Hong Kong: When the Wind Rises Again

Chapter 190 Sorry Sir, you said it first

Chapter 190 Sorry Sir, you said it first
The car moved forward slowly following the traffic flow. The dark film on the car window made it impossible to see what was going on in the car from the outside.


Ye Jihuan sat on the seat, reached out and tugged on the bulletproof vest hanging on his shoulders, fastened it, and glanced at the van with the PD6011 license plate in the rearview mirror, speaking in a relaxed tone:
"Brother Hui, why don't I help you deal with these gangsters today? It will save you trouble for easy things."

"I'll hold you in my mouth."

Wu Zhihui laughed: "After all, he is also a chief inspector and a superintendent. Do you want to be so crazy?"

He rolled his eyes and looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the car where Zhang Jingliang and Ghost William were sitting. He rubbed his chin with his fingers: "It's not impossible."

"Ha ha."

Ye Jihuan chuckled lightly and paid attention to the situation outside the car with a relaxed expression: "Okay, that's it, I'll hang up first."

He raised his hand and turned off the phone, looked at the commercial car in front of him that happened to be parked in front of the zebra crossing to load money, and took out his hood and put it on his head.

There were five of them, four of them were in the car, and one was driving for a while and was responsible for the evacuation.

Ye Jihuan put on his hood, pulled out the AK rifle from the canvas bag, pulled the bolt, and made a clear "click" sound as the bullet was loaded.

"Ah Hao, you take care of that van."

He gave instructions in a leisurely manner: "Agou, follow me to the commercial car to get the money. Aqiang, you are responsible for helping Ahao secure his seat."

"I'm in charge of everything."



Chen Zhihao and others nodded. The car braked and did not follow the traffic. The van came up and stopped beside them.

In the van, a group of plainclothes people were sitting on the seats. Their clothes were open, revealing the .[-] pistols strapped to their waists.

"I'll beat you to the street."

The plainclothes driver put his hands on the steering wheel, chewed gum in a nonchalant manner, and muttered angrily: "I don't know what kind of case they are doing. It's so mysterious that so many of us are following it."


The team leader sitting in the co-pilot raised his hand and glanced at his watch: "In half an hour, it will be time for lunch. Finish the work early and don't waste time eating."


The two chatted casually.

At this moment.


The door of the black car waiting in the next lane next to them suddenly opened.

The door is open.

Four men wearing black hoods got out of the car.

Chen Zhihao clasped his fists in front of him, walked straight to the van, and then raised his hand to knock on the window.

Ye Jihuan carried a canvas bag and walked to the business car directly in front of him with Agou.

in the van.

The driver who was chatting and waiting for the traffic to open heard the sound and subconsciously turned around to see a man wearing a black hood.

In the car behind.

"Hem home shovel!"

Zhang Jingliang also saw this scene while sitting in the car, and felt something bad in his heart. He put his palm on the point [-], took the intercom and roared inside: "Something happened!"

In broad daylight, wearing a hood, you can use your butt to figure out who it is.

No need for him to remind.

When the van driver saw Chen Zhihao wearing a hood, he subconsciously touched the point [-] on his waist and prepared to draw his gun.

"Ha ha."

Chen Zhihao was wearing a hood, revealing only two eyes and one mouth, and the exposed eyes seemed to be smiling.

He opened the hand he was holding, and in his palm, two pinched grenades appeared. With the flick of his thumb, the shrapnel ejected and was thrown directly under the car.

"Ding Ding."

The grenade rolled under the van, making a slight collision sound.

After throwing the grenade, Chen Zhihao dodged directly behind the car next to him to avoid it.

"Take your mother in your mouth with a grenade!"

The driver stared at this scene with wide eyes, yelled in fright, and was the first to open the door and jump out of the car.

He swore that his actions from opening the car door to jumping out of the car had never been as smooth as today. The whole set of actions was done in one go, and the whole process took less than two seconds.

in the van.

