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Chapter 203 Having sex with Teacher Gu Qian offline

Chapter 203 Having sex with Teacher Gu Qian offline

The so-called "face-to-face" is an Internet buzzword, which refers to the meeting of gay friends on the Internet offline.

It’s just that this “gay friend” is not necessarily a real gay friend. Male and female netizens can also use facial recognition to tease each other when they meet.

And these days, there is a deeper meaning behind "face-based", a meaning that you understand, I understand, and everyone understands.

Generally speaking, if a man and a woman are having a face-to-face meeting, the relationship is probably going to be very good.

And after meeting, as long as both parties are satisfied and don't run away on the spot, most people will go shopping and have a meal.

Find a quiet hotel and play poker while chatting about life, ideals, and the future.

Well, to describe it in ancient and easy-to-understand language, it means making an appointment to take a hot spring bath together.

As a veteran who has been on the Internet for several years, Gu Qian certainly knows what "face" means.

So when she saw "Onion, Ginger, Garlic, Not Onion and Garlic" actually asking her to have sex with her offline, she immediately opened her mouth in surprise.

At that moment, Gu Qian's very feminine-looking lips, which were lightly smeared with lipstick, curved into a wonderful arc, and she almost blurted out the words "f*ck".

Of course, this was the staff office, and if she blurted it out here, her teaching career would be over.

So after the initial shock, Gu Qian couldn't help but swallowed when she looked at the message sent by the other party.

Although the spiritual mentor said, "I've heard about some troublesome things related to you recently," Gu Qian obviously didn't believe it.

The reason is simple, if he really knows what's wrong with him.

Then just say no directly on WeChat, why bother talking offline? It's simply unnecessary.

From this point of view, the other party obviously just wants to use this as a reason to ask him to meet offline, nothing more.

This man and woman had known each other online for two years, and their relationship was so good that they suddenly made an appointment to meet offline.

Judging from the various "face-gay" related posts on the Internet, it would be strange if the two of them didn't do something they loved.

I? With onions, ginger and garlic? Go to the hotel and make love! woo woo woo woo!

The moment she thought of that scene, Gu Qian couldn't help but blush, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Logically speaking, a mature woman like Gu Qian who is over twenty-five years old should not be so shy in this regard.

However, although Gu Qian is not young, she has absolutely zero experience in love, so she is naturally perfect.

After all, Gu Qian's father has been extremely strict with his daughter since she was very young.

Under such comprehensive constraints, Gu Qian could not even put up a poster of a male celebrity in her room, let alone dating boys.

Because of this, Gu Qian appears to be an experienced lady on the surface, but in fact she has absolutely no experience related to men and women.

That's why Gu Qian felt particularly flustered when faced with an invitation from her good gay friend, not knowing how to respond.

what to do? I. Shouldn’t I promise him? If I go, doesn't that mean I also have that intention?

Although after her body matures, Gu Qian will occasionally feel that she has certain needs. This is also human nature.

However, she had been taught a strong sense of self-discipline by her family, and even if she had any needs in that area, she was immediately suppressed.

So Gu Qian never thought that one day she would meet with netizens and discuss academic content related to reproduction.

From this point of view, Gu Qian should reject it immediately without hesitation, but she couldn't do it.

For Gu Qian, "Onion, ginger, garlic, not onion and garlic" is indeed a very special existence.

In the past, Gu Qian had almost no friends, and no one helped her or gave her advice without asking for anything in return.

Especially after having a younger sister and becoming a teacher, everyone regarded Gu Qian as the kind of mature woman who was mature and steady and didn't need anyone's help.

Only "Onion, Ginger, Garlic, Not Onion and Garlic" treats her as a confused little girl, helping her and guiding her in various aspects.

Even today, "Black Canopy" already has millions of fans, and a large number of fans bother them every day.

But Cong Jianglian still often appears in her live broadcast room to help her maintain order, help her expel black fans, etc.

Considering the man's selfless help to her over such a long time, Gu Qian hesitated.

What's more, Cong Jiang Suan was recently targeted by her teacher, and she doesn't seem to be in a good mood now.

If I reject him without hesitation now, then he will easily lose hope in life and become like me in the past.

No, no matter what I say, I have to be a role model for others. I can't just sit back and watch him become like that.

Forget it, just meet up and listen to what he has to say. But going to a hotel is definitely not an option.

Although Gu Qian didn't hate Cong Jiang Suan, and even liked him a little, it was still far from the academic content of discussing reproduction.

After all, Gu Qian is still a very traditional woman at heart, and she cannot give herself up so easily for temporary pleasure.

For Gu Qian, her first partner can only be her future husband, and other than that, she doesn't think about him at all.

So no matter how good Jiang Conglian treats her, she can't have sex with others. This must be done well.

