.
It's just that when the prince-in-law married the princess, he happened to encounter the Ping Yebo from the Yan Kingdom who was trying to steal the Chu princess, and he was completely overshadowed.
Sitting opposite them were two generals. One of them had a long beard on his face and was extremely brave. His surname was Han. He was the fifth child in his family and was nicknamed Han Laowu;
The person with the restrained heroic spirit between his brows is Le Huan.
Han Laowu is famous for his fact that when the Yan people went south three years ago, after his main force was defeated by the Yan people, he still rescued his father-in-law, and even escaped with his father-in-law all the way back to Shangjing. Well, under the city of Shangjing, Facing the attack of that Hirano uncle, he escaped again.
But everyone in the world praised him for his high righteousness and envied him for having indeed found a good son-in-law.
Moreover, he had fought against Dayan Ping Ye Bo several times, and although he was defeated, he was still able to maintain a certain organizational ability. As Ping Ye Bo's reputation has grown over the years, his rank has also risen.
But Uncle Hirano didn't remember who he was.
During the first confrontation between the two, Uncle Zheng was still under the command of Li Fusheng. Li Fusheng led the Chinese army to defeat the Qianguo coalition army with the ancestral army as the central army. When the army chased and fled, Uncle Zheng wanted to capture this old man Han. Wu's head turned out to be a tough one, and Uncle Zheng, who had always been cautious, decisively "stepped back from the cliff".
There are rumors in the Qian Kingdom that Han Laowu once fought the Great Yan Pingye Bo for [-] rounds in the chaos. In the end, he met his opponent. Pingye Bo praised him for his unparalleled bravery. In the end, the two of them even felt sympathy for each other.
Han Laowu never denied it;
But what he didn't know was that he had indeed been lucky enough to see Ping Ye Bo look at each other once on the battlefield. If he had known that person's identity at that time, he would have turned his horse around and tried to get something out of the fire!
If he were killed in advance, he would not have the huge fame he would later have. Killing him himself would seem to have no meaning.
As for the second confrontation, it was under the city of Shangjing. In the name of his father-in-law, Han Laowu gathered a defeated army and played chess with Ping Yebo under the city of Shangjing. Although he was defeated, the danger of Shangjing was relieved. Be loyal and courageous!
Moreover, the brother and sister Baili Sword and Thyme Lan are walking in front without even turning around after using their swords, which further highlights Han Laowu's fearlessness!
Of course,
In fact, Uncle Hirano just went to a landlord's house in the suburbs of Shangjing to take a bath that day.
The most important thing is that the Baili family can't say anything to explain this incident, but the fact is that the two brothers and sisters had a great chance to kill Uncle Hirano that day.
Because there were not many guards around Uncle Hirano at that time, and he did not meet the Sword Master of Jin,
However, Han Laowu made one operation and brought a group of mobs, which attracted the attention of Yan Jun's military camp and sent a battalion of soldiers and horses, forcing the Baili brothers and sisters to turn back. To a certain extent, it was Han Laowu who helped Uncle Zheng solve the problem. around.
Fate is like this, it comes and goes.
He, Han Laowu, had relied on Uncle Hirano to build his reputation. To a certain extent, he deserved it and had repaid the favor, even if he didn't know it himself.
As for Le Huan, he was actually in a coalition army with Han Laowu three years ago. The two were defeated together. However, after Han Laowu was defeated, he fled south and saved his father-in-law, while Le Huan, He led the remaining troops to the north and recovered several cities occupied by the Yan people.
Of course, the so-called restoration was actually very watery, because the Yan people marched straight into many small counties. In fact, many small counties were decided by propaganda, and the chief officers were not even changed. When everyone saw the arrival of Master Wang, they immediately killed the chief officers who "surrendered to the enemy". Again Welcome Master Wang!
And when the Yan people withdrew their troops later, they were still as fast as lightning, and Le Huan had no blocking effect. However, this move was enough to earn him a lot of political capital.
The most important thing is that in the battle three years ago, Daqian fought so ugly that they had to select generals from short positions and use those who were defeated but still had shining points for publicity.
Because of this, Le Huan and Han Laowu are now qualified to sit under Zhong Tianlang and Jia Tianhua as commanders.
"In the past few days, the official family has received three internal edicts. It is clear to the Holy Heart that the Yan people will attack Chu, and it is already a certainty that I will launch a northern expedition to the Yan Kingdom."
As Jia Tianhua spoke, he played with an amber ring on the ring finger of his left hand. This ring was personally given by His Majesty to commemorate his hard work in Qiongdao for more than ten years.
Zhong Tianlang said: "The Northern Expedition is inevitable. It would be too short-sighted if I did not go to the Northern Expedition at this time and instead just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."
"Haha." Jia Tianhua shook his head and smiled. He had suffered a lot due to his arrogance when he was young, so he had some defense for the outstanding young general in front of him, and said: "These words are worthy of my words." You can say it in front of Commander Han and Commander Yue, but you can't say it in the memorial.
You know, there are many ministers in the court who want to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. "
Zhong Tianlang said disdainfully: "They are all people who are eating vegetarian food."
Jia Tianhua sighed: "You can't say that. In fact, logically speaking, it is right to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. If the Yan State attacks Chu, the Chu State will definitely go all out. The fight between the two tigers will be protracted."
Zhong Tianlang said: "Then if the Yan people break through Zhennan Pass and their troops sweep across the Chu Kingdom, how will I deal with it? Through the ages, those who want to watch the fire from the other side will end up with nothing good in the end."
"No, no, no, that's not what they said, because only losers will be called 'watching the fire from the other side', while winners are usually 'strategists.'
Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. Although I, Da Gan, have been working hard in the past few years, the gap between me and the Yan people is still huge.