Other plainclothes officers swore the same thing.


The plainclothes people sitting in the back of the van were not as lucky as they were. There was only one door to get off, and there were so many people. It was impossible for so many people to get out in such a short time.


A deafening explosion sounded, and the ground shook.

The scene was filled with flames, scorching heat waves swept towards the surroundings, and the shock wave spread, shattering many surrounding car windows.

The van turned directly into a fireball, and was lifted up in the explosion, rising into the sky.


In screams.

The four plainclothes men who jumped out of the car screamed and lay on the ground with varying degrees of injuries. Their bodies were trembling and they looked at the van next to them that had turned into a fireball. Their fearful eyes were filled with a bit of joy.

The few remaining plainclothes men must be in serious danger.

Fortunately, fortunately, I jumped out.

Several people secretly made up their minds and added a life motto for themselves: from now on, when taking a van, you must sit close to the door.


Be sure to grab a seat near the car door.


Ye Jihuan and Agou appeared beside the business car. He raised the big black star in his hand and tapped the car window with a clear sound. The black hole pointed the gun at the driver: "Open the door!"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun in Ye Jihuan's hand, the driver of the commercial vehicle widened his eyes and swallowed subconsciously.

At this moment.

Just then there was an explosion in the van behind.

Ye Jihuan held the big black star steadily and put his finger directly on the trigger of the black star. Without looking back at the explosion behind him, he raised his mouth to indicate the position of the door lock and prepared to shoot.

At this time, the driver did not dare to hesitate at all. He opened the door obediently and quickly, raising his hands at the same time, with a strong desire to survive: "Boss, don't shoot, don't shoot."


Ye Jihuan glanced at the four people sitting in the car and wrote lightly: "I have been with you for a long time. I have been staring at you since I came out of the bank, street boy."

The people in the car looked at each other at a loss.

At this time, Ma Zai, who Wu Zhihui arranged to be responsible for checking banknotes, took the money bag and handed it to Ye Jihuan: "The money is yours, and your life is mine. Don't shoot, I'll give it all to you."

"Haha, eye-catching."

Ye Jihuan chuckled and waved the muzzle of the gun. Agou leaned in and took the money bag and carried it on his back.

From the moment the explosion occurred, there was an immediate commotion at the scene. The drivers who were originally blocked on the road drove away directly, while those behind them got out of their cars and ran away.

At this time, there was a strange phenomenon at the scene: all the car owners on the scene were young guys, who looked a bit like people from a gang. Moreover, there was only one driver in each car, and there was no extra passenger.

There are no pedestrians on the crowded streets at this moment.

"Robbers, there are robbers!"

Zhang Jingliang was sitting in the car behind, looking at the fireball exploding in front of him, and then looking at Ye Jihuan and Ye Jihuan who had already received the money, and shouted into the headset: "Kill them, kill them!"


William, the ghost guy sitting next to Zhang Jingliang, had a sullen face and roared directly at Zhang Jingliang, asking: "How could this happen? Why? Where did these people come from!"


Zhang Jingliang's lips twitched and he was too lazy to answer him. You asked me how the hell I knew.

His state of mind was shattered at the moment. He never expected that this scene would happen at the scene. It was far beyond their expectations.

As Zhang Jingliang's order was issued, another van that followed quickly drove towards this side. The car came to a sudden stop, and the plainclothes people in the car took out their [-]'s and surrounded them.

In the blazing fire.

Ye Jihuan and his party of four gathered together, carrying money bags and looking at the stopped van over there. They spread out and raised their hands to shoot at the policeman over there.


Ye Jihuan fired two shots casually, inserted the big black star into the back of his waist, reached out and opened the canvas bag he was carrying, and took the AK inside, holding it directly in his hand.

He stood next to the car, spread his legs and stood in a horse stance. He held the AK in front of him with both hands, his right hand on the trigger of the AK, and his left hand pressed forward on the gun body of the AK.

under the sun.

