Stop chewing on those two in Chapter 178!

His eyes turned from confused to sharp.

He stretched out a finger towards Xia Muke, who was immersed in a coquettish state, gently placed it on his lips, and made a soft and urgent sound.


"I'll show it to you next time."

Jiang Li suddenly took action, and then his slender fingers gently covered Xia Muke's slightly opened mouth. The movement was firm yet gentle, as if he was caring for a bud that was about to bloom.

Then, he pulled her with moderate force, and the two of them squatted down slowly and quietly like cats.

Although Xia Muke was confused by Jiang Li's sudden move, she still chose unconditional trust and obedience. There was a hint of subtle surprise in her eyes, but she quickly closed her mouth, like a deer that cooperated tacitly. Quietly, he followed Jiang Li's movements and lowered his head.

When they squatted firmly on the ground, Xia Muke's eyes were full of doubts.

She was about to open her mouth and ask Jiang Li what happened. However, before she spoke, Jiang Li had keenly captured her intention.

Jiang Li's eyes signaled that he first made a silent gesture towards Xia Muke, opened his mouth gently, and then shook his head decisively.

The next second, a cold and slightly majestic voice suddenly sounded near the corner where they were hiding, breaking the moment of tranquility like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

"Okay, stop hiding, I've already seen you."

Hearing this all-too-familiar voice, Jiang Li felt as if cold water had been poured over his head, and felt a sense of astonishment in his heart.

Isn't this the voice of the dean?

It turned out that when Xia Muke used her sweet and invincible coquettish offensive just now, although Jiang Li had been deeply attracted by her tenderness and sweetness, he still caught a faint sound of movement coming from a distance.

The sound was vague at first, like the wind gently blowing through the forest trees, or like a night owl quietly jumping onto the eaves. If Jiang Li hadn't always been unusually sensitive to the environment, he probably wouldn't have been able to detect it.

However, Xia Muke's coquettish voice was like an intoxicating serenade, melodious and melodious, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves, so that he was always immersed in that sweetness and ignored all the changes around him.

It wasn't until the footsteps gradually became clearer and closer, coming like a tide, that Jiang Li woke up as if from a dream and realized that the situation was not good.

However, when he quickly glanced around, trying to find a possible escape route, he sadly discovered that his reaction seemed to be a bit slow.

Even though they tried so hard to avoid the dean's gaze, they still couldn't escape those discerning eyes. Their existence had been discovered.

But it seemed that the reaction was still a little too late, and he was still seen by the dean.

Xia Muke was also stunned.

She never dreamed that she and Jiang Li would be caught by the school leaders in a place like the woods.

However, Xia Mu was not too panicked about this.

She looked at Jiang Li, as if asking what to do now.


Jiang Li was wondering if it would be useful if he revealed his identity.

After all, he had just helped the police catch a bad guy, so he was a brave and good boy.

With the blessing of this identity, I don't know if the dean will turn a blind eye and let him go.

Or, it's better to just run.

Judging from the pot-bellied appearance of the dean, he definitely couldn't catch up with the two of them.

According to Jiang Li's speculation, the teaching director probably didn't recognize who they were when they called out just now.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have shouted "Don't hide" just now, but would have directly called his name.

"What about you! I didn't hear you. You have to wait for me to find you, right?"

Because Jiang Li and Xia Muke didn't come out yet, the teaching director began to become anxious.

He walked towards Jiang Li and Xia Muke's position, preparing to personally catch the young couple who fell in love and punish them.

Jiang Li squatted tightly next to Xia Muke, his eyes nervous and cunning, like a little fox ready to spread its wings and escape. His nimble fingers danced rapidly, conveying secret gestures to Xia Muke that only the two of them could understand. It was an intense and tacit communication method, as if whispering: "Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind. Once the wind blows, , we can run away at any time.”

At this moment, the footsteps of the dean were like dull drumbeats, becoming increasingly deafening in the quiet corner of the campus.

Every step closer made the tension in the air so solid that it could almost cut.

Xia Muke's heart seemed to be clenched by invisible hands, and the pounding sound echoed in his chest, so strong that it almost burst out of his chest.

This feeling is so exciting.

It’s more exciting than encountering a question you don’t know how to write in an exam.

It felt like I was caught red-handed.

Just as Xia Muke was waiting for Jiang Li to command him to run away.

Slowly but firmly approaching the grove in the corner of the teaching building, the dean's steps stopped abruptly.

His sharp eagle-like eyes instantly locked onto the shadows deep in the woods.

"Huh?" He raised his thick eyebrows slightly, a confused and serious expression crossed his face, and his deep voice was full of doubts: "What is the sound?"

I saw him looking with bright eyes into the depths of the grove, which was dark and quiet.

His sight swept over like a searchlight, pointing directly at a hidden corner in the forest.

"Hey!" the dean shouted sternly, the majesty contained in his words was like a thunderous explosion, instantly breaking the tranquility of the moment: "Stop chewing those two inside! Get out of the teaching office quickly."

Jiang Li couldn't help but feel curious.

Who are the two fierce generals deep in the woods?

He was actually kissing so selflessly.

Didn't even notice anyone was coming.

After seeing the dean focusing on the two warriors deep in the woods, Jiang Li winked at Xia Muke.

Xia Muke gave him a prepared expression.

After Jiang Li understood, he quickly took Xia Muke's hand and ran away.

They seemed to ignore the voice of the dean of students shouting at them to stop.

The dean did not expect that there would be someone chewing his mouth in the woods.

It's really a bit too lawless.

So when he looked deep into the woods, his face became a little more serious.

Seeing that he shouted out and the other person seemed to be chewing on each other with passion, he decided to catch these two people with his own hands and see which class these two students were from.

However, in such a gap, the pair of puppy love students that I saw earlier suddenly emerged from nowhere and ran away in a hurry.

The dean made a visual inspection and found that he couldn't catch up at all, so he simply stopped chasing.

This time, I decided to let them off the hook. In the future, I would still have to check more in the grove, a sacred place of love.

But what's more important now is the couple inside.

He was caught red-handed.

This can't be let go anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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