Three years ago, the Yan people with [-] soldiers and horses were able to attack me directly at the gate of Shangjing, which brought shame to the official family;
A hundred years ago, I led 50 elite troops in the Northern Expedition, but didn't I end up with the same end? The Yinlang County of Yan State was renamed because of this. "
Zhong Tianlang said directly: "Sir, let's not talk about the incident three years ago. At that time, there was a hundred years of peace, and the Yan people suddenly launched an attack. I was doing everything in my power and wasted everything, which led to the disaster;
But don’t you, sir, have no idea what the incident was about a hundred years ago?
Back then, if those generals hadn't suddenly attacked, how could my 50 elite troops be directly overwhelmed by the [-] cavalry of the Zhenbei Marquis? "
Jia Tianhua frowned and scolded:
"Don't mention this again."
Opposite, Han Laowu and Le Huan were sitting, but their faces did not show the surprise of hearing the secret.
Among them, one father-in-law was also a feudal lord, and one of their mentors was a Confucian commander who presided over the war in the southwest after the assassination of Xianggong. They were able to know some things that ordinary people could not know.
A hundred years ago, Emperor Taizong of Daqian led 50 founding elites in the Northern Expedition.
Because he inherited the throne as the emperor's younger brother, and the prince who was Taizu's emperor is still there.
Therefore, when the army entered the Yan territory in the Northern Expedition, several generals at that time directly launched military remonstrances, asking Emperor Taizong to return to the crown prince and return the country to Zuo.
In fact, Emperor Taizong was eager to launch the Northern Expedition when he came to the throne. He also wanted to use the victory of the Northern Expedition to gain his own prestige so that he could suppress the military leaders, because his elder brother made his fortune by relying on soldiers and horses, and he could gather the court. But it may not be able to gather military morale.
But everything can easily lead to problems if taken too far. Emperor Taizong never expected the military advice.
When the army went out for the expedition, they were already faced with the dilemma created by the Yan people's strong walls and clearing of the country. Coupled with the reasons for the military remonstrance, the soldiers loyal to the prince and the soldiers loyal to Emperor Taizong actually faced off on the territory of the Yan state.
Therefore, the rumors from later generations about how the first generation of Zhenbei Hou used soldiers like a god, and how he used all kinds of alchemists and warlocks to make his soldiers shine with light and launch a charge, are actually all scraps.
The real reason is that when the first generation of Zhenbei Hou led [-] cavalry to attack, in addition to some vigilance on the outside, the various armies inside were eager to fight.
And even if there are 50 pigs, they are still the founding pigs brought out by Emperor Taizu.
Even if the first-generation Zhenbeihou really let go of his grasp, it would be difficult to catch him in a short time. In fact, because of the first-generation Zhenbeihou's attack, the balance of the internal confrontation was broken, and both sides thought that the other party had taken action.
The first generation of Zhenbei Hou fought outside, while the various Qianguo armies inside were mowed down by their own men. In the end, a great rout occurred!
When a country is first founded, its martial virtues are often the most abundant and its army's combat effectiveness is also the strongest. However, Ganren used this extremely outrageous operation to directly break the backbone of his military fortune.
At the same time, he also made outstanding contributions to Dayan.
The reason why Dayan was able to subdue the desert barbarians in the past hundred years, gradually suppress the threats from the west, and start to expand eastward was precisely because of the establishment of Zhenbei Houfu.
The power of the first Zhenbei Hou was given by Ganren on his own initiative.
After the battle a hundred years ago, there was one good thing, that is, most of the thorns in the army died in the Yan Kingdom, and Emperor Taizong was so prosperous that even though he was hit by an arrow, he still escaped back to the country in an ox cart.
Although the Northern Expedition failed, his brother's influence in the army was gone.
In the second year, the prince appointed by Emperor Taizu, who was Emperor Taizong's nephew, died of illness.
In the third year, a concubine of Emperor Taizu, who was named a prince, also died of illness;
In the fourth year, Emperor Taizu's youngest son fell into the water while on a cruise and contracted wind and cold, and died of illness.
Next, when Emperor Taizong was in power, people from Emperor Taizu's lineage died almost every year. After Emperor Gaozong succeeded to the throne, Emperor Taizu's lineage continued to maintain this tradition of bad news.
When Renzong came to power, the lineage of Emperor Taizu got rid of this bad luck, but it was not because Renzong was so kind-hearted, but because the lineage of Emperor Taizu had already withered away at that time. Furthermore, the throne was passed down. A few generations later, the position of Emperor Taizong's lineage was also secure. If he continued to attack, it would be too ugly.
Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stagnant at this time,
Han Laowu said;
"Master Jia, I think that at this time, I should go north and sit on the mountain to watch the tigers fight. It is very likely that I will be defeated by the Yan people one by one."
Jia Tianhua's eyes fell on Le Huan,
Le Huan also stood up and said:
"My lord, the general also believes that the Northern Expedition should be carried out at this time."
Jia Tianhua stretched out his hand, knocked on his head, and said: "Your Majesty wants the Northern Expedition, and you also want the Northern Expedition. Is it possible that those who are hesitant like me, and anyone in the court who does not advocate the Northern Expedition, will look down upon Daqian?" A good sycophant?"
"The last will not dare!"
"The last will not dare!"
All three generals surrendered and confessed.
Jia Tianhua stood up and said: "The Yan people are attacking Chu. According to the information provided by the Silver Armor Guards, they are ready to risk everything. But you must know that the Yan people still have a strong army in Beifeng County.
The last time the Yan people used troops, the barbarians did not move. This time, who can guarantee that the barbarians will move?
