The devil is coming

Chapter 224 Discuss later

Chapter 224 Discuss later
The largest mansion in Shengle City is a partial general's mansion once appointed by the Helian family, which is equivalent to the guerrilla general of the Yan State. However, this general had already brought his vast army with him early in the morning before the Helian family prepared to go to war against the Yan State. Some of the soldiers and horses went to the west but did not come back, and there was no news.
I guess they are gone. After all, so many Jin people died in those ten days of bloody battles, and the battle lines stretched for thousands of miles. It was impossible to collect the corpses even if they wanted to, and I don't know how many corpses were fed to the vultures.
The dead man's mansion is unknown, but Zheng Fan and the many demon kings under his command do not care about this. In Hutou City, there is a fresh and haunted house where the hyena gang lives.
To put it bluntly, there are zombies, vampires, and demon children on my side. No matter how good the feng shui is, it is useless.
In the hall that had just been tidied up,
Zheng Fan leaned on the cushion of the first seat, slightly condescending.
Below, six demon kings were sitting in a circle. Apart from that, there was no outsider. Even serving tea and refilling the water was done by themselves.
It’s not that there is no one you can trust in this world, but it’s just that if no outsiders are around, the things we’ll talk about next will be more relaxed.
Zheng Fan rubbed his eyebrows, reached out and picked up the teapot, and took a big sip directly to his mouth.
We have a land, although it is not big, not rich, and not grand, it is just a small corner of the land;
But after all, things have finally begun. From now on, everyone can perform their duties, so this is not a celebration party, but more like a "spoils-sharing" party.
What surprised Zheng Fan was that all the demon kings seemed to have restrained their efforts to "lick" themselves. People who had been hungry for a long time were suddenly arranged to have a full banquet, and they became reserved and polite again.
After the last openness, Zheng Fan felt that at least on these matters, everyone could be honest with each other. Last time, he toasted all the demon kings with a cup of tea, and then everyone upgraded together.
This time, Zheng Fan didn't do anything bad. If we could smoothly and steadily improve everyone's strength, why not?
Zheng Fan had even hypnotized himself silently in his heart, repeatedly saying "Who do I trust?" "Who do I favor" and "Who do I trust?" But it seemed to be of no use.
It was as if there was an invisible threshold blocking the process of helping the demon kings regain their strength.
The demon kings present were actually aware of this. They had been waiting for a whole day since entering Shengle City, but no one had any reaction.
According to what he said last time, the Lord should not show off anymore, so everyone has also figured out that the problem may not be with people, but with things.
There can't be a disconnect between the big guy's strength recovery and the master's strength improvement, right?
If that were to happen, it would be a Muggle.
But fortunately, everyone can continue to wait patiently, because the Lord did not sleep last night.
Entering the city at night, cleaning the city, garrisoning, arranging troops and horses, and cleaning houses. Although entering is very smooth, both Shengle City and the Yan army are very cooperative and fast, but tidying up is also a must. step.
Let’s watch Siniang tonight.
The specific results will be known tomorrow morning.
If Siniang's "magic power surges" tomorrow, then everyone can just work hard together. At least the goal is ahead and the road is bright.
If even Si Niang can't...
Then we can only look for it again to see which link is the problem.
However, one code leads to another, and the improvement of strength depends on the direction of the wind, so what needs to be done tonight must still be done.
The theme this time is Shengle City’s development plan for the next five years.
The blind man presided over the meeting.
"I'm here."
Fan Li rubbed the back of his head, as if he felt a little embarrassed to be the first to talk about himself.
"First, tell me about the project you are responsible for."
"I'll be the first to say it."
Fan Li was a little flattered and a little moved.
"Well, let's get rid of the useless people first, and then we can get down to business."
"..." Fan Li.
Fan Li had a good temper, otherwise he would have picked up the ax next to him and killed the blind man.
"Ali, you are responsible for the construction. The city needs to be widened, the moat needs to be dug again, and the construction of the barracks is all under your control."
Fan Li's brain, you say he is brilliant, he is often not brilliant, you say he is stupid, but sometimes you are "shocked" by him!
It is safest for a person like this to be thrown into the construction site.
After all, he is the one who eats the most. If he doesn't contribute, who will? He can't just waste the food.
In addition, Fan Li is actually very good at carpentry, which is actually different from Xue San's. Xue San is good at making small objects, while Fan Li is good at larger ones. In the comic plot before, he had his own private territory. , a palace built with human sticks.
"It needs to be completed with quality and quantity, do you understand?"
"I save it."
"Well, once the transformation is completed, you can set up a blacksmith workshop and forge weapons."