After thinking for a while, Gu Qian took a deep breath, picked up her phone and replied:

"It's not impossible if you insist on meeting and chatting, but do you know where I am? Just meet?"

"I don't know." Jiang Zheng outside also smiled and typed deliberately:

"So it's up to you to decide the location. With the transportation being so developed these days, it can be done quickly from all over the world."

"That's right. I'm in Jiangcheng, where are you?"

"Jiangcheng, what a coincidence. I'm in Yindu. It's not very far away and it's very convenient to get there."

Is Yindu actually a resident of the metropolis? No wonder he looks used to seeing all kinds of things in the world.

For Gu Qian, who was born in Jiangcheng and has never been to big cities.

Her perception of "big city men" is the kind of successful people who either wear suits or ties.

Or he is the kind of playboy who socializes and has fun every day, and is especially good at picking up girls.

Judging from the past remarks of Cong Jiang Suan, compared to "suits and leather shoes" or "playboy".

The guy was more of a combination of the two, a "dude in a suit."

When she thought of this, Gu Qian felt even more embarrassed and humbled.

what to do? If he is a playboy from a big city, he must be used to seeing all kinds of women.

Will an ordinary teacher like me who has never seen much of the world be treated like a local girl?

Although Gu Qian doesn't want to be thought of as the kind of unscrupulous lady who is very casual, very messy and very open.

But I also don’t want to be looked down upon and treated as a country girl from the countryside who doesn’t know anything.

No, if I want to meet him, I must be well prepared, at least not to be underestimated by him.

After taking a deep breath, Gu Qian typed and continued:

"Okay, then let's find a place to have dinner together in Jiangcheng tonight. How about we eat and talk about anything?"

"Then go to the Kaizi Hotel. The lobster buffet there is pretty good."

"Aren't you from Yindu? Why are you so familiar with Jiangcheng's catering?"

"Living in Yindu doesn't mean I can only eat in Yindu. I went to Jiangcheng once before with my friends and had a meal there."

When Jiang Zheng mentioned his friend, he couldn't help but smile.

The friend who took Jiang Zheng to the "Kaizi Hotel" to be a maid was naturally Miss Shen Shen Yunyi. On the seventh floor of Kaizi Hotel is the "Moon Lobster", which is said to be the best buffet bar in Jiangcheng.

Although the price of a single meal, which can easily reach four figures, puts many people away.

However, the lobster dishes such as Boston lobster, Australian rock lobster, corrugated blue dragon, and Mexican red dragon, which are provided in unlimited quantities, are particularly famous, and other dishes are also of a high standard.

Shen Yunyi and Jiang Zheng are both people who love to eat. They went to "Moon Lobster" for a candlelight buffet two weeks ago and the experience was quite good.

Anyway, we have to find a place to eat, so instead of going to an ordinary place to eat, we might as well go to "Moon Lobster" to satisfy our cravings. This is what Jiang Zheng thought.

However, in Gu Qian's opinion, this dining place highlighted the playboy side of Onion, Ginger and Garlic.

Good guy, just having a meal with netizens is like a hotel buffet where the per capita consumption is thousands?

It seems that this guy Chong Jiang Suan not only has a good financial situation, but also knows how to enjoy himself. This kind of guy is the most popular among girls.

Although Gu Qian is actually quite rich because of her side job as a network anchor.

But even if she had money, she wouldn't spend so much money just for a meal. She didn't have this habit.

Because of this, Gu Qian felt uncomfortable with netizens who casually went to "Moon Lobster".

But since the other party said so, Gu Qian had no choice but to sigh and reply:

"Okay, I'm going to do some work. Let's wait at the door of the Kaizi Hotel at seven o'clock in the evening."

"Then I will take a copy of "Journey to the West" as a mark. When you see the young man holding the book, you will know it is me. That's it, bye."

When she saw what the other party sent back, Gu Qian felt a little bit dumbfounded.

This is the first time I heard that a netizen went on a date with a gay man and brought a copy of "Journey to the West" as a reminder. Do you like Marshal Tianpeng so much?

But having said that, after ending this conversation, Gu Qian felt a little excited for the first time in a long time.

Although she does not agree with the trend of netizens having to go to a hotel to discuss the secrets of human reproduction when they meet.

But to be honest, Gu Qian is still looking forward to this offline meeting with Cong Jiang Suan.

On the one hand, she had never met a netizen offline before, so it was a novel and exciting feeling.

On the other hand, Gu Qian wanted to know what kind of person the netizen she had known for two years was like in reality.

In the past two years, Gu Qian's Cong Jianglian has always been a humorous and somewhat thick-skinned uncle.

Well, yes, uncle, he looks like he is about thirty or forty years old. He is tall and always has a smile like an old cadre on his face.

