All this happened so unexpectedly that even Jiang Li, who was known for his agility and quick reactions, only had time to adjust his posture in an instant.

A trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, but he didn't show any panic at all. Instead, he subconsciously lowered his waist slightly, like a swordsman preparing to meet a challenge, and deftly complied with Lin Wan'er's warm embrace.

Therefore, in this magical moment that seemed to have frozen time and space, as short as a meteor streaking across the sky, and as long as a star shining eternally, Jiang Li's face, always filled with a warm and spring-like smile, was like a delicate painting. The soft paintings were buried tightly and deeply by Lin Wan'er into her stupendous stature in an affectionate and extremely cherished manner.

Her embrace was so warm and broad, like a harbor carrying endless thoughts and emotions, gently wrapping Jiang Li's cheeks in it. The two hearts beat out a harmonious and resonant melody in the silent communication at this moment.

Lin Wan'er's eyes were shining like stars, full of deep attachment and endless care for Jiang Li. Her movements contained indescribable determination and persistence, as if she wanted to engrave this precious picture in time forever. In the mark.

This surprised Lin Wan'er, and a look of astonishment flashed across her eyes as bright as stars.

However, this shock did not turn into rejection. She did not immediately push away the affectionate Jiang Li beside her, but chose to respond in a gentle and slightly doting way.

Her fingers were like delicate brush strokes, gently brushing through Jiang Li's black hair that was like a waterfall in the middle of the night, as if it were the soft light cast by the moonlight as it danced on the quiet lake, carrying a quiet and warm power.

Her movements were extremely gentle, for fear of disturbing this rare intimate moment. Every contact between her fingertips and the ends of her hair was like whispering a wordless love poem.

While she stared at Jiang Li's face with extremely loving eyes, she used the warmth of her palms to soothe his head. Her movements were full of a lover's affection.

"Okay, I get it. Don't keep telling me like a little adult. After all, I'm older than you. Every time you act like I'm your junior."

Despite the ridicule in her mouth, Lin Wan'er's eyes were full of touch and relief for Jiang Li's thoughtfulness. The feeling of being cared for seemed to make the years soften at this moment.

Although this relationship occasionally made her feel subtly misplaced, she was more willing to enjoy this unique care from Jiang Li, because in him, she saw maturity and stability beyond her age.

After those words fell heavily, Lin Wan'er slowly pushed away her slightly trembling, slightly shy head.

There is a subtle sense of propriety in her movements, as if she is carefully respecting the distance and emotional boundaries between them.

Being pushed like this, Jiang Li did not show any violent reaction or extreme behavior. He just raised his head calmly and stared directly at Lin Wan'er in front of him with his eyes as deep as the night sky.

The emotions in his eyes were as calm as lake water but bottomless, making it difficult to fathom.

The moment Lin Wan'er felt Jiang Li's eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, her cheeks quickly became flushed like cherry blossoms in spring. The blush spread quietly from her cheeks to her ears, and then penetrated from her ears into her fair neck. Her heartbeat accelerated instantly, as if she was carrying a small deer, banging around with nowhere to rest.

Facing Jiang Li's candid and affectionate gaze, Lin Wan'er could only respond with a blushing face. Her shyness and heartbeat were intertwined, like a vivid and beautiful picture.

"Humph, what are you looking at!"

Lin Wan'er raised her eyebrows slightly, her bright eyes sparkling with a coquettish light. There was a hint of playfulness and confidence in her words, as if she was launching a silent challenge to the people behind her.

Although her tone was slightly contemptuous, it also revealed a sense of intimacy and familiar coquettishness. "I am going home."

As Lin Wan'er spoke, she patted her belly gently, with a satisfied and expectant expression on her face, as if that warm little nest was calling her with incomparable magic. This sentence not only informs others of her departure, but also expresses a deep attachment and sense of belonging to home.

"I like to eat ribs."

A sweet smile appeared on the corner of Lin Wan'er's mouth, as if the fragrance of pork ribs was already lingering on the tip of her tongue. Her innocence and frankness in loving food made her look more lively and lovely.

This simple confession revealed her love and enjoyment of life, and also hinted at her expectations for the future.

"Make it for me next time."

Finally, Lin Wan'er left these words that were slightly commanding but full of tenderness, her eyes full of expectation and trust. This is her entrustment to someone and a confirmation of the emotional bond between them.

Before she finished speaking, she turned around gracefully, touched the door handle lightly with her slender fingers, and with a crisp sound of opening the door, she got into the car smoothly and quickly.

Sitting in the exquisite and spacious driver's seat, Lin Wan'er gently stroked her cheeks, which were slightly hot from shyness and nervousness. Her fair and delicate skin looked even more delicate under the warm light in the car.

Her thoughts were racing, and she seemed to still be able to see Jiang Li's hateful yet charming smile, which made her heart ripple.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm the throbbing in her heart, and then looked down at her chest unconsciously. There was a trace of saliva that he accidentally spilled there, which was printed on her lavender shirt, like A blooming flower of embarrassment.

A helpless and resentful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, muttering to herself:

"Damn Jiang Li! Why are you still drooling!"

This unexpected episode made Lin Wan'er's mood become complicated, with a bit of anger and a hint of subtle emotion. This seemingly ordinary action and situation caused ripples in her heart at this moment. Like ripples broken by stones on a calm lake, they spread out in circles and cannot subside for a long time.

Lin Wan'er's angry face formed a vivid picture by the car window. She rolled down the window forcefully, making a clear and resolute click, as if she was venting the unhappiness in her heart that could not be ignored.

Her eyes were locked on Jiang Li, and those bright eyes were like two stars burning with the flame of justice, shooting straight into the depths of Jiang Li's soul.

Her words were loud and clear, each word was like a nail hammering on an iron plate, sharp and powerful: "I will occasionally come to your store for spot checks. Don't let me catch you doing anything illegal. Otherwise, I won’t bail you out, and I will handcuff you myself.”

Before she finished speaking, Lin Wan'er slammed the car window with an unquestionable decisiveness, started the engine, and the car sped away with a deep and powerful roar, leaving a trail of smoke and residual sound echoing in the air.

Jiang Li stood there, looking at the back of the car that was gradually moving away, with mixed feelings in his heart. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down the surging heart aroused by Lin Wan'er's stern warning.

[What is the plot of the prosecutor series? Can't get it. 】

Then turned around and went home. (End of chapter)

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