Pretending to be a professional player, you won the championship?

Chapter 173 The opening game of the mid-season!

The General Administration of Sports broke big news on May 7th.

All members of the League of Legends national team have been confirmed and announced through official documents.

After the mid-season, there will be a half-month training period, and then we will play in the Asian Games qualifiers. As for the official match date, it is scheduled for the end of August or early September, which happens to be the end of the summer season, which is almost a month. The time buffer does not conflict with major events.

This is why the club is happy to see its players selected...

No one in the top lane position can threaten Lu Ming's status, so he was naturally selected without any suspense.

There isn’t much debate about this, the top lane position is everyone’s default...

But the other positions were in complete turmoil!

The jungler did not choose Mala Xiangguo, which is the strongest offensive jungler in China.

Instead, he chose Xiaotian.

In fact, everyone can still understand this.

Because Xiaotian is really good at cooperating with the top laner, there must be his figure within three steps. In this case, it is like an exclusive buff for the top laner.

This combination of top and jungle can never be separated.

In this case, choosing Xiaotian seems to be quite reasonable and there is no big problem.

So Mala Xiangguo... I can only say that he is not good on the road.

If the top lane letme is strong enough, the two of them form a top jungle combination, and there is a high probability of being selected.

Of course, the most controversial one is the ad position! The old thief Sima started, and Uzi was the substitute.

This made Uzi fans very dissatisfied.

The old thief Sima has never won a single laning match in the bottom lane, why should he dominate the puppy? This is unfair. Has the official always judged heroes by champions?

Doesn't this feel sad and uncomfortable?

So I left a message on the official Weibo and kept expressing my opinions, which also gave me a feeling of being forced into the palace.

If the old thief Sima is not put on the bench, their gsl will never agree.

Just so domineering and mighty.

Sometimes people can't figure out whether they are fans of Uzi. They all want Uzi to die and give official eye drops everywhere.

Sure enough, the power of fighting fans is beyond everyone’s imagination.

The most outrageous thing is that they can actually provide evidence.

Because the starter in the middle lane is Xiye...

Laundry detergent was eliminated in the first round of the playoffs, and was eliminated by rng.

He is actually the starting mid laner?

Are these officials chosen blindly?

But many people looked back and thought about the domestic mid laner, and it is true that no one except Xiye can do it.

It is normal for you to choose him after choosing and choosing.

With a roster of six, AD is very difficult to choose...

It's actually perfect to choose the old thief Sima and then use a puppy as a substitute.

There's nothing wrong with it.

As for support, I chose meiko.

The old thief Sima is not the best partner for Xiao Wu.

From here, many people began to trace the origins of who selected the national team.

All this points to coach...Abu!

At this moment many people felt that they had solved the case.

The ADC that Abu has always wanted is a puppy.

But the puppy saw through the nature of the edg team, and did not fall for his trick at all, so he did not go to edg. It was precisely because of this that Abu held a grudge, ignored the objective facts, and let the old thief Sima, as the starting adc of the national team, suppress the puppy On the bench...

She even has selfish motives, otherwise she would be unlikely to choose meiko no matter what.

Does he have any connection or connection with these two ABCs? Not at all...

Either Xiao Ming or Xiao Wu, what does it have to do with Tian Ye?

Therefore, gsl concluded that Abramovich was using his power for personal gain. Originally, the national team had nothing to do with the edg team, so he made a sudden plan.

And in order to divert attention, a mid laner from the WE team was brought over.

It has to be said that there are calculations, otherwise the WE team that was in full swing would not be completely dismantled, but these calculations are disgusting no matter how you think about them.

I used to plan the WE team, but now I can plan the RNG team, right?

Ever since they found out that the person who selected the national team members was Abe, GSL seemed to have found an outlet and launched a crazy attack on Abe. In just a few hours, the number of comments had exceeded 60,000.

"No wonder Mercury is retrograde this year. It turns out there is a villain plotting it... The puppy is really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

"You still haven't removed Abramovich's coach? This coach is using power for personal gain!"

