My ability is to modify the text description

Chapter 194 The tacit understanding between childhood sweethearts

Chapter 194 The tacit understanding between childhood sweethearts

For the policemen of the "Jiangcheng City Police Department", today is undoubtedly a busy day.

This late at night, a rare landslide actually occurred on the highway outside the city, and such a big accident occurred.

When he came to the railing where the ambulance broke down, Officer Yuan Zhenguo couldn't help but frown, and a trace of doubt flashed in his brows.

Yuan Zhenguo is the leading crime-solving expert in the "Jiangcheng City Police Department", known as "Eagle Eye A-Yuan".

He looks to be around forty, an energetic age, and his face is etched with weather and alertness.

While the police officer was investigating near the scene of the car accident, another young police officer, Xiao Wu, came over and said:

"Uncle Yuan, it seems like it's just an ordinary traffic accident. The rest can be left to the colleagues in the traffic department. Do you still need our presence?"

Although it is rare for a landslide of this level to cause a large piece of rock to slide down, it is not uncommon.

A car was almost hit when passing by. In a hurry, it hit the railing. The two drivers were thrown out on the spot and fell into the cliff. They were nowhere to be found.

This situation is indeed a bit mysterious, but it is occasionally seen in various traffic accidents, so it is not surprising.

Unexpectedly, when Yuan Zhenguo heard this, he lit up a cigarette and took a puff, shook his head and said:

"If the car was carrying ordinary people, I would believe it was an ordinary traffic accident, but the problem is not that."

"If I remember correctly, the person in this ambulance seems to be the CEO of the 'Shen Group', right?"

Well, Yuan Zhenguo responded vigorously and said seriously:

"The woman suddenly became mentally ill and had such a rare accident while being sent to another city for medical treatment. Do you think this is really a coincidence?"

"It's not unreasonable to say so. So what does Uncle Yuan mean that this car accident is related to the 'Shen Group'?"

The "Shen Group" is a leading enterprise in Jiangcheng, so it is impossible for anyone in the police station not to know the Shen family.

In addition, this car accident happened so coincidentally that anyone with a little bit of brains would immediately notice the various inside stories involved.

So Yuan Zhenguo took another deep drag on his cigarette, looked at the ambulance from Yindu, and murmured:

"There is no evidence yet, but according to my past criminal investigation experience, it should be an internal dispute within the family, such as who wants to kill the woman so as to obtain some kind of benefit from it."

"Oh oh oh, that's it. As expected of Uncle Yuan, it really makes sense!"

Yuan Zhenguo is indeed a veteran police officer. He can see through the general situation of the entire incident at a glance, and it is really quite accurate.

But there was one thing he didn't guess right, or he guessed exactly the opposite. After all, Su Yuchan was the one who wanted to profit from it.

But for Yuan Zhenguo, he really hated those high-ranking officials who were above the law and used their power to do whatever they wanted.

So after roughly investigating the car accident here, the eagle-eyed Ayuan ordered Xiao Wu:

"Compile all the relevant information about this accident and start investigating the Shen family tomorrow. I must find out what they are doing."

"Yes! We must not let any crime go unpunished!"

In this way, under the attention of the "Jiangcheng City Police Department" pair, a large investigation net against the Shen family began to slowly open.

Of course, the Shen family would not care at all about this level of investigation.

Because they have a clear conscience and know that they have done nothing.

And Jiang Zhengze, who knew what he had done, would not care about this kind of investigation at all, unless someone could prove that he could fly in the sky.

So not long ago, an ambulance was called and Su Yuchan was brought back to Jiangcheng.

Jiang Zheng and Mi'er also came to the familiar "Deyun Psychological Recuperation Center", where Du Yan worked.

After all, there are only a few mental hospitals in Jiangcheng City, and the "Deyun Psychological Treatment Center" is relatively well-equipped, so it is normal to send people here.

However, after learning that Su Yuchan had been sent back after a long journey, the members of the Shen family quickly gathered here.

It was around ten o'clock at night, but a large number of people gathered at the entrance of the intensive care unit.

The first person was Shen Xiao. He looked at his wife in the ward through the glass mirror and asked in a tone so nervous that he might vomit at any time:

"Doctor, my wife... no, she's my ex-wife... No, she's not divorced yet... Anyway, what's going on with that person inside?"

Because the situation was so confusing, Shen Xiao gave people a stuttering feeling when he spoke.

However, the chief physician, Dr. Hu, seemed to be used to this situation, so he said to him seriously:

"The current situation is not ideal, but we will do our best to treat it."

" that good or bad?"

"It depends on the patient's subsequent condition. If it develops in a good direction, it will naturally get better."

"Then is it possible that it could develop in a bad direction?"

"It may also develop in a bad direction, so you have to be mentally prepared for some special circumstances."

"Then based on your professional experience, what specific special situations may occur?"

"Based on my professional experience over the past thirty years, any special situation can happen."

Seeing Shen Xiao in front of him, he was stunned for a moment by Director Hu's official tone, which meant he didn't say anything and listened in vain.

