Chapter 124 Groin

Following Arena to the sidelines, Chen Yu looked at the players on the court.

This is the national team.

Chen Yu knew every player in the four-time Dream Team and could call them by name. He also knew each other's resume like a treasure trove of individual players.

You can even know the other party’s gossip.

But looking at the group of people in front of me, I was stunned that no one recognized them.

"That No. 10 is the captain of our national team, Claudio Reyna. He is also the team's most valuable player. When he transferred from Bayer Leverkusen to Glasgow Rangers the year before last, the transfer fee was a full two hundred. Ten thousand euros." Arena seems to be able to describe the power of these players only in terms of their net worth.

But Chen Yu still looked confused.

Whether it was Bayer Leverkusen or Glasgow Rangers, Chen Yu had never heard of it.

It seems that I really need to take some time to replenish my knowledge about football.

Otherwise, there would be no way to chat.

And worth it, the more important thing should be the annual salary.

Generally speaking, the annual salary is about one-tenth of the net worth.

Like Ronaldo, with an annual salary of 350 million, the transfer fee is [-] million US dollars.

If you calculate this, Reina's salary may be only [-] US dollars.

This is the level of the NBA's minimum salary.

And he is already the biggest player on the US team.

I asked, and sure enough it was.

The salary of several players who play abroad is generally only about [-] US dollars.

They are not even as good as some domestic players. The Professional Football League has been established for five years, and wages have gradually increased. The high ones can already offer wages of [-] US dollars.

"Their wages are indeed too low."

Not as good as myself.

Arena sighed: "Because of this, no one wants to play English football. Those good prospects in high school and college would rather play rugby or basketball than football."

"Chen, have you ever been to Brazil? There are football fields everywhere, but we only have basketball courts and baseball fields."

After speaking, his tone became a little indignant.

Not to mention traditional strong teams like Brazil and Argentina. Even in Mexico, when the national team plays, there are always reporters on the sidelines.

Fortunately for them, the national team was fighting for the country, but there were local Mexican reporters standing on the sidelines, and the American reporters were completely absent.

Chen Yu patted Arena on the shoulder. Even Arena, the head coach of the national team, was not a professional. He used to play lacrosse.

"When we get good results, people will naturally pay attention to us."

Arena nodded and added: "Actually, I should thank the former president. If it weren't for him, we might not even be able to establish the Major League of Professional Football. When the World Cup was held in 94, I thought football would spark some enthusiasm. Who knew that in 98 We lost so badly, and the guy didn't control his pants, so there was a little bit of heat, and then it was gone."

Chen Yu could only smile at Arena's complaints.

His eyes fell on Donovan, who was wearing the No. 21 jersey. This time he came over and had to deal with his groin problem.

The part from the pubic bone to the superior spine of the hip bone belongs to the inguinal area, which is a dense area of ​​muscles and ligaments around the hip joint.

The location where strains usually occur is at the connection between the adductor muscles and tendons, which is very easy to occur during movements that change direction in an instant.

Muscle strain itself is a problem that is easy to deal with, but muscle strain has always been a bad problem. Part of the reason has to do with the location of the groin.

If muscles in other parts of your body, such as your calves, shoulders, or back are strained, you can stay still and recover quickly through rest.

But it doesn't work in this position, it keeps moving.

Walking, squatting, standing, even turning your upper body slightly will affect it.

You can reduce your activities and endure it, but basic needs like going to the toilet are always unavoidable.

As long as it moves, it will affect its recovery.

If it is not done well repeatedly, it will evolve into a chronic strain, inflammation, etc., and eventually it will become an old injury, which will always cause problems. Normal activities are no problem, but once you jump around, it will immediately hurt. For athletes, it is not A ruptured ligament will directly lead to a serious decline in athletic ability.

In the final analysis, this problem still needs to be taken care of, and taken care of well.

Chen Yu waved Donovan over, then asked him to lie down and performed a physical examination on him.

With full vision, Chen Yu could clearly see the adductor muscles.

They connect to the pubic bone on one side and the femur on the other, and are composed of five muscles.

The muscle that Donovan had problems with was the pectineus muscle, which is most prone to problems.

Hip joints, legs, any movement will use it.

"Does it hurt?" Chen Yu asked aloud.

Donovan shook his head.

But when Chen Yu increased the degree of inward flexion, he immediately showed a painful expression.

Chen Yu understood clearly.

Because it is a muscle group, when one of the muscles is strained, it may not affect your daily activities.

But once you jump around, do explosive movements, and involve all your muscles, you will immediately feel pain.

Many people simply take care of themselves and think there is no problem. In fact, the problem is not solved and eventually develops into a chronic strain.

The key thing is that there is no good way to deal with it. It cannot be solved by surgery.

I can only do massage, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and then rest and recover slowly.