If the Marquis of Zhenbei leads the Yan army from Beifeng County south again, how will our army resist?
From three sides to the north to the capital of Yan State, there is a vast land. "
"Fight doesn't mean we can't fight. Our army will move forward step by step and push forward steadily." Zhong Tianlang replied, "It is said that the result on the battlefield is ultimately achieved with one sword and one shot.
Sir, I am not targeting you, I have always admired you very much;
But above me, there are too many empty talkers.
Now, the opportunity is right in front of us. I have armies from all three sides in the Northern Expedition. If I win, I can even go straight to Huanglong. If I fail, the Yan Kingdom will not be able to attack my dry land now;
And regardless of victory or defeat, they can support the Chu State. "
As long as you fight, it will be effective. This is Zhong Tianlang's opinion.
"Then, who will be the main general?" Jia Tianhua asked, "Who will be in command?"
Han Laowu immediately said, "Old Xianggong Zhong should be in command."
Le Huan also said: "Of course Mr. Zhong must be in charge."
When Taiwei Yang was in charge, the three sides of Daqian were able to maintain a semblance of peace;
But in fact, how can a military town group that lives by smuggling and drinking the blood of soldiers truly live in peace and harmony internally?
Wei Zhen, Liang Zhen, and Chen Zhen are collectively referred to as the three sides, but these three sides are actually very independent. In the early years when Yan and Qian were not at war, they even had armed fights with each other because of the uneven distribution of the spoils at the smuggling pass.
Although Taiwei Yang was an eunuch, he was really good at integration. This was the real reason why the adults in the court chose to acquiesce when he was the governor of the three sides.
Today, Yao Zizhan is even more of a good gentleman, and he maintains the situation extremely well.
But if we want to go to war and send troops, how should we cooperate?
Not to mention the three sides, there are also the Western Army, the Ancestral Army, and guest armies from other places that have moved here in recent years.
Who can command the three armies?
This is not something that can be solved by the Holy Spirit.
Qianguo is different from Dayan. The two princes, no matter who leads the army, all the soldiers and horses below dare not do anything.
Therefore, after counting, only old Xianggong Zhong barely qualified.
When the topic turns here,
Zhong Tianlang did not say his father's name like Le Huan and Han Laowu.
Jia Tianhua also looked at the current prince-in-law with a half-smile.
Le Huan and Han Laowu also looked over.
Zhong Tianlang took a deep breath and said nothing.
Because his father,
His father, who has been lying on the hospital bed since last year,
Does not support the Northern Expedition.
After the Western Army moved north, it never moved away from the three sides.
For the Qianguo court, if the great defeat a hundred years ago was too far in the past and the impression was a bit vague, then the Yan people's march south three years ago was enough to make their generation unforgettable.
After the Yan people left,
The imperial court of the Qian Kingdom mobilized the power of Jiangnan and began to reorganize the new army and continue to strengthen the three sides. After all, that was the first line of defense against Yan.
Because in the past few years, there has been a consensus among the government and the public in Qian State that the Yan people are likely to attack Qian again.
Without him,
Fight against the country,
so easy.
Many people even wonder whether the emperor of the Yan Kingdom would regret it. If the main forces of the Zhenbei Army and the Jingnan Army had gone south to attack Qian instead of attacking Jin, the gains would have been greater, right?
After all, those with strategic vision are the minority among the minority.
It was difficult for them to understand that the main force of the Yan people to attack Jin was not a choice, but a necessity, because at that time the coalition forces of the Helian family and the Wen family had almost broken through the Yan people's Matishan defense line.
If the fight continues, the Knights of the Three Jin Dynasties will be able to march to the city of Yanjing to show off their power in less than half a year, allowing the talented and strategic Emperor Yan to experience the treatment of an official in the country.
The Qian Kingdom was indeed humiliated in the last war, but precisely because of the presence of the important towns on three sides of the Qian Kingdom and the presence of armies on three sides, the Yan people still had no choice but to retreat and failed to capture the Qian Kingdom, even if they crossed the Bianhe River. An inch of land, because the three sides are not broken, the Yan people cannot really get involved in Daqian.
Fortunately, there are many people who understand this, so after the war, both the government and the opposition agreed to continue to expand the three sides, squeeze out the moisture in the military rolls of the three sides, and rectify the administration.
The Western Army is actually stationed in Mianzhou City, the city where Uncle Zheng once received military honors twice.
However, the Western Army built an extremely large military stronghold with Mianzhou City as the center, and in recent years, began a new round of expansion of Mianzhou City.
have to say,
big job,
Still have money.
Although the Yan people marched very fast when they went south three years ago and were unable to really raid places except for a few state capitals, the northern part of the Qian country suffered a lot of losses after the war, and the Yan people chose to do so in a very sinister manner. The war started before spring plowing, which directly affected the entire year of farming in the northern part of Qian Kingdom.
But even so, Ganren can still continue to mobilize troops northward, continue to build the city, and at the same time maintain the normal operation of the entire trilateral system.
That night in the capital, Xiao Liuzi drank too much. He once told Uncle Zheng that it was a pity that Jiangnan was not in the Yan Kingdom. If Ji Laoliu held the sacred land of Jiangnan with his own hands, his father would not be able to sweep across the east and unify all the Xia. Even if he gets sick and wants to attack the desert, or even go to the west after breaking through the desert, he is confident that he will satisfy his father.
No matter whether you can win or not, at least you can have the support and capital to dare to do this.
Therefore, this is also the reason why Emperor Yan never forgets to attack Qian. The country of Qian is too rich.
Perhaps it is precisely because they are too rich that they cannot fight.
