Chapter 174 Why are you blushing? Feel refreshed!

That firm tone was like a heavy oath, and it was very resounding.

However, in the face of Xia Muke's strong denial and insistence, although Liu Qianqian still had doubts in her heart, she did not have the nerve to ask further.

In that quiet and slightly ambiguous atmosphere, if Xia Muke and Jiang Li were really doing something shameful, then it would undoubtedly be a bit rude and rude for me to ask directly at this moment, and it might even break the relationship. A delicate balance.

Liu Qianqian knew this well and wisely chose to remain silent. Although she was full of curiosity, she wisely stopped the questions that were about to blurt out.

After seeing an imperceptible expression of relief on Liu Qianqian's slightly red cheeks.

Xia Muke breathed a sigh of relief.

When Liu Qianqian stopped looking at them and focused on her phone.

Xia Muke's small hands were as nimble as catkins in spring. Without any hesitation, she immediately concentrated on the action in front of her, as if nothing happened just now.

On the other side, Jiang Li narrowed his eyes as deep as the stars in contentment, enjoying this rare tranquility and warmth. The corner of his mouth curved into a meaningful smile.

Just when he was about to repeat the actions that Xia Muke had just done to him, intending to let Xia Muke experience that sudden intimate interaction, his hand was tightly held by Xia Muke's other small hand in mid-air. That hand was as soft as a bone but full of strength, preventing him from further action.


What are you doing?

Jiang Li tried his best to stretch his neck forward, as if trying to penetrate the boundless darkness, and use the faint flickering light of the mobile phone in his hand to see Xia Muke's face clearly.

By the way, I asked her why she blocked it.

The moonlight was sparse and scattered, creating a subtle sense of distance between the two people. Xia Muke gently swayed his head in this hazy light and shadow, and his shyness was like the first blooming cherry blossoms, which instantly turned red. her cheeks.

Her lips were slightly opened, but she hesitated to speak, as if she was telling a secret that only the wind could understand.

Although Jiang Li's eyes were fixed on the silhouette in the dim light, he was unable to capture all the delicate expression changes on Xia Muke's face.

But he probably understood what Xia Muke meant.

oppressive rule?


But in this case, he still chose to respect Xia Muke.

There is no way, I, Jiang, want to have a doting wife.

Xia Mu was relieved when she saw that Jiang Li no longer insisted.

What she just did was done on a whim.

Unexpectedly, I was fascinated by this moment.

Especially being in the auditorium made her feel very excited.

But when Jiang Li made a move, she panicked.

Because of this plot, she remembered it very clearly and she had seen it in a movie before.

The female protagonist takes action in a crowded place, and the male protagonist starts to fight back.

After a certain point, the male and female protagonists start to move.

The kind that starts exercising without avoiding people at all.

Especially, after Jiang Li told her that there really were no props like time stills in the world.

She finally realized that most of those movies were fake.

This made her feel a little emotional. The actors in these movies are so dedicated.

Xia Muke also truly admires him.

It's impossible for her to do this anyway.

She only wanted to be like this with Jiang Li, and could never be like that with anyone else. Regarding Jiang Li's tampering, Xia Muke just wanted to say: Although I'm a jerk, I'm really not a pervert.

Who is a good person doing this in public?

Under the little rich woman's strong explanation, Jiang Li finally understood what the little rich woman meant.

He was shocked.

Good guy, didn't you put your hand in first?

How come I'm a pervert?

Besides, if you are afraid of fighting each other, it will turn into a real fight with a real knife or a gun.

Then you should take your hand back now.

Jiang Li faced the willful and unreasonable little rich woman in front of him, and his heart was filled with helplessness and tolerance.

Looking at her stubborn eyes and her cheeks that were slightly bulging with anger, Jiang Li couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, as if being pulled by an invisible force, but couldn't find the right one. place of placement.

Finally, his fingers trembled slightly, and like a hesitant but curious cat, he cautiously stretched out his "devil's claws" and slowly stretched them towards Xia Muke's delicate petal-like face.

When his fingers gently touched Xia Muke's face, the delicate and smooth feeling was instantly transmitted from his fingertips to the bottom of his heart, making Jiang Li's heartstrings tremble.

He began to gently knead the elastic little face, his movements as gentle as if he were comforting a wayward child.

Jiang Li squeezed.

Jiang Li finished squeezing Xia Mu.

Natsuki can be pinched.

Xia Muke finished pinching Jiang Li.

The two of them pinched each other back and forth as if they were angry.

Once for him, once for her.

Their cheeks were gradually dyed red like the rising sun. The extremely rosy color seemed to be a warm reflection of their inner emotions.

Although this subtle change is obvious, it is fortunately hidden under the shelter of darkness and not noticed by others.

Fortunately, Liu Qianqian was the only one around.

Because they were deliberately on guard against Liu Qianqian, the two of them also deliberately avoided Liu Qianqian's sight in their small movements, so that she did not notice them.

"Students, wait a moment, the call from the auditorium will come soon."

Hearing this voice, Jiang Li and Xia Muke restrained themselves a little.

There will be a call from the auditorium soon, and then it will no longer be suitable for small tricks.

The two of them retracted their hands in various ways, and then sat quietly in their seats, trying to calm their heartbeats.

Sure enough, just as the lecturer said, it didn't take long for the auditorium to become extremely bright.

Liu Qian's sharp eyes caught Xia Muke's strange look. She turned slightly sideways, her eyes full of care, and asked softly.

"Oh, Xia Muke, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell and have a cold? Your face is so unnaturally red. Are you feeling unwell?"

Her tone was filled with genuine concern and thoughtfulness.

Facing Liu Qianqian's inquiry, Xia Muke seemed a little at a loss, and the blush on her cheeks became more obvious.

She hesitated to speak, and hesitated for a long time but could not finish a sentence, as if she was hiding an unspeakable secret in her heart.

That blush was partly due to the shy emotion deep in his heart. Under this concern, his heartbeat was beating like a drum, and his emotions were mixed and complicated.

The other half of the reason was because of Jiang Li's actions - he had just kneaded Xia Muke's cheeks in an intimate way. The sudden intimacy made Xia Muke unable to adapt immediately, leaving Jiang Li's mark on his cheeks. The warmth and traces of the touch made her face become even more rosy, with a subtle and awkward atmosphere.

Therefore, after that moment of silence and embarrassment, there was still a blush on Xia Muke's cheeks that could not completely fade away. The shyness reflected on her face like the sunset, with a touch of sweetness and nervousness.

(End of this chapter)

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