The sun never sets in America

Chapter 424 Europe: Crown and Asia Minor

Chapter 424 Europe: Crown and Asia Minor
"This is a damn quagmire, a blood-sucking swamp!!"

What Russian Lieutenant General Sergey said to the reporters accompanying the army of Moscow Daily, with pictures:
(The muddy position, the empty-eyed soldiers, the old-looking soldiers, and the constantly smoking battlefield)


The sound of the bolt pulling sounded in Yankonov's hand. This was the first time he had pulled this damn, almost rusty "Yav" rifle.

(Russia’s standard rifle is imitated from the Han Dynasty’s Type 19 bolt-action rifle. Because the factory was named Yavkaka at the time, it was also called the Yav rifle or Kaka rifle.)

A bullet was fired from Yankonov's hand, and finally hit a tree in a circle. The Ottoman who was targeted by him fled in panic, without giving him any second chance. Opportunity to launch.


"Damn Osman!!"

Yankonov cursed, but stepped on the muddy ground neatly with his hands, and hurried back, not for anything else, just because dinner was about to be served.

On a high ground in the back, billowing smoke with "sour" smoke was floating around, and there were oversized Russian aunts standing around.

"Tell me, who the bastard told you??"

Of course, for Russia, which had the upper hand, they lost, and at most the dynasty changed, and the Romanov family's rule in Russia ended. But for the Ottomans, this war was no longer a simple Russian-Turkish war. It is a fateful war.

"Really invaded Asia Minor??"

"Damn it, you stupid little cobbler!!"

"Yang Ke, you look much stronger recently than before. If I remember correctly, you were not that fat when you first came!!"

"How do you know? Did you already know it??"

Yankonov grabbed Zelashimov's hand with such force that a scream could even be heard.

Yankonov asked in a choking tone, and after finishing speaking, he burped briefly.

Zelashimov used a very new tone to "pretend" to him, and his triangular cross-eyes constantly emitted the light of "wisdom."

"Damn, we've really entered Asia Minor, God, we're going to win!!"


(According to the secret agreement between Han and Russia, food was provided during wartime. Among them, canned products with long storage time were the best, followed by fresh flour and rice. It is also for this reason that the canners in Han Dynasty almost used all the stepping-stone products over the years. Through the Xianbei Railway, through the Aral Sea, and sent to Russia)
"Yang Ke, Yang Ke..."

It can be said that this is the last wealth of the two countries. If either party loses, it can basically declare the end of the country.

The two parties involved in the war were the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

After taking the lunch box and going to the other side to get a piece of black bread thick enough to kill someone, Yankonov, like most Russian soldiers, hid in the ditch below the position, accompanied by the squeaking of mice, using his knife over and over again. I don’t know why it’s brown bread that’s hard to cut after cutting it once.


"Real or false, tell me quickly??"

"Crazy, totally crazy!!"

The aunt named Yin Na used a "public" tone and said what she would say to almost everyone.

While this infantry regiment code-named "15" was cheering collectively for entering the Asia Minor Peninsula, Asia Minor, hundreds of kilometers away, was undergoing the largest battle in history.

This kind of miso soup made from red cabbage is a favorite among Russians, for no other reason than that it is high in calories and rich in nutrients. It is a rare delicacy for Russia, which is in short supply of supplies and has a harsh environment.

Feeling the slap from behind, Yankonov swallowed hard the unpalatable black bread, took a sip of borscht, and turned around with a sad expression.

Zelashimov rubbed his black hands and cursed the sealskin cutting skills of the Yankonov family.

“Do you know what’s happening on the front line now??”

Yankonov casually said "Asia", causing Zelashimov's expression to change immediately, and even the cross-eyed eyes of the symbol glowed with "ignorance".

Maybe, this is the Russian woman who wants to be strong throughout her life! !
"Wow!", the big spoon was brought down, and the sparse borscht soup was scooped up and poured into the Chinese lunch box. A few beetroots could still be seen.

Zelashimov's perfunctory answer made Yankonov jump up, dance and shout:

Yankonov's next words and his excited expression made Zelashimov not know how to answer.

“Really, really, really arrived in Asia Minor!!”

"What's wrong??"

"Yes, it's all because of your food!!"

The Russian troops numbered 1.1 million, the Ottomans 1.5 million, and the total strength exceeded 2.6 million.

Zelashimov's muddy face kept changing expressions that were hard to see clearly, and his lips could be seen trembling when he uttered words.

The aunt was very strong, at least Yankonov thought she was stronger than him, because he saw with his own eyes an aunt from the woodcutting station, carrying a log back alone. Good guy, that thing was two inches thicker than his head. The loop was long and thick. I really don’t know how she carried it back.