At this time,
He is the only one in the Western Army and can be called the flag, and his words are absolutely weighty in the entire trilateral system. Even Yao Zizhan, the literary sage and the governor of the trilateral system, has to respectfully invite the commander-in-chief of the Western Army, Zhong Wendao, Zhong Xianggong. Is lying on the hospital bed.
An old woman was waiting for him to drink medicine.
The old woman is over fifty years old. She is neither a wife nor a concubine. She is a native of the southwest. When she was a child, Qian Guo pacified the Xin'an Rebellion. She was rescued by Zhong Wendao and has stayed with Zhong Wendao since then.
She is a servant, but she has a very high status in the Zhong family.
Even Zhong Tianlang had to call out "Mommy" when he saw her.
"Master, the second master is waiting outside."
Zhong Wendao opened his eyes. Many age spots had appeared on his face. The man who once dominated the southwest and held up the mantle of the Da Ganxi Army was... old after all.
The old woman looked at the man in front of her,
In my heart, I was very lonely.
She still remembered the time when the handsome man appeared in front of her, lifted her onto the horse, and prevented her from being ravaged by the red-eyed soldiers.
In fact, the natives have no national concept or national concept. In their eyes, many times, the village on the opposite mountain is just like the Gan people, they are from other countries.
Therefore, she has no hatred against Zhong Wendao, against the country and the family.
But time relentlessly urges people to grow old,
The young generals who used to be able to fight with swords and horses now cannot escape the fate of being bedridden.
"Let him, come in."
Zhong Wendao ordered, his voice full of exhaustion.
The old woman nodded, fed the last spoonful of medicine, and then retreated slowly.
for a while,
Zhong Wendao's younger brother Zhong Wenmian came in. At that time, people called Zhong Wendao Old Zhong Xianggong, and Zhong Wenmian was called Little Zhong Xianggong.
The lintel of the Zhong family is actually supported by them.
Three years ago, old Xianggong Zhong led the 15 Western Army to the north. Immediately, under the operation of the imperial court, the Xishan Battalion cavalry carefully trained by the Western Army was split. The person in charge was none other than Zhong Wenmian.
The division of the Western Army also started from that time.
In recent years, while the imperial court vigorously organized and trained the new army, it also expanded the supply of old army leaders. Especially after the massive dismantling of the Beijing camp, which was a burden that devoured countless money and food every year but was of no use during the war, the imperial court began to pay more attention to the Western army. With the support of the army, it is more comfortable.
But one code after another, the division of the Western Army has never been suspended. Now, including Zhong Wendao and Zhong Wenmian, the remaining Western Army has been divided into three, all composed of the other three original It also belongs to the general system of the Western Army but is under the jurisdiction of the Zhong family.
At the same time, the reform of the southwest region was also being implemented, and the court began to focus on governing the southwest.
However, in Zhong Wendao's opinion, these are too urgent.
Although Xianggong Han and others were very good at suppressing military force with literature when they were in the court, Xianggong Han and others actually understood the principle of governing a big country like cooking small dishes, and they also had a deep understanding of the situation in the southwest. How to solve the situation in the southwest The method is not for the current generation, but for the next generation, or even the next generation after that.
Use time to exchange for the identity of the southwest indigenous people and make them think that they are Gan people.
However, after the collapse of Han Xianggong, the new Xianggong promoted by the official family claimed to be of the new school and were particularly radical in doing things. This undoubtedly revitalized Daqian, a great empire that had been in decline for more than a hundred years, but also because of this Acting hastily brings disaster.
For example, in recent years, Zhong Wendao can tell from letters from his hometown that the situation in the southwest is showing signs of instability again.
After all, after the main force of the Western Army moved north, its dominance and deterrence over the southwest have been greatly reduced. At this time, stability should be maintained.
"Brother, are you feeling better?"
Zhong Wenmian knelt beside the bed and looked at his brother.
The two brothers have lived together since they were young and have a very good relationship. Later, they followed the assassination of Xiangfenxi to determine the southwest together. Brotherhood and friendship are inseparable.
But love is love, and the matter of the separation of the Western Army is another matter.
Zhong Wendao said.
There are some old people in the world who become more afraid of death as they get older;
Some other elderly people become more and more indifferent to the matter of life and death as they get older.
Zhong Wenmian did not expect that his brother, who had always been upright and upright, would be so depressed, and couldn't help but say:
"Brother, you're going to be fine, you're going to get better."
Zhong Wendao smiled with some difficulty.
In fact, two years ago, that is, six months after the Yan people had just retired, Zhong Wendao wrote to the court on the grounds of his old age and physical discomfort, hoping that he could return to his hometown in the southwest to recuperate.
He is old and is really not used to the climate on the three sides.
But at that time, how could the imperial court dare to let him, the Dinghai Shenzhen, leave the three sides?He refused directly and offered to be promoted to a higher position.
After that, every six months, Zhong Wendao would write to the court asking him to retire and return to his hometown.
But on the one hand, the imperial court was dismembering the Western Army and was unwilling to let it go back to deter the situation. On the other hand, some people believed that Zhong Wendao's move was to appease the imperial court and show that he was not greedy for power.
Therefore, the imperial court refused every request, and continued to promote officials and nobles, and even allowed Zhong Tianlang to marry the emperor's concubine.
But only those who are truly close know that Zhong Wendao really requested to return home because of his physical condition.
However, the imperial court firmly suppressed him on three sides.
three years,
three years,
three years,
The influence of acclimatization is particularly fatal to this veteran, and it has already exhausted his vitality.
He probably wouldn't have a chance to die in battle,
On the contrary, there is a high probability that the imperial court will torture him on three sides in this way to drain him of his last remaining vitality.
"elder brother."
Zhong Wendao guessed why his brother came to see him.
Immediately said:
"Fa Yan?"
