The sun never sets in America

Chapter 414: Railway Siege Battle

Chapter 414: Railway Siege Battle
The Stars and Stripes hang high and flutter in the wind, giving people a feeling of "The Return of the King."

Under the stars and stripes, there are those "singing and dancing" U.S. military soldiers.

They sang loudly under the big tree called "Virginia Lakes." This song was the most popular country ballad in the United States in the past few years. This song basically tells a story in the Virginia countryside in the eastern state.

The reason why it can be sung in such a place is because of the line in the song: "As time passes, the flowers of Texas will eventually bloom the flowers of freedom."

So when a soldier wore a newly woven garland and sang this song loudly under the big tree, everyone resonated.

"Lucci, drink, why don't you drink?"

"Robbie, I don't want to drink, you can drink!!"

Lu Qi is a lieutenant colonel officer, and his military position is the lieutenant colonel deputy commander of a regiment under the 55th U.S. Division, and Robby in front of him is his superior.

"No, Lu Qi, this is the taste of victory, you must taste it-"

“You can’t enjoy victory if you don’t taste it!!”

The sergeant looked at the shoe prints on Hu Fengyun's face and couldn't bear it anymore. He laughed directly in front of him.

Robbie smelled of alcohol, smiled and said to Luo Qi, and then staggered away from here. When leaving, he did not forget to force the wine bottle into Lu Qi's hand, and even said: :
"Let us party all night long for victory!!"

"Facts have proven that Han Guoguo's previous achievements were probably obtained through conspiracy. Even if they really have the strength, they will not be able to continue fighting at this time!!"

After that, he joined the "little game" played by the officers.

"Ha ha……"


War is like a mirror, showing the truest side of the world.

"The whole of Texas, or Youzhou in the mouth of the Han people, is beef in our mouth. Those Han soldiers hiding in the castle with barbed wire and machine guns can only pray that our machine guns will come later, otherwise At that time, the identity of the God of Death will be changed!!"

"Lu Qi, you know, this war is different from that one. This time we have completely taken the initiative. It is impossible for the Han people to implement such tactics again. Their numbers are simply not as large as ours."

In the carriage, there were Han soldiers everywhere, stuffed with weapons and ammunition, and specially managed by people. "No Smoking" signs were placed everywhere.

Robbie opened his military uniform shirt, unbuttoned his shirt impatiently, and breathed "brandy" in his mouth, which made Lu Qi, who never liked drinking, very uncomfortable. Several times, he knocked his head when the other party was talking. He turned to avoid the smell that made him sick.

Hu Fengyun hurriedly took down the military boots that were placed on the table as a pillow, and the soles of the shoes were just exposed.

"When you were at West Point, you should have known the conditions for victory, right?"

"The rest is supplies, battlefield situation, and who makes fewer mistakes!!"

Yes, compared to New York, where singing and dancing are flourishing and military stocks are soaring, Texas is so cruel! !

When Lu Qi said his words, there was some "fluctuation", as if he didn't believe it at all.

"I think you already have the answer in your mind!!"

On the plains of Youzhou, a train carrying a regiment was moving forward at high speed on the railway tracks.

On the opposite side, Robbie, who was in high spirits, immediately said to Lu Qi with his cheeks that were completely red after hearing this, and in a tone full of alcohol and dissatisfaction: "Lucci, I think you are wrong, we have already We are about to capture the entire central part of the country, and the second line of defense of the Han army is almost surrounded by us. Except for big cities and railway lines, you can tell us which places we have not occupied??"

Robbie was a typical impatient person. He directly put the silver flask in his hand into the opponent's hand, Lu Qi, and kept asking the opponent to "enjoy the victory."

"Click, click!!"

Rocky, who stayed where he was, looked at the soldiers and officers who seemed to be floating around and said with a disappointed expression:
"Military strength has never been the key to failure, arrogance and jealousy are!!"

In the eyes of those people, isn't war just about a few new weapons that rule everything? As for people, they probably haven't been that important in their eyes for a long time, right? ?
"Aren't you afraid of failure? Don't forget how we lost the war in Montana!!"

But what he didn't expect was that when Robbie heard these words, he laughed out loud. He didn't look worried at all, as if this painful lesson didn't exist.

"Alas, alas, give way..."

"The troops are stronger than the opponent, the tactics and weapons are at least one level higher than the opponent, and the morale of the soldiers is higher-"

On the opposite side, Robbie continued to open his "smoky" mouth and said in shock: "Our army has controlled most of Texas, even including the toilet just now."

Lu Qi intermittently repeated all the questions he answered to the teacher at West Point Military Academy when he was in school. It looked like he was doing a "math problem" that he had already done ten years ago.

Listening to those arrogant words in his ears, Lu Qi's expression turned ugly. He didn't expect that even Robbie, who was usually quite smart, would have such stupid ideas.

Lu Qi reminded Robbie about Montana with a serious expression. He hoped to use Montana's lessons to awaken those "pig-brained" guys who were blinded by the so-called victory.

