Chapter 354
In the middle, Xiaoshu led the troops across the river!
Wherever the wet nurse's eyes had disappeared, Morgana's real eyes were there to illuminate the darkness.

However, Xiaoshu still seems to be cautious, but in fact he is very careless and stands out.

Where can someone go if they want to survive?
Not to mention that Lucian only has an E skill. Even if his dead fox ultimate move can be moved three times, something might happen.

After all, after the opponent finished killing the weapon, he cautiously did not continue to push, but cleared the line in each direction.

Although there was the shadow of war, Shen Rulong was sure that Morgana and Jinx had reached the middle, not far from the grass where he was.

Zhang Quan frowned, but Xiao Shu didn't notice it at all.

By the time he realized it, the person was gone again.

Jinx will not be polite to him. The blind man has helped him so many times, and Jinx has lost so much experience and gold coins!

There was no way to settle this anger with the blind man, so he could only vent it all on his teammate Weapon and Lucian.

Xiaoshu collapsed a little, "I don't even know how to play anymore, why are they all so powerful?"

This was not the diamond game he remembered.

Playing for a while longer is like continuing to suffer in hell, and the pain makes people want to die.

Opposite Jinx had already taken off, making him look even more like a fool.

Zhang Quan couldn't bear it anymore and reminded, "Don't be discouraged. You can win this set. Cooperate well with your teammates and don't go it alone."

"Yeah." Xiaoshu finally listened and started to follow the group.

Although he believed that he would look down on his cousin in the future, this was the present, not the future, so he had to listen to his cousin's advice.

Lucian can still make a difference after joining the group.

Although you can't get a kill, you can still get some assists and replenish some equipment.

In addition, he can also block some skills for his teammates, which is simply awesome.

Lucian is no longer alone. Although the pressure on the army line is a bit high, it is impossible for the opponent to beat him head-on.

Because Morgana and Xiafo can't save Jinx at all.

The blind man is brave enough to fight, and the Ice Girl flashes her R without mercy, but Morgana's shield cooldown time is too long.

As long as there is no shield, Jinx is just a piece of cake.

After carrying the weapons for a while, he started to join the group and even took the initiative to go to the wild area to cause trouble.

Now, he already has the Hydra and the Flashing Green Dragon Sword, and combined with the Demonic Shoes, he is fearless.

Xiaoshu no longer has any hope of carrying. He has been leading the lane for so long, and there is a gap of more than 100 points between the reinforcements and the middle lane. It is too easy for him to die, so he will not cause trouble for his teammates.

The dragon was about to be refreshed, and several people started to gather together at the dragon.

This is a resource that must be fought for, and everyone also trusts the blind man's ability.

He can hold up this kind of Lucian, limit Jinx's development, and grab the dragon very steadily.

The opponent was forced to come, and if he didn't come, he wouldn't be able to give way to the big dragon.

Xiaoshu's performance in the team battle was okay, and he seemed to have a bit of a diamond shooter style.

When Sword Demon entered the field, he first used E to avoid the Q skill, then WAAQAA, maxed out the damage, and finally flashed R and fired his ultimate move into the crowd.

No matter who is shot, as long as R hits the opponent, it will be a help to his teammates.

A calm mind is what you need to be ready for when the game begins.

Want to win, but not impatient.

The blind man was stared at by Xiaofa and Digger, and it was difficult for him to get through the crowd to drive Jinx.

The Ice Girl flashed past, but Morgana shielded her instantly.

The ice girl opened her golden body instantly and stood in the crowd.

The weapon rushed over, heading straight for Jinx.

In fact, there is no need for the Sword Demon to fight like this. Their advantage is entirely concentrated on Jinx alone. Protecting Jinx's output is the most important thing. Even if he kills Lucian, it will be of no use at all.

The Ice Girl's golden body was over, and the weapon had already controlled Jinx who was flashing and trying to escape. The Ice Girl used two skills E to freeze, and Jinx immediately fell to the ground.

Without Jinx, even if the opponent has some damage to the opponent, it cannot withstand the output of the opponent's three cores. The weapon Ice Girl Blind is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Then, five people took down the baron.

This wave of groups allowed the little mage and Morgana to escape, but they had no personnel losses, it was zero for three.

Not long after, the big dragon group repeated itself. In this wave of groups, Jinx had not yet flashed.

Shen Rulong couldn't help but sigh about the difficult living environment of shooters nowadays. They are fragile and attract hatred. The damage and tankiness of the midfield and upper jungle are still very high, which is very difficult to deal with.

Or, only someone like Xia, who is invincible, can protect herself with mercury, and the team leader can also play a control shooter, is what the game needs.

