God of Auxiliary Alliance

Chapter 368 Basic Judgment

Chapter 368 Basic Judgment
That's what the bot lane fight is like.

If Kai'Sa loses her A, the ending will be completely different.

Sometimes the auxiliary is activated and the shooter cannot keep up, and then the opponent is stuck and flashes at the right time. If he chases hard, he will be counter-killed. If he doesn't chase, he may not be able to win the summoner's skills.

The support just wants to consume, but the shooter wants to kill. This is a problem of lack of communication.

Even if you are in the same team, but you are too lazy to say these few words, then there is basically no chance of winning.

Conflicts might break out later, and we might just give up on ourselves.

Shangzhong didn't have any outstanding performance, so the two of them could basically conclude that they lost this set.

This is a matter of course.

The next two people left until Zhang Quan came on again in the second round.

"Do you want to give me some advice?" Zhang Quan asked humbly.

Although he is not as good as Shen Rulong and the others, he is willing to study hard. With the guidance of a big boss, the newbie can grow up quickly.

"As long as the middle and lower teams can get up later, you don't have to keep the top lane." Shen Rulong finally sold the double row teammates he found for him without hesitation.

"Okay." Zhang Quan didn't ask why, he just remembered it.

Overthinking is not a good thing.

If he has a good assistant to guide him, don't think about something that will be gone.

After taking the stage, he believed he would quickly understand why.

Before the game started, Sword Lady warned, "Remember to protect me later, I can carry."

This is undoubtedly a very confident player, and Shen Rulong is also very confident in him.

However, in the second round, everyone had a few tricks up their sleeves, and Shen Rulong's ability as a shooter could be seen from that point.

Just in time, Feng Nu left, and Kai'Sa, who struck first, almost killed the shooter on the other side.

In this game now, everyone is playing like RNAK and trying their best to show off. The battle in the bottom lane will definitely be very fierce.

As for the top lane, it is relatively safe. Jian Ji's ability to defend against GNAK is not weak, so there is no need to waste the limited support from his teammates on him.

If Zhang Quan's mid laner chooses a hero who likes to show off his skills like Yasuo's Fox, there is no point in staying in the top lane.

No matter how high the top laner's damage is, if the middle lane collapses and there is no ability to harvest, it will be difficult to recover a set.

Therefore, Zhang Quan promised Jian Ji, but decided not to go to the top lane once in the first 10 minutes. At most, he only showed his head and quickly returned to the jungle to farm.

This lineup,

On Zhang Quan's side, the top lane is Sword Lady, the middle lane is Fox, the bottom lane is Kasha and Titan, and the jungler is Blind Man.

On the opposite side, the top laner is Crocodile, the middle laner is Murloc, the bottom lane is Xialuo, and the jungler is Nightmare.

After opening the red with the help of his teammates, the blind man went to the middle first.

The hero Xiaoyumen is weak in the front, but the fox in the back is still more difficult to deal with.

However, if you go to the middle lane and play blue, your opponent will guess your direction many times, so it is not suitable to go to the top lane to gank.

The blind man invested in the middle lane and caught the small fishman's flash.

The first wave ended like this.

After clearing the first wave of wild monsters, the blind man chose to return to the city to update his equipment, and then went to the bottom lane.

In the level-[-] battle, Xia Luo and Titan Kai'Sa used all their skills.

The opponent's jungler, Nightmare, may not necessarily go, but his blind man must go.

Nightmare relies heavily on ultimate moves and shields to catch people. Now that there is no level three, there is little point in going to the bottom lane.

But Xia Luo is in a state of pressure, and he will definitely gain a lot from one wave.

The blind man came to the bottom lane, beat the two of them to residual health, made Kai'Sa feel a lot more comfortable, and then returned to the jungle area to farm.

In this way, 5 minutes passed.

"No? Blind brother, am I going to be an orphan on the road?" Jian Ji said dissatisfied.

You agreed to help me catch him, but you act like this to me, is that ridiculous?

"Isn't there no chance? I don't have a double in the bottom lane. I'm not sure what advantage I have. Xia Luo will be hard to fight later." After catching two waves, Zhang Quan could see that their Kai'Sa was good, flexible and dared to output. And always keep an eye on the mini map.

It belongs to the kind that Shen Rulong can talk about.

The hero Kai'Sa must give him an advantage, otherwise it will be difficult to play without equipment, so he can't fly in the bottom lane.

It's hard for Sword Girl to say anything. Although it was extremely difficult to defeat the crocodile in the early stage, he was able to get through it with his strong personal strength.

It was quickly dragged to level six for both sides.

The middle lane is the most dangerous. At level [-], the fox is basically guaranteed to be killed alone.

