The devil is coming

Chapter 477 Suppress the rebellion!

Chapter 477 Suppress the rebellion!
"Everything is under Uncle Ben's control."
Uncle Zheng still didn't know what he was holding.
But at this time,
In order to take care of Governor Mao’s emotions,
You can't tell him:
You are kneeling wrong!
How much this hurts the heart and self-esteem of this feudal official.
In order to maintain his family's face, Uncle Zheng finally had no choice but to silently shoulder everything by himself.
The goal now is clear,
There was a rebellion in Yingdu.
Then put down the rebellion.
"Master Mao, please come to your residence to rest. I will wait for you later."
"Yes, uncle."
Mao Mingcai seemed extremely docile this time. He understood that civil strife had broken out in Yingdu and a backbone was needed to quickly calm it down. At this time, it was best for there to be only one voice in Yingdu.
The blind man came over, supported Mao Mingcai, and motioned for him to follow him in.
And the Savage King who really exposed this matter,
Didn't follow him in,
Instead, he continued to follow Uncle Zheng,
After Uncle Zheng turned over on Pixiu, the Savage King also secretly squeezed out one of the guards' horses and turned over to sit on it.
In fact, in the Snow Customs, there are only a very few people who know the identity of the Savage King. These personal guards do not know the identity of the Savage King, but they can often see him playing chess with Mr. Bei, so they automatically balance the status of the Savage King. , the guard who had his horse robbed was not upset and silently retreated to the back.
As the military information was continuously reported one after another, Uncle Zheng also entered the state.
Uncle Zheng has been learning how to fight with Liang Cheng, and was personally taught by Marquis Jingnan. At the same time, he has been on so many battlefields. From south to north, he has seen all the battles that he should see, and they are all At the forefront.
With the unimaginable level of teachers and the rich experience of being on the front lines, even a pig placed in Uncle Zheng's position can still perform on paper.
What's more, Uncle Zheng is not a pig.
In the past, for the sake of the overall situation and for safety considerations, he had always postponed the opportunity to take action personally, but now in this situation, he does not find it difficult.
Since ancient times, the most important things to conspire against are the army and righteousness.
The army is more important than justice.
Nowadays, in the North and South Gate Camps outside Yingdu City, the soldiers and horses that were originally attracted by the rebellion have been completely restrained, and the North and South Gate Camps are stable. So for this rebellion that broke out from inside Yingdu City, although it is not huge, it is just A ball of virtual fire will not hurt anyone when it burns, nor will it burn for long.
As for righteousness, without even thinking about it, it must be Situ Yu, the former leader of the country.
"Send the order and order the guards of Ximen Camp to immediately divide into three groups. Two groups will focus on the north and south camps respectively, and the other group will enter the city to help quell the rebellion."
"Gao Yi, you immediately lead a team to Prince Cheng's Mansion and bring Situ Yu to the Prefect's Mansion for my protection. If he refuses to come, tell him and you will bear the consequences!
Just say, it was Uncle Ben who said this! "
"The last will obey!"
"I have the rest, follow me to the armory!"
There is a large amount of ordnance stored in the armory. If it is opened by the rebels, it is likely to cause a large loss of ordnance. Of course, the rebels will not be able to quickly arm many troops with these ordnance. In fact, even those untrained people in the city will With swords, guns and crossbows, they are not a big threat, but in order to avoid future troubles, they should be eliminated in advance.
Next, Uncle Zheng led a group of soldiers to the armory.
There was still fighting at the armory. The soldiers originally stationed at the armory suddenly launched a sneak attack under the command of Zhou Defense, which led to the guards of the armory being in chaos. Fortunately, the design of the armory was aimed at this. At one point, the remaining guards immediately began to close the locked doors, successfully blocking the breakthrough of Zhou Ren and his men. They waited for the reinforcements that Gao Yi had sent immediately after receiving the news. Now, the ordnance Ku's battle situation is divided into two parts, one is inside and the other is outside on the street.
Whether it is the three hundred personal guards led by Uncle Zheng or the Jingnan Army that was transferred earlier, they are both absolute elites and veterans on the battlefield. Their real excellence lies not in the sophistication of their weapons or their personal bravery. ,
Of course, there is no difference between the two;
But the real biggest advantage is that this kind of battlefield soldier knows how to maintain stability in a chaotic situation.
