The sun never sets in America

Chapter 405: Youzhou Storm: Ten Thousand

Chapter 405 Youzhou Storm: Millions

Youzhou, Shacheng Farm...

A dozen tall war horses were patrolling near the farm, and inside the farm were two middle-aged men wearing ordinary officer uniforms without military caps.

One of them is obviously older than the other.

"Is Dong Shuai worried again??"

Yuan Qing was riding on a horse, holding a whip in his hand. He turned back to look at Dong Ziqin, who was riding a brown war horse, with a hint of "looming" concern on his face.

Dong Ziqin, who was opposite him, looked melancholy, as if he was being tortured, and said with a slightly bitter expression:

"This is a troubled time, and the U.S. military has mobilized millions of people to invade the country. If something happens, I won't be able to save my head, even if I have more heads!!"

"If we lose, you and I will probably be humiliated by the history of Han Dynasty!!"

Being a soldier, as far as Dong Ziqin is concerned, he has actually achieved the ultimate goal. He has all the official titles and benefits, except for being "ennobled".

"Therefore, if you ask me, the South will definitely compromise. After all, for them, if they have no more slaves and can buy them again, if the war is lost and the land is gone, that would be really miserable!!"

"Secondly, harmony and harmony are also in our army!!"

Dong Ziqin, who was opposite him, asked: "Black soldiers, are they those slaves?"

When Yuan Qing mentioned "black soldiers", the corners of his mouth turned upward, revealing an obviously "sarcastic" smile.

Dong Ziqin is very clear about the current situation on the battlefield. The number of US troops is an indisputable fact compared to the Han army. This is the gap in the country's population and cannot be made up by manpower.

"For the US military, if it wants to maintain its numerical advantage over our army in a war and the proportion of horrific casualties, the best way is to use outsiders to protect its own people..."

"For the South, holding the bottom line has become increasingly impossible in this war, so the best way is to compromise."

"But I would say it is only temporary. After all, interests and security are the basis for the connection between the two sides. Without this, once this battle is defeated, there will be no more Southern States in the United States!!"

And the greater the contradiction, the easier it is to exploit the loopholes! !

A million-strong army must be hundreds of thousands anyway. If we do this, the economy will probably stagnate, right? ?

Dong Ziqin still doesn't believe that those "die-hards" in the south would cut off their flesh so easily. After all, it is the best "livestock" for them to create wealth! !
In recent years, the south has been able to maintain a normal or even relatively high standard of living, because those livestock have worked hard.

Yuan Qing followed up and asked.

"What's more, there are conflicts between the north and the south of the United States. This conflict is not military, but economic."

An expression of incomprehension flashed across Dong Ziqin's face.

"What Commander Dong said is absolutely true. There are more American soldiers than us, and it is an indisputable fact!!"

Dong Ziqin nodded slightly, acknowledging these two requirements, and then spoke again:
"There is another point, that is, fighting without fighting is a waste of national power. When the time comes, it will drag down the war situation in the north, and I am afraid it will delay the national affairs!!"

"The same is true for our army. The Japanese, Mexicans, and even the indigenous people currently recruited in the Philippines are examples of protecting their own people and using outsiders??"

"Commander Dong is worried about two things. One is that he is afraid of being discourteous in this battle or even losing the battle. The other is that he is afraid of losing the victory, and even the corpses in Youzhou will be everywhere, and it will be difficult to communicate..."

"Which three defeats??"

"Our army is guarding Youzhou, with its back to the mainland. Although the war is tense now and we cannot mobilize so many people at one time, this does not mean that our army is weak. On the contrary, the Americans think that we are unable to resist their millions of troops, but I think the so-called million is just a joke!!"

"You just said that the South would compromise and hand over the slaves, but what does this have to do with the war situation? Isn't it better to have more people??"

"Most of the U.S. troops are from the South. Although their generals are also from the South, the real strategic command power lies in the north and the east. This alone is enough to make them feel resentful..."

"The economy determines the military, and the military guarantees the economy. This is the so-called mutual complementation."

"How to compromise? Slaves are part of it. This can be seen from the previous changes in military strength in Little Rock. The internal problems have been alleviated to a certain extent."

Yuan Qing, who was opposite, shook his head, and then said: "The so-called slave is just a slave who uses time. If he doesn't use time, he is not a slave!!"

"But aren't those slaves the private property of southern farmers? They are just like livestock. How could they be??"


Yuan Qing sat on his horse and held out a finger: "Our army in Youzhou and even nearby states are mostly local soldiers, while the US military is mostly an army of foreign invaders. They are naturally unpopular, and they don't know geography. They have no knowledge." Although there are millions of troops at the foundation, they are nothing but roots without roots..."

Yuan Qing stretched out his second finger:

It can be said that if Dong Ziqin can survive the war safely, a count will not be able to escape. Even if he does a better job, it is not impossible to become a marquis and stand shoulder to shoulder with those founding heroes.

