What's even more touching is that behind that thrilling scene late at night, it turns out that there is a selfless protection for these three sisters hidden behind it.

Under the hazy moonlight, Jiang Li resolutely assisted the police in capturing the perverted criminal who endangered social security. This heroic and fearless behavior was undoubtedly out of his deep love and desire to protect the three sisters.

He stood up in the darkness and transformed into a guardian angel, just to create a peaceful living environment for them.

Later, Lin Wan'er quickly integrated into the conversation atmosphere of the three sisters with her gentle temperament and friendly and easy-going attitude. They sat around in the warm living room and talked happily. Lin Wan'er used her delicate insight and excellent communication skills to open the hearts of the three sisters like spring breeze and rain.

During this in-depth and sincere conversation, Lin Waner gained a new understanding of these three sisters who have different personalities but support each other. It turns out that the eldest sister is tough and independent, the second sister is witty and careful, and the younger sister is lively and kind. Although they each have their own characteristics, their common spiritual bond is Jiang Li.

The love and dependence flowing from their words is like a hymn without words. Whenever Jiang Li's name is mentioned, the eyes of the three sisters seem to be lit up, shining with endless reverence and warmth. It is a deep gratitude and attachment to the person who has given them care and protection.

Lin Wan'er looked at the shining light in their eyes and couldn't help but admire secretly: It seems that Jiang Li indeed takes care of these three sisters with incomparable patience and love in his daily life.

Lin Wan'er was chatting and laughing with the three sisters. The four of them seemed to be transformed into four delicate flowers in spring, blooming with their own colors and charms amidst laughter and laughter. Lin Wan'er's gentle smile and witty words flowed like a clear spring in this harmonious picture, making the whole atmosphere more cheerful and enthusiastic.

Just as this warm moment reached its climax, a familiar voice came from the direction of the kitchen, breaking the brief silence. With a smile of satisfaction and expectation, Jiang Li leaned half out from behind the kitchen door frame. His eyes were warm and bright, lighting up the entire room like the rising sun.

"It's time to eat."

Hearing this, Su Xianxian, the eldest sister with elegant manners and gentle temperament, immediately stood up and gently held Lin Wan'er's hand. Her eyes as clear as autumn water shone with expectation. She smiled slightly and gently pulled Lin Wan'er towards the dining table. The action was both intimate and natural.

At the same time, the lively and lovely Yuyu and the quiet and elegant Yunyun responded immediately. They smiled at each other and stepped into the kitchen filled with the aroma of food.

I saw that they were busy but in perfect harmony. One was holding a steaming dish, while the other was carefully holding a soup bowl. They jointly assisted Jiang Li in placing the carefully cooked dinner on the dining table one by one. This scene of family excitement Warmth and harmony make people feel warm and happy.

Soon, as night fell quietly, in this quiet and cozy cabin, five people sat down one after another around the long dining table covered with white tablecloth under bright and soft lights.

Because of Lin Wan'er's sudden arrival, Jiang Li temporarily added two more dishes.

Not long after, various dishes prepared by Jiang Li's skillful hands were served on the table one after another. The dishes were dazzling and fragrant, decorating the table like a lively gourmet picture.

Lin Wan'er couldn't help but be a little stunned when she looked at the colorful and various delicacies on the table in front of her. She widened her eyes as bright as autumn water and asked in disbelief: "Jiang Li, you made these all yourself." Of?"

This sentence is full of surprise.

Seeing Lin Wan'er's face full of doubts and disbelief, Jiang Li couldn't help but smile bitterly and nodded gently. There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes, as if he was telling the sadness that his cooking skills were misunderstood.

Lin Wan'er couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart when she saw Jiang Li's appearance. She began to savor and reflect on everything in front of her. Facing this table of carefully prepared dishes with all the colors, flavors and aromas, a complex emotion flashed through her eyes. The delicate knife work, the perfect heat, and the alluring aroma all silently demonstrated Jiang Li's unique understanding and profound knowledge of cooking.

Lin Wan'er couldn't help but secretly compare. The color of these dishes alone was enough to make people salivate. Whether it was emerald green vegetables, golden diced chicken, or bright red sweet and sour pork ribs, every dish was like a work of art. So colorful and beautiful. Smell the aroma again, and the unique fragrance of various ingredients are intertwined to form an intoxicating olfactory symphony. Compared with my usual home cooking, it is indeed more delicious than one level.

At this moment, Lin Wan'er had a new understanding of Jiang Li's cooking skills, and her heartfelt admiration and admiration arose spontaneously.

Fortunately, she wanted to help just now, but fortunately Su Xianxian stopped her at that time.

Otherwise, it would just be a fool's errand.

"It looks delicious."

Lin Wan'er's eyes shone with anticipation. She gently picked up the pair of delicate ivory chopsticks and stared at the plate of celery-fried yellow beef in front of her that was full of color, flavor and flavor.

The alternating green celery and tender yellow beef are like a delicate gourmet picture. The alluring aroma curls up and hits your nose, making people salivate.

She carefully selected a chopstick. The celery was green and the texture of the yellow beef was clearly visible. It was immersed in the crystal clear soup. It looked as picturesque as a poem, as if she could taste the most delicious food in the world with one bite. .

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and with uncontrollable excitement and eagerness, she put the chopstick full of fried beef with celery into Cherry's little mouth.

The teeth are slightly opened, and the tip of the tongue touches the rich layered texture of the crisp celery and the delicious yellow beef. The mouth is full of fragrance, as if all the taste buds are awakened in an instant.

She chewed carefully and satisfactorily, enjoying the ultimate delicious experience brought by this carefully prepared dish. The anticipation in her eyes turned into an overflowing sense of happiness.

As Lin Wan'er gently opened her little cherry mouth and bit her delicate lips slightly, at that moment, the unique flavor of the dish spread in her mouth like a tide.

The taste, like a colorful chapter in a symphony, instantly awakened all her sleeping taste buds, letting them dance and enjoy this unique gourmet feast.

“It’s delicious!”

Lin Wan'er admired with starry eyes, as if she was in a delicious dream at this moment.

As she savored it carefully, she couldn't help but cast approving glances at Jiang Li, her bright eyes shining with joy and surprise. (End of chapter)

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