But the blind man had no intention of paying attention to the fox's message for help. He tried to avoid it and tried to replace it. If that didn't work, he would throw the three-layered tart shell home. There was nothing to save.

The blind man took down the dragon alone.

Their poor mid laner also replaced Zed, but lost a large wave of troops.

After returning home, I finished playing F6 Blind Man and was promoted to level six, and hurried to the bottom lane.

He is level six. Because Xiaolong lost a lot of development time, the Kai'Sa duo in the bottom lane have also been leveled up to level six.

This time, he has to help Kai'Sa gain a head advantage.

At level six, Luo is bound to be opened.

Having watched Shen Rulong and the others in tandem for a long time, Zhang Quan also has a deep understanding of the hero Luo.

Unless he takes the initiative to strike first, it will be difficult to catch him to death. Xia may die with his ultimate move, but Luo, a smart Luo, can benefit the invincible position.

I just don’t know why this hero is not rated highly, but even if you play extremely well, the system can still give you a win-win game.

Even if a support like Shen Rulong is killed a few times, he can still get such evaluations in a few games.

The blind man approached carefully and started scanning when he got close to the grass.

Although this will block the information about the eye stone, it will not reveal the hero's profile picture. Many people will not notice it. The eye will expire. In addition, due to the intense competition in the bottom lane, there is a possibility of getting through.

Luo Kai!
His level [-] charm, coupled with W to lift people, and Xia's E skill control, even if Luo eats Titan's basic attack and Q skill, it does not hinder Xia's output at all.

And when there is danger, after Xia activates her ultimate move, he can still follow her with E.

Therefore, he drove very decisively and cruelly.

Considering that the blind man was around and the voice told him, "Sell a wave and kill one," Kai'Sa chose to accept Luo's charm.

Pretending not to think about it, he couldn't bear to lose his troops, so he could hit A and then E to leave without anyone doubting.

Kai'Sa was RW like this.

Xia Fei's AWAQE output was so fast that Kai'Sa's HP was almost at the bottom.

At this time, Blind W flew out and flew next to Xia Luo.

It makes sense to kill one.

The blind man's ultimate move could only kick Luo, but he couldn't even cry when Xia was dodged by his ultimate move.

But Luo will definitely adjust the angle to prevent him from kicking Kasumi, so this is a race.

Whoever runs in front wins.

The blind man approached and slapped the floor to slow down.

He can cheat.

After slowing down, Xia Luo couldn't outrun him.Titan is not a vegetarian either.

The Q skill was deflated for a while and then released. It seemed that it was intended to target Xia, but it was actually prepared for Luo's moment.

The Q skill forces out Luo's first E skill.

Xia quickly flashed back, allowing Luo Neng to take one more step back.

It was only possible that Eliro's faltering steps were of little use.

Titan's Q skill hit, and Luo was pulled back!

After getting close, he followed up with a basic attack, and Luo was frozen in place.

Two stages of control, and the blind man's R skill is used.

When taking action, Xia used the R skill with some worry.

Although Kailuo is a sure thing, it is not ruled out that the blind man will kick another person if he wants to show off. Xia is right to do this.

Zhang Quan was satisfied after forcing him to use his ultimate move.

Kicked back to Luo, and several people gathered fire and fell in seconds.

Kasumi only ran away temporarily.

No matter how strong this hero's personal ability is, he can't do anything when faced with three people pushing the tower.

The blind man was eager to jump over the tower and kill him, but Xia had no choice but to let go of the tower and escape.

In the middle, the fox was killed by the little murloc as they expected. The little murloc didn't have any extra mana to gank the bottom lane, so they were happy to demolish the tower.

The rhythm of this wave of CARRY points to end the bottom lane is very critical. After this wave, Xialuo will not only be timid, but the opposite jungler will also become more active because of the advantage of this wave.

The Sword Girl on the top lane must have noticed it now. His teammates in the double row have sold him out and are determined to protect the bottom lane.

He can only rely on his caution to get through the journey.

No, the nightmare seems to be coming.

A crocodile, the strong period of fighting Sword Lady has passed, but the opponent dares to cross the line of troops and press hard. Isn't this the purpose of attracting him to fight?

The blind man can appear in the bottom lane, and the nightmare must have taken away the key resources in the jungle.

A solo kill in the middle. Obviously, Nightmare didn't go down the bottom lane, so he had to go up.


His Sword Princess is not that easy to bully.

Controlling the Sword Princess, he stabbed without hesitation.

Breaking through the weak point, the crocodile's health dropped sharply, and then quickly retreated, with no soldiers to care about making up for it.

An excellent top laner must know how to develop and be unwilling to miss a shot, but if others clearly want to fight you, you can only watch the soldiers cry.

Who doesn't love junglers?

Nightmare squatted for a while, unable to do anything to this swordswoman.

