Chapter 276 Intrigue
But it is said that Wei Hu accepted the decree of Master Daoxing Tianzun, and with the evil intentions of Mo Luo, he drove Tutun all the way to Xiqi.

On the way, I couldn't help but think to myself: "Prince Long San has always had great supernatural powers and is invincible to me. How can master leave this matter to me?

I have to obey the law, but how can I accomplish it on my own? "

He was nervous, thinking about it over and over again, but he had no idea at all.

Unknowingly, Qingfeng had arrived at Xiqi Prime Minister's Mansion.

Wei Hu appeared in the wind.

Jiang Ziya knew that he had been called back to the mountain, and knew that something had happened. When he learned of his return, he hurriedly recalled him to the palace.

"Wei Hu, you are rushing back to the mountain this time, but does Senior Brother Daoxing have any instructions?"

Wei Hu shook his head and was just trying to find a reason to excuse himself when he suddenly thought:

"Uncle Ziya is also a member of the Chan religion and is at odds with Prince Long San.

At that time, the Dragon and Phoenix Hall was decorated with lanterns and colorful lights.


Ao Bing was very tired of these things.

Wei Hu was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Disciple, thank you so much, uncle."

Moreover, he is well versed in the art of war and has a flexible bottom line. Why don't I ask him?
Even if the plan fails, there is no need to worry about leaking it out again. "

He stared at Wei Hu, his gray eyebrows moved slightly, and his meaning was self-evident.

Within two days, Ji Fa held a banquet.

Ao Bing and Jiang Ziya sat opposite each other, their tables filled with wine and food.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I took the responsibility on myself. Should I do it now or not?
He frowned, secretly regretting it.

I was frightened and uneasy, so I decided to stick to my homeland and wait for the right time.

Jiang Ziya understood this and hurriedly raised his hand to tell the waiters around him to step back.

When Jiang Ziya saw it, he immediately scolded himself for talking too much.

What a trick of "three concessions and three concessions".

Because Lao Jiangtou usually took care of it and helped Ji Fa get off the stairs in time, he didn't bother to say anything.

If something goes wrong, I am willing to shoulder the responsibility and will never dare to implicate Chanjiao. "

Don't listen, don't ask, nothing happens.

Now the princes from all over the world have recommended me to lead the expedition against Yin Zhou.

But Wei Hu opened his mouth, and as a master uncle, he couldn't ignore it.

He was a little thick-sighted, but he didn't waste the last pill.

I couldn't help but pick up the wine glass and bring it to my mouth.

These kings and emperors all cherish feathers. They clearly want it in their hearts, but they say it nicely.

It's just that he is the king and I am the minister. Is there any reason in the world for a minister to attack a king?

In the book, Jiang Ziya had already led his troops to fight against Chaoge City, but he still persuaded people to withdraw their troops.

Old Jiangtou nodded with satisfaction, put away the elixirs on the table, but pushed the gourd back again and said:
"In two days, my king will hold a banquet for all the ministers. Prince Long San is also on the list. You should prepare yourself and act according to the opportunity."

Even if the plan is figured out, if it is exposed..."

The scene was silent for a moment, and Ao Bing suddenly raised his eyelids slightly and looked at Ziya.

But the strange thing is that while the ministers were waiting for the Prime Minister to cooperate with King Wu, the other party surprisingly remained silent.

He glanced around, coughed, and signaled with his eyes.

Wei Hu hurriedly said: "Master, if you can help me, I will be very grateful.

What do you think? "

It's just that I'm a martial artist and I don't know how to make a strategy. I wonder if my uncle can teach me how to do it? "

Instead, he stared at Ao Bing's hand holding the cup, his eyes widened.

Wei Hu then told Dao Xing Tianzun everything he had said, and he handed over his hands and said:
"Uncle Master, my disciples must abide by the law and do their best to explain the teachings.

Although I am a master uncle, I don't want to overshadow the guest.

"This matter is simple to say, but the key issue is that this is a task assigned to you by Senior Brother Daoxing.

The ministers met and sat separately on the left and right.