"I can only say that except for Koi Brother, I am not very satisfied with the candidates for other positions in the national team. There are clearly more suitable candidates!"

"Actually, according to my idea, it's very simple. Can't the strongest team in the spring split just become the national team? That doesn't make any sense!"

Fans on the Internet were noisy, but the players who were selected for the six-man roster were still very excited.

This means that I can now represent my country in competitions! Fight for the country! He is no longer the Internet-addicted teenager that people call him.

If you can help the country win a gold medal... the banners and plaques will be full, and a hundred years later, you will be the first to eat the incense offered by your descendants!

This is really not an exaggeration, especially when the winning opponent includes the Japanese team, the meaning is even more different.

So whether he is a substitute or a starter, it is acceptable.

Especially the puppy was so excited that he smiled.

He was indeed a little depressed during this period, and it was good news that he was successfully selected for the national team.

Especially after being eliminated, he felt that his chances of being selected were slim.

The old thief Sima has a high probability of being the official first choice.

If the coach was not Abramovich, he might not even be able to get a substitute position.

Yes, Puppy’s views are different from those of his fans.

I didn't feel like I was the starter from the beginning, and then became a substitute because of Abramovich.

To some extent, Abu does have selfish motives.

He wanted to see what kind of sparks the combination of Meiko and Uzi could create.

Therefore, Puppy already feels that even if he is a substitute on the surface, he will not become a starter later.

Just wait quietly for the follow-up race.

Thinking of this, the puppy became more and more excited.

There is a saying that goes well: a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.

Although I didn't win the spring championship and couldn't represent the lpl in the mid-season tournament, what an honor it was to be able to represent China in the Asian Games?

And can he get used to it and feel what it's like to be a Koi brother on the road?

A player like Old Thief Sima who got here by luck will only make himself worse...

And he got here through hard work and talent.

Life is like walking on thin ice, not knowing if I can find the other side.

Thinking of this puppy, he silently clenched his fists.

Take advantage of this rest period to work harder and raise your strength to a higher level.

rngThose teammates who can't be helped up the wall by the mud, we have to help them up!


As for the mentality of other people, it is actually similar to that of puppies.

In comparison, if you are preparing for a concentrated competition, you don't have that much time to celebrate. They had already boarded a plane to Berlin, Germany.

Although the mid-season starts relatively early, as one of the two major regions, there are still some preferential treatment. You do not need to enter the playoffs to directly advance to the group stage.

Yes, as the scale becomes larger and larger, the mid-season competition already has the schedule model of the global finals.

The gold content is also getting higher and higher.

If the winner of the initial Mid-Season Championship was only equivalent to the top four, now the winner of the Mid-Season Championship is almost the runner-up of the Global Finals.

Of course, it’s still the same sentence, no matter what competition the champion is, he will listen better than the runner-up, and the second place will just want to take the first place...

However, there is also one thing to watch in the playoffs, and that is whether Japan's Tofu Demon Team can tenaciously enter the group stage, so that DG can teach the Japanese team a lesson in the mid-season.

It's just a pity that everyone's better wishes were shattered after all.

The Tofu Demon team really controls the Thunder in the Japanese League. No team can challenge them. But when it comes to world-class competitions, they are not enough to watch. They are completely treated as toys, hung up and beaten...

But this is quite normal. After all, the ljl division has been in the city for a while, and many teams have only platinum level players.

This is different from the platinum gold that the teacher used to have... At that time, although he was introduced as platinum, his real strength is to suppress the thunder on the road. It doesn't matter whether he is a rank or not, as long as he is strong.

After all, there is the ace mid laner who is as strong as the number one player in the Korean server, and the mid laner Gossamer who is about to retire after being drilled.

This picture and this scene are indeed something that many people did not expect.

Originally thought to be a competition for new players to become gods, it turned out to be an old thing educating new players.

After this game, some people's hearts were broken, and they still have a feeling that they haven't recovered from it to this day.

