Chapter 193 Agreement

In these short words, Jiang Li's confidence and calmness seemed to be transmitted to Lin Xiafei's heart through the cold electronic screen.

Lin Xiafei stared at the word "promise" with mixed feelings in her heart. She pondered for a long time, and the unexpressed but tacit agreement between them came to mind.

want you.

Lin Xiafei's eyes rested on the word "promise" for a long time, as if there was a huge weight behind these two words.

Her eyes showed a mixture of complex emotions, including relief, surprise, and a subtle hesitation and anxiety.

These two words were like a magnet, drawing her thoughts back to the days she spent with Jiang Li.

The agreement that was just made was full of challenges and expectations - if Jiang Li could get full marks in the next three exams.

Now, the three test papers in front of him, each with a perfect percentage in eye-catching red, were like shining banners of honor, silently but powerfully announcing Jiang Li's success.


Is this development too fast?

It was too sudden.

The time has come for the promise to be fulfilled, and she realizes that she must fulfill her original promise, although this may mean some unknown changes and even some inner struggles.

Doesn't that mean that the goal of perfect scores for three consecutive exams that he just promised him has been achieved, and it also means that he will give it to him.

Lin Xiafei suddenly realized it in an instant, as if he had cleared away the clouds and seen the blue sky.

Jiang Li's various actions were now connected into an exquisite clue in her mind. She finally realized that she had been cleverly set up by Jiang Li, and she had stepped into it unprepared.

Despite this, she did not feel angry or annoyed. Instead, after a brief inner struggle, she chose to accept the fact calmly.

Lin Xiafei's heart, which has always been strong and unwilling to admit defeat, was aroused at this moment and was eager to try. But at the same time, the lingering question in her mind was like a magnet, attracting her attention - how did Jiang Li make such significant progress in such a short period of time?

She glanced at the chat window on the phone screen. The name belonging to Jiang Li was lying there quietly, as if waiting for her inquiry.

The strong desire for knowledge in Lin Xiafei's heart almost made her unable to help but type on the keyboard to explore the secret behind Jiang Li's progress.

However, whenever she thought that Jiang Li might take this opportunity to mention something that was difficult for her to talk about, her heart tightened, and her eager curiosity also cooled down.

After weighing it several times, Lin Xiafei still suppressed the throbbing in his heart and slowly closed Jiang Li's chat box.

At the same time, she temporarily shut down her curiosity about the reasons for Jiang Li's rapid improvement.

She said to herself silently in her heart.

Don't ask, you're just shy if you ask.

Jiang Li's fingers gently rubbed the screen of his phone. The shimmering screen reflected his expectant face like a mirror.

Time seemed to be stretched out. He stared closely at the silent dialog box, waiting for Lin Xiafei's reply. However, neither the urgent message notification sound nor the new message notification in the dialog box appeared. .

The phone felt a little warm in his hand, and that subtle heat was like his unspoken feelings for Lin Xiafei, hot and secret.

After waiting for a long time, until the phone screen turned from bright to dim, and then back to bright again, there was still no response to Lin Xiafei's message.

Jiang Li sighed helplessly, and there was a hint of loss and confusion in that sigh.

He played with the phone in his hand, and finally had no choice but to put it back into his pocket. This action was a bit lonely and compromising. "I thought I could tease her, but why didn't you reply to her message?"

Xia Muke, this smart and lively girl, was looking at Jiang Li who was beside him with a focused expression and constant whispers, with curiosity shining in her eyes.

Her eyes, as clear as spring water, seemed to be asking silently.

"Senior, what are you muttering about?"

Jiang Li was slightly startled when he heard Xia Muke's inquiry, and then shook his head gently. An imperceptible smile quietly bloomed at the corner of his mouth, as if it contained endless stories and thoughts.

Seeing that Jiang Li didn't want to talk more, Xia Muke's smart and intelligent character made her catch this point instantly, so she didn't continue to ask.

In order to resolve the brief embarrassment and divert Xia Muke's curiosity, Jiang Li cleverly changed the topic and started chatting with him.

At this moment, the setting sun shines through the car window glass and shines on Xia Muke's luxurious private car. The car is filled with the fresh scent of leather and air-conditioning.

Xia Muke and Jiang Li were sitting in the carriage, being driven smoothly and quickly by this luxury car to their destination - lang shop.

Along the way, the bustling scene of the city kept passing by outside the car window like a moving scroll. The streets were lined with green trees, and the mottled light and shadow falling between the branches and leaves were intertwined with the relaxed conversation between the two people in the car, which added a lot of excitement to this journey. Separate leisure and expectation.

Not long after, the wheels bumped slightly, indicating that they had arrived in front of the lang shop.

Xia Muke unbuckled his seat belt gracefully and nodded slightly to the experienced, calm and experienced driver in the driver's seat. Although the words were not spoken, the tacit understanding had already been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

The driver responded with a professional smile, and then skillfully controlled the Little Golden Man, like a nimble fish weaving through the busy traffic. After a while, it parked steadily in a dedicated parking lot not far away.

After getting off the car, Jiang Li and Xia Muke walked side by side, walking steadily and resolutely, straight towards the Lang shop.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw the enthusiastic room manager.

The room manager was very pleased with the arrival of two cash cows, Jiang Li and Xia Muke, today.

Jiang Li and the two greeted the room manager politely, and their greetings were as natural and cordial as old friends meeting again.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them turned around without hesitation and quickly went to change into work clothes.

"Senior, do you want to change clothes together?"

When Jiang Li heard Xia Muke's unexpected invitation, he couldn't help but be stunned, as if he was struck by a sudden lightning, and was instantly pulled away from his daily ordinary thoughts.

He subconsciously turned his attention to the bright and charming girl in front of him - Xia Muke. Her face was filled with an innocent yet slightly cunning smile, and her eyes shone with expectation and calmness.

There was a subtle and indescribable atmosphere in the air, which made Jiang Li feel his heart beat faster for no reason. His throat seemed to be tightly held by invisible hands, and he swallowed hard, trying to calm the turbulent emotions inside him.

That sentence echoed repeatedly in his mind, like a song with a unique melody that was difficult to figure out.

This question seemed particularly clear to his ears at the moment, and every word seemed to have a unique magic power, stirring every nerve in his heart.

He tried to stay calm and responded in a slightly hesitant tone:

"Is it really okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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