Chapter 134 Complete victory halfway! 20ig!

As long as this swordswoman can be restrained, there is still room to play in this game. If she cannot be restrained, then she will have to wait and lose.

This is not only known by Coach Jin in the background, but also by all the ig players on the court.

But when there are no resources on the map, the prince is just like a bodyguard and still has any dignity of the royal family?

ig never had a chance to take action.

Seeing this scene, Coach Jin was even more anxious and scratching his head.

"Choose a Demacian prince and end up becoming a Demacian lackey! Xiba! This little Tian! Don't you have any jungle soul at all? Just want to help on the road? You have your own ideas. It's not good to go to other roads. ?"

in a hurry!

If this continues, I will be dragged to death by Sword Girl alone!

He really didn't expect that theshy, who was regarded as a top laner, would actually be outplayed by the opponent.

I can only hope to find opportunities in the future...

"Although ig here wants to attack Sword Girl, Xiaotian is very protective and can see the opponent's movements immediately. With the prince on the road, the two of them might really be able to fight two against five..."

Miller's words are really not an exaggeration at all. The main reason is that Sword Lady's equipment is so good. As long as the prince can help him hold on for a few more seconds, he will be able to produce explosive output. The follow-up was two against four.

This is the irritability of Sword Lady.

It's true that he's not very good at teamfighting, but when it comes to fighting more than one, he's really strong enough to fight many with less.

And with one more person, other people in DG can immediately support you when you want to handle it.

"Brothers, what should we do?" Ah Shui asked in the team voice message, looking at the arrogant Jian Ji.

"If it really doesn't work, how about we fight in a team fight with the other side? Brothers, let me go up and try a kick to see if I can kick Xia over. Maybe we can win in a team fight?" Prince Ning also knew this. My performance in the game was not very good. Although it was not the first-guessing type, there was still a big problem.

In this case, it's time to stand up and express yourself properly.

And the blind monk is also a hero who creates miracles.

There are many blind monks who kick the opponent's core C position into the crowd when they are at a disadvantage, and then use a set of skills to kill them instantly, relying on this wave to complete a huge comeback.

Prince Ning felt that it was time for him to step forward and save the team...

Otherwise, there would be no point in selecting this blind monk.

The others were silent for a while after hearing what Prince Ning said.

This seems to be the best way.

If there is no group play, the Sword Girl will keep bringing her alone, and soon he will be able to bring all of the Highland Towers to him.

In this case, it is better to force a wave of groups in the middle.

The development of Syndra and Varus is actually okay.

After all, there is an advantage online during the laning phase.

If he could really kick Xayah back, he would have a chance to take down the baron with this wave and completely turn the situation around.

After getting the big dragon, how big a storm can a swordswoman make?

Coach Jin in the background gradually calmed down as he listened to the team's voice.

That's right, since you can't deal with Sword Girl, then start with their teammates.

I really can't sit back and wait for death like I just did.

Prince Ning goes and kicks me, showing all the strength of your blind monk.

Nineteen minutes and forty-seven seconds.

The four members of DG began to work together to clear the middle lane, while Jian Ji led the bottom lane alone.

Lu Ming's idea was as simple as before. It was almost time to fight the dragon. As for the captain, he couldn't stop him at all.

But when the troops were led to the highland tower, the captain was never seen, which felt a bit strange.

Then he immediately reacted and signaled in the middle.

"The other side may be trying to force a group!"

You Shen has a blind monk, and his ability to start a group is very strong.

If you're not careful, something might go wrong, so I switched the perspective to the middle.

After hearing Lu Ming's prompt, the others in DG also hurriedly retreated towards the rear.

The main reason is that ig indeed pressed out from the middle, but the location of the blind monk was not visible on the mini map.

The opponent may really have to force a wave of attacks in the middle.

Xiao Wu just inserted an eye into the f6 position.

It directly illuminated the blind monk squatting at position f six.

But this distance is the distance of the blind monk's performance.

"I kicked, I kicked!"

Prince Ning shouted in his voice.

But the person had already run to the other side of the wall, and the operation speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, the echo of the sound wave hit the wall.