Everyone behind them couldn't help but show dumbfounded expressions... After all, the current situation was really too outrageous.

Su Yuchan, who was originally sent to Jiangcheng, was inexplicably sent back because of a car accident.

And according to the doctor, her condition seems not to be good. In addition to mental problems, she also has new symptoms of concussion.

Yes, the concussion... it should have been caused by falling out in the ambulance not long ago, and it was even accompanied by slight intracranial bleeding.

This is good, Su Yuchan's brain is really wrong, and it is a double physical and mental damage.

This thing is in such a state of exhaustion that I probably won't be able to wake up for a while. I'm afraid I'll turn into a real idiot when I wake up.

But she fell into a baby-like sleep, so what should the Shen family do next?

You know, mentally ill people have the legal right not to be criminally prosecuted.

Even if this matter was brought to court, it would have no impact on the woman lying in the bed.

If we want to resolve it privately, she already has no consciousness at all.

You can't just take the person back and cover him with a pillow to death. That would be too inhumane.

So after thinking about it, the best way to deal with Su Yuchan seems to be the last one: "keep it as is".

Thinking of this, Xia Hua couldn't help but look at his sister Xia Ling, and showed a complicated smile in a tacit understanding.

"It seems pretty good if she can't wake up like this. Maybe this is because she has done too many bad things and she is destined to suffer this fate."

"Well, it just so happens that we can use this as a reason to remove her from her position and eradicate her influence. There won't be too much turmoil in the company. It's a good result."

However, just as the Shen family was discussing how to deal with Su Yuchan's "posthumous affairs".

Jiang Zheng and Shen Yunyi, who were sitting on the guest bench not far away, were chatting about another rather special topic.

"Pluto didn't expect that there would be such an organization operating behind the scenes. Things seem to be getting more and more troublesome."

After hearing the recovery process between Jiang Zheng and Mi'er just now, Shen Yunyi couldn't help but frown.

This mysterious "Pluto" organization is obviously not a subordinate of Su Yuchan, but just a savior hired by her.

And judging from the vicious situation of just two transporters.

Behind this organization is obviously a group of real outlaws, which is very scary.

The current situation is that Jiang Zheng stopped the actions of "Pluto" and even kidnapped one of their members.

If they were really that kind of underground evil organization, they would definitely regard Jiang Zheng's actions as a provocation and even declare war.

When I think about it, that mysterious organization may have already formed a quarrel with Jiang Zheng and is even planning revenge.

Shen Yunyi couldn't help but have a flash of worry in his eyes, as if he was wondering if Jiang Zheng would suffer misfortune because of this.

Jiang Zheng naturally knew this, but he still held Miss Shen's hand and said in a relaxed tone:

"Don't worry, they're just a bunch of rats hiding underground and afraid to see people. They don't pose a threat to me."

"Don't be too confident. They even have the technology or ability to silence people remotely. This is not something ordinary people can do, is it?"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Zheng couldn't help but remain silent for a while, because he knew that what Shen Yunyi said was absolutely correct. The driver who he captured from the ambulance not long ago was now staying in Xia Ling's secret safe house.

It's a pity that the man has completely turned into a fool. He only knows how to play the violin repeatedly and is completely unable to communicate normally with others.

The most important thing is that Jiang Zheng's "text conversion ability" cannot help him recover from this state.

After all, mental illness is different from physical illness. It is a special existence that does not appear in the "text box" at all.

For example, when someone's hand is injured, Jiang is watching him and using his ability.

From the text box, it is clear that there will be text descriptions such as "The injury on someone's hand is bleeding."

As long as these key words are transferred, the injury can be transferred to other places simultaneously, which is equivalent to being cured on the spot.

Therefore, Jiang Zheng can basically cure any physical injuries at will, which is much better than any urban miracle doctor.

But not long ago, when Jiang looked at the driver who didn't know what had been done to him.

In the dialog box in front of him, only the text description "He is playing the violin continuously" appeared.

Yes, this is true, because in fact this person is really just playing the violin, nothing more.

As for what happened to his psychology and why it led to this, it will not be reflected in the text box at all.

Since you can't see the other party's psychological activities from the text box, you can't modify it in this regard.

In other words, although Jiang Zheng can clearly see mental trauma or illness through "mental vision".

But if you ask him to cure it, it can't be cured. It can only be described as specializing in the art.

Therefore, compared with long guns, short guns, killer mercenaries, etc., this kind of mental symptoms will obviously make Jiang Zheng feel much more troublesome.

And if Jiang Zheng guessed correctly, this ability should be close to "psychological suggestion".

Or to put it more simply, it is something mysterious and mysterious like "hypnosis".

Although "psychological suggestion" is considered by many people to be a trick of charlatans, it is actually a very profound subject.

After all, the human spiritual world is very mysterious. Through various psychological suggestions, it can indeed have various complex effects on the human body.