No one had any objections to Fan Li's arrangement, and it was passed happily.
Next, the blind man faced Xue San and said:
"San'er, you personally train a group of scouts and spies to come out. Remember, they are scouts and spies, not assassins."
Scouts and spies will be widely used in future wars, and they are also Xue San's strengths.
The reason why it is specially marked not to train as an assassin is that it takes too much time and secondly, at least for now, there are not many opportunities to use it.
If you really need to use it, just use Xue San.
"How many people will you give me?" Xue San asked immediately.
He is different from Fan Li. To do these things, Fan Li only needs to mobilize the people. Anyway, the devil kings are not short of wealth now. They have money, so it is not difficult to do civil work.
Xue Sanze knew that his manpower must be obtained from the army.
"How much do you want?"
Xue San raised his palm and said:
"500 people."
A Ming next to him smiled "haha" and said:
"Are you going to form the Chinese Dragon Group?"
"I want you to take care of it!"
At this time, the blind man faced Zheng Fan and indicated that Zheng Fan would make the decision.
When the demon kings are discussing matters, they must give Zheng Fan a sense of presence, otherwise the Lord will fall asleep. Isn't this too disrespectful to the Lord?
This is why primary school students can read the speeches according to them but also have to find leaders to read them.
However, this is not just to give the Lord a sense of presence, but Zheng Fan has been on the war for so long after all, has experienced many wars, stayed with Li Fusheng, and also stayed with Tian Wujing;
To put it bluntly, even a pig, under such treatment and training, should be able to hum a few words of 36 Strategies.
"San'er, one hundred, just one hundred." Zheng Fan said.
"No, Lord, I..."
"The Barbarian Army, the Jin Army, the Yan Army, the Tufa Army, and even the Thousand Jingnan Army, whoever you like, just drag them in, and we will count them together, the regular army, the puppet army, the servant army, etc. It’s almost [-], you take your pick.
As for the future, when our family's foundation is stronger, you can expand it further. How big a pot can make a big meal, let's do this first. "
"Yes, my lord is wise." Xue San agreed.
Zheng Fan looked at the blind man,
He tapped his fingers on the coffee table.
The blind man nodded and said:
"A Ming, you are responsible for opening a few more small workshops. Things like soap and perfume were handed over to the Sixth Prince in the past, but now that the Sixth Prince's property has been handed over to the treasury, we don't have to worry about it anymore. The patent is sold, let’s move on.”
A Ming said:
"The court won't blame you?"
"The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Besides, after the Yan Kingdom conquered half of the Jin Kingdom, its territory expanded too fast. We have to pay for part of the money and food for the garrison on the spot. We here will have enough food and clothing ourselves. As long as the Yan Emperor doesn't personally say something to blame, Even if the Hubu side wants to say something, Marquis Jingnan is there to support it."
"it is good."
A Ming agreed.
"A Cheng, you are responsible for leading the troops."
Liang Cheng nodded.
Right now, the army is a hodgepodge. The original team of more than 1000 people is like blowing up a balloon, and it instantly becomes 5000 people. If we don't adjust and summarize it, big problems will occur.
However, if it is left to Liang Cheng, it won't be a big problem.
Zheng Fan has always felt that the fundamental reason why Liang Cheng looks inferior to Jingnan Hou is that everyone has different room for performance and different fundamentals. Even if they are at the same level, it is not necessarily the case who loses and who wins.
"As for me, the dozens of people from the Wen family are going to enter the Yamen first, start with the registration of citizens, first do the work in Shengle City, then the nearby ones, and finally, go to the savage settlements in the Tianduan Mountains .”
This is a big job, which is equivalent to registering household registration for everyone.
"Siniang, you are in charge of the money and food."
"Okay." Siniang took over the job.
"My lord, my subordinates have made arrangements. Please correct me."
The seven demon kings, except for Magic Pill, who is not suitable for doing things, all have their own errands.
"Okay, let's do this for now, but I only have one request. Build a soup pool in the back house first."
I have been thinking about taking a bath for a long time.
"This is what it should be." The blind man agreed readily.
"Well, let's just leave it at that. Oh, by the way, I've advanced to the seventh level, and I'm not hiding it. I don't know why you haven't improved your strength."
This is a very open and honest attitude.
The blind man smiled and said,
"Lord, this is not urgent. You can rest first and talk about it later."
The other demon kings, except for Si Niang, all spoke together:
"My lord, take a rest first and talk later."
"Hey, I'm surprised. You used to be more anxious than anyone else. Why are you all becoming vegetarian this time?"
The blind man responded:
"My lord, things have to be urgent. Do it step by step, step by step. We were too impatient in the past. My subordinates felt that my lord should rest first and consolidate our state;
It's getting late, my lord,
Let’s discuss it later. "
(End of this chapter)

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