My Red Mansion Career

Chapter 164 Meeting the Great Khan

Chapter 164 Meeting the Great Khan

In the dark night, Jia Yu led the army into Xuanfu City and killed the unsuspecting Mongols until they were stunned.

The Mongolian nobles in Xuanfu City were unprepared for the arrival of the Daxia army. When they woke up from their sleep, the city was already on fire, and shouts of killing could be heard everywhere.

"Hurry... follow me... and fight in!"

On a street, a Qianhu brandished a long sword in his hand and shouted orders to the soldiers behind him.

As soon as a group of people turned a street, they saw a cavalry rushing towards them.

"No, it's Xue Jun who is cowardly!"

Seeing this cavalry, the expression of this Qianhu suddenly changed.

The Qie Xue Army (meaning "Fan Zhi Su Wei" in Mongolian) is also the most courageous and capable military unit of the Mongols. It was a team formed by Genghis Khan himself.

The Qixue Army has strict discipline and also enjoys extraordinary privileges. It is the basis for maintaining the rule of Genghis Khan and building the Mongol Empire.

Of course, with the collapse of the Yuan-Meng Empire, the original Qixue Army also disappeared in the long river of history.

And this Qie Xue Army was established by Tuo Tuo Bu Hua after Genghis Khan. Not only are all of this Qi Xue Army brave and good at fighting, but they are also all wearing heavy armor. It can be said that Tuo Tuo Bu Hua can achieve what they are today, this Qi Xue Army Military merit is indispensable.

Of course, this Qianhu had also heard of the name of the Qixue Army. Now that he saw this cavalry, including men and horses, all wearing heavy armor, it would be a lie to say that he was not frightened.

However, there was no time for fear on the battlefield. He knew very well that as long as he was a little timid today, what awaited him and the soldiers behind him would be the end of the entire army being annihilated.

"Beep beep beep..."

Qianhu blew the swan whistle hanging around his neck, and waves of high-pitched sounds sounded.

"Everyone gather and line up!"

"Ready to shoot!"

Following the orders from Qianhu and the hundreds of households, general banners, and small banners below, this group of musketeers quickly formed a square formation.

The red and white military uniforms shone crimson under the dazzling firelight. The musketeers held muskets and lined up neatly in a square formation, with their black muzzles pointed at the enemy in front.

The Qixue army also saw the musketeers in front of them, and the captain of the Qixue army who led it had a contemptuous smile on his face.

In his opinion, this Daxia army didn't even have armor. It was no different from being naked. It only took one charge to wipe them all out.

"The Mongolian warriors...under the watchful eyes of Changshengtian...killed these southern barbarians!"

He chanted slogans and pointed the scimitar in his hand forward.

With a scream... countless timid Xue troops rushed towards the opposite side.

They rushed towards the phalanx of musketeers, making sharp and ferocious whistling sounds in the air.

Faced with this fierce enemy force, the musketeers quickly adjusted the angle of their muzzles under the orders of the officers, and with a sharp whistle, they all pulled the triggers in their hands.


Dozens of muskets in the first row made deafening sounds at the same time, and smoke filled the entire battlefield.

Flames spurted out from the muzzle of the gun, illuminating the entire battlefield in an instant.A large sheet of white gunpowder smoke filled the air, covering the enemy troops in it.

The smoke did not last long. A strong wind blew by. When the white mist dispersed, a tragic scene came into view. More than a dozen cowardly Xue soldiers who rushed to the front all fell into a pool of blood, and their blood was stained red. street.

"What...these Han people's firecrackers can actually penetrate their heavy armor?"

The commander behind him was shocked when he saw this.

In his impression, the power of the Great Xia Army's fire blunderbuss was very poor. Not only was it weak at short range, it was also very easy to explode, and it was almost impossible to shoot through heavy armor.

But what does he see now?
He actually shot through their heavy armor at a distance of a hundred steps. This shouldn't be the case!

Before the commander could recover from the shock, the musketeers in front fired again!

Another volley of musketry!
The dense forest of muskets pointed forward, shining with a cold light under the torches.

It clanked like the arrows of death, drawing deadly arcs among the cavalry.

On the street, the screams of the horses and the screams of the cavalry intertwined into a chaotic sound. The horses fell one by one, the cavalry fell off their horses one after another, corpses began to pile up, and blood flowed everywhere on the street. All.

