The sun never sets in America

Chapter 332 Longwu Year 2: Crazy World

Chapter 332 Twenty Years of Longwu: A Crazy World

The city of London, like this huge empire, is "luxury", "noble", and countless "arrogance".

The entire real estate in London is equivalent to the top five cities in Han Dynasty combined.

The entire world's oceans are basically controlled by this empire. From the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and then to Africa, except for the Pacific Ocean that has been "ruled" by the Han Dynasty, there is no place that is not the pasture of this empire.

As a former British naval commander said:

“The British Empire has no borders!!”

Yes, there are no "borders"! !

Such a powerful empire will naturally breed all kinds of arrogance, from the expansion of South Africa, the suppression of France in North Africa, and the events in Egypt starting last year.

Everything shows how powerful this empire is.

But the power of an empire often has its limits, and the first thing it touches is often physics! !

Since being jointly suppressed by China and the United States and hitting a wall in the Americas, Britain has increasingly begun to examine its "strength" or "arm."

The Russo-Turkish War in the past few years has increasingly proved that Britain's strength is not as strong as imagined.

At least on land, that's true.

In this way, winning over land powers in major regions has become the biggest task of the new cabinet.

Especially today, when the situation is becoming increasingly tense, Britain needs friends, or in other words, "friends" similar to those during the Napoleonic Wars.

And when the United States announced that it had entered the "200 million pound" arms race, Britain, an old empire and the biggest driver of the world situation, finally realized that something was wrong with the situation.


John Russell, who had just finished a cabinet meeting, just like the previous owners of House No. 10, planned to have an authentic British afternoon tea to pass the "little" time.

But just like the plot of a movie, just when he was about to pick up the cup of freshly brewed black tea, the secretary's words made him change his expression.

"Pete, did you hear that right??"

"The Han people really plan to issue a billion-dollar national debt. Are they crazy? Have they finished building the canal??"

The black tea in Russell's hand even spilled out because of his ten thoughts, giving the suit that was finally ironed a close contact.

"Mr. Prime Minister, it's absolutely true. If you don't believe it, I can confirm it again!!"

Pete's "shoehorn face" is like a French baguette, full of "funny".

Russell cursed "Chinese essence" and picked up a tissue to wipe the suit that his wife had just finished yesterday. He knew that what was waiting for him would be "greetings" and "dealings" between old couples.

“Pete, don’t you think today is April Fools’ Day??”

"You know, this morning, that damn Sterling just told me that the death toll in Australia has exceeded 50,000. Our efforts of more than ten years have been in vain..."

(Colonial Secretary)

"Now you tell me, those idiots in the United States announced yesterday that they would spend one billion US dollars and two hundred million pounds to build a so-called Great American Army. Now the Han people are also spending one billion..."

"Are you going to tell me next that that bastard Napoleon III is preparing to attack Egypt?"

Russell looks like a "mean" businessman, with a few beards on his lips that are constantly beating.

Peter wanted to say something, but Russell interrupted him with a gesture.

"Pete, what do you think I should do as Prime Minister of the British Empire at this moment??"

Russell spread his hands out as if he were embracing the whole world, no, in Pete's eyes, he was like a pimp about to put his arms around a prostitute.

"Also spend 200 million pounds, or 500 million pounds??" Peter replied noncommittally.

"Fakr, in fact, it's going to cost us £600 million!!"


Pete didn't understand this. He didn't understand why so much money was spent.

Russell blew his thin beard, looking like a greasy and wretched middle-aged uncle, and answered in an extremely "ugly" tone:

"Twenty million is for the Americas, and 400 million is for Europe!!"

“Because Europe is more important??”

"No, it's just that Europe is too close. If we were closest to America, I swear, those damn American cowboys and Chinese hawkers would have no choice but to squat in that damn quagmire and sing Glorious Britain..."

Russell's beard kept flying with saliva.

Peter was silent for a while, and then asked:

"Canada, what about Canada??"

“Who will guarantee Canada’s security??”

Russell glanced at Peter and replied: "Han Chinese and Americans!!"

“What obligation do they have to protect Canada, or what obligation do they have to protect our colonies??”

Pitt did not understand this approach of pinning hopes on other countries.

"If two wild dogs don't want to be disturbed by a lion during their duel, then they'd better be careful."

Russell said arrogantly, he is a typical "British guy", and arrogance is the gene engraved in their blood.

"Prime Minister, what if the situation in Europe is in chaos and we can't control it anymore??"

Peter asked something that embarrassed Russell.

Russell thought for a long time and gave an answer:

“Europe will not lose control!!”


"Because they don't really believe each other!!"

"If they could really unite, they would have united as early as the Napoleonic period, and they would not be fooled by us until now."

Russell looked down upon those European friends. Those European fools just wanted to dominate, but they would not understand that no matter who won, the British Empire would not lose.