"Brother, the people of Yan are using all the strength of the country to attack Chu. This is a good opportunity for me to launch the Northern Expedition. If the Chu Kingdom is defeated, I will launch a large-scale campaign..."
Since the destruction of the Three Jin Dynasties, Qian and Chu have become allies to jointly resist the Yan people.
Zhong Wendao slowly shook his head and said:
"Brother, why?"
"The people of Yan are powerful, but they will not last long. The people of Chu are not a fish-belly generation. It will be difficult to defeat Chu. I am doing a great job, so we should continue to use our troops to strengthen our troops and strengthen our troops and strengthen our horses."
Brother, brother, brother, I know what you want.
But my brother, I can’t go on an expedition. "
"Brother, this Northern Expedition must..."
Zhong Wendao laughed again,
"Brother, I am not in good health. I will force the Northern Expedition. Brother, brother, brother, do you think that when the time comes, you will be the one to support this situation for me?"
Da Ganruo was the Northern Expedition,
Zhong Wendao must be in command, the Western Army is the central army, and the armies on the three sides and the guest armies from all walks of life are at the disposal of the left and right armies.
And once Zhong Wendao's body bones could no longer support him, the position of commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition would naturally fall to Zhong Wenmian.
Although Zhong Tianlang is a general, he is still young and cannot convince the public.
"Brother, the officials are also interested in the Northern Expedition, and all the generals are also hoping for the Northern Expedition. Don't worry, brother, even if the Yan people transfer soldiers and horses from Beifeng County, our army will respond calmly and step by step, and the Yan people can be defeated!
I don’t believe it, I don’t believe the Yan people can support two fronts at the same time to start a war! "
"elder brother."
"You don't have the ability."
"..." Zhong Wenmian.
"If I do my best, if I don't move, I will be undefeated. If I move, it is very likely... it is very likely that I will be defeated. The morale of the army cannot be adjusted well, the logistics cannot be followed up, and the deployment cannot be straightened out.
It's just that I'm in charge, that is, I'm just trying to maintain a façade of being convinced on the surface but not convinced on the inside.
It can wait,
You can really wait. "
"When?" Zhong Wenmian's tone became more serious.
He simply couldn't understand his brother's choice, and even thought it was unreasonable!
Yao Zizhan once wrote a poem, bluntly saying that throughout the ages, it has been easy to seek war, and everyone knows that fighting can gain a good reputation. Avoiding war and seeking peace will lead to infamy for success and infamy for failure.Therefore, not all those who take the lead in fighting are loyal and good, and those who avoid war and seek peace are also those who work hard to achieve their goals.
Many people think that Yao Zizhan's poem is a serious official article, wiping the ass of Daqian's "subjugation" to the Yan Kingdom in the past hundred years.
But there is actually an inevitable truth in it.
Zhong Wendao straightened up,
"Wait for Yan State to exhaust its national power!
Wait until Emperor Yan dies! "
"Brother, as a general, how can you rely on these things?"
Zhong Wendao sneered:
"Fight, can't beat."
"Forcing another fight is nothing more than repeating what happened a hundred years ago. As long as Mr. Thornface is still alive, I will have his Yan Kingdom, and his Yan Kingdom's... that... those two princes of the north and south can control the morale of the army.
I, I, Zhong Wendao, am the first to lead a horse for... and the first to... ask for a fight! "
Having said these words,
Zhong Wendao coughed violently again.
The old woman waiting outside immediately came in and began to soothe his back.
After calming down a little,
Zhong Wendao said sharply again:
"Brother, you took away Xishan Camp. I don't blame you, brother. Everyone has his own ambitions, and brother understands.
But you can never use my name to lead the Northern Expedition.
Brother, I have to take responsibility for the lives of hundreds of thousands of frontier troops!
Brother, if you don’t have the ability, don’t bring disaster to the country and the people! "
Zhong Wendao slapped the bed and glared at Zhong Wenmian.
Zhong Wenmian was angry and angry, but he was prejudiced against his brother being like this.
I can only say:
"Brother, take a good rest and recuperate."
After all,
With a wave of sleeves,
Just leave.
The old woman stretched out her hand and continued to stroke Zhong Wendao's back without saying anything. She never interfered with outside matters, even family matters, and those that had nothing to do with Zhong Wendao's work, rest, and body.
Zhong Wendao breathed a sigh of relief.
Lying back again,
eyes closed;
After confirming that he is asleep,
The old woman pressed the corner of the quilt for her carefully, stood up and left lightly. She had a bed outside the bedroom.
I don’t know how long I slept,
Zhong Wendao slowly opened his eyes,
He looked outside,
It was already dark.
Zhong Wendao was a little thirsty and wanted to ask the old woman to come in and give him a glass of water.
But on one side of his body, he fell off the bed.
No pain,
It doesn't hurt at all,
He even stood up on his own.
Immediately afterwards, he walked to the coffee table, poured himself two cups of tea, and drank it.
He walked out of the bedroom.
As soon as he left the bedroom, he saw an old woman walking in with porridge.
"Master, master!"
The old woman immediately stepped forward and supported Zhong Wendao. She didn't know why Zhong Wendao suddenly stood up.
"It's so boring in the house, take me, take me out for a walk."
"Master, it's windy outside."
"Yes, sir."
The old woman immediately ordered to go down and prepare the sedan chair.
Immediately, the guards in the government office were immediately alerted. When they saw Zhong Wendao walking in front of them, everyone had smiles on their faces. Their old Mr. Zhong seemed to have recovered from his illness.
Only the old woman, after helping Zhong Wendao sit in the sedan, secretly wiped her tears.
Lift the sedan chair.
Under Zhong Wendao's order, the sedan arrived at the north wall of Mianzhou City.
