Chapter 170 A perfect match

The most important thing is that today, Su Xianxian's clear eyes were shining with determination, like a fire burning under the quiet lake, and she threatened fiercely and decisively that when she returns home from school, she must let her Jiang Li had a taste of her power.

This sudden storm warning did not come out of nowhere, but was delivered to Jiang Li by Su Yunyun in a mysterious and cautious way during the day.

Su Yunyun quietly slipped into Jiang Li's class. She relayed her sister's "war letter" to Jiang Li in a soft but extremely serious voice.

In order to help Jiang Li have a deeper understanding of her sister's determination, Su Yunyun even vividly imitated Su Xianxian's ferocious yet imposing tone at that time, imitating every cadence and every gnashing of teeth so perfectly, as if Jiang Li was instantly brought to the scene full of tension.

Seeing Su Yunyun's performance as if possessed by an opera spirit, Jiang Li couldn't help but admire it secretly. At the same time, he also felt Su Xianxian's extraordinary anger and determination this time.

It can be seen that Su Xianxian is indeed very angry.

Who dares to go home? Why not make love to the little rich woman at the lecture?

Of course, if Su Xianxian really dares to make him look good after returning home.

Then he will need to be educated with a stick.

"Just sit here, there are fewer people here."

Jiang Li suggested gently, his eyes scanning the bustling crowd and accurately capturing a quiet place in the corner.

Xia Muke smiled slightly, nodded understandingly, and the two of them settled down in a slightly secluded seat away from the hustle and bustle.

This location is just in the corner of the auditorium, which not only avoids the crowds, but also provides a panoramic view of the entire lecture hall.

The wooden seats exude a calm atmosphere that has been polished over time, forming a wonderful contrast with the lively atmosphere around them.

As the lecture was about to begin, the door of the auditorium opened and closed like a door to a palace of knowledge, and people poured in like a tide.

People's conversations and footsteps intertwined together, like a vivid symphony, echoing in this solemn and elegant space.

Despite the surging crowds, the quiet little world they were in still maintained a rare tranquility.

Jiang Li didn't look like there were only two places in a class.

Sure enough, the English teacher just wanted to trick him and Xia Muke into attending the lecture.

They also said there are only two places.

After the two sat down, Xia Muke quietly discussed the recent movies with Jiang Li.

It’s very beautiful, and I recommend Jiang Li to visit it.

Just as the two of them were immersed in a lively conversation, and their thoughts collided with each other in the ups and downs of the plot, a figure fell silently on the seat to the left of Xia Muke, like a fallen leaf caressing the lake, breaking the original atmosphere. Peace and harmony.

This sudden intervention caused the two people who were having a pleasant conversation to stop talking instantly, like a movie scene that had been pressed on the pause button, frozen at that moment.

Jiang Li felt speechless for a while. He raised his head helplessly, and his eyes moved from Xia Muke to the unfamiliar newcomer.

His eyes flashed with doubts and dissatisfaction, and he thought to himself: Who is it that is so short-sighted? In this spacious hall, the empty seats are like stars. Why did you choose to sit next to them alone, especially next to Xia Muke?

It's not polite to interrupt someone.

Jiang Li's eyes were as bright as fire, and his eyes shone with determination and dominance. He gritted his teeth and secretly made an oath in his heart.

If a man sat next to Xia Muke, his fists would be disobedient.

"Eh, Liu Qianqian?" Jiang Li was stunned for a moment when he saw the face of the person next to Xia Muke.

This girl's name is Liu Qianqian, and she is also a classmate in their class. She seems to be average-looking.

But the seat in the class was on the other side of Xia Muke.

Therefore, he is somewhat familiar with Xia Mu.

Liu Qianqian chuckled: "Why, did I disturb you Jiang Li?"

Regarding the relationship between Jiang Li and Xia Muke, Liu Qianqian may be the one who knows the most clearly in the class.

Lin Yu only knew that the relationship between the two was unusual.

Liu Qianqian's seat is located on the other side of Xia Muke's desk. With just a slight turn of her eyes, she can accurately capture every subtle eye contact between Jiang Li and Xia Muke like a searchlight. Every silent exchange of gestures.

Whether it was the whispers in class, the tacit interactions between classes, or even the care and understanding shown inadvertently, nothing escaped her sharp and kind eyes.

Therefore, all the small movements of the two people can be seen clearly.

At that moment, she stepped into the brightly lit auditorium with light steps, and the solemn and lively atmosphere hit her face.

As soon as she entered the door, her eyes were attracted by a young couple immersed in a sweet world in the corner.

They are like a vivid oil painting embedded in the bustling crowd, becoming the focus that is hard to ignore.

This young couple was Jiang Li and Xia Muke. Liu Qianqian recognized them at a glance. Their familiar figures, unique temperament, and the unspoken understanding between them all allowed her to instantly confirm their identities.

At this moment, Jiang Li was lowering his head and listening to Xia Muke's whispers, with his focused and gentle eyes as if the girl in front of him was the only one left in the world; while Xia Muke responded with starry eyes, a faint blush on his cheeks, and the two of them It's like a love song being sung in a low voice, warm and touching.

Looking at this scene, she couldn't help but have a naughty thought in her heart. She wanted to tease this young couple immersed in love and add a touch of fun to this quiet scene.

So, she moved closer silently, as if she was afraid of disturbing the sweet smell floating in the air. She carefully came to Xia Muke's side, trying her best to blend in with the surrounding environment and avoid causing any disturbance. people's attention.

She held her breath and listened intently, trying to catch the sweet words flowing from their mouths, and wanted to hear how these two people loved each other.

As a young girl in the picturesque blooming season, she has an extremely romantic and innocent yearning for the world of love.

That sweet emotion like a fairy tale planted a dreamy seed in her heart, waiting for the spring breeze to turn into rain and bloom into the flower of love that belonged to her.

However, although the expectation for a beautiful relationship surged deep in her heart, the reality did not arrange for that special person to appear for her, which made her somewhat lost and confused.

But it doesn't matter, she has Jiang Li and Xia Muke beside her.

In her eyes, when these two people were in love, they sparkled and attracted her.

The picture of the two standing together is like a match made in heaven. Not only do they complement each other in appearance, but the harmonious atmosphere exuding from the inside out is even more fascinating.

Looking at them, she couldn't help but sigh, this is the ideal love in her heart, such a perfect match.

A perfect match.

(End of this chapter)

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