The sun never sets in America

Chapter 366 European War: Sturm und Drang France

Chapter 366 European War: Sturm und Drang France

Turin, the first city in northern Italy, has now become a paradise for French military carnival.

The singing and dancing soldiers of the French army flooded the entire city of Turin. The streets were full of French carnival figures, and even "shots" appeared, just to vent their desire for victory.

The houses on both sides of the street, as well as the usually dazzling shops, were all closed at this time. The people of Turin hid behind the windows with fearful eyes, looking at these French guys who were already drunk and a little "empty".

For them, Italy's suffering has nothing to do with them, and they don't want to care about it. They just want to do their business and live their simple lives.

But the war was like a "thunderstorm" that suddenly fell on them. Even with just a few thunders, the clouds didn't have time to change. The heavy rain was like sand and dust, covering them and making them unable to get up again.

Fearful eyes spread from the west to the east of Turin. Wherever there are people, there will be a closed room. From the narrow gap in the window inside the house, it shone "tremblingly" on the French soldiers.

The French army did not respond at all, but sang the so-called French songs over and over again.

The reason why the French army is so friendly is not because of the strict discipline of the French army, nor the "high morals" of the French army, nor the so-called "forgetfulness". The fundamental reason is Napoleon III's request before the war, the most important of which is " Showcase French civilization.”

And why should we ask? These ordinary soldiers didn't understand, but the officers knew it clearly. Therefore, the relevant "three no-nos" were distributed to the entire army.

The French army has been in a stage of strong military power since the beginning of the war. At this time, correction is not harmful, but saving.

There was a routine burst of applause from below, followed by another burst of "discussion".

If Prussia learned from the Han State, it was for the sake of "strengthening the country", then France simply did it for the sake of war, or to learn from the advanced experience of the Han State and launch war more easily.

Relying on recklessness to fight to the end, it's okay if he wins, but if he loses, he will be finished. At that time, the French will just scold him, and the emperor may even eat his heart.

Although Austria and France currently only use less than 360,000 troops in Italy, behind them are millions of Austrian troops and millions of French troops supporting each other. Otherwise, how could it be possible to explain Austria's military strength before the war started? The reason why the army, which was reduced by 30% at the beginning, can continue to fight.

Most real wars are limited to one hundred thousand or less. Only in this way can relatively acceptable choices be made at the right time with the processing power at the time.

"We can't pray that the enemy will be slaughtered by us like stupid guinea pigs like at the beginning of the war!!"

Curzon stood in front of the portrait of Napoleon III, wearing a general's uniform, his chest covered with medals, a military beard on his face, and a cold expression. Like most senior officers of this period, they were trying their best to show off their strength in front of their subordinates. .

"Now notify all officers above lieutenant colonel to come to the headquarters for a meeting!!"

"Leaving those Austrian troops is simply a gamble that they won't shoot!!"


The major general's talk should basically have one point of view, "forward", "forward", and "further forward".

But the price of power is also very high. It would be nice if he won the war, which would be his "title", "reputation" and "future". Three big gifts were thrown at his head, but if he didn't get it right, it would be the shame of France. , a sinner in the history of the French army.

"As for the Austrian troops behind, just let them stay there. We only need to release 20,000 to 30,000 people, which is enough to kill them in a big city like Milan!!"

Although the advancement of communication technology has brought about the speed of information transmission for the military, even if the world except Han Dynasty currently uses wires to communicate, it is still many times faster. The command and response capabilities of war have also been improved. More than one level higher.

These are the most cunning foxes. Even if they face an invader, they will bite off a piece of meat.

When it finally reached Napoleon III, it was another confusing account, which was often left unanswered.

Throughout the history of war in Europe, there are many businessmen like these who provide "special" services to accompany the army. They are like by-products of war. Without them, it might be okay, but with them, the combat effectiveness of the army can be improved to a certain extent. , after all, relying on these businessmen's "miraculous medicine", the warrior's anger has been almost eliminated.

The Turin Temporary Headquarters was once the manor of an Italian nobleman, and the entire headquarters was still very grand. After all, this was the ancestral home of a certain "escaped count".

The transmission of information will increase the size of the troops of both sides geometrically. Hundreds of thousands can no longer restrain them. Millions are the real norm.

As the commander of the Mediterranean Army, Curzon naturally understood the reason behind this, and this was also the reason why he let the troops rest in Turin. It was not to eliminate the remnants of the Austrian army entrenched in northern Italy in one fell swoop.

"Everyone, the current war situation is in favor of our army, but it does not mean that our army will always be lucky. In fact, I never believe in luck, I only believe in strength!!"

The "kindness" of the French made many Italians feel relieved. Some Italian businessmen even took the initiative to contact the French army, hoping to do business. Naturally, the European "tradition" and "pimp businessmen" were indispensable.