As he spoke, he took out the gourd and a "Heart Protection Pill" and placed them on the table in front of him.

You said you, why bother asking?

Ji Fa was at the top and took the lead in delivering an important speech:
"Thanks to the orders of all your ministers, our great Zhou Dynasty has finally established a solid foundation and strengthened its troops.

Throughout the story of the Conferred Gods, Ji Fa retreated whenever something happened, saying that the king, the king, and the ministers should not offend one another.

Ao Bing smiled upon hearing this.

Lao Jiangtou woke up as if from a dream. He quickly stood up and cupped his hands, arched his waist and controlled his back:
"My king's words are wrong.

King Zhou was unruly, killing his wife and children, burning loyal people, indulging in wine and sex, and not worshiping God.

Today Huangtian is furious and has given up his life to Shang.

I, your Majesty, respectfully carry out Heaven's punishment, punish the people for their sins, and save all the people from water and fire. This is the act of obeying Heaven and man..."

He said a lot of things, but he still said the same old things.

After finishing speaking, Ji Fa declined a few more words until he gave in three times before he finished.

At this time, Lao Jiang started to sweat and sat down again.

Ao Bing's table of food and drinks had actually been replaced by him long ago.

What is in the wine is "the evil intention of the devil and the energy of black Qing".

The stuff melts when it comes into contact with water, leaving no trace of turbidity. Instead, it enhances the aroma, aroma and color of the wine.

Just because demons are the best at deceiving people's minds, "Mara's evil intentions" are also like magic.

When others want to be happy, it produces endless joy; when others want to be angry, it produces endless anger.

Dedicated to catering to the will of all things.

If the wine smells good, it will smell good; if the wine smells bad, it will smell bad.

This saves him the trouble of covering up.

But after all, he was poisoning Prince Long San. Even though he had been on the battlefield for a long time, he would inevitably feel guilty inside.

So when I saw the other party holding the cup, I couldn't help but take a second look.

Little did he know that it was these two glances that made Ao Bing doubtful, and he unconsciously put the wine down again when he brought it to his lips.

"This old guy is acting weird today. He doesn't listen to Ji Fa's words, but instead watches me drink?

Could it be that the wine is poisonous? "

Thoughts flashed through my mind, but I couldn't be sure, so I didn't eat or drink for the time being, and just sat there pretending to watch the singing and dancing. When Old Jiangtou saw it, he secretly complained:

"Ao Bing is suspicious by nature. I stared at him just now, which must have aroused suspicion. Now he doesn't even drink. What should I do?"

He suddenly thought about it and moved his eyes. Unexpectedly, he saw King Wu Jifa and suddenly had an idea.

After the dance was over, he stood up on his own initiative, served the wine and said:
"Thanks to the great blessings of Your Majesty, our army and people in Xiqi are united and have won many battles.

Now that the country is prosperous, I will drink this cup to its fullest. "

He is the prime minister of Xiqi, so King Wu will give him 70% of his face, and the civil and military ministers will not dare to disobey him.

Besides, today's big banquet is a happy event, so drinking some wine is nothing.

They all responded enthusiastically and toasted together.

Ao Bing smiled and nodded. In order to join the group, he picked up the golden cup and touched it with his lips.

On the surface, I drank it, but in fact, I didn’t touch it at all.

Old Jiangtou secretly paid attention, and became more and more anxious when he saw this, thinking:
"He must have become suspicious, otherwise why would he only see the glass being served but not the wine?"

I deliberately find reasons to persuade him to drink, but I am afraid that the other party will become more suspicious.

After thinking about it, I came up with another idea.

While everyone was free to move around and guess the pot, he took the initiative to come to Ao Bing, pretended to be tipsy, and burped.

"In the past, I, Xiqi, have thanked you for your help, so that I, Xiqi, can survive many hardships. I am... I am grateful. I would like to offer a toast to the prince first."

As he spoke, he drank the wine in one gulp without waiting for Ao Bing's reply.

Then, taking advantage of the drunkenness, he grabbed the wine bottle on the table and refilled it for himself.

Ao Bing stared at the glass of wine with strange eyes.