For example, the Jingnan Army, which was fighting with the rebels on the street, was the first batch of reinforcements. When facing Zhou Ren and the rebellious subordinates who came from all directions, they did not choose to advance rashly, but formed a formation. In this way, they took advantage of the terrain where the streets were not very wide and began to retreat layer by layer. Whenever the rebels felt that they were going to be repelled and were ready to rush inside to open the armory, these soldiers and horses immediately began to press forward again, giving the rebels Maintain pressure to prevent the rebels from achieving their goals.
The Savage King who was following Uncle Zheng saw this scene and couldn't help but lick his tongue in envy.
The strength of Dayan lies in this.
This kind of soldier quality is really unexplainable.
During the Second Battle of Wangjiang in the past, the savage army under his command was not bad at all in terms of ordnance due to the huge seizures. However, it was still in conflict with the Jingnan Second Army in Zhenbei led by the Marquis of Jingnan. , quickly disintegrated.
It's not that his men are not brave enough, it's not that the warriors of the saints are greedy for life and afraid of death. Moreover, before the war started, the Savage King also used his best method to give them absolute chicken blood through speeches and encouragement.
However, under the command of Jingnan Marquis, the various units of the Yan army changed formations during the charge, and like a pack of wolves, they began to penetrate and tear through their own army from all directions, which directly caused the collapse of their own command system, and then the self-collapse of all the troops. .
The casualties caused by the real head-on collision between the two sides were actually not many. They simply crushed themselves on the technical and tactical level, and crushed them into one word,
The Savage King had heard this word from the blind man's mouth before. It was very ruthless, yet very realistic. It was called...daicha.
The Zhenbei Army was formed more than a hundred years ago, among the corpses of 50 Qianguo Northern Expedition troops. For the next hundred years, it fought in the desert with the once arrogant barbarians.
Every captain of the Jingnan Army was personally promoted by the Marquis of Jingnan. In more than ten years, Tian Wujing had already completely instilled his concept of cavalry into this army.
And myself,
After more than ten years of dormancy, he traveled around the world, and in the last few years he rose up in the snowy plains. Although he had a direct lineage of soldiers who were the first to follow him, the army was still cobbled together in a short period of time.
This is really a generational difference.
Zheng Fan raised his arm,
He didn't even choose to pull out the sword from the mouth of Pixiu under his crotch.
Just raise your hand,
Pointing forward very casually,
It was light and natural, as if there was no smell of fireworks, just like when he was sitting on the threshold in front of the room where corpses were lying on the ground.
Behind Uncle Zheng, more than 200 knights immediately lined up and began to mobilize their horses. They formed a loose echelon formation and began to indirectly increase the horse speed in batches.
Uncle Zheng did not attack with all his troops, because the streets were not as good as the wild, and there was not much room for maneuver. If there were fewer people charging, the effect would be better.
The kind of person who holds a knife and shouts to his subordinates:
"Brothers, kill with me!"
Then they all pressed forward in a swarm.
One is that it’s stupid;
Secondly, by playing it this way, it loses the delicate sense of war and is very unsightly.
Liang Cheng likes to play it safe when fighting, perhaps because Uncle Zheng's family has always been weak, so Liang Cheng is forced to learn to fight with careful calculation when fighting.
Tian Wujing likes to be rigorous when fighting. No matter how complicated the war situation is, he can deal with it in a flawless manner. He is like an extremely skilled craftsman. No matter what the battle situation is outside, he is just repairing his hands in an orderly manner. After the items are repaired and the door is opened, the enemy army will be defeated.
Uncle Zheng was more influenced by Tian Wujing's tactics.
It’s not that Uncle Zheng thinks Tian Wujing’s fighting style is better than Liang Cheng’s.
but feel,
Marquis Jingnan commanded the battle,
So handsome.
Once upon a time, when Uncle Zheng was just a guard at Cuiliu Fort, he only had a small group of barbarian soldiers under his command, and he was trained by Fan Li to shout "Ula" when charging.
Later, he entered the capital with Marquis Jingnan and commanded Marquis Jingnan's personal guards in the prince's residence.
Draw your sword and put it away,
The guards around him cooperated neatly.
From that moment on,
Only then did Uncle Zheng understand,
That's the feeling you want.
A person lives a lifetime, and what he lives is responsibility;
As a second generation person, he lives a free and unrestrained life.
The cavalry charged, joined the battle, and with one charge, broke through the rebels gathered in front.
The soldiers behind Uncle Zheng deliberately dismounted and followed on foot to fight. The first line of reinforcements that had been formed immediately rushed out after seeing their uncle rushing to help.
For a time, the situation at the armory was completely reversed.