"The new recruits have no combat experience to begin with. If coupled with serious internal divisions and racial conflicts, I'm afraid they will be like a bundle of dry firewood. If the weather goes well, they can cook food and keep warm. If the weather goes against the weather, let alone burn down the house, they may not be able to survive. live!!"

"Relying on a group of strong men brought from the southern farms to serve as new troops, and also defrauding slaves from the farmers..."

"First, I have the right location."

"What's more, our troops are naturally smaller in number than the other side. If we advance rashly, we may hit the south wall, and there is even the possibility of being in danger!!"

Yuan Qing talked about the relationship between military and economy, then changed his tone and continued: "And if I guessed correctly, among these millions of soldiers, there are definitely not only so-called white soldiers, but also black soldiers among them. …”

When Yuan Qing said this, there was obviously a hint of sarcasm. After all, the above mentioned are all internal conflicts in the United States.

Yuan Qing echoed, and then said:
"But although the US military is vast, it also has three defeats!!"

Yuan Qing, who was on the opposite side, stretched out his third finger:
"I just mentioned the right location, good people, and now is the right time..."

Yuan Qing nodded slightly.

Dong Ziqin, who was opposite, frowned slightly, then opened his mouth and said:

The more this happens, the more people are afraid of making mistakes, and the same is true for Dong Ziqin.

"Our army has advantages in the north and the center. I am sure that once the war breaks out, in order to attract attention, the north and center will move!!"

"But they have all forgotten who is beating whom now!!"

Yuan Qing's tone became sharper and he analyzed the entire US combat plan and possible problems clearly.

Then he said:

"What's more, our army occupies absolute time. It was said just now that the United States has a million-strong army. This is true. But his million-strong army is also the last pillar of the entire South. Once defeated, several states in the South will be defeated in less than a month. , but the interest can be calm!!”

"To sum up, the US military is better than the number of people, but it is also defeated by the number of people. Although our army is small, it is united and there are nearly 600,000 in total..."

(The troops recently mobilized from the central and northern areas have been using trains as cover for fear of being discovered)

"Our army is for defense, and beauty is for offense. Since ancient times, the advantage of the defender is greater than that of the attacker..."

"If you include the secret weapons our army is preparing, once the war situation changes, we will carve out a large army and destroy this so-called army of millions!!"

The million in Yuan Qing's mouth is obviously equivalent to "ant".

"The so-called million is just a joke!!"

Yuan Qing looked at Dong Ziqin, with a touch of disdain and "contempt" that could be seen in his eyes.

Dong Ziqin, opposite him, nodded and said:
“In this battle, I’m afraid I’ll have to stay at the rear!!”

"You can't personally lead the army to defeat the thieves!!"

"Yuan Qing, you have to be more patient..."

Dong Ziqin patted Yuan Qing's shoulder hard, as if to explain something important.

Yuan Qing pressed his forehead hard and then said:

"Don't worry, Commander Dong. With Yuan Qing here, the US military can't pass through Shacheng!!"

After hearing this, Dong Ziqin just continued to pat the other party's shoulder, and then continued to ride forward, looking for the so-called "opportunity."

Yuan Qing, who was behind him, raised his head and glanced at the unrippled blue sky, and then with a "roar", he galloped his horse to follow.

The wind in Shacheng kept blowing, blowing the "war drum" of the entire Youzhou. ………………………………

"This is the basic range of activities of the Han army. According to our army's artillery fire, we must at least gather at least 2,500 cannons within this 40-kilometer range to gain a firepower advantage from the beginning..."

"Our army must cut off the connection between Shacheng and Longcheng as soon as possible..."

In a command post in Louisiana, the heads of the entire Southern Army were basically gathered together to discuss the war in three days.

Yes, the war was finally set on March 15th. This day seemed very ordinary, but it was a very meaningful day for the US military, because throughout the war, the number 15th was the best fought by the US military. one day.

On that day, for the first time in the last Montana War, the U.S. military annihilated a Han regiment-level force in an organized manner, although rumors were eventually refuted that more than a hundred remnants successfully broke through.

But in the military history of the US military, what is written is "annihilation". No matter how the Han people refute it, the Americans are "high".

"Our army must break through the defense line between Shacheng and Longcheng within a week..."

"Pa", the baton hit the winding front between Longcheng and Shacheng. There were no less than twenty towns on this front. In the words of the Han army, it was: "a real iron chain." , it will hang all enemies who dare to invade!!"

"After breaking through this line of defense, our army will stride forward, take advantage of the cavalry, throw away the opponent's army in the front, directly insert into the rear, and face the last line of defense from Luozhou to Nandao..."

"Once this line of defense breaks through, our army will directly sweep the surrounding towns and villages according to its original intention, and even control almost all railway lines, completely strangulating the Han army on this land that originally belonged to the United States!!"

“Let the light of God shine upon the land of Texas again and restore His original name.”

As the chief of staff of the entire Southern Army, Hawke Akjo is like a fanatical "believer in God" and does not seem to have much to do with a senior military officer.

The people around him didn't seem to have any reaction to Hawke Akjo's attitude just now. After all, there are many fanatics like Hawke in the entire southern state. After all, many southern states are Catholic believers, and Catholicism is more fanatical than Protestantism. This is true.