At the end, Pete could only ask one question: "Prime Minister, assuming that Europe is really united, or that those guys really succeeded, such as France, they won the Mediterranean and Egypt, then what should we do?? "

Pete looked at Russell, hoping to see the answer on his face.

"Don't worry, they won't unite!!"

"Let me think about it, there must be some kind of secret agreement between them, or they are forming a new alliance to deal with us, but they will not succeed in the end because there are always people who want to stand with us!!"

"Who will be with us??"

Russell smiled and replied:

"Europe's loser, or rather, unwilling loser!!"

"Maybe he's a careerist!!"

A week later, the British cabinet showed unprecedented "extreme speed" and passed a three-year and 600 million pound arms upgrade bill.

Financing was carried out in London's Financial Street, and the first batch of 200 million pounds of national debt was sold out in just nine days, demonstrating the powerful strength of the world's hegemon to all of Europe and even the world.

At the same time, the British Navy announced the construction of ironclad ships of more than 10,000 tons and carried out so-called "upgrades."


The Palace of Versailles, the most magnificent and "rich" palace in France, ended the atrocities of Louis Philippe, and the French Empire ushered in a new "master".

It's just that after these years of training, this master seems to have only made some progress in handling national affairs, and what he has in his mind is still "violence".

Napoleon III stood on the balcony, looking at the city of Paris opposite. He still remembers the fireworks on the day he ascended the throne. From that day on, he vowed that he would restore the Napoleon family and the glory of the "Western Roman Empire".

However, because of his unfamiliarity with domestic affairs and the constraints on his rights in the early days, his reaction to the situation in Europe was "mediocre" for a long time, even for several years.

As he famously said at that time:

“The bread of the French is more valuable than the colonies!!”

He also carried out this way. When other countries invariably accelerated colonial conquest, he even gave up the so-called "North Africa" ​​plan and concentrated all his power in Europe, in France.

But in recent years, he has repeatedly violated "bread" and chosen "colonies".

In other words, "interests". Since the second half of last year, Egypt has become the main target of this huge European empire.

It can be said that Egypt and the Napoleonic family have a deep relationship. From the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt, Napoleon's horse herding pyramid, to a series of subsequent historical events, Egypt represents the power of the Napoleonic Empire to a certain extent.

When the Suez Canal plan was put in front of Napoleon III, he chose "development" without hesitation rather than co-management with the British.

Facing the threat from the British, just like Napoleon III’s foreign affairs speech at the beginning of this year:

"I must remind some people that some countries, France, have limits of tolerance. The European continent is not a place where some humid island countries can point their fingers at will!!"

As for the humid island country among them, anyone knows who it refers to.

Although it later caused disputes between Britain and France, as well as various changes in history.

But Napoleon III still went his own way and said: "Egypt is Ottoman territory, but the canal is not!!"

For such words that were almost "threats", Osman only "scolded" him a few times.

Of course, compared to the "shy" Ottomans, the British response was much greater. The British Navy even had a "zero-distance" contact near the Egyptian Sea with the French Mediterranean Fleet, which also arrived.

After this thrilling conflict occurred, the two countries showed a rare calmness. After all, everyone knew that this was definitely not the time for war.

But the absence of war does not mean that there is no "war". In this case, Egypt has become the main battlefield.

Different "contact" comedies are performed every day on the Egyptian sea. You sing and I come on stage. It's so lively.

"Your Majesty, the banks in Paris have agreed to borrow money."

A hoarse voice sounded from behind Napoleon III.

Napoleon III turned back to look at the finance minister who had worked for him for ten years. His eyes flashed slightly and his lips opened:

"Billa, how long do you think this money game will last??"

“It goes on until the moment when everyone can’t bear it anymore!!”

Villa raised his head and looked at the new "Napoleon" with "determination" in his eyes.

Napoleon III then spoke:

"According to our agreement with the Han people, they will basically not participate in the European war in the early stage, but do you think they will really abide by the agreement?"

Napoleon III distrusted the Han people very much, or in other words, he did not trust any "foreign country".

"Your Majesty, this does not depend on the Han, but on us. The point is not whether the Han people abide by the agreement, but whether we can defeat the enemy on the European battlefield!!"

"If we cannot defeat those enemies in Europe, even if the Han people win, will they take pity on us and lead us to victory together?"

Villa's words were like flying swords, piercing the heart of Napoleon III.

"You are right, we must rely on ourselves. The Han people are not reliable, and the Russians cannot be relied on. Even those Prussians may not be reliable!!"

Napoleon III's distrust of Prussia is well known. He always believed that the growing Prussia, or Germany, would be France's biggest enemy in Europe. The so-called Austria and Tsarist Russia may not be the opponents of the Germans.

"Your Majesty, the Prussians can actually be won over, Your Majesty..."