In this regard, the earliest example of psychological suggestion recorded in ancient books comes from Prime Minister Cao's famous "looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst" in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Legend has it that Cao Cao could not find water during a march and his soldiers were all thirsty.

So he sent an order: "There is a plum forest ahead, which bears many fruits. The sweetness and sourness can quench your thirst."

When the soldier heard about it, he immediately thought of the sour plums and drooled from his mouth. He felt that his thirst was relieved a lot.

By mentally imagining "sour plums", you can stimulate your salivary glands to secrete a large amount of saliva and temporarily quench your thirst.

This description may sound outrageous, but in fact it is something that can really be done, and it is a situation that exists in reality.

This is also the most basic standard practical method of "psychological suggestion", which is to influence changes in body functions through mental suggestions.

Of course, compared to Prime Minister Cao's invention of looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst, the psychological suggestion used in "Pluto" is completely different.

When that person was about to mention the leader of "Pluto", the hint that had been set in his mind was also activated.

The power of this psychological suggestion is extremely powerful, even powerful enough to destroy a person's self-awareness and turn him into an idiot on the spot so that he cannot leak the secret.

This power is so powerful that one can't help but wonder if there is any legendary hypnotist or other alien in that organization.

But having said that, "Pluto" won't really come for a while, and there is no point in Jiang Zheng and Shen Yunyi's random thoughts here.

And after returning with Mi'er, Jiang Zheng had already told Xia Linlin about this matter.

Let the "whimsical kitten" investigate the organization through his own channels.

As for what can be found and what cannot be found, that is not something Jiang Zheng can worry about.

Hmm... Thinking of this, Jiang Zheng only felt a little tired, so he stretched out and smiled at his childhood sweetheart:

"Anyway, it's fine. The troubles around you are almost over. How about we relax our nerves and enjoy a moment of peace?"

Although the "Pluto" thing appeared inexplicably again, it brought some hidden dangers to Jiang Zheng.

But at least now Su Yuchan has become almost in a vegetative state, and all her power will be wiped out immediately.

In addition, Mi'er has calmly accepted the past, given up revenge, and is ready to embark on a new life.

Naturally, the series of troubles surrounding Shen Yunyi will all dissipate.

Phew, Shen Yunyi breathed a sigh of relief when Jiang Zheng said this.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, she leaned her head on Jiang Zheng's shoulder and whispered:

"By the way, did you know that Mi'er just submitted her resignation to her mother and she quit her job as our maid?"

Regarding Mi'er's resignation, Shen Yunyi's mood was actually somewhat complicated.

Even if she knew that Mi'er's purpose of working in "Shen Family Courtyard" was to kill herself.

But after all, she had actually done nothing for more than a year, so Shen Yunyi couldn't hate her.

In addition, after all the answers to the mystery were announced, everyone knew that Mi'er was the biggest victim in the whole incident, so naturally they would not criticize her too much.

Even when he received Mi'er's resignation, Xia Hua tried his best to retain Mi'er and wanted to keep her working in the "Shen Group".

But Mi'er firmly rejected the Shen family's arrangement. In her words:

"This little girl knows that she has sinned deeply and is not worthy of accepting your kindness, so just leave her here."

Since Mi'er said so, Xia Hua had no choice but to agree to her resignation request.

Therefore, Mi'er's status as a maid will only last until tomorrow morning, and she will move out tomorrow.

Thinking of that poor child, Shen Yunyi couldn't help but sigh:

"I don't know where Mi'er will go after leaving the Shen family. It's really worrying."

However, just when Shen Yunyi was sincerely worried about Mi'er's future.

But she didn't notice at all that Jiang Zheng's body had stiffened at some point, and there was an embarrassed look on his face.

By the way, because I was so busy today, I actually forgot to tell Yun Yi that Mi'er was coming to work at my house.

Seeing that Miss Shen is still worried about Mi'er's future.

Jiang Zheng, who had already taken the family into his pocket, couldn't help scratching his head and didn't know how to explain it.

When Jiang Zheng felt extremely embarrassed, Shen Yunyi even continued to ask with concern:

"By the way, Mi'er seems to have no other relatives to seek refuge with."

"Ah? As far as I know, well. It doesn't seem to be the case, but she has hands and feet, so she won't starve to death."

"That's not what you're saying. That kid is clumsy and has no skills except fighting. I don't know if he can find a suitable job."

As Shen Yunyi spoke, she looked like she was thinking, as if she was thinking about a suitable job to recommend to Mi'er.

After thinking for a while, she suddenly looked up at Jiang Zheng and said in a consulting tone:

"Otherwise, let's just do this. What do you think about letting Mi'er work at your house?"


As soon as Miss Shen finished speaking, Jiang Zheng was completely stunned.

He was still thinking about how to explain his private "lifelong agreement" with Mi'er.

Who would have thought that Shen Yunyi would actually offer to let Mi'er work as a maid in his house?

Is this the tacit understanding between childhood sweethearts? Although it seems to be used in strange ways.

(End of this chapter)

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