Yankonov's casual perfunctory answer overshadowed this so-called "you want me to answer."

When the people around him heard this, they were shocked at first, and then shouted "God" excitedly. Some believers even started to kneel down to worship.

"You won't tell us that we have already entered Asia Minor, right?"

Eating the hard bread with the taste of "sawdust" in his mouth, Yankonov missed the Han country. To be precise, he missed the canned food provided to them by the Han people.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a familiar figure, Zelashimov, who lived in the countryside of Western Siberia like him.

Zelashimov obviously did not believe that Yankonov would guess it by himself. He only believed that some guy knew the inside story of the front line earlier than he did.

If they lose, they are not far away from becoming slaves. Thinking about how they treat other races, you can imagine how miserable the Turks will be by then.

And this war also overshadowed the American war that has been raging in recent days, and overshadowed the shocking "800,000 surrender".

For Europeans, although the wars in America were magnificent and "frightening", only European things were the most important.

As the core linking the Eurasian continent, Asia Minor, not even a European who has attended middle school, knows what it means.

Ancient Byzantium, Constantinople that had been lost for hundreds of years, and the Ottoman Turkish Empire that had dominated Europe for hundreds of years.

All of them, as long as they are normal Europeans, will understand that once the war situation in Asia Minor changes, or even as long as the Russians win, the pattern of Europe will undergo earth-shaking changes.

If for ordinary people, this is just a war, it can even be said to be exciting. After hundreds of years, the Europeans have once again taken back Asia Minor, which belongs to Europe, and Constantinople, which belongs to the Europeans.

But for some people, all this is not allowed and is a "shame".

They are not Ottomans, but Europeans themselves, to be more precise, those "noble" guys.



The vase was smashed to the ground. In the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon III tore into pieces the "letter of thanks" written by Nicholas. The first sentence in the letter made Napoleon III furious:

"Dear Louis, we will meet in Constantinople, and when the time comes, I will introduce you to the city and we will worship in the Sophia Cathedral..." "Damn, damn Nicholas!!"

“What does he think he is, return to Constantinople, which is now called Istanbul!!”

"Damn bastard, what does he think he is, the Roman Emperor? No, even if he takes it, he doesn't want me to recognize his illegal crown that has no legal basis!!"


Napoleon III kept making "personal attacks" on the Russian Czar Nicholas. In his eyes, this damn Nicholas was a naked thief.

Look at what he said and look forward to meeting him at Sophia Cathedral. Napoleon III could see what he wanted to say at a glance.

This damn bastard was just showing off to him and showing off the Russian army's achievements. It could even be said that this bastard was showing him and the French Empire that they wanted to be "equal" and even wanted to ride on France's head.

"Damn", murmuring the word that is about to become a mantra, Napoleon III circled back and forth. For him, once Russia really took over Asia Minor and regained Constantinople, there was no doubt that France had finally built up the power through war. , will be surpassed by the Russians in an instant.

Napoleon III felt nauseated when he thought of those lowly "Slavs" calling themselves Romans.

He even had the feeling of a diamond stuck in cow dung.

"Damn", after the last sentence, Napoleon III kept pacing in the palace, and finally raised his head and shouted outside:
"Let Lord Diesel come over!!"

After shouting, Napoleon III walked to the window and murmured to himself with a complicated expression:
"Even if you really take Asia Minor and take back Constantinople, France will not lose!!"

"Because my name is Napoleon and my last name is Bonaparte!!!"

Napoleon III's gaze seemed to have traveled through Paris to the Iberian Peninsula.


"Look at what a big thing our dear Russian friends have done. They marched into Asia Minor..."

"Woohoo, they're going to win!!"

In his office at No. 10 Downing Street, Russell, as Prime Minister, spoke about Asia Minor in extremely exaggerated terms.

On the opposite side, the new Minister of Intelligence, Amousai, who is responsible for MI6, echoed in the same sarcastic tone:

"Maybe it will be another Crimean War. After all, the Russians have always had a good appetite, but they have a pair of rotten teeth full of cavities..."

By the end, the mean British accent filled the entire office.

"Amousai, how long do you think it will take the Russians to take over the entire Asia Minor?"

"One month, or two months??"

Although Russell said it very lightly, in fact, people who know him know that the more moments like this, the more he feels out of control.

Originally, the British Empire was going to directly send troops to intervene in the Russian-Turkish war two months ago, but Napoleon III's actions in Spain and his wooing of the Netherlands suddenly made the British sense of crisis reach its peak. For the so-called "Russia first" There are not so many people supporting the strategy of “post-law”.

“Maybe three months!!”