"Papa", feeling the tap on the shoulder and the urging in the ear, Hu Fengyun stupidly raised his face, which was already asleep and he didn't know who he was.

The people around him cheered wildly, including the group leader Robbie. Even when the song started, he even said in shock: "Oh, this is New York!!"

Robbie then asked a question that Lu Qi's teacher had asked when he was in military school.

“Brother, I’m talking about you!!”

When he first heard about the "machine gun victory theory", Lu Qi felt something was wrong. After all, if machine guns were so powerful, why hadn't the Han army defeated them yet? ?

After saying that, he imitated those people and started to "drift", and even sang "New York at Night" himself.

"Of course I know that if any side wants to win a war, it must do the following."

Along the way, there were also military police wearing white "supervision helmets" to maintain order.

Looking at Robbie who was already a little drunk in front of him, Lu Qi looked at Robbie opposite him with a complicated expression:
"Robbie, do you really think we won, or do you really think we achieved victory??"

"So in a war where the number of people is much smaller than the opponent's, how do you defeat the opponent, and do so while losing a large number of important towns?"

"Haha, buddy, your face is really unique!!"

"Brother, use that one for sleeping in the future. That thing is better than this one!!"

As the sergeant left, he pointed to the military backpack abandoned by Hu Fengyun, and then continued to move toward the crowded aisle.

Hu Fengyun, who had completely woken up, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then looked out the window in confusion.

I saw farmland everywhere that had not been burned by the US military. Because no one had taken care of it for a long time, the crops in the farmland looked like a bunch of "old men" who had lost control of their hair. They could grow wherever they wanted. long.

When he saw the patrols riding on horses and carrying radios on their backs, Hu Fengyun immediately remembered the identity of the other party, the Railway Army! !
Hu Fengyun's only impression of the Railway Army was the scene when the other side came to support him during a war.

It can be said that at that time, without that division, their regiment might have fallen into the hands of those "American lackeys".

And he will also end the so-called "immortality record."

"Get off the car, get off the car..."

Just when Hu Fengyun was about to go to the logistics compartment to "get some food and drink", a rough sound of getting off the car completely ended his free whoring plan.


“My lamb chops!!”

Ever since he saw the canned mutton chops being transported on the bus, Hu Fengyun had been eyeing the logistics compartment No. 8, but before he could take action, the bus stopped.

"Why did you stop??" "Yes, aren't you going to Longjiang??"

Hearing those doubts in his ears, Hu Fengyun gave countless "thumbs up" in his heart. He was even fantasizing about moving on, and then relying on habit, sneaking into the logistics compartment and eating and drinking.

"There is no why!!"

"Everyone is here, collect your bags, collect your guns, and get out of the car!!"

The major glanced at the questioning soldiers with stern eyes, and then gave the order to get off the bus quickly while they were trembling.

When the sound of intensive and anxious cleaning up sounded, Hu Fengyun, an old "corpse picker", had already packed his military bag, picked up his rifle, which killed two unlucky guys in total, and followed those "human spirits" Get off the bus first.

On the grassland blown by the west wind, there are no cattle or sheep anymore, only the calf-high grass is left, silently telling the pain of the "love" of the sheep.

The sound of the wheels turning was heard in his ears. As the car drove farther and farther, Hu Fengyun, who was still looking around, suddenly had a bad premonition.

He reached into his bag and his expression suddenly turned cold. This expression had appeared once in the last war, and it had also appeared before.

And when this expression appears, it means that he has lost money again! !
Looking back at the train that had traveled half a mile, Hu Fengyun swallowed, and then murmured to himself: "That guy who took my money, you have to save a little, that will be a big problem for me, grandpa." The bonus of immortality!!”

There was indescribable bitterness on the corner of his mouth, and his mind was full of the crazy laughter after receiving the thousand yuan bonus, and the classic sentence:
"One thousand yuan, one thousand yuan, you can't spend it all in a lifetime!!"

When the words "March to the West" sounded, Hu Fengyun was still immersed in the dream of why he "cannot make a fortune".

It wasn't until the person behind him gave him a push that Hu Fengyun pretended to be calm as usual and slowly embarked on the road to the back of Shacheng.


The huge map of the railway line was clearly displayed throughout the conference room.

Standing around were numerous "think tanks" of the Right Army, including the only big shot Dong Ziqin.

"Everyone, Dong Shuai!!"

Before the introduction, Yuan Qing first gave a routine greeting to everyone in front of him. When he was with Dong Ziqin, he was obviously much more polite.

"This is the location of the US military!!"

Yuan Qing pointed to Luozhou and the surrounding areas of Nandao City, as well as the locations on the vast plains.

(Austin, San Antonia)

"As for our army, in addition to standing still in major cities, we are also operating along the railway lines."

Yuan Qing's baton kept hitting the railway lines around Longjiang. These railway lines were intricate. Except for some parts that were successfully attacked by the US military, most of them were still in a relatively intact state.

