Rekindle 2012

Chapter 365 Panda TV

Chapter 365 Panda TV
East Lake Park, in the office of the administrative building.

Two staff members are helping to debug the equipment for live broadcast. Li Chenyang is an Internet game teaching blogger. Now he has cooperated with Principal Wang to build a live broadcast platform. Of course, he himself also needs live broadcast to increase his popularity.

Fortunately, he is the major shareholder himself, so he basically doesn’t need to pay attention to the rules of the platform, and there will be no management interference in his live broadcast.

"Boss, it's almost ready."

The staff said something.

"Hold on."

Li Chenyang was talking on the phone next to him.

"Promoting to help farmers is a good thing. It will not break the company's rules, but the scale must be grasped. You can help with advertising or even help with publicity during live broadcasts, but you cannot authorize them to use their portrait rights. However, even if It doesn’t make sense if you authorized it... Only the club has this power. I’m afraid they will use it directly without consent, which may have an impact on your future endorsements..."

If Gao Tianping is willing to do this kind of thing, Li Chenyang will not stop him. If there is a need in his hometown, Li Chenyang will do his best to help.

"I will explain this to them..."

"That's fine. Just control the bottom line yourself. Is there anything else?"

"'s okay. Thank you, boss. I won't bother you anymore."


After hanging up the phone, Li Chenyang walked to his desk and looked at the debugged live broadcast tools.

A beauty camera is definitely a must-have.

Although he himself looks very handsome and his skin is very clean, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage if others use his beauty look but not himself?

Also, the radio equipment must be good. If it is intermittent, it will have a great impact on the live broadcast effect.

He tried it, and the effect was pretty good...

"So be it."

"Well, if there is any problem, the boss can call us at any time, and we will come to repair it. The equipment is guaranteed for one year, which is free, and you can extend the warranty for another year for an additional 500 yuan."

"Forget it, it's not necessary."

Li Chenyang waved his hand.

Renewing his insurance policy means nothing to him. He only has time to live broadcast one or two times now, just like he recorded teaching videos before. A year later, it doesn't matter whether he will still live broadcast or not.

After the staff left.

Li Chenyang clicked on the web page and opened a live broadcast platform.

The platform's logo is a little panda lying in front of a computer, with a thriving bamboo behind it and the words Panda TV underneath.

This LOGO is no different from the original world, and the name of Panda Live has not changed at all. It is just more than a year ahead of time on the timeline. It can be seen from this that this idea is not a flash of inspiration from Principal Wang, but an early one. I have already thought about the project.

Don't look at the fact that the timeline is just more than a year ahead, the final result may be the gap between heaven and earth.

Originally, Panda Live only started to build a live broadcast platform after Douyu took off, so it lagged far behind in time.

Under Douyu’s crazy money-burning model, many big anchors have been acquired by Douyu in advance, leaving too few anchor resources for Panda, and users’ usage habits tend to favor Douyu and Huya.

Even under this disadvantage, Panda Live relied on the reputation of its founder, Principal Wang, and the high-quality live broadcast viewing experience, and once occupied a high share. An actress who participated in the Fengma Show in the future was broadcast outdoors on Panda TV. Attracted 58 people to watch at the same time.

In the live broadcast industry, this is a very exaggerated number. Douyu signed Xiaozhi for his first live broadcast, and only 60 people attended it. This is already the peak of Douyu.It can be said that the Panda Live Broadcasting Platform is still very powerful, but it has lost to big capital and the times. One step behind will lead to falling behind step by step. Now the time is one year ahead of schedule, and a good platform has been built before Douyu Live Broadcasting. , signed members of the DM team, taking the lead, and coupled with celebrity bonuses, the fate of Panda Live will most likely be rewritten.

This is also the reason why Li Chenyang agreed to cooperate. This is a business that is sure to make money without losing money. Even if Panda Live is declared bankrupt in 2019 like it was in his previous life, he can cash out in advance and leave without taking any risks.

If Panda kills Douyu, that would be even better. For Panda Live, it can become a big brother in the live broadcast industry, and the boss of Douyu may also be able to escape the disaster, achieve mutual benefit and win-win, and sincere cooperation...

After logging into the anchor client, Li Chenyang came to his live broadcast backstage. The webpage was very good... Even Xu Qing gave it a very high rating.

Principal Wang is definitely serious about the live streaming industry, and he has no mercy for the friend at the party in Los Angeles before!

Li Chenyang's live broadcast account is 000001, a six-digit anchor ID. He is ranked first, followed by other members of the DM team, ranging from 2 to 6.

These are reserved numbers, others cannot register at all, which can be regarded as support for the DM team.

There are already some people live streaming on the platform, and the core is the League of Legends section. Of course, there are also people who play CF and dungeons, and there are also anchors who play other games. The live broadcast industry has just emerged, and the issue of game copyright will not arise for the time being.

There are also some beautiful female anchors in the singing category currently broadcasting live. They wear exquisite makeup and sing sweetly. I don’t know where Principal Wang found them.

Those currently live broadcasting are basically members of Panda Live's own union. After all, the Panda Live platform has just been built. Apart from the DM team, there are not many anchors settled in yet.

Li Chenyang’s live broadcast starts at [-]pm.

There were still a few hours to go before now. He first logged into his game account and changed the account name to Panda TV and Xiaoguang. Then he poured himself a cup of coffee and leisurely watched the beauty live broadcast.

This beauty looks sweet and sings well, so she can definitely pass the time.


at the same time.

The news that Team DM signed a contract with Panda TV and that Team DM’s top single Guang, also known as LOL Xiaoguang, a well-known game blogger, will make his live broadcast debut on Panda TV at [-] o’clock tonight has spread all over the Internet.

Three hot searches were posted directly on Weibo. Anyone who likes to read Weibo will probably not miss this news.

The three hot searches are.

Panda Live signed a contract with the DM team.

LOL Xiaoguang Panda’s live broadcast debut.

Principal Wang will draw 66 iPhones tonight on Panda Live.


Advertising has actually been going on for a long time, but it has reached a peak today. Even the scandal news about a certain celebrity has been suppressed and the popularity has dropped a lot.

I don’t know if the hot search was bought, but the advertising is definitely sufficient.

Not only that, all kinds of news are also flying around on other platforms. Team DM and Principal Wang are both top-notch on the Internet. It can be seen from the strong alliance now.

Tieba, Duanzi, Toutiao,, Zhihu, wherever there is chat, you can almost see messages discussing Panda Live.

It can be said that Panda Live has just appeared and has almost equaled Huya and YY in terms of popularity. Douyu, which was just established, can’t even see the taillights of Panda Live.

Yin Xuefeng also reported the news to various LOL Xiaoguang fan groups. Countless people had already poured into the Panda TV live broadcast room before the live broadcast started.

(End of this chapter)

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