Amousai looked very serious when he said this. After all, he was the top official in charge of intelligence, and he was very clear about the current situation between Russia and Turkey.

Even though the Ottoman troops outnumber the Russians by 400,000, according to estimates by Amousai and the intelligence agents below, half of the so-called 1.4 million troops are "strong men" recruited in the past month and are real cannon fodder.

As for the fate of cannon fodder, no one knows better than the British.

"Three months..."

Russell was muttering "March", but he was thinking about things in America.

“Have Americans not chosen to surrender yet??”

"Are they still thinking of rejecting aid from the British Empire??"

When Russell mentioned the United States, he could not help but reveal "sarcasm" on his lips. If we were talking about who was happiest during the American War, the British Empire must be at the top.

Even if the situation in America is getting more and more out of control, for British people like Russell, isn't it a good thing that Americans are unlucky? ?
The more unlucky they are, the more they prove how stupid the so-called independence was at the beginning! !
"They haven't let go yet. I asked the minister in Washington a while ago, and he told me that the Americans still have the idea of ​​​​successful blocking."

"Although this idea has been shattered, if I want them to surrender completely, I'm afraid..."

Amousai did not understand the tough-talking ideas of Americans. They had reached this level and were still unwilling to accept the "friendship" of the British Empire.

As for those costs, what can be achieved is nothing more than opening up Wall Street, opening up the market, and letting the British in.

It can be said that as long as the Americans are wise, this shameful surrender of 800,000 people will not happen. Maybe they have successfully landed at Longhe Port and failed to reverse the situation! !
(When the war was at its craziest, the British proposed to the United States that they could lend a fleet to form a joint fleet to destroy Han's Atlantic Fleet, occupy Long River, Han's only Atlantic outlet, and open up the entire front. , and even turned defeat into victory, but the Americans rejected this proposal due to strategic and dignity issues, and in the end there was another disastrous defeat.)
"It is more difficult to expect those stupid Americans to become smart than to introduce the Irish into the civilized world!!"

Russell's mouth has begun to equate the United States and Ireland.

Opposite him, Amousai nodded noncommittally, and then spoke:
"But I guess they won't be able to support it for long. According to pre-war estimates, the failure of this war will cause them to lose at least half of the southern states. They can't support it for much longer!!"

Just when Amousai said these words, the Han army was already advancing on all fronts in the south, aiming directly at Florida.

"Haha, I think the most sensitive people about the Russians entering Asia Minor now are not us, but our French neighbors."

"That new Emperor Napoleon, that new Sun King, is not a generous person!!"

"France and the Russians are falling out. I'm sure it depends on when the Russian army takes over Istanbul!!"

Russell saw the "deal" between France and Russia very clearly. In his opinion, the reason why the British Empire is now passive and has not dared to exert force in Europe to attack its opponents is that the biggest trouble is the "Franco-Russia Alliance". It is an alliance more threatening than any alliance in the past.

Just look at the map and you will know what places you will experience along the way from Moscow to Paris. Any normal strategist will understand what a terrifying impact France and Russia will have if they unite.

And this is also the fundamental reason why the UK has been hesitant.

“Maybe it’s not Istanbul, maybe they’ll fall out on the road!!”

"Ha ha……"

Amousai's words filled the entire office with laughter.

"But Her Majesty the Queen seems to be in a very bad mood recently. She has repeatedly asked us to intervene in everything that happens in Asia Minor. Prime Minister, I'm afraid..."

Amousai remembered the ugly expression on Queen Victoria's face when she went to Buckingham Palace yesterday to report her work, and became afraid. At this critical moment, Her Majesty the Queen must not act out of emotion! !
You know, once the British intervened, the originally good separation of France and Russia turned into a marriage between France and Russia. By then it would be too late to cry! !

"Let me advise Her Majesty the Queen, you don't have to worry about this!!"

Russell knew very well why Queen Victoria was unhappy, and it was not those damn Russians who had always claimed inheritance rights to the Roman Empire. This was a huge provocation to the British royal family, which could only rely on India to obtain the crown.

You must know that in the entire Europe, there is only one person who is truly qualified to be called emperor, and that is Queen Victoria with the Indian Crown. The others, whether it is Napoleon III's French Empire, Joseph's Austrian Empire, or Nicholas's Russia, are all fake. , are all self-proclaimed and have no effect.

In real diplomatic situations, their status is at most a little higher than those of "kings", and there will be no essential difference.

The biggest gap is Crown.

And thousands of miles away in Xijing, when Liu Peng received the battle report about Florida's "victories", he looked at the information about Asia Minor in his hand and said with a smile:

"Roman Emperor, what a tempting hat, Nicholas, Nicholas, you must wear it!!"

(End of this chapter)

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