In the end, the two group stage spots were taken by evs and Flash Wolves respectively.

In this way, all six teams for the mid-season tournament have been determined.

They are the current champion TL of the North American Division.

European champion team fnc.

The champion team of the Korean Division kz...

And the champion dg team in the Chinese division.

It also adds some suspense to this year's game.

Can dg work?

Can we get the mid-season championship trophy?

Not to mention that without the SKT team, wouldn't this opportunity be created by God?

If you suffer from defects because of this, you will definitely regret it if you miss it.

Maybe something will completely change because of this championship.

dg can help the lpl division win its first global finals championship.


The kz team, as the spring champion of the lck division this year, will win the mid-season championship like the skt team in the past.

As for not being able to capture them, I never even thought about it.

The dg team seems to be very interesting, but in fact it has little strength and its tactics are very simple, relying entirely on the top lane to win the game.

There is no relatively strong top laner in the lpl division. In this case, it is very easy and simple for dg to win.

But now when we encounter their kz, they basically have nothing to lose. As for winning the spring split, it is only a matter of time.

To a certain extent, it is also a drill for their Korean national team.

It's true that the national team's lineup has not yet been determined. It is not difficult to see that there are still other choices in South Korea. Even if Faker's state this year is not very good, but the Triple Crown winner is here, it is really not good. Know what to do to surpass...

Therefore, ordinary mid laners cannot threaten his position at all. As for other positions, it is even more difficult to determine, and there are many strong players.

That's why it was decided to select the Korean national team members after the mid-season, which would be more convincing and powerful.

The group stage rules for this mid-season tournament are actually the same as the previous one.

Double round-robin Bo1, the top four teams in total points advance to the semi-finals.

Therefore, every game has no room for failure for the team, and they must strive to win as much as possible.

As for the semi-finals, it is actually a bo5, directly adopting the best-of-five system...

This is also the consistent way of playing in world-class competitions.

Compared with others, bo5 is more exciting and exciting.

The goals of everyone in the kz team are also very clear.

Because this championship is not only the spring championship, but also the Asian Games championship.

They have no doubt about their strength in the Asian Games.

Can easily help the country win national honor.

And he can also be exempted from military service. Why not do more than one thing with one stone?

Yes, in their hearts, the championship is definitely theirs.


The first difficulty of this mid-season tournament came quickly.

jet lag!

Need to catch up on jet lag.

Otherwise, it is easy to become acclimatized, have a fever and get sick.

Then this state will definitely be affected...

There is no way to play the next game in the best condition.

However, it is worth mentioning that this has not happened to all DG members.

I just feel that the Western food here in Germany tastes terrible, and the Chinese food is still unbeatable. There is no country in the world that can compare with Chinese food.

After eating hamburgers for just one day, everyone began to miss Sichuan’s Mapo Tofu and Hangzhou Xiaolongbao...

Fortunately, Lu Ming didn't forget to stuff a jar of chili sauce in his backpack when he went abroad, otherwise the team's situation would have been even worse.

At least there is chili sauce now, so the food is barely passable.

After getting used to it, I found it acceptable...

If the mid-season can be completed completely, it will only take twelve days.

Although the mid-season tournament is a world-class competition, the schedule is still much shorter than the global finals.

The natural duration has also been cut in half.

However, it can also meet the viewing requirements of many fans.

World-class honor is also the best reward in the mid-term.

With everyone's eager anticipation and waiting, the 2018 League of Legends Mid-Season Championship group stage schedule finally started on May 12th!

On that day, the scene was even more popular. The venue was packed with people and no one was absent.

Although the results in the European division are not very good, they are optimistic enough.

Optimism supports them...

But then again, what if you are not optimistic? After all, nothing can be changed.

The opening match of the mid-season group stage is also very interesting: China vs. Europe.

The fnc team has also created a fierce record of sweeping edg four times. If dg is not careful, it may capsize in the gutter...

(End of this chapter)

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