The dark metal parts in the middle of the AK rifle, the red wooden parts of the gun head and the butt, one red and one black, reflect the luster in the sunlight, and the color matching appears very harmonious.

When the AK trigger is pulled, the bullet is already loaded. There is no need to pull the gun to load the gun. The muzzle of the gun suddenly sprays tongues of flame.

"Da da da!"

In the piercing sound of gunfire, bullets swept out, and powerful firepower suppressed them instantly. Under Ye Jihuan's pressure, the firepower was concentrated.

A group of plainclothes policemen who had just been hiding behind the car and were about to shoot were mowed down by the powerful firepower of the AK before they could even stand firm.

The AK was extremely powerful. Under the intensive firepower, the bullets easily penetrated the glass of the car. Among the shattered glass fragments, screams and splatters of blood followed one after another.

In just a moment, the plainclothes policemen who rushed down were knocked down by the AK that Ye Jihuan suddenly took out before they even started fighting, and they lost their fighting power.

The few uninjured plainclothes men were also suppressed by Chen Zhihao and the three big black stars scattered around Ye Jihuan, and they did not dare to show their heads at all.

in the car.

Zhang Jingliang's headset was extremely noisy, filled with the screams of his subordinates.


"I was shot."

"Hit in the thigh!"

"Ask for reinforcements!"

These plainclothes policemen must be very intimidating when it comes to dealing with gangsters from those gangs. They must have guns in their hands, but they have never seen such a scene before.

Some people who have been police officers until now, except for shooting at the shooting range, have rarely fired in real life, and they have no experience in fighting against tough gangsters holding AKs.

A few elites, even if they have rich combat experience, can only stare blankly in the face of absolute fire suppression. Firepower is king.

Under the powerful firepower of the AK, they had already been beaten in a panic. They fell down and hid, and how could they dare to show their heads.

As for the military uniforms patrolling the streets on Nathan Road, after seeing the AK, they had long been hiding behind the trash cans and did not dare to show their faces. How dare they come out and shoot.

"Hem home shovel!"

Zhang Jingliang cursed in a low voice, took off the noisy headset that was calling for reinforcements, took out the . Kill them, kill them on the spot!!"

"Where is the other group of people? Where they are, come quickly to support, support!"

Zhang Jingliang was like an angry clown, hiding in the car and looking at Ye Jihuan who was shooting with a gun in front of him.

Today, according to his plan, he and two cars followed the banknotes, while the remaining two cars were ambushed at the transaction location with Wu Zhihui.

As long as Wu Zhihui takes out the cultural relics, they can immediately swarm up and catch these people, and the cultural relics can be transported directly without having to deal with the police force at all.

How could he have imagined that such a sudden thing would happen on the way.

Even if he had participated in the arrest of the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers, the group in Dadong were just robbing with big black stars. When did the gangsters with AK appear in Xiangjiang?

Wait a moment.

Zhang Jingliang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered something. More than a month ago, when Wu Zhihui was fighting for territory in Tsuen Wan, a big guy with an AK appeared in the middle and crushed all the talkers. What?
Is this the big team of guys? !

Wu Zhihui? !

Zhang Jingliang immediately thought that it must be the group of people Wu Zhihui called over.

"Wu Zhihui!"

Zhang Jingliang clenched his teeth and his face was gloomy and ugly: "Xie Jia Tuo, do you dare to challenge me?!"

He grabbed the .[-] in his hand, put his palm on the car door, and was about to open the door and get out.

"what are you doing?!"

Ghost William reached out and grabbed Zhang Jingliang's hand that was about to open the door, lowered his head on the seat, and growled at him: "Damn thing, are you looking for death?"

He glanced in the direction in front of him and growled anxiously: "They are coming, if you want to die, don't pull me in, don't get out of the car, don't provoke them!!"

on the street.