The sky full of red and white military uniforms and the violent spray of muskets complement each other, forming the main theme of this scene. Gun smoke fills the air, casting a pale gauze over the entire battlefield.

Smoke filled the sky over the entire battlefield, and the smell of sulfur mixed in made it difficult to breathe.

Under a dense volley of musketry, Xue Yong's soldiers were ruthlessly knocked to the ground before they could reach the musketeers, forming a dead mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

After the third round of volleys, only one or two big cats and kittens were left among the originally densely populated streets.

The originally fierce and bloodthirsty expressions of these cowardly soldiers had now turned into panic and helplessness.

It's no wonder that they have never experienced such a battle since their establishment.

The two armies fought, and almost all of them were killed before they could even reach the enemy. How could this battle be fought?

The battlefield fell into a moment of sluggishness, and someone shouted: "Devils... they are red devils... let the immortal curse them!"

"Devils...they are devils!"

More and more people shouted out, and soon... a cavalryman pulled the reins of the horse, and the horse turned around and ran away without looking back.

The air force is contagious. After the first person escaped, more and more people joined the escaping team. Soon, the few remaining Xue soldiers on the street had completely escaped.

"Quick...keep going!"

Seeing the cowardly Xue Jun fleeing, this Qianhu had no intention of pursuing him... Instead, he ordered the team to continue moving towards the location of the royal court, the former Xuanfu General Military Office Yamen...

And where the royal court of the former General Military Mansion Yamen was located

The sudden attack plunged the entire royal court into chaos. All the Mongolian senior officials did not expect that just in their sleep, the seemingly solid Xuanfu fell.Some of the panicked Mongolian nobles hurriedly began to put on their armor and take off their weapons, while others ordered the slaves to quickly load their things into the car and seize the time to prepare to escape.

In the backyard of the General Military Mansion, a woman was standing in a courtyard in a panic. She could never imagine why the Daxia people had conquered the Xuan Mansion overnight, and why the young army and Qixue who were guarding the royal court were so angry. Jun didn't react at all.

A maid was kneeling on the ground and said in a tearful voice: "Ketun... The Nanbarians are coming. Let's run away quickly, shall we?"

This woman is the wife of the Mongolian Khan, commonly known as Namu Zhong of Kedun.

Ke Dunsheng, who is in her early thirties, has a beautiful face and plump body, and is deeply loved by Tuotuobuhua.

Because Tuotuo Buhua was afraid that she would not be able to endure the hardships of the military, after capturing Xuanfu, he settled her here and no longer went with him on expeditions.

But Tuo Tuo Bu Hua never expected that her kindness would put Na Mu Zhong in deep trouble.

"Escape...where can we escape?"

Namuzhong smiled bitterly, "Without the protection of guards, where can more than ten of us women escape?

Even if you are lucky enough to escape, if you don't have enough force, you will be kidnapped by ruthless bandits on the grassland, or you will become food for hungry wolves. "

The maid still advised: "But we can gather the lost warriors after we escape. As long as we can find the Great Khan, we can make a comeback."

"It's useless." Namuzhong looked at the loyal maid and shook her head: "Surina, don't waste your efforts. Since the enemy has surrounded this place, they will never let us escape again.

Even if you can find a few guards, it won't help. Instead, it will increase casualties in vain. "

Perhaps it was to confirm Namuzhong's words. As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a dull sound of gunshots coming from outside, followed by bursts of screams.

There were also some commands mixed in, and Namuzhong and the maids all recognized that they were Chinese that only Daxia people could speak.

"No, people from Daxia are coming!"

The maid's expression changed, and she quickly ran to Namu Zhong and held her hand to run away. However, before they could leave, along with a burst of rapid footsteps, a group of soldiers wearing red and white military uniforms and holding muskets appeared. Appeared in the yard and surrounded them.

Facing the sudden arrival of Daxia's army, the maid's expression changed. She stood in front of Namu Zhong and loudly said in blunt Chinese: "You must not be rude. This is the respected Mongolian Koduna Muzhong. If you hurt her, , I won’t spare you without sweating profusely!”

"That's all... Su Rina, please come back." Na Muzhong sighed, took two steps forward and stood side by side with the maid, and said in Chinese that was much more fluent than Su Rina: "I just want to take off my clothes. Dunna Wooden Bell, I want to speak to your highest ranking officer."

The soldiers were all silent. After a while, a young man wearing armor and holding a spear came out.