As a person who was baptized by Catholicism, Hawke Ackerbridge's view of the Han Dynasty has always been "hostile".

Since the war, he has lost count of how many bad things he has said about Han. It is like a natural "habit". If he doesn't curse a few times a day, he will feel uncomfortable.

"But once we are unable to advance as quickly as possible, what will be the consequences??"

"What will happen to our army once the war comes to a standstill??"

"Will we fail??"

Just when many people were thinking about how to break through, only a young brigadier general named Leitch came out and poured cold water on them.

"Leich, we will not fail because our strength is three times greater than theirs!!"

When Hawke Akjo mentioned his military strength, he fell into a "arrogant" environment. After all, this was an army of 1.1 million, more than the last battle in Montana! !
On the opposite side, Leitch said stubbornly: "We should not only value victory, but also consider the consequences of failure!!"

"Can the United States now guarantee another defeat more disastrous than Montana??"

"If we fail, we will lose half or even the entire South!!"

“Our country is going to be hit hard!!”

Leitch's words were like a "storm" that kept rolling up in the conference room, and there was even a kind of lightning that only existed in the human heart.

This lightning is called "fear", a "natural reaction" that comes from long-term failure.

The country of Han has gradually become the "inner demon" in the hearts of some people.

"Rich, what do you think we should do??"

Hawke Aqqiao looked at Leitch, and gradually put away his arrogance, and instead asked in an inquiring tone.

"We should not pray that the war will be fought according to our direction. In fact, it is impossible for our army to fully control the war."

"Although our army has a large number of people, we are not completely aware of the strength of the Han army. The so-called domestic machine guns, the first batch of products, are still almost three weeks away. God knows what will happen in these three weeks??"

Speaking of the so-called domestic machine guns, everyone including Leitch showed dissatisfaction.

After all, this so-called domestic product is too slow. By the time it arrives, the war may be half over.

"We can't count on those shameless arms dealers, nor can we count on the Han people to make mistakes."

"Although we seek victory, we are not afraid of difficulties. We must face the difficulties that may come..."

Leitch's words were full of sincerity. He is a true patriot, much better than those stupid "screamers".

"To be on the safe side, our army should have two combat plans. One of them is to ensure that when the breakthrough fails, we can close the front lines gracefully and decently and fight a war of attrition with the Han army!!"

"Wars of attrition are terrible, but this is no excuse for us to be afraid!!"

"Everything we do must follow the rules of the game of war. We must not be afraid, nor shrink, nor arrogant!!"

"Everything should be done in preparation, not the so-called breakthrough for the sake of breakthrough. That will only put us in a difficult situation, a difficult situation for us to escape from!!"

Leitch's words were thought-provoking and made many "militants" sober up.

"I'm sure that if we make a breakthrough, the Han army will definitely send troops to cut off our retreat, even if we have more people, but based on my understanding of the Han army, they will definitely dare to do this!!"

“They did it once in Montana, we can’t let them do it a second time!!”

Leitch looks very young, only thirty-three years old, but he is one of the few strategic figures in the US military. He graduated from the infantry department of West Point Military Academy and ranked first in the graduation exam that year.

Proficient in four languages ​​including English, Chinese, French, and even German, he is an out-and-out academic.

(Immigrant from German region, born with German language experience)
"When attacking, we must not be too fast. This will expose our weaknesses and intentions. We should find a rhythm in the quick battle, a rhythm of our own!!"

This is the last sentence Leitch said, and it is also the most classic sentence in the audience.


The roads of Louisiana were filled with artillery carriages pulled by draft horses and soldiers who measured the land with their feet.

They are the biggest sight in Louisiana at the moment.

"Kid, this is yours!!"

"this is yours……"

"Child, be careful!!"

"We are waiting for you to come back!!"

On the interstate, people are constantly delivering food and specialties. They are ordinary people in Louisiana. All they do is to defeat the "evil empire".

When the soldiers took the earthy "cheese" and "bread", they didn't dislike it at all, and even felt that it was the best food they had ever eaten in their lives.

When the crowd sang "Song of Texas", everyone knew that they were about to set off. They were going to the former Texas and now Youzhou.

A place that we briefly owned, a place that made countless Americans miserable, a place that made America lose its dignity.

Dignity has been lost for more than ten years, now it is time to get it back! !

This is a sentence that the chief keeps mentioning.


"One round reload..."

"Faster, faster, faster!!"

When the sound of reloading sounded at the border, everyone knew that war had come.

But now, you can only hear his footsteps, but can't see his figure.

In the dark night, Leitch at this moment seemed to be full of hesitation like the Han army who had raided Oklahoma and started this war that had killed millions of people.

Finally, when the last puff of the cigarette was gone, "pop", the cigarette hit the ground, and there was only one sentence left: "Power on, let's start the war!!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
When 2,500 cannons fired at the same moment, the Han army on the opposite side was also ready to face this war that was larger and more terrifying than the Montana War! !

(End of this chapter)

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