Ye Jihuan took off the magazine, pulled out a new magazine from the canvas bag and stuck it in. He pulled the gun bolt and looked around: "Let's go."

The group of people, with Ye Jihuan as the center, and three people as assistants, followed behind him and walked forward, with steady steps and no hurry.

The direction they were traveling was towards the car where Zhang Jingliang and the others were.

When Ghost Guy William saw them coming, he was afraid that Zhang Jingliang, who would rush to the street and get angry, would bring him in with them, so he just hid in the car and waited for them to leave before getting out of the car to hold these useless plainclothes policemen accountable.

Ghost William looked back on his career in the police force. From joining the Hong Kong Police Force to becoming the current superintendent, he had not even investigated a few serious cases. He was either sitting in the office or on the way to the office, let alone Have experienced this kind of scene.

As for how he got promoted, of course it was his superior bloodline.

and so.

When he saw the plainclothes men who were swept away by the AK, William was actually more frightened than anyone else.

Zhang Jingliang listened to the sporadic gunshots around him, and when his anger dissipated, he felt a sense of fear in his heart. He quickly lowered his body and hid in the car.

These gangsters really dare to shoot. No matter what you bullshit chief inspector or bullshit superintendent you are, wait until the gun goes off.

Ye Jihuan and the others walked towards this direction with steady steps. Chen Zhihao and the others were on guard. In front of them, the person responsible for driving the reception came.

Ye Jihuan and others walked forward. When passing by, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at the license plate number of the car parked in the outermost lane, and stopped.


It was the police officer who was in charge of commanding the operation this time.


When Zhang Jingliang and William in the car heard the sudden stop, their hearts stopped for a moment, and then their hearts accelerated wildly. They secretly raised their heads and looked out through the dark car film.

in sight.


Ye Jihuan directly raised the AK rifle in his hand, pointed the muzzle at the car, and pulled the finger on the trigger.


Zhang Jingliang's eyelids twitched violently, he opened the door with a roar, dragged William and rolled from the other side of the car, hiding behind the car and shivering.

"Da da da!"

Ak's muzzle sprayed flames, and bullets shot out instantly. The car window glass shattered, and the car's body was like paper in front of it. The bullets passed through, leaving deeply penetrated and sunken holes.

"Stirrup, Stirrup, Stirrup"

A flurry of bullets poured out in an instant, and the shells bounced and landed at Ye Jihuan's feet, making a crisp brass sound.


William hid behind the car. He had never experienced such a scene after sitting in the office all year round. He was so frightened that he screamed conditionedly, and his screams were miserable.

His body was shivering as he hid behind the car, feeling the bullets piercing the car body and almost grazing him. There was already heat between his legs and he wet his pants.

As for the .[-] pinned to his waist, he didn't remember it. It was just a decoration.


Ye Jihuan raised his eyebrows and snorted: "Trash!"


He then changed a magazine and stepped forward. As he walked, his finger on the trigger pressed down again, and bullets poured out.

Just now.

An assault vehicle rushed out from the corner of Nathan Road and stopped at the intersection ahead of a commercial vehicle.

One by one, the well-equipped Flying Tigers wearing black balaclavas and bulletproof vests appeared. Looking at Ye Jihuan, who was blocked by the car body more than ten meters away, he directly pulled the MP5 trigger in his hand.

"Da da da!"

Bullets were fired at him, causing sparks to fly from the car body, and another bullet directly hit Ye Jihuan.


Ye Jihuan's body trembled, and he looked down at the warhead deeply embedded in the bulletproof vest with a painful expression. He turned his gun and fired directly at the Flying Tigers team.

Members of the Flying Tigers team came forward carrying bulletproof shields, and bullets hit them and sparks flew everywhere.

"Go, go!"

The Flying Tigers team continued to move forward in an orderly manner. "gone!"

Chen Zhihao drove a car and drove over. He opened the door and waved to Ye Jihuan: "Get in the car!"

The two guys sitting nearby opened fire to cover.