Zhong Wendao got off the sedan, turned around, and said to the guards who had helped him carry the sedan:
“Haha, when I was young, I never expected that I would ride in a sedan chair in the future;
At that time, I thought, after death, everyone has to go into the coffin. Why do those civil servants always like to sit in the coffin in advance and try it out? Are they so anxious? "
All the guards immediately laughed.
In the army, it is also a custom to make fun of civilian officials.
Zhong Wendao climbed up the stairs and walked onto the city wall. He waved his hand to signal his guards not to follow him. He wanted to be alone and enjoy the breeze.
In fact, it is summer now, and the evening breeze is not cold, and can give people a refreshing and pleasant feeling of comfort.
After Zhong Wendao walked up the last step, he began to pant and sweat broke out on his forehead.
He reached out and wiped it.
I haven’t sweated in a long time.
He subconsciously wanted to support the wall with his hands, but he saw a person sitting there.
That man was holding a roast chicken in his hand and eating it very deliciously.
Zhong Wendao is hungry.
He walked over and wanted to eat too.
The man was young, probably in his 30s. When he saw him, he didn't seem to be afraid at all. Instead, he asked;
"Want to eat?"
Zhong Wendao nodded, like a child, reaching out his hand to grab the roast chicken.
"Have you washed your paws?"
Zhong Wendao shook his head.
"Then I won't let you eat. I have said it a long time ago. In this southwest land, there are many miasma poisonous insects and frequent rains. The military camp must be clean and tidy, otherwise it is easy to get sick. This disease can easily spread to a large area.
Wen Dao, Wen Dao, I have said this many times, why don’t you take it to heart? "
"Keep your hands clean."
Zhong Wendao replied, "I just came out of home, not dirty."
Zhong Wendao added:
"According to your instructions, from now on I will pay great attention to cleanliness in the Western Army's camp."
"I'll give you a chicken drumstick."
The man pulled off a chicken leg and handed it to Zhong Wendao.
Zhong Wendao took the chicken leg and didn't eat it in a hurry. Instead, he held the drumstick and smiled.
"What's the matter, you have to leave this to your brother? Let me tell you, the same goes for your brother. He is really embarrassed to eat and use his brother's reward every time.
The older brother must love and care for his younger brother, but the younger brother must be grateful, otherwise, he will be careful to raise a white-eyed wolf. "
Zhong Wendao sniffed,
shake your head,
"Commander, Wen Dao, Wen Dao misses you."
Hearing this, the man smiled, put down the roast chicken in his hand, and said, "What do you want from me? Don't miss me. I live quite comfortably there."
"Commander, Commander, the Kingdom of Jin, the Kingdom of Jin is gone."
"It's gone, it's gone."
"The Yan people are attacking Chu."
"Fight, just fight."
"It's a pity that you are not here, otherwise we could have gone on the Northern Expedition."
The man laughed,
Reach out and pull away your hair,
Revealing the complete profile,
Point to the words above,
"You are counting on me, what are you counting on me for? See clearly, see clearly, I am a thief and a thief!
Just in the court hall,
In the Privy Council,
On the streets of Shangjing City,
I can also see from the eyes of those who look at me,
I can see their contempt for me.
Wen Dao, this world is wrong, really wrong, very wrong.
Why can these poor people who can only recite poems and compose moral articles stand above us and show off their power?
Do they dare to recite poems and compose poems with the Yan people?
Do they dare to talk about morality with the rebellious people in the southwest?
they dare not,
They really don't dare,
But they dare to shit on the heads of us Qiu Ba,
Why! "
The more the man talked, the more excited he became.
Zhong Wendao's eyes began to turn redder and redder. He clenched his hands and echoed:
"Yes, why, we protect their glory and wealth, protect their singing and dancing, but they still treat us as thieves and bitches.
A bunch of losers, a bunch of trash, a bunch of bastards, a bunch of bastards, a bunch of beasts! "
Under the city tower, although the guards did not go up as ordered, they were still waiting silently against the stone stairs.
"Listen, our commander-in-chief, doesn't his avatar look like he's swearing?"
"Haha, the handsome man must have been lying in bed for too long and was suffocating. Now that he is well, he just wants to vent his anger on others."
"That's right. I haven't been scolded by the commander for so long, so I'm not used to it."
"You bitch."
the city walls,
Zhong Wendao scolded him happily and felt comfortable.
He looked at the man in front of him,
"Commander, it would be great if you were still here, how great it would be if you were always here.
Three years ago, you didn’t know that [-] Yan people, [-], just [-], [-] Yan people could defeat us in the capital city!
Straight bitch,
I'm going to do it,
What's going on?
Commander, if you are still here, according to what you said at the beginning, after we have settled the southwest, we should go to the north to settle accounts with the Yan people and avert a century-old national humiliation.
It would be great if you hadn't left. "
The man's mood calmed down, he reached out and patted the wall, and said:
"It's good to go. I don't have to go see or hear these messy things again. I can feel more comfortable in my heart."
"Yes, you feel comfortable, but what about me? What about me?"
"Wen Dao, I'm sorry for you."
"It's not bitter, I deserve it. Who told me that when you, the commander-in-chief, were imprisoned in Shangjing, I blocked the petition of the brothers under my command for military remonstrance?
This is what I deserve, I deserve it, straight bitch, I deserve it! "
"Wen Dao, I didn't blame you."
"But Commander, I can't get over this hurdle!"
"Is it important if you can't live with it? It's not important."
The man turned around and faced south,
"It's just a pity that I didn't drink the peach blossom wine to my satisfaction."
"Commander, my brother, Wen Mian, wants to lead the army in the Northern Expedition."