After Curzon sat down, he listened to the officers arguing for more than ten minutes before speaking:

"The most important thing at the moment is to control Milan and clear out the remaining enemies close to our country's front line."

After Curzon finished speaking, a major general quickly stood up:

"Commander, I don't think we have to attack big cities like Milan. Such big cities are naturally suitable for defense. If we attack Milan, we are likely to fall into the trap set by Austria and collapse all the advantages we have finally accumulated." That!!"

Before Curzon could open his mouth, a younger officer stood up and directly contradicted the officer who was two levels above him, causing Curzon's face to change. He knew that the consecutive victories in the past few days had indeed created a group of " Warrior".

"I think we should concentrate our superior forces and continue to fight forward until the decisive battle between Florence and the Austrian army!!"

"According to our latest intelligence, the Austrians are sending more troops to Florence, and they intend to block us in Florence, or even Milan!!"

Although Curzon didn't understand the saying that a proud soldier will be defeated, as a senior military officer, he subconsciously believed that it was time to cool down.

As the commander of the French Mediterranean Army, Curzon controlled the fate of at least 200,000 French troops and the remaining hundreds of thousands of Austrian troops. At this time, in France, except Napoleon III, no one had more power than him.

The wishes of the French are as simple as ever! !

In the manor, apart from the guards standing guard, the most common people I saw were the staff officers wearing crisp French military uniforms.

Curzon stood in the office, pacing back and forth, and then shouted out the door:

After the Han Dynasty fully implemented the staff system, the whole of Europe actually followed up to a certain extent, but some were just show-offs to prove that I had it, and some were "thorough".

At this time, these French soldiers were just partying, or that was all they could do.

"No, Major General, I think your idea is wrong. We must first ensure the safety of the rear before we can go to Florence. Without taking the rear, we cannot truly obtain a safe logistics supply line."

Of course, these three requirements can only apply to lower-level officers and soldiers, and a few high-level officials. When it comes to making money, he still makes money, dating "Italian ladies", and still showing off his power with his arms around those so-called "ladies", which has attracted the dissatisfaction of some people.

What followed was that the war became more cruel, and the speed of information transmission caused both sides to strike faster and faster. Maybe in the early days, a war involving 100,000 people was an out-and-out war, because at that time, The communication conditions actually make it impossible to control the so-called hundreds of thousands of troops. Even if we can, it is actually very difficult.

The so-called three no's actually mean not to disturb people, not to rob, and not to molest.

Although the fight is going well now, at least 50,000 Austrian troops have been wiped out, but as long as the next war turns around, in the eyes of the fickle Paris media, his so-called "hero" will soon be removed from the list, and finally turn into a so-called The "incompetent general" will finally get out and be replaced by a so-called "competent" person.

If the United Kingdom is groping in arrogance, then traditional army powers like France and Prussia have implemented it to the end. Even Prussia has been sending foreign students to Han military academies for more than ten years just to understand the Han Dynasty. China's latest war concept to ensure that it will not be abandoned by the times.

"This part of the Austrian army is about 60,000 people and is currently evacuating backwards. Our goal is to intercept them and finally destroy them!!"

Soon, the quarrel resounded throughout the conference room, just like the "war of words" in the vegetable market, it was so "low-level".


Kezon slammed the table, which shocked everyone present. Many people who were originally planning to watch the show had to join the so-called "crusade" army to crusade against those two bastards who had no sense of priority.

But judging from the expressions on the two people's faces when they sat down, it was probably impossible to change.

Ke Song sighed heavily in his heart and finally said:

"According to the original plan, march into Milan!!"

Yes, a meeting that could have been discussed was abruptly ruined by an arrogant major general and a lieutenant colonel who had "no superiority".

When the meeting dispersed, Curzon stood at the top of the headquarters, looking at the French soldiers who were still celebrating and some disheveled low-level officers. He understood that people's hearts could not be taken back.

……………………………… Boom boom boom! ! !

The French soldiers stepped on the artillery points and rushed towards the Austrian bunker outside Milan. During the charge, they were knocked down by several cold shots, but soon another group of people came over and killed them.

Repeatedly, relying on the advantage of numbers and artillery fire, the group of bunkers guarded by thousands of Austrian troops was completely destroyed.

In the command post at the rear, the combat route maps that had just been drawn were distributed to each unit that needed to make a ground breakthrough. Their role was to "break through" and, in addition, to contribute to the "glory of Greater France". "List" and contribute your own name.

As for who will have this honor, it depends on whether the Austrian artillery fire is accurate and whether the gun is fast! !



The attack of a company of the French army was hindered. The commander of a certain C company was calling for mortars for reinforcements.

The mortar, a weapon invented by the Han Dynasty during the Han-Russian War, eventually became famous in the war and successfully entered the world.