When the rebels rise up, all they have to fight for is one breath. This breath cannot last. If it stagnates, it will lead to chaos. If it becomes chaotic, it will collapse. If it collapses, it will collapse.
No matter how big or small the battle situation is, the truth is actually the same.
In the past, when Zheng Fan and Tian Wujing rode into the Tianduan Mountains, Tian Wujing once told Zheng Fan that in war, the focus is not on how to kill all the enemies, but on how to defeat them.
The rebels wanted to escape, but they were chased by the cavalry who had just passed through them and gave them a saber blow. Many people knelt down and abandoned their weapons and surrendered.
A school captain turned his attention to his uncle.
Zheng Fan just smiled,
"Don't stay alive."
It's not that Uncle Zheng is cold-blooded, cruel and murderous, but that there are a lot of disturbances in the city at this time, which should be extinguished with thunderous means. Where does he have the time to slowly sort things out with you in taking the prisoners?
Besides, after a rebellion, it’s not just the rebels who die. After the rebellion subsides, a major purge is inevitable. The crime of rebellion is the most implicated. When the time comes, more people will die. Most, right now, it's just a drizzle.
The rebels inside the armory also collapsed immediately after the Yan army broke in from the outside, but had nowhere to escape, and were all killed in the end.
Uncle Zheng continued to order the division of troops while stroking the mane of Pixiu under his crotch.
All the way to Ximen,
Go all the way to various gates and mansions to deliver orders, instructing them not to go out, not to have servants to escort them on the streets, and to only guard their homes. Otherwise, even if you are under the banner of helping to quell the chaos, you will be guilty of conspiracy.
On the other side, they held flags and rode horses to warn the people not to go to the streets, which was strictly prohibited in Yingdu.
After doing this, there was actually nothing left to do, especially since Uncle Zheng had also received the latest news. After the Ximen Camp had more than 3000 troops stationed outside the North and South Camps respectively, thousands more cavalry had already entered the city.
This virtual fire will be extinguished soon.
After that, it’s actually about finding the lesions and removing them.
It is impossible for this disease to go away. Although the virtual fire has not been burned, it has so many sparks that it is definitely not the kind of traitor hiding in the mountains or civilian alleys that can be involved.
Uncle Zheng hesitated for a moment.
Once the armory was leveled, and news of the defeat of rebels everywhere kept coming, he didn't know where to go next.
I originally wanted to go to the Prince Cheng's Mansion, have a glass of wine in the palace, and admonish Prince Xiao Cheng, just to kill the boring time at the moment, but who knew that Gao Yi sent a message saying that he had not taken anyone to the Prince Cheng's Mansion yet. , Prince Rencheng himself took the initiative to come to the prefect's mansion with the palace guards.
It's not good to be too sensible. It makes you have no work to do.
Fortunately, although the Savage King next to Uncle Zheng did not have the mental ability of the blind man, he was not bad at understanding people's hearts. He immediately saw Uncle Zheng's embarrassment and
He opened his mouth and said:
"Uncle, we can go to Sun Mansion now."
hear this,
Uncle Zheng just remembered,
He came out in a hurry before, but he still remembered what happened. It first happened in the Sun Mansion. The Sun Mansion was like a match, directly igniting the entire Yingdu.
Uncle Zheng asked immediately;
"How could the Sun family be traced?"
The Savage King was so moved that he burst into tears!
He had been waiting for a long time and finally heard this question from Uncle Zheng!
This is his handiwork. This is Gou Moli's genius. Uncle, I am still useful. I can help you accomplish things. Just throw the dog back into the secret room or cut him off halfway. It’s definitely a waste of natural resources!
But no matter how excited he was, the Savage King would not express it too obviously, at least not when stating his answer.
Those in power can appreciate you, but you must not feel too good about yourself, otherwise you will become annoying.
"If you go back to your uncle, please ask him to punish you. The note to search Sun Ying's house was written by me."
Uncle Zheng was a little surprised.
In fact, the original plan was very simple, just to gather people.
After the matter got bigger, he expressed his attitude, but he was not ready to attack the real wealthy families in Yingdu.
But now things have become completely serious, but they seem to be developing in the direction that is most in their own interests.
Looking at the way that Governor Mao knelt in front of him and took the initiative to apologize,
Perhaps the prefect of Yingdu, who was originally planning to write an excerpt to praise him, had to stay up all night to write an excerpt praising him, Uncle Zheng, for being wise, divine, martial, true, and a great Yan Zhongliang!