He has been walking on thin ice all his life, and he only relies on that caution to survive until now.

I just suspected that there was something in the wine, so I didn't drink it.

At this moment, Lao Jiangtou poured out the wine, which immediately made his heart beat.

"Does he dare to drink the wine from my pot?"

Jiang Ziya proved with his actions that he really dared to drink.

He picked up the cup, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp. When he was done, he smacked his lips and said, "Good wine!"

Then he pretended to be surprised and asked: "Prince, why don't you drink?"

"Mara's evil intention" is a chronic poison that does not show its effect at first.

In addition, he has a "heart-protecting pill", so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Now I am using my body as bait just to dispel his doubts.

His boldness did make Ao Bing relax a little.

After all, if Old Jiang Tou really wanted to harm him, he wouldn't even do it to himself.

Jiang Ziya had been fighting with Ao Bing for many years, and he had already figured out his thoughts. One look at his expression and he knew that his strategy was effective.

Unexpectedly, under the influence of wine, he joked and said: "Is the prince afraid that I will poison you?
It is said that you have the power of Tiangang and Earth Evil, which can change you in one hundred and eight ways; you also have the indestructible Vajra and the immortal body.

Unexpectedly, the longer I live, the more timid I become. "

Ao Bing was teased by him, his face remained calm, but he was actually thinking about it in his heart.

He had recently learned that Yuanshi Tianzun was going to Xiqi in person to pay homage to Jiang Shang at the Golden Platform, so he had been cautious.

It has even reached the point where the wind and cranes are trembling, and the grass and trees are all at war.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, is it really necessary?

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun is the leader of the orthodox religion. He is aloof and aloof by nature. How could he do such a thing as sending someone to poison him?

And just as Lao Jiangtou said, he is indestructible, has one hundred and eight transformations, and has one hundred and eight lives.

Could it be that a mere drink could poison oneself to death?

Even if it is really poisonous, the Eight Treasures Golden Pill can still turn the dead into flesh and bones and bring them back to life.

As for being afraid of this?

"Damn Yuanshi, he put too much pressure on me."

He was angry in his heart and shook his head a little at his turbulent behavior.

"You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but you can't prevent a thief for a thousand days. You should improve your strength as soon as possible to avoid being frightened every day."

With a slight sigh, Ao Bing picked up the wine glass and said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist Jiang said something serious, he was just thinking about some other things and was a little dull.

Since my Taoist friends are interested in elegance, how dare I disobey him? "

He raised his head and drank the drink in one gulp.

The wine is refreshing in the throat, like sweet rain and dew, and it is a cup of good wine.

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed when he saw him drinking. He quickly picked up the wine pot and poured it for him himself.

The two talked and laughed until midnight.

At this time, everyone left the banquet, and he returned to the Dragon God's Mansion smelling of alcohol.

Go to the quiet room and sit cross-legged. Every day, you can be unshakable and use your magic power to walk around the world.

It's okay if you don't practice it. Once you practice it, you can feel your true energy boiling, like thousands of horses galloping, as fast as the surging river, continuous and continuous.

Just carrying it for one week is equivalent to seven or eight days of hard training.

"That's weird, that's weird. Could it be that I have accumulated a lot of experience and have broken through some kind of boundary?"

He muttered to himself, in disbelief.

Don’t you know,

Demons are the best at confusing people's hearts and leading them to perdition.

"Mara's evil intention" changes with the human heart. If you laugh, it will laugh with you; if you are happy, it will laugh with you.

The original intention of Ao Bing's Yungong is to improve his cultivation diligently.

"Mara's evil intentions" created the illusion of advanced cultivation and attracted him to continue practicing.

Secretly, in fact, the skill has slowly dissipated with the movement of the sky.

Even the dragon beads that were made with so much painstaking efforts have become slightly dull.

But in the eyes of Ao Bing Yuan Shen, not only was the dragon ball undamaged, it actually shone brightly.

"Wonderful, wonderful, you really have a lot of experience!"

He only felt that the opportunity was once in a lifetime, and he wished he could use his power all the time, so he became selfless and indulged in it.

(End of this chapter)

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