Jianzhu Luo moved, then touched his eyes and flashed his kick to kick Xia into the front of the crowd!

The audience in the venue screamed loudly... The fans of dg were excited.

The old thief was kicked away!

Then there's going to be a big problem this time!

It can be seen that Xia's health bottomed out instantly. Even if she fired the flying feathers in the sky and became unable to choose, she would definitely be killed the moment she landed.

Even though Luo rushed into the crowd to delay for a while, it didn't mean much.

However, when the blind monk came here, he was directly taken away by the output of the prince and Clockwork.

But the problem is that the bottom duo was sent directly back to the spring, so that only the prince and clockwork were left on the front.

However, the Sword Lady did not choose to come down from the front, but stood at the position where Luo inserted his eye before, and slashed through the wall into Varus' face!

Seeing the sword girl emerging from this position, the five ig people were dumbfounded.

How could it come out from this direction!

So when they killed the duo and thought they had a chance to win, Ah Shui's game turned into a horror story.

He confirmed at this moment that Koi was definitely the man who restrained himself the most in his career!

Because the ultimate move with a face-to-face basic attack followed by Hydra and then the upper E skill reset the basic attack twice, and the flaw was revealed, which cost him his life!

The damage was really too high and it was completely unbearable.

As soon as the team finished talking about looking at Sword Girl, Varus fell to the ground.

Now it's three against three, but the fat Sword Girl instantly makes ig lose the courage to continue to fight.

The reason is simple. Syndra's output alone is not enough, and she doesn't have a ultimate move.

The ig team is very confused now.

Why is my ADC so big gone?

Lu Ming shouted in the team: "Accelerate, accelerate, since the opponent chooses to accelerate, let's end it in one wave!"

It has indeed been delayed for so long, and the truth must come to an end.

Even though Lu Ming was still some distance away from his teammates, one person after another surrounded everyone, and began to stir up the situation and chase Syndra all the way.

Even if Shen came to taunt him, a sword array would block him in place with his backhand.

He q'ed upwards and penetrated Syndra's flaw. In addition, the basic attack E skill reset the basic attack to Tiamat and then slashed. Another critical strike with the knife melted Syndra.

The prince and Chongzhang followed up to assist with acceleration and deceleration.

Shen and the captain wished they had two more legs, so that they could move twice as fast...

Unfortunately not.

Sword Princess first beheaded the captain who was easiest to kill, and then turned around to deal with Shen. With the help of the prince and Clockwork, Sword Princess took two more heads, directly achieving four kills.

When Miller saw this scene, he thought that the ancient poems he had checked before the game could be used.

Because he had already guessed that Sword Girl would be selected in this game.

"The silver saddle shines on the white horse, it rustles like a shooting star, it kills one person in ten steps, and leaves no trace behind for a thousand miles!"

"I can't stop it! I really can't stop it! Brother Koi's Sword Princess is too scary!"

Miller shouted, and his voice resounded throughout the venue. The fans at the scene jumped up from their seats and shouted excitedly. Many of them even flushed with excitement.

So handsome.

They kept waving their flags to show everyone who they were.

They are fans of Brother Koi and fans of Team DG!

Today's game has proven to the world who is the best swordswoman in lpl. Our i-zai is really too proud.

This desperate wave failed to win and was rewritten by Jian Ji alone. At this moment, ig already knew that there was no chance.

Even if you try your best, you can't change anything...

All three routes are broken, plus super soldiers suppress the situation.

He could only make a final sprint.

They ig can only lose while standing, not waiting in the spring to lose!

But this time, the old thief Sima was on guard, so he could no longer kick into the crowd and lower his health.

The previous team battles were all crushing, let alone this wave with absolute preparation.

In this case, ig's charge horn is like a mantis trying to block a car.

Tragic but powerless.

The fans closed their eyes silently.


Totally lost.

As for Sword Girl, she was not killed in the last wave of team battles, and completed a perfect finale with thirteen bars, zero bars, and four bars.

At the game site, a large number of fans stood up and cheered excitedly.

The last game before the Spring Festival, dg won really excitingly and beautifully.

Another win brings it to nine consecutive victories!

(End of this chapter)

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