Villa had just finished speaking when he was stopped by Napoleon III. He said coldly:

“Win them over??”

“Rely on what, rely on Vienna??”

"Let me tell you, allowing those Prussians to unify Little Germany is already the limit. If they try to annex Austria, I swear, after taking over the Mediterranean, they will be the first to be eliminated!!"

Napoleon III simply did not agree with the unification of Greater Germany proposed by the Prussians. He only allowed the unification of small states to form a powerful but limited Germany.

This was also the reason why Prussia withdrew from the Alliance of Three Emperors. They really could not accept Napoleon III's arrogant face and "unacceptable" conditions.

(Due to changes in time and space, Prussia’s ambitions became even greater)

Although Bismarck repeatedly persuaded William to unify Little Germany first, somehow the future Emperor William said uncharacteristically: "We must unify all of Germany. Unifying other states can be an early plan, but after completing the accumulation of strength, , Greater Germany must be born, this is the mission given to us by God!!”

Napoleon III finally signed his name on this army preparation plan worth "1.5 billion francs".


Russia, St. Petersburg.

“Why hasn’t the help from the Han people come yet??”

“The aid from the French is only half-reached!!”

Nicholas looked at the list in his hand and became very angry. He had promised to spend 100 million pounds to arm Russia.

Now, the total is less than 40 million, and this is all because of "cursing" by myself.

Especially that damn Han minister, who kept saying "wait a little longer", "a batch of Han weapons will arrive soon" and "please wait patiently".

Finally, the so-called weapons arrived, but they were still in stock from previous years. If Han had not preserved them in good condition, Nikolai would have cursed.

"Your Majesty, I think the Russian Empire cannot rely on the hypocritical French and those cunning Han people. We should find a way ourselves."

Minister Yanko Chaev, took the initiative to suggest.

"But Russia's current finances cannot support such a huge war."

“You can’t tell me that you want to sell the Winter Palace, right??”

Nikolai said to Yankochaif with an unhappy expression.

"Your Majesty, we are different from Han France. Every money they spend must be allocated to the navy. We are different. We can cut off the navy first and increase the army..."

"Stop talking about it. If the navy is cut off, who will protect the Black Sea? What about the Mediterranean??"

Nicholas was very disgusted with the so-called plan to cut down the navy. After all, in his mind, Russia would not only be a land power in the future, but also a maritime power.

If we cut off the navy, wouldn't it be equivalent to cutting off our own hands and feet? ?

"Your Majesty, since we can't cut down the navy, we can only impose taxes."

After finishing speaking, Yankochaif carefully looked at Nicholas's face.

Sure enough, when Nicholas heard "taxation", his whole person changed, as if it was killing him.

In the end it can only mean:

"Let's take a loan and use the St. Petersburg port as collateral."

Yankochaif's expression changed, and he finally agreed.

A few days later, the Tsarist Russian Empire, which wanted to save face, announced that it would expand the current standing army of 400,000 to 700,000, and even increase the reserve force.

Suddenly, the storm surged, and the first to react was the Ottoman Empire.

Ottoman also announced that he would expand his army by 400,000 for defense.

The surrounding Nordic countries that were oppressed by Russia also unanimously announced the increase of their troops.

Even Portugal and Spain, as far away as southern Europe, have announced that they will expand their armies to a certain extent.

In the end, even a small country like Denmark expressed its intention to expand its military, claiming to have a "hundred-thousand-thousand-strong army."

This is true for small countries, but even worse for big countries.

The United Kingdom was the first to announce that it would carry out the so-called million overseas legion plan, with "India" as its first choice.

Of the 200 million pounds just allocated, at least 100 million have been spent overseas.

Even the mainland is required to maintain at least 200,000 troops to intervene in the situation in Europe at any time.

With the United Kingdom taking the lead, France, Austria, Prussia and other European powers have expanded their armies, basically in units of 100,000.

The birth of an army is not that easy. It takes at least two to three years of training to bring these recruits onto the battlefield. However, the first thing that is born before the army is often arms.

The European stock market has been booming recently. A large amount of war demand has promoted a large amount of demand, and the economy has entered the so-called war boom stage.

Just like the title "Gold Coin War" in The Times, modern industry is essentially a competition for production capacity and resources, but in the final analysis, it is actually a competition for money.

The British are the richest people and can take out 600 million pounds in one breath. Although it is borrowed, their strong financing capabilities and the development of the financial industry are visible to the naked eye.

Although other countries do not have the "big dog owners" of the UK, they cannot be underestimated.

This war, destined to be long, has not yet begun. It is even "warming up" as Liu Peng said.

But it has already shown its terrifying fangs. When it completely explodes, it will be the most terrifying moment in this world.

Compared with it, the so-called Australian flu pales into insignificance and cannot even be seen on the table.

 Monthly ticket rewards, rush, rush, rush



(End of this chapter)

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