Considering that he is Zhang Quan's younger brother, I will still make this suggestion later.

After two waves of fighting, the winning chance seems to be locked.

However, the opponent changed his tactics again.

As if they realized that it was impossible to win against such a big opponent, Xiaofa, Digger and Sword Demon protected Jinx again.

Then there was a chaotic team fight, but everyone was preventing Weapon, Blind Man, and Ice Girl from getting close to Jinx.

Lucian's short hands and low damage were a breakthrough. Sword Demon hit a few A's, and then Jinx received an assist. His movement speed suddenly accelerated, and Ice Girl couldn't catch up.

The first two waves of small groups dodge again, and Jinx didn't break.

Jinx got two waves and four kills.

Shen Rulong thinks this game is really interesting and can be played like this.

In this way, Jinx just led his teammates to the two-way high ground.

The wet nurse and the blind man in the middle went to catch a wave first, but were killed by Jinx.

It's a little pathetic.

Zhang Quan and Shen Rulong looked like a farce.

Shen Ruoxin finally became interested and even wanted to go up and experience Lucian's difficulties, but was stopped by Shen Rulong.

What a gloating guy.

In the end, the set lasted until 33 minutes, and both sides got a baron each.

Jinx's data ended with 18 kills and 13 deaths, and Lucian's 2 kills and 12 deaths.

If this was the kind of game Shen Rulong and Zhang Shengnan were fighting, let alone twelve times, six times would be a chance to die.

The auxiliary wet nurse also died eight times.


It can be said that Morgana has dragged down Jinx. If someone changes to someone who knows a little more about protecting shooters, and encounters such a strong Jinx, unless the other three groups send wildly, otherwise Jinx will be able to lead the team to a level with such a huge advantage in the early stage. All defensive towers on the opposite side.

At the end of the game, Xiaoshu was too embarrassed to mention the matter of apprenticeship. With his performance, if someone used this record to apprentice, he would want to spray the person to death with a mouthful of salt soda. How embarrassed?
Xiaoshu sighed deeply, "I hope you can point out some of my problems, thank you."

All he had to do was bow.Shen Rulong turned on the playback and said it aside.

"Your performance as a shooter in this game is pretty good. The main reason is that the opponent is much better than you and is probably not at this level, so you are a bit incapable of playing at a disadvantage."

Lucian is very easy to play against Jinx, with a high burst, but there is only one wave, so he must cooperate with the support to occupy the first position.

However, this Morgana is in good shape in the early stage and her Q skill is very accurate. You have taken it several times.

This is a positioning issue.

Then there is the issue of consciousness.

Don't step forward casually when the support is not there. Even if the support is there, don't just approach the grass with no vision. The reason why Morgana overturned in the first wave is the same as yours.

Sooner or later, the bottom line of troops will enter the tower. It doesn't matter if you lose a few, but if you die, the shooter on the opposite side will be finishing the damage. Gradually, the experience gap will become wider, the basic attack value will increase, and it will be difficult to make up for it with a little equipment.

Furthermore, you cannot blindly lead the line.

Look at how much Ice Girl lasts, and how much you last. He doesn't lead the lane all the time, but he keeps eating wild monsters.

That should be yours. You must be able to snatch it away from him. Eat the safe resources first.

There is also the handling of team battles. Originally, the dragon group was wiped out in a wave, and you have a great advantage.

However, while protecting Jinx face to face later, he also targets your team's shortcomings, greatly increasing Jinx's operating space.

Do you know what to do?

Xiaoshu scratched his head. He was completely confused. If he knew how to do it, he would have done it at that time. He didn't even think of a solution to the tense situation. Now he doesn't feel it anymore.

"You should only use powerful moves and safe skills."

Sword Demon's Q, or EQ, can easily reach you.

Xiaofa's E frame pillar, you are gone.

The excavator chases after it and knocks it away, the same thing.

And Morgana's Q.

How many times have you eaten it? Have you ever counted it?
In every wave, when your teammates are close to Jinx, you get them.

That's why Jinx accelerated and ran so easily, and missed the Ice Girl's skills several times.

If your damage is very high, you can kill one in seconds, or you can switch to another one, and rush forward. Your teammates will not be too passive, no problem.

However, you have also tried it. Even to kill Morgana, you have to be blind to make up for the damage.

Therefore, there is no need to take risks. Only when you are alive can you have the opportunity to develop and clear the enemy line.

Do not worry.

"Yeah." The more Xiaoshu listened, the more it made sense.

What he thought before was to show off, to show off in danger.