"Uncle, when I was reading the copies of the notes, I found that around Sun Ying, the eldest son of Sun, there was a group of people who entered the examination hall through substitution. The Sun family should have disdained this method, so I When I got suspicious, I took it upon myself to make the decision and wrote a note from Sun Ying."
"Only for this?"
Zheng Fan was a little curious.
Really, based on these clues, I caught such a big fish in my net.
The Savage King gritted his teeth and said bluntly:
"Uncle, I once played chess with Situ Lei and Dacheng Kingdom. Therefore, I am very familiar with the intricate relationships in Yingdu and the temperaments of all parties."
Zheng Fan nodded when he heard this. He agreed with this statement.
Maybe, this is the intuition of the Savage King. He is like an "emperor". When he browses the list of notes, the scene he enters is not the blind man's state of getting things done quickly, but a God's perspective. , analyzed these lists as if they were his own courtiers, and finally analyzed Sun Ying of the Sun family.
"This time, I'll take credit from you."
"Thank you uncle!"
Gou Moli's heart surged, and he knew that this was a good start.
Uncle Zheng patted Pixiu under him and said to his left and right:
"Go to Sun's house, go to Taifu Sun's mansion."
Sun Ying's house has been breached, and what he wants to go to now is naturally the main house of the Sun family.
nothing to do,
Go and meet the former Prime Minister of Dacheng Kingdom.
Uncle Zheng once joked with the blind man about the customs in Jin:
Speaking of Jin, it is important to note that behind a successful man there must be an even more successful man.
at the moment,
Uncle Zheng just wanted to see the man standing behind Situ Lei.
Just as Uncle Zheng’s team had just passed the corner of the street in front,
A black figure suddenly appeared in the courtyard wall on the other side of the street. The figure was wearing an iron mask and holding a broken knife, and he pounced directly on Uncle Zheng.
This is the master of rebellion.
"Protect uncle!"
Gou Moli immediately jumped up from the horse and wanted to place himself in front of Uncle Zheng to block the knife. However, because the Pixiu under Uncle Zheng's seat was two heads taller than an ordinary war horse, Gou Moli could not get over. , just bumped into Pixiu and fell to the ground.
He didn't mean to use this lame method to show his loyalty and avoid danger at the same time.
But he knew who was protecting Uncle Zheng!
I peeled chestnuts all the way for that person!
The two soldiers reacted immediately and tried to stop him with their swords. However, the masked man released a layer of sword energy on his broken sword, which bounced the two soldiers away. He completely let go of his back and left it to the opponent to chop, just for the sake of it. Instantly shorten the distance between you and Uncle Zheng!
Uncle Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he subconsciously prepared to turn sideways, just like avoiding arrows on the battlefield, letting his horse block the arrows for him.
at this time,
A neighing sound came,
Long Yuan flew by and hit the broken blade directly. The masked man's blade trembled, and he had no choice but to turn around.
Under this stagnation,
Immediately a group of soldiers surrounded him.
At the same time, there was another team of soldiers protecting his uncle behind him.
The masked man let out a chuckle,
he knows,
own assassination,
Long Yuan reversed,
It fell back into the hands of the white-clothed figure.
The masked man raised his head and looked at the figure,
"I never thought that in the past, I, the great swordsman of the Great Jin Dynasty, would actually serve the nobles and dignitaries like Yan and Dog!"
The white-robed swordsman walked slowly,
The surrounding soldiers gave way and allowed him to face the masked man.
The sword master's expression was a little desolate.
The masked man couldn't see his expression, but from his tone, one could guess that he must be extremely ferocious at this time.
"Yu Huaping, Yu Huaping, do you still remember that you are from Jin?"
"Remember." The sword master replied.
"Thank you for remembering, thank you for saying you remember!
Yu Huaping,
Lord Sword Saint,
Today you can block the knife for this swallow and dog,
Will you be able to have a drink with the savage king tomorrow? "
Gou Moli, who had fallen to the ground, raised his head.
"..." Sword Master.
Thanks to Zuzuzu Xinyue for becoming the 128th leader of Molin.
Thanks to Larryyu and MySw for their help.
Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you all!
When I was typing, I just saw a reader who was going to take the college entrance examination tomorrow waiting for the update, and I was very moved.
In fact, for high school students, the college entrance examination seems to be an end point, but in the future, you will find that the college entrance examination is just a new starting point in your life, and we actually have a broader and far-reaching life.
Here, I would like to wish all our high school and book friends who will rush to the examination room tomorrow:
The exam went smoothly, performed perfectly, left no regrets, and won the gold medal!
Come on!
(End of this chapter)

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