"Fuck you!"

Ye Jihuan gritted his teeth and looked at the well-equipped Flying Tigers team. He did not dare to stay too long. He got into the car and set up his AK on the window to shoot randomly at the back.

The car sped away.

"It's blocked, it's blocked."

Chen Zhihao glanced at the bulletproof vest that Ye Jihuan had taken off, and breathed out thankfully: "Fortunately, they ran fast. How did this group of Flying Tigers come so fast?"

"Just a little."

Ye Jihuan curled his lips and rubbed his palm on the spot on his chest where the gunshot was blocked by the bulletproof vest: "Give me three more seconds, and I'll kill these two."

He picked up the phone and called Wu Zhihui: "Brother Hui, do you want me to do another job for you tonight? I'll rush to the hospital to do it for them."

"Push the street."

Wu Zhihui laughed and scolded: "That's not necessary. There are so many people guarding them. If you succeed again, Gui Lao will have no face, right?!"

"Slip away."

"it is good."

Ye Jihuan didn't insist anymore, nodded and turned off the phone.

in the cafe.


Wu Zhihui put down his mobile phone and shook the newspaper in his hand. He had a panoramic view of the street in front of him. He still felt a little pity, so he almost jumped into the street. He looked at the car disappearing on the road: "But , not bad.”

He stood up and said, "Waiter, pay."

On Nathan Road.

"Check the situation!"

The leader of the Flying Tigers team said hello. There was a chief inspector and a police superintendent on site. The first priority was to ensure their safety.

Let's not talk about whether we can catch up with the streets being blocked. Even if we catch up, it seems that these gangsters are cornered and shoot indiscriminately on the streets, which will be a big problem.

The Flying Tigers found Zhang Jingliang and Ghost Guy William behind the car that was riddled with holes. Zhang Jingliang's face was pale and frightened, and he was full of fear.

This was the closest he came to death.

As for William, he immediately gave up. There was a patch of urine between his legs, and he was extremely smelly. He looked embarrassed, and he didn't look like a superintendent.

The car he was leaning against had already been pierced by bullets, and the seats in the car were blown away by bullets. Fortunately, Zhang Jingliang dragged the ghost William out of the car and hid in the front of the car.

Otherwise, with just this thin iron sheet, the two of them would have been shot into a hornet's nest inside.


The Flying Tigers team leader looked at William with a disdainful expression on his face under the black mask. He curled his lips and said, "Call Bai Che and send the person away first."

Then he looked at the camera facing over there and scolded him: "Put it away, don't take pictures!"

He called his subordinates to come up and intercept them, but the reporters ran away as soon as they saw them coming up, and there was nowhere to see anyone.

News of the gunfight on Nathan Road spread instantly. The last news related to Nathan Road was the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldier Dadong's group of robbers who robbed a gold watch store on Nathan Road two years ago.

This news immediately attracted the attention of the general public. At the same time, another suspected video of the scene was released.

Through the video, it can be clearly seen that William was hiding behind the car, trembling and howling in fear, and the .[-] beside him fell to the side, which was very conspicuous.

As a police officer, he has a gun by his side, but he does not dare to use his gun to fight against the gangsters. How can he ensure the safety of the general public with a role like this?
Paying so much tax every year to raise such a bunch of useless things?You don’t dare to shoot even if you have a gun, and you’re so scared that you wet your pants? !
The white skin of Gui Lao was in sharp contrast with the injured civilians at the scene. A large number of public opinions began to attack Gui Lao, and they were suppressed here and there.


In a high-end single room, if the medical equipment is removed, it will become a high-end hotel room.

"Damn, damn thing!"

William looked at the picture played on the TV, and he was so angry that he cursed, grabbed the remote control and threw it directly at the TV, and the sound stopped suddenly.

William himself was not injured, but in order not to be too embarrassed, he could only pretend that he had collected the money and hid it in the ward to avoid the spotlight.

