Games come to all worlds.

Chapter 212 The empire organization attacks the kingdom organization!

Chapter 212 The empire organization attacks the kingdom organization!

"Mr. Gao, do you understand our thoughts?"


Gao Yao was completely confused. He didn't even understand the problem of traveling to the Qin Dynasty. Now he was in some game house, and there was a group of people forcing him to become the emperor.

However, he still summarized a few key points. The first is to be able to become a man again, and the second is to be able to return to modern times.

His only obsession can be accomplished by just nodding his head. As for revenge on those little Karami, it is just a matter of convenience.

"Then do you agree?"

"Of course! Of course I agree!" Gao Yao didn't hesitate for a second, but asked with some doubts: "Why don't you look for Xiaochuan? He is better than me, younger than me, more handsome than me, and..."

"He is stupider than you."

"Huh? Really? I haven't read much, don't lie to me."

This is true. He dropped out of school very early because he had to work to support his sister's education.

"Really, as soon as he falls in love, he puts the country in his hands and takes jujube pills." Guo Jia patted him on the shoulder and encouraged:

"You are different. You are ruthless and know how to play tricks. It is your ability to wield power. The most important thing is that you are good to your family. We are very optimistic about you~"

Hearing this, Yu Shu was a little unhappy, frowned and asked, "Why do you say that about my Xiaochuan?"

Yi Xiaochuan's points situation is actually a little richer than Kangxi's. After all, Assassin's Creed mainly focuses on gaining abilities, not points.

That's why he didn't bring Yu Shu in until he met Gao Yao and completed the task, then got the points and redeemed the invitation.

"Hey, Xiaochuan, take them two to read the myth. By the way, briefly explain the plan to Mr. Gao. You must cooperate after you return."

"Ah? Is there anything else about me?" Yi Xiaochuan showed great reluctance.

"Haha, doesn't the emperor have someone to help him? Come on!"

Although Gao Yao's methods are not bad, Yi Xiaochuan is better in terms of combat skills and personality charm, and he also needs his help to recruit those celebrities and generals.

Overthrowing the Qin Dynasty did not happen overnight. We had to wait until Ying Zheng was dead to take action to minimize the losses.

This is also one of the requirements that Yi Xiaochuan cooperates with to minimize the number of casualties in the war.

When the three of them went to the private room to watch the show, Guo Jiacai hurriedly sat back on the sofa, fearing that he would miss the big show.

At this time, in Zhenhun Street, an extremely important copy is going on - attacking the kingdom organization!

After so many days of escalating battles, each emperor almost has more than three guardian spirits, and their strength has become an extremely terrifying force in the entire Zhenhun Street.

The most important thing is that most guardian spirits can also use special abilities, such as... the power of the ghost king!

The guardian spirits of Zhenhun Street have five levels: human martial arts, animal martial arts, immortal martial arts, demonic martial arts, and divine martial arts.

Tiangang Longqi generals are strong because their guardian spirits are all recognized as the strongest divine martial spirits.

If a person wants to defeat a god, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Ghost King Power is a special power possessed by human martial spirits, which is extremely rare.

Currently, there are only two Wulings who can use the power of the Ghost King, Xiang Yu and Lu Bu.

Under normal circumstances, one needs to defeat a divine martial spirit and absorb its remains to master the power of the Ghost King.

So, how can one defeat a divine martial spirit and master the power of the Ghost King?

It seems to be an endless cycle, but when three people form a crowd, human martial arts can initiate a righteous gang fight.

But it’s no longer necessary. With the blessing of game modules, the emperors’ human martial spirits can master the power of ghost kings without killing divine martial spirits. There are a few of them, and they can even evolve directly into divine martial spirits. They focus on a rare guardian spirit and let whatever guardian spirit is on the streets.

Xia Ling's guardian spirit, Li Xuanyuan, is the most special one in Zhenhun Street because he has three forms: human, god, and demon.

But now, almost everyone in this group of emperors has one of the three forms. No matter how hard they work, it is not a problem to have all five forms.

this! That’s the player!

In the game, Tartarus Castle, the home of the kingdom organization, is actually a very small part of the body of the hell beast Behemoth.

The main combat power of the kingdom organization is the top ten knights. One and two are the strongest knights, far surpassing the other eight.

The identity of each knight is also unique. The members of the Tiangang Dragon Chess General are gods from the Great Thousand Realm, and the kingdom organizations are all ancient foreign countries summoned from the long river of time by their boss, KING, using the Sumeru Divine Pearl. people.

For example, descendants of the Pharaohs, members of the medieval Crusader Knights, ancient Greek soldiers who participated in the Trojan War, etc.

Their guardian spirits are also very strong, and they are all mythical monsters such as Anubis, the God of Death, Sera, the Angel of Killing, and Tiamat.

Outside the castle, the emperors stood far apart, making it clear that they wanted to challenge each other, allowing the ten knights organized by the kingdom to choose their opponents.

However, Li Tong, Zhu Youjian and Zhao Ji still got together.

It's not that they can't beat them, but they really don't have enough points. There's nothing they can do about it. Who makes the three of them junior?

And Huangfu Longdou didn't even have the qualifications to come over. He could only stand on the outside and watch from a distance, unable to take action.

Although at this moment, in name, he is still the boss of Tiangang Dragon Chess General, it is also a fact that the organization has been sidelined.

Recently, Ying Zheng and the others are even thinking about how to change the name of the organization. Tiangang Dragon Chess General does not sound good and is not as good as the Imperial Organization.

In the current situation, Huangfu Longdou has no choice. There is really nothing he can do to save the previous members. In this era, after attacking the armed police force and being exposed, no one would dare to fish for them.

However, even if it comes out, it is estimated that these emperors will have the final say in the organization.

The strength of this group of fourth natural disasters has increased so fast that Huangfu Longdou can no longer restrict them. He can only guide them a little and develop them in the direction he expects.

Inside the castle, ten knights stood on both sides, and on the throne in the middle was a human. He looked like an ordinary person, but in fact, he was really an ordinary person.

The leader of the kingdom organization, KING, was sealed by Cao Ren, the guardian spirit of Cao Yanbing's father, who used domain skills to kill Shen Chengren. He has not come out yet.

The ordinary people outside now are his guardian spirits, the clowns.

In order to stabilize the kingdom's internal organization, the clown can only use KING's residual power to play a role of spokesperson to frighten the knights and prevent them from rebelling.

Compared to other organizations, the knights of the kingdom organization have the lowest loyalty to the organization.

If they knew that KING had been sealed and had no power, they would all have escaped.

"Who's out there?" the clown asked.

At the end, the knight said: "I saw Huangfu Longdou."

"Tiangang Dragon Chess General? They also dare to..."

Before he could finish his words, a loud horn sounded outside.


"People inside, listen! You have been surrounded. Handing over your guardian spirit and raising your hands to surrender is your only way out. Don't hold back any longer!"

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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