But it seems that he wants to go astray. Xiu lets himself operate instead of actively giving the opponent a chance to threaten him.

Surviving in the end is the best thing. I was just taking chances and hoping that the opponent's skills would fail.

If we don’t abandon this kind of thinking, I’m afraid it will be difficult to go further in the future.

Shen Ruoxin blushed all the time next to her. Isn't this her old problem?

Fortunately, she has changed a lot now. She thinks that her support is Lu Sixuan, who is often attacked for being careless, and she still needs her protection. If she is not stronger, the bottom lane will really be a hammer.

Zhang Quan also felt that Shen Rulong was so awesome, so he summarized some simple words into a few sentences.

Output in a safe position, eat safe resources, and take a safe position.

It's easy to say it, but the hard part is, he still knows how to do it.

Show Xiaoshu a good path, eat those resources instead, and stand there to output.

Zhang Quan is not a shooter, but looking at the positions pointed out by Shen Rulong, he felt good!
Xiaoshu was also inspired. He felt that this man was really powerful. It would be great if he could be his apprentice. "I will definitely practice well when I go back."

"Yeah." Shen Rulong also touched the little guy's head, "After you go back, practice Xia as a hero. It may be more suitable for you."

"Xia?" Xiaoshu was startled. He was not good at this hero, and Xia was a bit difficult to play.

Although the E skill barb is useful, most people will not wait to be pulled by you and try their best to escape. When the feathers of the ultimate move fly out, it is often the time when there is no E. Otherwise, why not use E to immobilize people and run away? road.

Therefore, although this hero is strong, he is not optimistic about it.

"Well, I think Xia is a very strong hero. If you cooperate with Angel Gallo, you will lose half the game without even playing." Zhang Quan also agreed with this statement.

He is a veteran player along the way, so he naturally knows the changes in shooters in each version.

Now, it can be said that Xia is one of the most powerful and most suitable shooters among shooters.

"Okay." Xiaoshu agreed without much hesitation. This brother is so powerful, there is no need to lie to him, he just needs to practice Xia well.

Shen Ruoxin also remembered this very cleverly. She seemed to have seen that many times, Zhang Shengnan planned to use Xia Luo to cooperate with Shen Rulong. He was probably a strong hero who was researched and she had to practice it.

Shen Rulong arranged for Xiaoshu to take a good look at the game, and Zhang Quan also pointed out some problems that he could easily get hit from the perspective of the jungler.

Half a day passed like this.

Shen Rulong almost forgot that he came to Shen Ruoxin to ask about Zhang Shengnan.

To be precise, it’s a matter of what you want to do.

He now suspected that he had fallen in love with someone else very quickly, but he was clearly not a person who would change his mind when he saw something different.

Shen Rulong pulled Shen Ruoxin out and began to talk secretly.

"What would you think if I said I was going to chase someone else?"

"Of course I'm very happy." Shen Ruoxin couldn't hide her excitement, "Liu Xue'er is gone, what else do you want to do, torment yourself? Tell me, is it Zhang Shengnan? I think you two have compatible personalities, and you have been quite happy together recently. happy."

In fact, Shen Ruoxin just thinks that Zhang Shengnan is beautiful and a nice person, unlike Liu Xueer who pretends to be aloof despite being very powerful.

In the past, everything was fine in Shen Ruoxin's heart when she and her brother were good, but now that they were separated, Shen Ruoxin felt uncomfortable looking at her.

For someone as good as her brother to give up, this person is blind.

Shen Rulong stared at her strangely. Shen Ruoxin actually liked a playboy?This is not possible.

"No, why do you look at me like that?" Shen Ruoxin was stimulated by his eyes, what was she thinking.

"Are you sure? Could it be that your ideal brother should be a forgetful and passionate person." Shen Rulong simply said it bluntly. Some things must be made clear.

Shen Ruoxin rolled her eyes in response, "What is forgetfulness? He was the one who sorry for you first. Since she doesn't remember it, why do you force yourself? Isn't this sick? Are you sentimental? You don't even dare to admit it, but you are so sentimental. Do you think you are a playboy? Are you single now? Are you still single? "

Shen Ruoxin really wanted to ignore this person and run away immediately. Seeing that he had been treating her well over the years, she couldn't bear it.

Shen Rulong inexplicably felt that Shen Ruoxin's words made sense.

Love is still a very elusive thing, coming quietly and leaving without a trace.

It's not that he didn't have true feelings in those years, but the disagreements over and over again hit him hard and made him less happy to get along with her. Liu Xueer abandoned him without saying a word, which made him feel bad.

And the people who have been around me during this period are so good, it's hard not to feel good about them.

(End of this chapter)

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