On the other hand, it was Zhang Jingliang whose hand was hit by a bullet. His skin was turned over and he needed two stitches. His head was wrapped in gauze, which made him look a little embarrassed.


The assistant looked at the angry William with twinkling eyes: "How...what should we do about this?"

"Whoever dares to attack again will be arrested!"

William angrily yelled at his assistant: "Besides, if you issue an announcement for another day, just say that I am an ordinary citizen, not a police officer."

"But the .[-] pinned to your waist is too conspicuous." The assistant was a little embarrassed and stopped talking.

You can't treat everyone as fools. Ordinary citizens are still hanging on at the scene?This will cause even more dissatisfaction.

"Temporary workers."

Zhang Jingliang sat aside with a cold face, holding a cigarette between his arms, and added: "Just say they are temporary workers, hired not long ago, so that no one will say anything, and it will not affect the image of the police force."

"it is good."

The assistant heard that this reason was more reliable. His eyes lit up and he looked at William. Seeing him nodding, he went down.

"Zhang Jingliang!"

Ghost William had nowhere to vent his anger and roared at Zhang Jingliang: "Is this what you do?"

"Take money to trade with them, and no one has seen it yet, and the money was snatched away halfway? Tell me, what is going on?!"

"Wu Zhihui, damn Wu Zhihui, he deliberately used cultural relics to lure out our money, and then arranged for this group of people to rob us."

He came to Zhang Jingliang, stretched out his hand and tugged on his collar: "Now, immediately, catch him, take him to the police station and squat him, I will torture him slowly!!"


Zhang Jingliang looked at William with twinkling eyes, stared at him for a long time, and asked in a calm tone: "Okay, sir, have you thought about it? I'll take him back to the police station now. ."


He then added: "I'll call and ask the police to arrange a few more teams of personnel for us to ensure safety."


William's eyelids twitched as he looked at Zhang Jingliang with a calm expression, staring at him.


Zhang Jingliang's reaction made him panic. Now, at this juncture, was he going to capture Wu Zhihui?

Will he die?
At the scene of today's gunfight, the two of them were just a hair away from being fed bullets.

If Wu Zhihui is really captured, will another gunman rush to the hospital and attack them?

"Damn! Things are getting more troublesome now."

William gritted his teeth, growled and cursed, raised his hand and pushed Zhang Jingliang out, pointing at him: "Zhang Jingliang, I declare that you have been dismissed."

"Go back here, take all the responsibility for this matter, and then write a resignation letter and hand it in."

"The police force no longer needs trash like you. You are a waste! You fail more than you succeed!"

"Get out!"

William's angry voice echoed through the ward, causing the two groups of police officers guarding the door to hear the movement and consciously distanced themselves, for fear of being angered.

Zhang Jingliang looked at the angry William and stared at him for a long time. He did not leave. Instead, he pulled out a stool and sat down. He took out a cigarette, shook one out, lit it, and sucked on it.


The tobacco made a faint burning sound, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, the cigarette butt spread brightly backwards, and the ash condensed into a long length.


William stepped in front of Zhang Jingliang, raised his hand and slapped Zhang Jingliang directly on the face. His voice was clear and powerful: "Damn you, I told you to get out!"


He looked at Zhang Jingliang who was smoking a cigarette, raised his hand again and slapped him down: "Trash, you don't need to do anything anymore!"

The powerful force directly blew away the cigarette in Zhang Jingliang's mouth, causing nosebleeds to flow from his nostrils.

Zhang Jingliang opened his mouth, moved the muscles on his face, raised his hand to casually wipe the blood from his nostrils, raised his head, and looked directly at William.


Zhang Jingliang stretched out his hand and took the .[-] pinned to his waist. The black muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at William. He reached out to grab William who was about to retreat, grabbed the muzzle of the gun and stabbed it directly into his mouth.

