Rekindle 2012

Chapter 363 The stage is big enough

Chapter 363 The stage is big enough
The second floor of the restaurant.

Li Chenyang and Ding Meng paid attention to what was happening here.

"It seems that the students we sponsor are pretty good, and there aren't many problems with the standards we set before."

Li Chenyang ate the last piece of prawn and burped.

Ding Meng stood aside, watching Li Chenyang finish a large pot of spicy hotpot, secretly complaining in his heart, but not daring to say it out...

The corner of her mouth twitched and she sighed: "And the poor students also have good moral character. After knowing that there was too much money in their meal cards, their first reaction was to report it to the teacher."

"In a jungle society, where the jungle prevails, parents from poor families always like to teach their children how to be kind."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It's certainly a good thing for society. After all, any leader hopes that the people under him are a group of docile sheep."

"Can't understand."

"Not understanding is a good thing for you."

Li Chenyang threw the used napkin into the trash can next to him, got up and left.

Ding Meng also stood up and followed.

There are a few hundred students receiving financial aid at the polytechnic, although they only account for a small proportion of the students.

But such a large group of people is still influential. Even if a few of them spread the word, other students will soon know that there are companies that silently support poor students in their schools.

Many people started discussing it on and the campus forum.

Originally, the funding of more than 100 yuan was not a lot, just a drizzle, but the beauty was in the way of funding.

The money is directly and quietly added to the meal cards of poor students without notifying anyone in advance. There is no selection or voting. There is no need to write on the application like a beggar how poor his family is and how difficult his life is.

There is no need for the village committee’s seal…


Although no one knows what the evaluation criteria are, judging from the students who receive subsidies, they are basically the recognized poor students in the class, and there are very few who can find faults.

I don’t know how much fairer it is than that series of complicated procedures...

The poor students who received the money were naturally very happy, because the money was nothing to the rich but could last them more than ten days.

In this way, you will be able to work less part-time jobs, and the money saved can also lead to more spare time life, making the university life that should be interesting more relaxed and glorious.


East Lake Building, Office 104.

Li Chenyang, who came back from the restaurant, met Shi Jinshui who came from afar...

"To be honest, I originally planned to report here after the Chinese New Year. After all, the Chinese New Year is only a few days away, but there is really no way. If I don't work now, I may not be able to survive..."

Shi Jinshui was thin, his face was full of fatigue, and he had a sense of vicissitudes of life that was inconsistent with his age.

It seems that the marketing campaign two years ago did not bring much benefit to him, or in other words, he himself is not willing to eat that bloody steamed bun.

"Is there any difficulty?"

Li Chenyang took the two glasses of hot water poured by Ding Meng, placed them on the table, and pushed one of the glasses next to him.

Shi Jinshui held the cup with both hands, and his already cold hands felt a little warmer. In the weather, which was several degrees below zero, he was wearing relatively thin clothes. There was only a sweater and a T-shirt under the coat. The clothes were not matching and could only be said to be to keep out the cold. , forcibly pieced together.

"Yes, something happened at home last month. I transferred all my savings to my family and borrowed some money from the bank..."

As for what happened, Shi Jinshui didn't say anything, but it was definitely not a trivial matter to use up his savings and still need to borrow money.The biggest taboo for a migrant worker in the workplace is to tell his boss or people around him about his soft feelings. Shi Jinshui's frankness made Li Chenyang take it more seriously.

After thinking about it, Li Chenyang said: "I won't ask you anything. Since you choose to believe me, I will give you the best treatment when you come to the company. The monthly salary of [-] yuan is the basic treatment, bonus, performance, and year-end bonus." These don’t count.”

"No problem, it's much better than I thought."

There was a smile on Shi Jinshui's face. This was the treatment agreed upon online, and the other party did not reduce his treatment because of his difficulties.

It was very expensive for him to come here from Yangcheng, and he was in urgent need of money. Even if the other party lowered his salary to [-], he would choose to join the company.

Li Chenyang continued: "In addition to what I just said, the company will also give you a food subsidy of [-] yuan on your meal card in the first month. You can go directly to the park cafeteria to eat. It is enough for a month's living. If you don't have a house, If you specifically request it, the company can also provide you with a single room. If you want to change it in the future, just return it to the company."

"Thank you so much."

Shi Jinshui's face gained a little more color.

This was an unexpected surprise, and it was tantamount to helping him solve an urgent need.

"Go to the human resources department to apply for employment. From now on, your job will be the planning of I hope you can have a happy life in the new company."

Li Chenyang waved his hand.

Shi Jinshui bowed and left the office.

With Li Chenyang's special attention, the onboarding process was very smooth, and all the agreed benefits were written down in the contract. This made Shi Jinshui completely relieved and no longer wary of the new company.

"Mr. Shi, we will be colleagues from now on. Your employment process has been completed. I will take a photo for you later. The work card and meal card will be given to you tomorrow morning. Do you want to go to the rental house first?"

The company's HR knows best how to observe what is happening.

She didn't know who Shi Jinshui was, but she was sure to treat the people hired by her boss with caution.

Take Xu Qing, for example, who is now the boss of the technology department and plays an important role in the company.

"Thank you, Sister Huang. I can check where I'm staying after get off work. I want to know more about the company. I just read the company's news online and don't know much about it..."

"Well, let me introduce you first. You are working at The office of is in a room on the third floor of the building. It is currently being renovated, so we work together with other people..."

Chatted for more than half an hour.

Only then did Shi Jinshui have a deeper understanding of the company he entered.

Originally, he thought that, where he joined, was just a small company. After all, based on his many years of planning experience, it could be seen that the management of was not very perfect, and many things seemed to be run by part-time newcomers.

This method is generally used by small companies and can save a lot of labor costs.

He made a desperate move to come to Greentown, because the conditions promised by the boss of were too good, and his salary was almost double what he had made before he was in Yangcheng.

He was short of money, but with the mentality of giving it a try, he took the green train for more than ten hours to get here.

However, he found that he seemed to have thought wrong.

The company is not small, it is very big... and there are many people, especially in the building that looks like an Internet cafe, there are 50 to [-] people working there.

Courier trucks are coming and going outside, and I don’t know the specific work.

Now he knows.

It turns out that is just one of the boss’s very small projects. Boss Li, who invited him here, is not only the boss of, but also the founder of DM Game Club, and also founded the Snail takeout platform...

The stage is big enough.

(End of this chapter)

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