The Sword Lady faced off against the Crocodile. The opponent was in a small advantageous state and jumped over the tower rashly. The one who was resisting the tower was immobilized. It was hard to say who would win.

He'd better go to the opposite side to farm the jungle, since the blind guy on the opposite side won't come anyway.

Shen Rulong watched happily in the audience.

In his mind, a good top laner must be one who has been tested by many difficulties and can withstand hardships.

Of course, good support doesn't have to be like that, it must be as smooth sailing as possible.

If you can withstand pressure and then develop well to stand up, you can truly maximize the advantages of the hero Sword Princess.

Now is the first level.

In addition, he dared to let Zhang Quan find another way out of his reassurance for Jian Ji.

Kai'Sa and Titan in the bottom lane didn't disappoint either.

This game lasted until 10 minutes.

Although Sword Girl was difficult in the early stage, her brilliant teleportation and operations in team battles still won her applause.

Sword Lady's harvesting ability is not weak either, so in the end, although he was not the MVP, he still proved himself.

MVP gave the spiritual jungler Zhang Quan.

Without him, there would be no Kai'Sa in the bottom lane, and there were still several waves of team battles. The blind man also output until the last second, trying to create harvesting conditions for Sword Queen as much as possible.

Overall, a pleasure to work with.

The selection competition uses one round to determine the outcome. Of course, the loser group will also be selected if their strength is not bad.

Zhang Quan came directly to Shen Rulong with a guilty conscience.

Sword Lady's words made him afraid to face them.

However, the Sword Princess players also followed.

He walked straight to Shen Rulong and started to complain, "The teammate you introduced to me said before we started that he wanted to stay on the top lane, but he kept grabbing him. I have been playing one versus two on the top lane for a long time. It was you who said that the jungler was good, so I went with him He's in double row, but he actually cheated on me, isn't that too much?"

Zhang Quan was quite embarrassed by what he said and couldn't say a word.

Shen Rulong came to his rescue and said, "If it's not one against two, how can you show your personal strength, and you can also see who he actually protects later. If you don't show up, he will often just walk away and fight. Containment gives you a chance to develop. Speaking of which, I still pay attention to letting him protect other lanes, because this game is too critical. If the other two lanes collapse, it will be difficult for you to win."

A blind man will be useless in the later stage.

A Sword Lady must lead the line in the later stage, and the possibility of teammates being lost for four in a team battle is infinitely increased.

Sword Girl felt a little better after hearing this. After all, she was praising him for his stability, but she was still a little angry, "But you shouldn't have lied to me."

"If I'm not lying to you, you have been thinking about the jungler coming. Then there is no hope that you can use your full strength?!" Shen Rulong asked.

Jian Ji was really said to have no temper by him. You said both good things and bad things, but you still let others say anything.

In the end, he could only give Zhang Quan a few words of evaluation, "You're okay as a jungler. Although you're not as good as me, you're still passable. I'll reluctantly play double queue with you in the next game."

Zhang Quan immediately agreed, this is a real thigh, you have to hold it.

Shen Rulong smiled with him and did not talk about this matter again.

After Zhang Quan heard about the movements of some professional teams, he immediately asked nervously, "Brother Long, have you been selected by a team? Take me, brother, and send me out together."

When Shen Rulong heard this, he said, "If you don't have any ambition, fight hard and send them out together. When can you start?"

As a result, Zhang Quan replied, "In fact, many of the people who were sent out actually played well. For example, EG's mid laner was given by the shooter, and he succeeded in holding up half the sky."

Shen Rulong was speechless. How do you feel about your feelings?
In the afternoon, Shen Rulong unexpectedly received a call from his father.

"Xiaolong, how are you doing at school?"

Shen Rulong thought for three seconds and decided to tell the truth, "I am not in school right now. I am participating in a competition on behalf of the school. The teacher said that he hopes to get good results, so I hope I will come, so I agreed."

Shen Rulong subconsciously felt that his father knew that he was here to play games, so he came to ask about the situation.

He shouldn't lie, and he's not a good liar.

"Is that so? It's a game competition, right? Someone contacted me today and said that you are very talented and good at playing games. You also told me some things, which sounded pretty reliable to me." Shen Bin continued to ask.

"It's not bad. Although the game career now has a relatively lucrative career, it's not what I want. I still want to do scientific research and go into academics. Playing games is just a hobby for relaxation and entertainment. I really treat it like a job. I play games all day long. More than ten hours, I will definitely stop playing soon." Shen Rulong expressed his opinion directly.

This is his truest thought.

"Okay, actually I'm calling to tell you that if you want to take this as a career, it's not impossible. Since you don't have this idea, forget it." Shen Bin was talking nonsense with a smile.

Shen Rulong didn't believe a single punctuation mark.

(End of this chapter)

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