He has a coquettish moustache on his chin, walks vigorously and speaks in a steady stream. This is what Gu Qian thinks of him.

Although it was a bit strange for Gu Qian, who was in her twenties, to call someone uncle, Gu Qian always felt that she was interacting with an elder.

Of course, Gu Qian also knew that this was just wishful thinking on her part. She had no way of knowing who Cong Jiang Suan was in reality.

However, today, Gu Qian really had the opportunity to meet Cong Jiang Suan. How could she not be excited?

Since he comes from a big city, I can't act too much like a country bumpkin. I have to take care of myself.

Immediately, Gu Qian picked up the small mirror on the table and looked at her appearance carefully.

Gu Qian's face is indeed very beautiful, but she usually only wears some light makeup, so her beauty is not so ostentatious.

But if you are going to meet netizens in big cities, you must take good care of yourself.

I have to put on the most beautiful makeup, wear the most beautiful skirt, oh, by the way, I also have a new pair of high heels that I haven’t worn yet.

Thinking of this, Gu Qian felt a fighting spirit surge in her heart, a fighting spirit that she didn't want to embarrass herself or Jiang Cheng.

However, just as Gu Qian was thinking carefully about what she should wear at night, and even searched for various makeup looks on the Internet.

As the class bell rang, Jiang Zheng quickly returned to Class C classroom and sat next to his true gay friend, Chen Yuannan.

Seeing his best friend coming back with a weird smile, Chen Yuannan, who was watching "When the Storm Meets the Dragon" couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said:

"What? You smile so wildly, and which other woman sent you a love letter?"

Hearing this, Jiang Zheng snorted disdainfully, sat on the chair, crossed his legs, and said with a smile:

"Sending love letters is nothing. I won't scare you to death if I tell you. I'm going to go out to dinner with the beautiful woman tonight."

"Beauty? Is it your Miss Shen again? What's there to brag about? This doesn't happen often."

"It's not her this time, it's someone you won't believe if she says it."

"Come on, I'll give you what you can." Chen Yuannan made a crooked Dragon King expression, shook his head and said:

"It's no use being able to pick up little girls all the time. If you have the ability, just date Lao Ban."

"Hey, don't tell me, I really plan to go on a date with the head teacher tonight, do you believe it?"

"I believe you ghost, you are a bad old man."

Chen Yuannan gave Jiang Zheng a middle finger, then lowered his head and read his positive health novel.

Seeing his best friend's completely unbelieving look, Jiang Zheng could only sigh, lamenting the fact that no one believed him when he always told the truth.

However, when he heard Chen Yuannan mention Shen Yunyi, Jiang Zheng immediately picked up his phone and prepared to send a message to Miss Shen.

After all, Jiang Zheng was going out to eat with Gu Qian tonight, so he still had to report to Shen Yunyi.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Zheng wanted to meet Gu Qian was not to discuss with her the secrets of human reproduction.

In fact, he really wanted to explain something to Gu Qian, mainly about Bai Hui and "Starlight Night".

The reason why he didn't explain it on his mobile phone was that there were too many words. He was not an online writer, so he was too lazy to type out thousands of words at once.

On the other hand, it involves such a serious issue. If it is explained on the mobile phone, Gu Qian is likely to be suspicious.

But the current situation obviously does not allow Gu Qian to be doubtful. She must completely believe that someone wants to deal with her.

Now the other party is preparing to disclose her identity as a host, and is even looking for someone to intimidate, threaten, and even plan to destroy her face.

If Gu Qian herself doesn't take such a big matter seriously, it's hard to say that Jiang Zheng can protect others thoroughly.

Because of this, we need to meet to make it clear and we cannot meet as "Jiang Zheng".

After all, Jiang is Gu Qian's student, and Gu Qian is now somewhat prejudiced against him.

Considering this, Jiang Zheng planned to tidy up a little and meet Gu Qian under a false identity.

Compared with "old and crooked bad student Jiang Zheng", a brand new identity is obviously easier for Gu Qian to believe in his words, and this is also the best way.

Moreover, Jiang Zheng originally had a strange hidden setting that "if you tidy up, you will not look like a person at all".

It's not a troublesome thing for him to prevent Gu Qian from recognizing him, he just needs to ask Granny Ye.

Of course, before doing all these things, you have to make it clear to Shen Yunyi, lest Miss Shen misunderstand that Jiang Zheng wants to eat the old grass.

So during class, Jiang Zheng casually sent this WeChat message to Shen Yunyi.

"I'm going to have dinner at Moon Lobster with Teacher Gu Qian tonight. I'll report to you in advance."

What? Jiang Zheng? Teacher Gu Qian? "Moon Lobster"? Have a meal?

The moment he saw this message, Shen Yunyi, who was sitting in Class A, suddenly opened his eyes wide with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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