Chapter 175 Position

"Do you think there's something wrong with the location arrangement?" Chen Yu took advantage of the opportunity and asked.

This season, Ewing's biggest change is that he has become a substitute.

For a superstar like him, this is simply unbelievable.

Even if he is playing as a substitute for Olajuwon.

In addition, Chen Yu has been keeping an eye on Olajuwon's situation this season. He has a very high attendance rate and averages 28 minutes per game.

Don't forget, there is also Tsakalidis. He is a first-round pick, and the team also needs to give him playing time to develop him.

So Ewing's average playing time per game is only about 14 minutes.

Last season with the SuperSonics, he averaged 27 minutes per game.

But this issue was discussed and resolved by the two at the beginning of the season.

Why, halfway through the season, Ewing brought it up again.

Ewing curled his lips, acquiescing.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Chen Yu took the initiative and said, "Patrick, what are your personal thoughts?"

Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, a team of 15 people is harmonious and everyone works hard to play the game and strive for good results.

In fact, that's not the case at all.

The team is more like a company. All players have their own little thoughts, stick together, and have conflicts.

Due to conflicts in the locker room, it was not just one or two people who broke up the team.

The fundamental reason is naturally personal interests.

If you play more minutes and perform well, you can sign a big contract.

In this regard, the Suns are actually pretty good. After all, a bunch of veterans who are about to retire have reached an age where they can't compete.

It stands to reason that the same is true for Ewing and Olajuwon, so such a problem should not occur.

Ewing twisted his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then said: "I think I should be the starter. Even if I don't play the fifth position, it's no problem to play the fourth position."

Chen Yu was slightly startled.

I thought Ewing was dissatisfied with playing as a substitute for Olajuwon, but he unexpectedly said that he was willing to play the fourth position.

The fourth position, to put it bluntly, is the second center. It is the position with the lowest tactical status among the five positions on the team.

The biggest role of this position is to help the center do the dirty work, especially in a team with a top center.

If Ewing can say something like this, it shows that he doesn't care about personal data and is willing to sacrifice for the team.

Then he still said that, there can only be one reason, he is dissatisfied with Gugliotta in the fourth position.

"Patrick, do you think Tom is not performing well?" Chen Yu asked tentatively.

Sure enough, it was obvious from Ewing's reaction that he was right.

Ewing curled his lips and said: "I'm not saying he's not good. Tom is a good person, but he is too soft. He is always irresponsible when defending. When the opponent bursts in, he hardly comes to help defend. He is so stupid. stood and watched."

"I know he suffered a serious injury and his athletic ability was affected, but hasn't he already recovered? And who hasn't been injured? He just lacks fighting spirit and likes to float outside and shoot. Damn it, he is an inside player."

"I think he just signed a big contract and thinks everything doesn't matter. But our goal this year is to hit the championship. If he stays in this state, it will only affect our record. Look, we are just Sixth in the West, if he performs well, I think we should be in the top four."

Chen Yu completely understood.

Ewing was not dissatisfied with Olajuwon, but with Gugliotta.

This guy had artificial ligament reconstruction surgery on him in the summer, and his athletic ability has recovered a lot. However, the previous injuries should have wiped out his fighting spirit. In addition, he signed a big contract, and there are still several years left, so he has slacked off. .

As for Ewing, although it has a psychological effect, since he said it, he probably wanted to express his dissatisfaction with the coaching staff through his own words.

It’s understandable what he did. You can’t go directly to Skiles and say bad things about Gugliotta. If reporters expose him, he will have to bear the responsibility for creating conflicts in the locker room.

Back to the present, Chen Yu thought about it and did not directly say to go back and talk to Gugliotta, but said: "By the way, Teilon recovered very quickly and should be able to come back before the playoffs. He But a tough guy.”

Mentioning Tyron Hill, Ewing smiled and nodded, saying: "He is much better than Tom, I mean in terms of fighting spirit."

Chen Yu nodded, closed his notebook, and ended the chat.

After sending Ewing away, Chen Yu couldn't help but frown.

Before talking to Ewing, Chen Yu had already talked to Gugliotta and asked him the same question.

His answer was that he was confident and felt that the Suns had hope of winning the championship this year.

But when you think about it, how to do it, whether you are willing to sacrifice and work hard for the team, that is another matter.

The key is to just take him into the starting lineup, it may affect his mentality and simply mess him up.

After talking to the last player, Chen Yu went out, found Scales, and raised the issue.

Still have to give Scales a headache.

A few people were having a meeting. After listening to Chen Yu's narration, Jim Boylan from the opposite side was the first to speak and nodded: "Indeed, Tom has always had problems with interior defense and assisting defense. His concentration when defending. He is not very motivated. We have also practiced a lot of zone defense this season, but he has not been able to execute it well enough."

