Chapter 167 Your hands are so beautiful

His movements seemed so hesitant and shy, and his slightly trembling body and clenched fists revealed his inner tension and uneasiness. He lowered his head, as if the English teacher on the podium had transformed into a statue that awed him, and he did not even dare to look directly at its majesty.

The English teacher witnessed this series of changes in Sun Jiade, with a flash of disappointment and doubt in his eyes. The young man who used to be so confident in his seat seemed to have had all his energy drained away at this moment, and became so humble and cautious.

Faced with this scene, he did not get angry immediately, but just stared at him coldly, using silence instead of questioning.

Obviously, the teacher was well aware of the situation in front of her. She didn't need to say too many words. The familiar scene already gave her insight into everything.

She suppressed the sullenness in her heart and glared at Sun Jiade. Her gaze was like a sharp arrow piercing the air and piercing Sun Jiade's heart. Then, she sneered, and the sneer echoed in the classroom, like an ice pick across the glass, sharp and cold.

"Sun Jiade, please stand this class. Copy page 20 and give it to me times before school."

After finishing speaking, the English teacher stopped looking at Sun Jiade and continued to select people to memorize the text.

After glancing around, I suddenly found that Jiang Li still looked confident.

Suddenly, he felt a little happy.

Good boy, you are really not afraid that I will slap you, are you?

"Jiang Li, memorize the first paragraph of page 20. If you don't know how, just copy this page times like Sun Jiade did."

Seeing that Jiang Li had also been drawn, Sun Jiade's depression was instantly wiped away.

When he thought that Jiang Li would also face the end of copying texts with him, he immediately felt much more comfortable.

Alone Better Together.

However, the smile on Sun Jiade's face had not yet risen.

The fluent English that came from behind made his smile stop suddenly.



At this time, Sun Jiade still felt that Jiang Li must be talking nonsense and trying to get through.

He raised his head to look at the teacher's reaction on the stage.

I found that not only the teacher on the podium, but also other students were looking at Jiang Li in shock.

Soon, Jiang Li finished memorizing the first paragraph of the text, and the whole process was smooth and smooth without any lag.

Even the pronunciation is extremely standard.

Fortunately, although Jiang Li said he had poor grades, he was born in two generations and was not very proficient in this language.

But he just went to learn the phonetic symbols.

As for him, who has a superpower of photographic memory, there is no problem in reading based on these high school vocabulary.

It looks like he is reciting something, but in fact it is no different from holding a book and reading it.

After Jiang Li finished reciting it, the English teacher pushed up his glasses and couldn't believe it.

I didn't expect Jiang Li to actually do it.

I thought he was just like Sun Jiade, just pretending to know how to memorize it.

"What about the third paragraph on page 28? I'll give you ten seconds. You can look at the beginning of the third paragraph on page 28."

The English teacher spoke again curiously. He wanted to know if Jiang Li was really completing the homework he assigned.

Or was it just a coincidence?

So the English teacher specially gave Jiang Li a little time to take a look at the third paragraph on page 28. However, Jiang Li didn't seem to want to accept the kindness given by the English teacher.

The moment the English teacher finished speaking, he memorized the text that the English teacher asked for seamlessly.

This time, everyone was even more shocked.

No, bro, are you really good at it?

After being shocked for a long time, the English teacher raised his hand and pressed it down.

"That's good. Sit down."

After coming back to his senses, the English teacher glanced at Jiang Li with satisfaction, and then looked at Sun Jiade, the desk in front of Jiang Li, unhappily.

"Some students should learn from other students how to study hard instead of just showing off."

Sun Jiade stood there wanting to cry without tears.

Of course he recognized that the English teacher was talking about him.

But he never expected that Jiang Li could actually do it.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have pretended.

Jiang Li had just sat down at the familiar desk, and Xia Muke eagerly came over like a cheerful lark. Her eyes were full of surprise and admiration, and her blazing gaze was like the twinkling stars in the night sky. Locked tightly on Jiang Li. Her expression was vivid and lively, as if she was applauding Jiang Li for the strength he was showing at this moment.

"Senior, you are so amazing~"

Of course, Xia Muke knew very well how bad Jiang Li's grades were.

But seeing that Jiang Li could recite the text so fluently, it was obvious that he had put in a lot of effort.

Men who work hard are the most handsome!

After being randomly inspected, Jiang Li sat leisurely in his seat. He felt the resentful look from Sun Jiade who kept turning his head in front of him, like an unquenchable smoldering fire. He turned back from time to time and looked at Silent indignation burned in the air.

However, none of this affected the smile on Jiang Li's face. The smile was like the spring breeze blowing on the willows, rippling at the corners of his mouth, containing a hint of cunning and pride.

I heard that your kid has been taunting me just now?

Jiang Li half-squinted his eyes, with a hint of teasing and provocation in his tone, as if he was enjoying the tit-for-tat. His eyes were sharp but calm, looking directly at Sun Jiade, making no secret of his contempt for the other party's behavior.

After a sharp exchange of glances, Jiang Li withdrew his gaze, then lowered his head slightly, turning his attention to the catkins clenched in his hands - those were Xia Muke's delicate hands, as white as jade, slender and And gentle. He played with it gently, running his fingertips across her palm.

Xia Muke squinted at Jiang Li but did not resist, letting Jiang Li play with his fingers.

Soon, the English teacher ended the spot check.

He was very dissatisfied with the results of this spot check.

However, he suddenly became satisfied with Jiang Li.

So after severely criticizing the students in the class who couldn't memorize, he praised Jiang Li and asked them to learn from Jiang Li.

At this moment, Jiang Lizheng was concentrating on playing with Xia Muke's delicate and jade-like hands, as if he was holding the most precious work of art in the world.

From time to time, he gently pinched her fingers and made a full heart shape, with endless tenderness and sweetness in his eyes, as if he was using this silent movement to tell her the warm emotions in his heart.

After a while, he cleverly raised Xia Muke's delicate index finger and ring finger, like playing a romantic serenade on the fingertips. Every light touch seemed to play a string of love notes, quietly plucking the two fingers. The delicate heartstrings between people. His movements were both skillful and cautious, with an indescribable care and affection.

Facing Jiang Li's series of intimate actions, Xia Muke's cheeks were like the red glow under the rising sun, shy yet charming.

There was a faint blush on her face, as if it had been dyed by late spring cherry blossoms. It was pink and lovely, and her clear eyes shone with a mixture of shyness and joy, reflecting the deep love for Jiang Li in her heart. Deeply attached.

(End of this chapter)

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