In Yuan Qing's view, the railway line was the key to victory in this war.

"According to our army's initial plan, we will continuously deploy surrounding armies through railway lines to fight a war of attrition with the opponent, and finally engage in an encirclement war to end this war!!"

The plan Yuan Qing talked about was actually the plan he had made before the war.

"But war is constantly changing. The current situation is no longer suitable for a support war. What I mean is to skip the support and just go all out to engage in an encirclement and annihilation war!!"

As expected, Yuan Qing's words caused quite a commotion, but it quickly calmed down. After all, everyone was smart. After thinking for a moment, they understood Yuan Qing's specific intentions.

“What’s the specific troop strength??”

Dong Ziqin put his hands in the pockets of his trousers and held a cigar in his mouth. At this moment, he looked more and more like Tao Shuai now.

Even if you look at his hairstyle and the slightly protruding belly, he will even be labeled as "middle-aged and greasy", but if you look at the four stars on his shoulders and the newly promoted " With the title of "Nan Zhengbo", you will find that Dong Ziqin is really charming! !
Of course, the above is Dong Ziqin in the eyes of the ladies. In the eyes of other officers, this is a devil who does not rub sand in his eyes.

Dong Ziqin always smiles at people who don't want to do anything. To those subordinates, he is a complete bastard. This is how he is when teaching.

Dong Ziqin even has a famous saying:

"If you did it, I don't necessarily know. If you didn't do it, I definitely know!!"

"The current strength of our army is still stable at 550,000 people. Compared with the 620,000 before the war, our army has lost 70,000 people in this war!!"

"The number of the US military is better than ours. It was 1.1 million before the war. Now, there are at least 900,000. Even if we count the 100,000 slave troops that have been successfully mobilized in the rear, they can still guarantee 100,000. The size of an army of tens of thousands!!”

After Yuan Qing said this, he paused obviously. After observing the relatively calm reactions of the people around him, he continued:
"Although the current strength of our army is lower than that of the opponent, our army actually has a lot of backup support."

"According to the above intelligence, currently in Mexico, 200,000 troops have been mobilized again, and Japan has also mobilized another 300,000 troops as required. It can be said that in terms of numbers, our army is not inferior to the opponent, and even exceeds it. A little bit..."

"Of course, except for those useful Japanese dwarves, it is not that easy to get the Mexicans to quickly adapt to the war and even do the fence work well!!"

"So I think we should learn from the north and directly mix the Japanese and Mexican troops, and use those Japanese dogs who are not afraid of death to scare the timid Mexican pug!!"

Yuan Qing resented the Mexican army, even more strongly than the Han army in the north.

The fundamental reason is still because of a famous surrender some time ago.

The protagonist of the surrender was a Mexican infantry battalion that had not fired a single shot. You must know that until the time of surrender, the battalion was still in neat appearance, with shining weapons. Even the soldiers were well-fed, and they looked like "elite soldiers" at first glance.

There was even a joke later because of this incident, that is, this group of Mexican soldiers mutinied in the middle of the night because they demanded that the Yankees keep their promises and give them special prisoner treatment, which was not fulfilled, and killed dozens of American guards.

Although it was later suppressed, the joke spread from the United States to Han Dynasty, and finally to Youzhou.

After Dong Ziqin heard Yuan Qing's suggestion about Japan and Mexico joining the army, he nodded slightly, which was regarded as acknowledging this "good suggestion".

Then he added:
"We can learn from the experience of the north, but we must also integrate it according to our actual military needs."

Yuan Qing followed Fusou, and then continued: "According to our army's initial plan, we will use the railway line and the cavalry army that has been inserted into the enemy's rear to engage in a high-level encirclement battle. The enemy forces surrounded will be Mongolian." Twice as big as the Battle of Dana..."

"According to the latest plan, my opinion is to let the cavalry army and part of the army directly attack Louisiana first, cutting off any possible support from the south at the source..."

"Whether it's supplies or so-called soldiers, we will not leave them with them."

Yuan Qing's face showed arrogance, and then he added: "As for your so-called 100,000 slave army, there is nothing better than annihilating them outside Youzhou!!"

"Because I'm afraid that when they come, they will pollute the entire natural environment of Youzhou..."

Yuan Qing looks very different from some white supremacist guys. Maybe he doesn't like wearing "black clothes" by nature.

Everyone around nodded. Obviously, letting a group of lowly slaves enter the "sacred Han soil" is a more disgusting thing than the Yankees! !

"Once our army takes over Louisiana, we don't even need all of it, we just need to block the road to Youzhou, then this so-called million-strong army will become a real million-dollar ant..."

"Their fate is to perish!!"

Yuan Qing's tone became stronger and stronger, and he even felt like he was going to join the war at any time.

Dong Ziqin, who was opposite him, asked: "Will they starve to death?"

"Dong Shuai, they burned all the food. Besides starving to death and surrendering, is there another option?"

Yuan Qing's "sarcastic" eyes showed disdain for Americans.

(End of this chapter)

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