Boylan is considered the team's defensive coach and is responsible for daily defensive training.

"I actually noticed this problem." Scales said with his hands on his chin.

Previously, the starter at No. 4 was Clifford Robinson.

Although his style of play tends to be outside shooting, he is a strong defensive player. In the past two years, when the Suns' internal defense was not good, he has been the mainstay of internal defense.    But he was traded.

Although Te'Lon Hill's offense is not as good as Robinson's, he is a standard defensive blue-collar player and can actually make up for Robinson's trade.

But he is still recovering from his injuries.

The rookie Elton Ford selected this year is not good at all. Skiles has already considered sending him away directly after the season.

There is no choice but to put Guglió Tower on top.

Knocking on the table, Scales suddenly changed his tone and said, "Everyone, I have actually considered letting Hakeem and Patrick be on the court at the same time."

He sat upright, waited for everyone to look at him, and continued: "Actually, Hakeem has the conditions to play the fourth position. In the first three years of his career, he has always been the fourth position. Even for his first time When I entered the finals, I also entered as the fourth position."

Ralph Sampson is just too tall.

"And his skills are comprehensive enough, and he also has a good mid-range shot. At his age, it will take a lot of effort for him to compete with the opponent's strong center under the basket."

"In this aspect, Patrick is more suitable for the fifth position."

Ewing has always been in the fifth position since he entered the league. His playing style is also tougher, and his main offensive method is low-post offense.

On the contrary, Olajuwon has certain conditions to operate at the fourth position.

"The most important thing is that in recent years, especially this year, the changes in the rules have opened up the inside space. The fourth position can actually play farther outside."

In the past, the center and power forward squatted near the basket, four of them, and there was no space at all under the basket.

But now with the three-second defense rule, the space in the penalty area has become larger.

Look at the Kings, Divac and Webber often throw away the inside, rush to the high post to screen and attack.

The inside space has become larger, and Skiles feels that this change has put forward higher requirements for the fourth position. When attacking, he can shoot half a basket, hold the ball to initiate offense, and can also pass and support.

When defending, expanding the defensive range from inside the penalty area to outside the penalty area requires a better awareness of assisting defense.

Olajuwon is such a comprehensive player who can attack, defend, help defend, and attack with the ball.

Several assistant teachers looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

"And we can't ignore Patrick's attitude," Scales continued.

That's Ewing. Letting him come on the bench has been criticized by a lot of media and fans. Which coach dares not care about his thoughts.

"But we can't leave Hakeem on the bench."

Ewing doesn't want to come off the bench, does Olajuwon just want to?

When he said this, Skiles raised his head and glanced at Chen Yu.

It’s also Chen Yu’s fault.

In history, is there any team that can have such two super centers at the same time, even if they are at the end of their careers.

It's all because of Chen Yu's attraction.

How to arrange the two of them has simply become a worry for his happiness.

Frank Johnson, who was in charge of tactics, thought about it and said, "How about giving it a try."

Whether it works or not, you will know after you try it.

It’s only the middle of the season anyway, so there’s still plenty of time.

Maybe there will be a good chemical reaction.

Others nodded.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Skiles said: "That's it. Let's try this arrangement when we play against the Wizards tomorrow."

After saying that, Scales said to Chen Yu: "Chen, if anyone has any questions in the future, please tell me as soon as possible."

The head coach is equivalent to the leader. Few players can have such a good relationship with the head coach that they can talk to each other anytime and anywhere. Chen Yu's psychological chat room is actually a good channel for Scales to understand the players' thoughts at any time. .

"As for Tom." Skiles sighed, he could only be used as an outside turret.

Fortunately, Te'lon Hill was also traded, which should be able to supplement the interior defense.

Chen Yu didn't come to the training session the next morning because he was performing surgery on Pires and didn't arrive at the gym until the afternoon game.

"What do you think of Hakeem?" Chen Yu went to Nelson specifically to ask about Olajuwon's situation.

For top inside centers like Olajuwon from the 1990s, power forward is just a second center that no one wants to play.

So Chen Yu was worried that Olajuwon would be dissatisfied.

"I can't tell." Nelson shook his head.

Skiles announced the decision during training in the morning.

At that time, Nelson also paid special attention to the reactions of Ewing and Olajuwon. They were all shocked and surprised.

But in the subsequent training, the two still performed very well, and there seemed to be no problem.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Nelson asked.

Chen Yu thought for a moment and shook his head: "There's no rush. We'll wait until this fight is over."

Even if Olajuwon feels uncomfortable, he must be allowed to finish the game and talk about it after he understands for himself why he is uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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