"Hehehe, hahahaha..."
The man seemed to have heard something extremely ridiculous and laughed so hard that he bent over and almost couldn't breathe.
"Haha, hahaha..." Zhong Wendao also laughed.
The man laughed and cursed:
"What's wrong with Zhong Wenmian? He's a dandy who got along by relying on the shadow of your elder brother. By chance, he didn't encounter any big battles, so he thinks that his abilities can reach the sky?"
At this time, after learning that his eldest brother had gotten up, looked better, and came to the city wall in a sedan chair to get some fresh air, Zhong Wenmian, who had not yet left Mianzhou City and was having a drink with several of his brother's generals, came over on horseback in a hurry.
"See Second Master!"
"See Second Master!"
Under the city wall, a group of Zhong Wendao's soldiers saluted Zhong Wenmian.
Zhong Wenmian nodded, dismounted, and prepared to go up the steps.
But at this moment, a message came from above:
"He, Zhong Wenmian, is nothing. He is a dandy who got along by relying on the shadow of your elder brother..."
"..." Zhong Wenmian.
Zhong Wenmian's face was alternately red and white, whether his feet were stepping up or down.
He couldn't help but look at the guards around him.
The guards lowered their heads at the same time, pretending that they didn't hear anything.
the city walls,
The man smashed his fist on the pile,
"Yeah, some people always think that after reading a few military books, they know how to fight. They always think that if they increase the number of soldiers and horses, the battle can be won.
But, that’s not how battles are fought, that’s really not how they are fought.
Wen Dao, it's your fault too. Why didn't you grow up after I left? "
"A handsome man, a man of letters, and a man of great ability. To be able to keep this plate from collapsing is to do your best."
"I work hard, the country is picturesque, the land is vast, the resources are rich, and the people are gathered together. What's the matter, except for you, Zhong Wendao, this old immortal, there haven't been many talents in recent years?"
"My youngest son, Zhong Tianlang, is not bad." Zhong Wendao smiled, as if he was deliberately showing off in front of the man.
"Zhong Tianlang, how does it compare to that uncle from Pingye in Yan Kingdom?"
Zhong Wendao stopped laughing, shook his head and said:
"Not as good."
Zhong Wendao realized something and asked:
"Commander, how do you know him? I haven't had time to tell you yet."
The man pointed at his nose, then deliberately put his face in front of Zhong Wendao,
"Who do you think I am?"
"You are, Marshal."
The man shook his head and said, "No, I'm not a handsome man."
"You are the handsome man, exactly the same."
"Haha, actually you know who I am."
The brightness in Zhong Wendao's eyes suddenly dimmed after hearing these words.
"Commander, the officials want to make an expedition to the north."
"You just said that."
"The one who wants to lose, the one who really wants to lose, a hundred years ago, was the Marquis of Zhenbei, and a hundred years later, he may have to meet the Marquis of Zhenbei.
Haha, everyone said that the Zhenbei Hou Mansion suppressed the desert for a hundred years on behalf of the Yan Kingdom, but it actually suppressed my Daqian for a hundred years, a hundred years.
I know what they're thinking,
They are thinking that when I launch the Northern Expedition, the desert barbarians will definitely take action. At that time, if the Zhenbei Hou Mansion of Yan State goes south, the door to the west of the Yan people will be opened directly.
If we do not go south, the Yan Kingdom will be attacked by our Dagan and barbarian tribes.
But the barbarians are not stupid. I don’t understand why they all firmly believe that the barbarians will send troops. Did the barbarians send troops last time?
This time,
The barbarians will not send troops. "
The man asked: "Wen Dao, why are you so sure?"
"Commander, you are not old, but I am old, and the Barbarian King is also old, so I can understand more and more what the Barbarian King is thinking in his heart.
The barbarians are no longer the barbarians who responded under the banner of the royal court a hundred years ago. They are no longer the barbarians.
That Emperor Yan was the best at gambling, but he was an emperor after all. I could feel that one of his eyes was staring at me.
Do not,
He kept staring and never looked away for a moment!
He might even
He is waiting for me to go north. He is waiting.
He wished that all of us would go crazy together, go crazy together, and end together while he was still alive.
I don’t know what Yan Huang’s confidence is, but I can’t be wrong, I can’t be wrong, I really can’t be wrong.
While we all thought he was an emperor, he seemed like a gambler;
But when we think he is a gambler, he will tell us what is the real emperor.
Last time, everyone thought that the Yan people were attacking Qian, but the Yan people suddenly entered Jin;
This time, everyone thought that the Yan people were attacking Chu. Who could have predicted what would happen next?
If I gather the elites from three sides and rely on the city wall, it will definitely be a nightmare for other Yan people;
And once the defeat of a hundred years ago happens again,
Only these ruins and cold fragments are left. Who can it stop?
Another ten years of cultivation,
Do not,
Just five years.
With the wealth, material and manpower of my Da Gan, the awakened officials and public officials have the will to rise up. I, Da Gan, will definitely be able to sweep away the accumulated evils of a hundred years and stand up again. "
The man asked again:
"But they still have to fight. They feel that if they don't fight, they have given up a great opportunity. They feel that they are stupid and will be laughed at by the history books."
"Can you stop them from fighting?"
Zhong Wendao heard this,
After a long silence,
Zhong Wendao nodded,
He smiled again,
"We, Da Gan, must go northward at this time. First, we can break the siege of the Chu State. But we need to know that our lips are dead and our teeth are cold. If we, Da Gan, watch the fire from the other side and sit back and watch the Chu State be defeated, I, Da Gan, will be completely isolated and helpless in the east.
At that time, the Yan people had defeated both countries. With this momentum, they attacked our Dagan again, which would put our Dagan in danger.
