It doesn’t matter if my confession is rejected, I still have three more days left.

Chapter 218 Picked up the watermelon and threw the sesame seeds

Chapter 218 Picked up the watermelon and threw the sesame seeds

Ji Mengyao's mood at this moment was like the undulating surface of a lake, filled with a trace of unspeakable shyness. Her bright eyes shone with a complicated brilliance, which included both self-blame for her own lapses and the confusion and embarrassment of being under the spotlight of everyone.

A touch of red rose quietly bloomed on her cheeks, like the first blooming peach blossoms, with a hint of shyness.

Looking back at the high-spirited and sharp-edged self, if Ji Mengyao encountered the same situation, she might turn her shame into the power of anger with her own courage, and use an almost stubborn attitude to resist the pressure and doubts from the outside world. .

However, times have changed, and now, after experiencing the baptism of life, her sharp edge has quietly been restrained, and she has become more calm and tolerant.

At this moment, under the gathering gazes of so many people, Ji Mengyao chose to remain silent. Although the fluctuations in her heart were like turbulent waves, she appeared calmer on the outside. She knew that getting angry would only make the situation more confusing and would not solve any problems.

As a result, a strong desire arose in her heart, that is, to leave this cramped space as soon as possible and find a peaceful place where she could calmly sort out her thoughts.

The dappled light and shadow reflected on Xia Muke's silent face. Her eyes were like deep lake water, silently looking at Ji Mengyao in front of her.

At this moment, Ji Mengyao's face was full of apologies and regrets. She bit her lower lip gently, as if trying to gather courage. Finally, she mustered up the strength and whispered: "Xia Muke, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

These three words are like a breeze, gently blowing through the calm lake of my heart, but it stirs up layers of ripples.

However, Xia Muke's expression did not change due to this apology. Her eyes, which seemed to be able to see into people's hearts, were as calm and deep as ever, like a mirror, reflecting Ji Mengyao's guilt and uneasiness clearly.

She did not respond immediately, but just stared at Ji Mengyao quietly, that silent power making the air around her become heavy. Although she never spoke, her tightly pursed lips and slightly furrowed brows revealed that she was undergoing a fierce thinking and struggle deep within her heart.

Hearing the name Xia Muke, Lin Hong felt as if an invisible hand had suddenly pressed the pause button, causing ripples in his originally calm heart. His brows raised slightly, a mixture of surprise and doubt flashed across his eyes, and he muttered to himself deep down, he didn't expect that Xia Muke was actually there.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Lin Hong adjusted his breathing subconsciously and slowly moved his gaze into the crowd, trying to capture the figure that frightened his Yaoyao from the bustling crowd. His eyes were as sharp as a falcon hunting prey, but it also contained a hint of warmth and worry that was not easy to detect.

Let me see what this Xia Muke looks like. He can actually make my Yaoyao look like this.

Soon, his attention seemed to be attracted by invisible magnetism and quietly slipped to the woman beside Jiang Li.

Just now, his eyes were like a lens locked on the only focus, completely focused on Jiang Li's every move and never glanced at the other people around him. Naturally, he ignored Xia Muke who came into view at this moment.

However, at this moment, he seemed to wake up from a dream. What he saw before him suddenly fell into a state of indescribable astonishment.

At this moment, there was a strong shock in his heart. The Xia Muke in front of him was like a vivid and delicate picture, breathtakingly beautiful.

Her natural and unadorned temperament, as well as her extraordinary and unique charm, made him unable to describe it with ordinary words.

He secretly exclaimed: Is this the girl Yaoyao talks about?

Such beauty is beautiful!

Her beauty is not just superficial, but as clear as a spring and as bright as the moonlight, which makes people yearn for her but dare not blaspheme her. This feeling is like encountering the starry night sky for the first time, or accidentally breaking into a secret realm of blooming flowers, which makes people fall in love with it.

No wonder Yaoyao refused to face her.

If it were me, I.

Choose her too!

At this time, Ji Mengyao's autumn-like eyes shone with a strange light. She gently but firmly pulled the corners of Lin Hong's dark blue windbreaker that was slightly blown by the wind.

As if this action carried endless emotions and expectations, her voice was like a breeze blowing through the strings of a piano, saying softly and firmly: "Lin Hong, let's go..."

This sentence is like a note that travels through time and space, floating in the quiet air, carrying an irresistible power.

Lin Hong turned around when he heard the sound, and his eyes as deep as stars instantly captured the determination and expectation deep in Ji Mengyao's eyes. He could feel the thousands of words hidden behind those five words.

The surrounding lights reflected on them, stretching their silhouettes and intertwining together to form a moving picture.

Lin Hong looked down at the corner of his clothes held by Ji Mengyao. Her warmth seemed to still be there.

This sudden turn of events surprised Lin Hongda, and aroused a wave of emotions in his heart.

He always thought that every time he stepped forward and every brave move he made was to leave a deep imprint in Ji Mengyao's bright starry eyes, and he expected that she would look at him differently and have a deeper impression of him. A lot of dependence and expectations.

Every move he carefully planned was centered around this goal, trying to build a bridge deep in Ji Mengyao's heart so that he could enter her world and become an indispensable part of her life. However, the actual feedback was subtly different from his expectations, which once confused him.

He recalled all his previous efforts, whether it was to resolve her predicament or to protect her from the wind and rain of the outside world, everything pointed in the same direction - the desire to win Ji Mengyao's recognition, so that she would be the first to think of it when facing difficulties. It was him who formed a deep dependence and trust on him.

Now, he finally achieved his long-held goal, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground. The past events about Jiang Li that Ji Mengyao had mentioned to him no longer lingered in his mind and became a problem that troubled him. He understands that the past is like a page in a book that has been turned. Although it has stirred up waves at a certain moment, it will eventually return to peace.

After all, no matter what, the person named Xia Muke has no intersection with me, so I can't lose sesame seeds just because I went to pick up watermelons.

It would be terrible if the sesame seeds were lost and the watermelon was not picked up.

Lin Hong still knows a little about himself.

Yeah, pick up watermelons.

Although Lin Hong is now Ji Mengyao's boyfriend, Lin Hong still feels in his heart that Xia Mu is the watermelon.

(End of this chapter)

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