Ordinary people can do it, but athletes can't. Sometimes they really want to rest but don't have enough time.

"Dr. Chen, I was watching the news. Mr. Baggio went to your clinic. Have you cured him?" Donovan, who was lying on the turf, suddenly asked. Chen Yu didn’t stop, and then asked: “Why, do you like Baggio?”

"Yes, I have liked Baggio since I was a child." Donovan nodded excitedly: "There are also Ronaldo and Redondo. They are the best football players in the world. Of course, I also like basketball and Olympic games. Rajuwan, I like Hardaway, Dr. Chen, how does it feel to be with us every day?"

Donovan stared at Chen Yu intently. He couldn't imagine what it was like to be with these idols every day.

"How does it feel?" Chen Yu thought for a while: "That's it. If you just like him on the field, then continue to like him."

The more we get along with each other, the more we shed the star aura around us, and we become just ordinary people.

They can also be weak, selfish, and have all kinds of little problems and tempers.

Donovan said oh, and then cautiously asked if he could get an autograph for him.

"No problem." Such a trivial matter is a piece of cake.

Donovan looked ecstatic, after all, he was still young, only 19 years old this year.

Signaling Donovan to get up, Chen Yu asked Arena where the locker room was.

"I'll take you there." Arena handed over the training to the assistant coach and took Chen Yu to the locker room. He was actually quite curious about how Chen Yu, the famous miracle doctor, would treat Donovan.

The former team doctor was also a well-known orthopedic expert in the country, but he would only prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics to treat Donovan.

Kandi Guglia also followed. Chen Yu, who he personally recruited, always wanted to see how powerful he was.

Arriving at the locker room, Chen Yu asked Donovan to sit down and then took off his shirt.

The problem he has is the right groin, where the pectineus muscle starts, where the muscle and tendon connect, and there is some inflammation.

After a strain, there is a problem with the local blood supply, causing inflammation, resulting in muscle stiffness and reduced elasticity. You will feel a dull pain, which will never be good.

Chen Yu took out the steel needle and disinfected it.

Seeing the slender steel needle, the expressions of the three people present changed, especially Donovan, who asked tentatively: "Doctor Chen, are you going to prick me with a needle?"

Chen Yu nodded: "Don't worry, this treatment method is called acupuncture, and it's not as painful as you think. And you can think about it, those idols you like are acupunctured by me every day in my clinic."

The last sentence made Donovan shut up instantly.

Chen Yu placed his hand on Donovan's left shoulder, looking for a suitable location for acupuncture.

After having treated so many people for so long, Chen Yu's understanding of acupuncture is no longer limited to simple acupuncture at acupuncture points, but has gone a step further to understand the correspondence between regions and meridians, and the balance of yin and yang.

This is why my neck hurt and my hands pricked me before.

The lung meridian and large intestine meridian in the anterior shoulder area can balance the four meridians passing through the groin area, dredge stasis and relieve pain.

Take the midpoint of the line connecting the coracoid process and the axillary crease, and insert the needle tilted toward the axilla.

It was still fast and accurate, and at the same time, I silently used a bronze-level recovery effect.

"Relax and relax."

Chen Yu kept reminding him.

Donovan grimaced. He wanted to relax, but when he thought of several centimeters of steel needles piercing his body, he couldn't relax.

Next to them, Conti Guglia and Arena stretched their necks and looked at them like curious babies.

After a while, Chen Yu took the needle.

Just get this shot.

"Lie down." Chen Yu motioned for Donovan to lie down again.

Then continue with the hip restriction test.

"Does it still hurt?" Chen Yu asked.

In this position before, Donovan would have felt pain.

But now, Donovan shook his head and said in disbelief: "I can hardly feel the pain anymore. How could this be?"

He raised his head and looked at his body.

Chen Yu did not explain and continued to do the examination.

It seems that this shot is working, and Donovan's pain has been greatly relieved.

Of course, it is impossible to solve the problem with just one shot, and it will take a long time of treatment.

"Lie down and I'll massage you."

Acupuncture and massage are probably the most useful methods.

Of course, anti-inflammatory drugs are definitely not missing.

"I will make a training plan for you later. The muscle group on your right side needs to be strengthened."

When a muscle strain occurs, the final analysis is that the muscle group is not strong enough.

If you try to be as strong as Ronaldo, you will see if you will get injured.

Donovan nodded blankly and couldn't help but said: "Dr. Chen, you are really amazing. The original Dr. Joseph only gave me painkillers."

I took painkillers and the pain was gone at the time, but when I got up the next day, I still felt the same pain.

Simply torture.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yu started to take action, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Your massage is different from his. His movements are very painful."

It's the same massage, but it doesn't feel the same at all.

Arena turned his head and looked at each other with Conti Guglia, and gave a look: Looking for Chen Yu to be the team doctor, you have found the right person.

(End of this chapter)

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