Secondly, the Yan people's manpower and material resources are all concentrated on attacking Chu, and their country will inevitably be empty. When our army goes north, the barbarians will definitely respond, and the Yan country will immediately fall into a pincer attack. This is a golden opportunity! "
in class,
Yao Zizhan nodded with satisfaction after listening to the opinions of his subordinate Li Jiazi from Wei Town.
My students basically come from the Sanbian General Sect. Although they will inevitably have some playboy habits, they still have the family style.
"Yes, very good. Who wants to say it again? If you say it well, I will help you write it into the booklet and show it to the officials. Let the officials also take a look. My disciples on the border are by no means prodigals. Gain a false reputation.”
At this time, a student sitting at the back stood up.
His surname is Shi, and his name is Shi Kai. His father is the transfer envoy of Chen Zhen. In fact, he is the son of a civil servant and cannot be regarded as a family of military generals.
"Shi Kai, come on, tell me."
"is teacher."
Shi Kai saluted Yao Zizhan respectfully.
Then he faced Li Chengmi, who had spoken before,
"If I heard what Brother Li said correctly before, Brother Li said that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to do my best?"
"Yes." Li Chengmi nodded. Having just received Master Yao's approval, he asked with some pride, "Does Brother Shi have any objections to this?"
Shi Kai also nodded and said:
"If you have any objections, I'm not talented. I think what Brother Li said is wrong."
"Oh, please enlighten me."
"A hundred years ago, there were better opportunities than we have now."
"..." Li Chengmi.
"..." Yao Zizhan.
Everyone in the class stopped moving because of these words.
If this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,
So a hundred years ago,
What was that time when the Yan people were fighting the barbarians on the edge of the desert until their brains were about to burst out?
You must know that back then, they were the barbarians at their peak. Their royal tent, their golden family, were still the supreme masters of the desert!
Li Chengmi's face turned red from holding back,
Pointing to Shikai,
"How dare you... how dare you... how could you..."
Shi Kai did not look at Li Chengmi again, but turned to salute Master Yao again.
"The teacher just taught us the words of the saint a few days ago and taught us how to stand upright. The students have always remembered it in their hearts. The teacher's teachings are often regurgitated in their hearts after class.
But the student was confused about something and asked Master Yao to clarify his doubts. "
"You can tell me." Yao Zizhan stroked his beard and said with a smile.
"The teacher once taught us that we must strictly distinguish between Xia and barbarians, and keep their righteousness in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Then may I ask, teacher, why did I still rely on the barbarians to help me when I launched the Northern Expedition, as Brother Li said?
As we all know, 800 years ago, the Marquis of Yan held the decree of Great Xia to open a border for the Xia, and only then did Yan exist;
As for me, Da Qian, Taizu founded the country and once offered sacrifices to heaven on the top of Dongshan Mountain, it was clear that Zuo, the country of Da Qian, inherited the orthodoxy of Da Xia.
Students are confused,
If this is the case, from a legal and orthodox perspective, Yan State and Wogan State both came from Daxia and belonged to the Xia Kingdoms.
But what does it have to do with other barbarians?
I, Da Qian, went to war with the State of Yan, which was like brothers fighting within their own families.
When did his barbarian tribe become one of the Xia?
What is the difference between what Brother Li said before, contacting the barbarians and jointly conquering Yan, and attracting foreign thieves? "
Everyone present was speechless again.
the reason is simple,
Daqian is a country that pays attention to culture and education. They have an extremely splendid culture and the most gorgeous moral articles. They call themselves a country of true etiquette and are respected by all countries.
But it is difficult to clean up some of the things our ancestors did a hundred years ago.
A hundred years ago, during the bloody battle between the Yan people and the barbarians, Emperor Taizong launched the Northern Expedition.
But rather,
The three princes of Yan, Chu, and Jin were all promoted by Zheng'erba under the orders of the Great Xia Dynasty. However, in Qian State, because the Zhao family was not in the right position, a large number of literati were mobilized to help write the history of their ancestors. It is said that the Zhao family was the same 800 years ago. , is also an important minister under Da Xia Zi, and has the same status as the three princes.
But everyone knows in their hearts that Emperor Taizu of this dynasty was once the adopted brother of the previous emperor, and he was born into a military family in Shangjing City.
But Wen Xuankou recognized it in this way and promoted it in this way, so everyone has to recognize it, so we were one family 800 years ago, but this goes against Emperor Taizong and what is being discussed now.
Yao Zizhan smiled and said;
"My teacher is asking you."
"Teacher, please."
"If your mother is seriously ill and your neighbor next door has medicine that can save your mother, but the neighbor is unwilling to give it to you, will you steal it?"
"Theft is something a gentleman will look down upon."
"Of course, the mother is in serious trouble, and the student is willing to bear this bad reputation."
"Of course."
Shi Kai opened his mouth. He knew what Master Yao meant. It was imminent. He was waiting for Yan to destroy Chu. The next one would be Da Qian.
My family is about to perish, so how can I care about what is right or wrong and whether it is legal or not?
Shi Kai bowed and said:
"The disciple is taught."
Yao Zizhan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He had previously answered the other party in a sophistical way, but in fact, he shouldn't have.
At this time, a servant outside came to announce that there was an urgent military situation.
Yao Zhan was granted amnesty, left the classroom, and went straight to the front yard to sign the pledge room.
Sign in the room,
The servant looked at Yao Zizhan slumped on the chair, remained silent for a long time, and asked with concern:
"Master, what happened?"
Yao Zizhan glanced at the servant,
Take a long breath,
pursed his lips,
"Zhong Wendao, he suffered from hysteria last night and died this morning."
(End of this chapter)

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