"Hmm you think"

William's words were slurred, and he looked at Zhang Jingliang with wide eyes and disbelief, with a stunned expression.

Is this still my family dog?Dare to show your teeth to your master? !

Zhang Jingliang looked at William expressionlessly, and his tone was calm, as if he was talking to a friend: "I grew up in a poor family with no money. My father is a short mule and a bad gambler. I can't do well in the club and still owe a lot. Gambling debts, because he owed money, we were implicated and bullied, and in the end my mother was forced to jump off the building to death."

"Later, when I grew up, I joined the police force, not for anything else but to avoid being bullied by those short mules, so I tried my best to finally join the police force."

"I, Zhang Jingliang, have been in the police force since I was young. After staying in the police force for so many years, I have climbed step by step from the smallest military uniform to my current position."

He moved his neck, licked his dry lips and looked up at the ceiling: "A week after I joined the police force, within a week, my father was beheaded to death by a dwarf mule on the street."

He lowered his head and looked at William: "Do you know why he was beheaded to death on the street?"


William's mouth was stuffed with point [-], and he shook his head to answer.

"Silly man, this is not simple."

Zhang Jingliang grinned. The bloodshot eyes on his teeth coupled with this smile looked a little scary: "I arranged for someone to kill him. What right does this kind of trash have to continue to live? His living will only affect my future." Promotion in the police force, so death is the only option for him.”


William listened to Zhang Jingliang's words with a little more fear in his eyes.

"I grew up in a very poor family environment. I had the worst food, the worst housing, and was bullied everywhere."

Zhang Jingliang sniffed and continued talking to himself: "At that time, I kept thinking that when I grow up, I don't want to live this kind of life. I must not live this kind of life."

"I must work hard, rely on myself, and climb up step by step. I must make progress. Therefore, as long as I can support people who can support me, I can help them. I want to make progress so much!!"

His voice deepened for several minutes, and he clenched his teeth together with the masseter muscles on both sides of his cheeks obvious: "If anyone dares to stop me from getting up, or from climbing up, I will definitely kill him."

"It's the same for everyone, even my brother and my father, I'll kill him too, no one will have any face!"

Zhang Jingliang held the point [-] in his right hand, and held William's chin with his left hand to lift his head up. He looked down at him from top to bottom: "I have been helping you for so long, and now I have finally reached the position of chief inspector. , you said you wanted to fire me? You said you asked me to submit my resignation myself? "

He narrowed his eyes and stared at William: "I have been in the police force all my life and have been serving the police force. What will I do if I resign? Who will give me my identity and status if I resign?! "

"No, it's all gone, it's all gone."

He yelled in a deep voice: "Then I'm just a loser, just like those short mules, do you know? I can never accept this."

"If you dismiss me from my position, you are asking me to die. In that case, let's kill you first, and then I will jump from here. What do you think?!"


William looked at Zhang Jingliang who was losing his mind and shook his head desperately, fearing that he would really shoot.

"No need, really."

Zhang Jingliang looked at the frightened William and shook his head to himself: "I know that you are not the only one involved in this batch of cultural relics. I know that there are people above you, and you are also under pressure."

"I'm doing this, and I want to do it well, but I can't help it. Something went wrong. When something goes wrong, we'll solve it. If you fire me, that's not right. The problem can't be solved, right? ?!”

Speaking of it.

He let go of William, who was able to relax and quickly stepped back, subconsciously wanting to run outside, but Zhang Jingliang pointed at him with a point-and-thirty-eight point.

"I can solve this matter."

Zhang Jingliang looked at William and his tone remained calm: "Since this method can't solve the problem, let's try another method. Take your time. What if the cultural relics are lost? Just take them back."

He looked at William: "Believe me, I can handle it."


Zhang Jingliang put the .[-] back into his holster, looked at William, stamped his right foot and stood straight in front of William, looking at him: "Sorry Sir, my fault."


He raised his hand and slapped himself in the face with a big mouth. He slapped himself with unusual force, leaving clear palm prints.