It has become a must-have equipment for urban warfare throughout the world.

Compared with artillery that is bulky and difficult to move, mortars that can be lifted by a few people have become an indispensable part of the army building of various countries.

Compared with the 85mm currently popular in Han China, the French mortars are relatively small, probably only about 70mm.

This 70mm mortar is also known as "Miss Seventy" within the French army.

Whoosh! !

A 70mm cone-shaped mortar shell was as accurate as a bullet and hit the small position waiting behind the sandbags. The few Austrian soldiers who were relying on the sandbags to resist died on the spot.

When the French army stepped over their corpses, they would see that their corpses were somewhat damaged, and even their intestines had been blown out.

But these French soldiers did not have the slightest fear and stepped directly over. When they stepped on the open space, the soles of their shoes could still leave a bloody shoe print.

"Attack, attack!!"

The French commander shouted the "dry mouth" slogan over and over again in the rear, just like a habit, because France had no retreat at all.

"Set up the cannon, set up the cannon!!"

The first reaction of the first battalion to invade the city of Milan was to set up artillery. Artillery is the soul of the French army. Without artillery, the French army would not be the French army.


When the two 75mm artillery were pushed in, the Austrian army on the opposite side had also mobilized heavy firepower and planned to destroy the city of Milan before the French got it. Anyway, once defeated, Milan would not be the Milan of the Austrian Empire. .

What's there to be polite about?

Boom boom boom! ! !

The artillery shells fired from seven or eight directions exploded in all directions like watermelons, bringing out a "color" like watermelon juice. Along with it, the two 75mm artillery that looked pretty good also became Parts that can never be restored are scattered, telling the story of its glory in the war.

The cruelty of war is vividly demonstrated at this moment.

For both parties involved in the war, it was a life and death struggle, but for those Milanese, it was not the same.

Milan, a place full of art and the economic center of northern Italy after Turin, is a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands.

But what about the hundreds of thousands of Milanese people in the so-called Qing Dynasty now? Where are they? Oh, they are fleeing.

Those who were forced to stay also lived in constant fear of artillery fire and gunfire.

Whenever there are footsteps approaching, people who are still taking refuge in the house will hold their breath, fold their hands to their chests, and wait for the "judgment of fate."

Fortunately, neither side of the war is interested in playing tricks on the so-called "civilian bureau".

The most intense battles took place on the streets and in some buildings. As the headquarters of the Bank of Milan, this seven-story building simply became the most stable bunker for the Austrian army in the city of Milan.

Thick brick walls, dense windows, and complex internal structures are simply born for this kind of city.

Srich stood under the building, looked up at the floors, and finally took a closer look at the corpses opposite. For the first time, he understood what a "grave" was.

"This will be the grave of the Austrians, but it will also be the grave of us French."

This was the first thing Srich said when he saw this building, which shows how he was feeling at that time.

Finally, Srich looked at his four hundred soldiers and just said:

"Get it before three o'clock in the afternoon!!"

The response to him was silence. If it were other troops, the commander might have doubted whether his authority was affected or even gone.

But they are death squads, and silence is a habit, or silence symbolizes death.


Boom boom boom! !

"This way!!"

"To the right!!"

Under the cover of a burst of artillery fire, these bent soldiers rushed into the building in an instant. Only a few were killed by their own people outside, while the rest were unscathed.

As a suicide squad, sometimes you can't be selected just because you are afraid of death. Combat ability is also part of the assessment.

The real situation is that although this unit is called a death squad, it is actually a regular army. It is considered an "elite soldier" within the French army. It is specially used to fight such tough battles. In order to deceive others, it used the name death squad.

So it gives people a feeling of a dirt road.

Not to mention other things, not many troops could do the actions just now, keeping their heads in uniform, spreading out and rushing into the smoke.

Boom! !

After two shots, the Austrian soldier who had been preparing to resist just now died at the top of the stairs.

The sound of gunshots and grenades exploding is the theme song of this Milan bank building. The past days of withdrawing and depositing money no longer exist because there are fewer people now, but it is more lively.

Just when Srich outside was about to take over the building and announce the good news to the rear, he suddenly heard a "bang" and the building collapsed.

When it collapsed, Srich was reporting his "victory" to the rear, but now, all he has left is his "expression."

The Austrians were like madmen. When the war was about to fail, they chose to die together with the French. This was rare in the wars of the previous few days.

This means that the anger of the Austrians has been forced out by the French. Since they are all going to die, it is better to perish and make a profit.

(Because the French army massacred the Austrians two days ago, through deliberate propaganda, France has begun to be associated with evil)

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the French army completely controlled Milan, and soon, they controlled surrounding cities.

Napoleon III's plan has initially made "progress".

(End of this chapter)

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