She slowly walked up to the two of them and looked at Namu Zhong slowly: "I am Jia Yu, General Zhaoyong of Daxia. I was ordered to conquer Tuo Tuo Bu Hua. Are you Ke Dun from Tuo Tuo Bu Hua?"

Na Muzhong suppressed the fear in her heart and bravely said: "Yes, I am Na Muzhong.

We lost this time. As long as you promise not to hurt me and return me to the Great Khan, according to the rules on the grassland, our Great Khan will pay you a large ransom, whether it is gold, silver, cattle or sheep. Or a war horse will do. "


Jia Yu laughed heartily, "For me, as long as I want to grab your cattle, sheep, and horses, I can grab them myself. Why do you need to give them to me?"
But don't worry, we Daxia people are not as murderous as you barbarians. As long as you obediently become my prisoner and don't try to escape, your safety can still be guaranteed. "

The fall of Xuanfu was beyond everyone's expectation, and the originally expected stubborn resistance did not appear.

The reason is that because the incident happened suddenly, the timid Xue troops responsible for guarding the royal court were unable to react for a while.

In particular, wearing heavy armor was extremely troublesome. Most of the Qie Xue soldiers who were still sleeping had no time to put on their heavy armor. They could only pick up their weapons and join the battle in a hurry. The final outcome was that the musketeers were killed and red-eyed. The spearmen, sword and shield soldiers were killed like melons and vegetables.

By the time dawn came, the entire Xuan Mansion had fallen into the hands of the Daxia army.

Jia Yu sat quietly in the hall of the General Military Mansion, watching the slowly rising sun without saying a word for a long time.

"Sir... the statistics of humble positions have been completed!" Wu Yunchun strode in and bowed to Jia Yu.

"Read it!" Jia Yu said without looking back.

Wu Yunchun took out a piece of paper and read loudly: "As a result of last night's battle, our army wiped out more than 130 enemy people and captured [-] senior officials of the royal court, including Na Muzhong and Right Prime Minister Battelle. The rest included surrendered soldiers and There are more than [-] Mongols.

A total of 450 million taels of silver and more than [-] taels of gold were seized. Various antiques, calligraphy, paintings and utensils have not yet been counted.

In addition, we also seized more than 1 fine horses and more than 5000 cattle and sheep in the city. "

Listening to Wu Yunchun who couldn't hide his excitement, Jia Yu smiled faintly: "The old rule... keep [-]% of the captured gold and silver as rewards for the soldiers, and register the rest. These will be presented to His Majesty later."

Wu Yunchun was slightly startled, "Sir...then you..."

Although Wu Yunchun only said half of what he meant, Jia Yu understood what he meant.

Since ancient times, generals have led armies on expeditions. After being captured, they usually select a round before handing it over to the court.

As for how much, it depends on the conscience of the leading generals, and the court usually turns a blind eye to this situation.

Even if he felt unhappy, he would just murmur behind his back. No emperor or civil servant would be stupid enough to accuse a general who went on an expedition.

Everyone understands the truth. If you really don’t give anyone any benefits, who else will sacrifice their life for you next time?

This was also the case from the suppression of bandits in Erlong Mountain to the raid on the Jinsha Gang. Everyone knew that Jia Yu must have gained a lot of benefits in the process, but no one from Emperor Changping to the officials in the court had ever mentioned this matter. Even Yan Guan, who is used to finding fault with eggs, turned a blind eye to this matter.

Because this is a rule that has been established since ancient times, let alone the feudal period, it is the same even in the so-called civilized modern society.

This is why Wu Yunchun was surprised when he saw that Jia Yu didn't want any benefits.

In response, Jia Yu would only respond with a faint smile.

How could Wu Yunchun know that he had already asked Na Mu Zhong as early as last night.

And with the space of the World Expo Hall that he carried with him, he immediately scratched the gold and silver treasures in the royal court. Otherwise, there would be only more than 400 million taels of silver in the huge royal court.

However, there are some things that there is no need to tell others. It is the right way to make a fortune in silence.

While the two were talking, the sun was already high on the top of the mountain.

Because the sun was too bright, Jia Yu narrowed his eyes. It took him a long time before he said: "Lao Wu, send someone to post a notice immediately to appease the people. I'm afraid we will have to meet the Tuo Tuo Bu Hua sweating profusely in two days." !”

(End of this chapter)

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