"Sorry Sir, I'm not big or small. I shouldn't have pointed a gun at you. I'm sorry. I know I was wrong. Please forgive me."



As Zhang Jingliang said this, he raised his hand to fan his mouth to show how hard he was.


Zhang Jingliang slapped himself three times in succession, then stopped, relaxed his right hand and lowered it naturally to his thigh, and looked at William: "Sir, can you forgive me?!"

While speaking, his eyes looked at William, and the fingers of his right hand hanging by his side moved.

"it is good!"

William looked at Zhang Jingliang who was looking straight at him, gritted his teeth and responded coldly: "Since you know you are wrong, forget about it!"

"I'll give you one last chance. If you still can't handle this matter, don't say I don't give you face."

"Thank you Sir!"

Zhang Jingliang stamped his feet again, saluted William with a straight back, and then left directly with a long stride.


William looked at Zhang Jingliang who disappeared at the door, took a long breath and sat down on the hospital bed. His whole body collapsed and he gasped for air.

It will take a long time.

He gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice: "Madman, madman, they are all a bunch of fucking madmen!"

William never imagined that this dog, who was usually so well-behaved in front of him, would have such a crazy and dark side, and that his heart would be so twisted.

William had a strong hunch. He could guarantee that Zhang Jingliang had slapped himself three times and apologized to him just now.

If he still clamored to be fired from his position, Zhang Jingliang would definitely take out a .[-] and shoot himself to death without hesitation.

Mad dog!

William gritted his teeth and cursed again, picked up the phone and called out, speaking fluent English.

"I'm sorry, this incident was an accident. The money was picked up by the gangsters right after I took it out from the bank."

William's tone of voice also became respectful: "Give me some time, give me some more time, I can handle it, don't worry, there will definitely be no problem."

After Zhang Jingliang left the hospital, he returned directly to the police station and began to handle the shooting incident.

Since the shooting involved Superintendent William, there was no difficulty in the operation. It was said that a plainclothes officer on duty accidentally discovered the group of robbers, and the two sides exchanged fire.

As for William, it was the temporary worker who took care of him in one sentence.

By the time these things were settled, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. Zhang Jingliang took the car keys and left the police station directly.

11: 30.

Wu Zhihui was sitting in a hot pot restaurant, lighting up the stove. Zhang Jingliang walked in with his head wrapped in gauze.

He took a stool from the side and a pair of bowls and chopsticks, came to Wu Zhihui's side, put down the stool and sat down: "Add a pair of chopsticks, let's eat together."

Zhang Jingliang picked up the chopsticks and picked up the freshly cut beef on the plate in front of him, put it into the copper pot and started to rinse it.

The beef was scalded in the boiling soup for three seconds and then taken out. It was still bloody, and he stuffed it into his mouth and started eating, chewing it with big mouthfuls.

Wu Zhihui glanced at Zhang Jingliang, holding vegetables and scalding them inside.


Zhang Jingliang picked up a piece of beef again and put it into the soup: "Did you do what you did during the day?"


Wu Zhihui nodded.


"What do you say?"

Wu Zhihui chuckled lightly and turned to look at him: "There are so many policemen following you at the scene. Do you really want to trade with me or are you pretending to trade with me?"

"Ha ha."

Zhang Jingliang sneered and stared at Wu Zhihui: "The big guy even wants to kill me. I want to know if it was your order?"


Wu Zhihui nodded again.


Zhang Jingliang gritted his teeth and growled: "You want me to die so much?!"

"You came here to scare me."

Wu Zhihui looked at Zhang Jingliang with disbelief: "You said it, if I don't listen to you, you will kill them, and they will kill me. Then don't you want me to die?!"

"Since you are scaring me like this, I, Wu Zhihui, am most afraid of being scared by others, so I might as well strike first."

He looked at Zhang Jingliang with a smile: "Is there any problem? No problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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