Chapter 145 Choose B for this question

"Well, his grades have dropped a bit seriously recently, so I took advantage of the break from school to let him do another test paper to see where I can improve his math scores."

Hearing this, Su Xianxian spread her hands towards Jiang Li, saying that there was nothing she could do.

After all, my brother's studies are still very important.

It is rare to find a teacher who is willing to help my brother improve his grades.

"You guys shouldn't have anything important to do later, right?" Teacher Lin Xiafei's gentle and concerned tone echoed in the office.

"It only takes time to write a test paper. I promise it won't be too long. After Jiang Li successfully completes this test paper, I will invite you to try the newly opened restaurant nearby with excellent reputation."

Su Xianxian thanked her softly: "Thank you, teacher."

Lin Xiafei waved his hand lightly, indicating that you were welcome, and naturally pointed towards a corner of the office, where a clean and spacious empty table was placed.

"You guys can sit over there."

After arranging the three people, Lin Xiafei returned to his office.

At this time, Su Yunyun came to Jiang Li quietly like a breeze. Her gentle gaze fell gently on the mathematics paper that Jiang Li was staring at intently.

In the quiet air, Su Yunyun's voice was like the tinkling of spring water, breaking the tranquility with a soft voice: "Brother, choose B for the seventh question."

When Jiang Li heard the sound, he paused slightly while holding the pen in his hand. He raised his head and turned his gaze from Su Yunyun back to the seventh question on the test paper.

Mental arithmetic was running fast, and Jiang Li's brain began to work rapidly. He relied on his profound mathematical skills to conduct in-depth analysis and reasoning on the topic, and his eyes became more and more profound.

After some rigorous thinking, Jiang Li finally stuck to his judgment and did not change his answer easily because of Su Yunyun's words.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. You must choose C for this question." Jiang Li's tone contained a strong sense of confidence and persistence, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the complex geometry question on the test paper.

He looked at Su Yunyun beside him, who was frowning and thinking, and couldn't help but chuckle, and gently comforted: "Yunyun, this is a math question for the second year of high school. It's normal for you to choose wrong."

The two people's voices attracted Lin Xiafei who was standing aside. Lin Xiafei leaned forward slightly, raised his delicate brows slightly, and glanced at the test paper.

After a brief inspection, Lin Xiafei raised an indifferent and determined smile on his lips and said to Jiang Li: "Choose B for this question. Jiang Li, if you have time in the future, you should ask your sister to review it for you." First year of high school mathematics.”


This sentence made both Jiang Li and Su Yunyun stunned. Jiang Li's eyes flashed with surprise but a little embarrassed, while Yunyun had a look of both pride and worry.

Subtle ripples appeared in Su Yun's heart, and a trace of doubt and anxiety flashed in her eyes as clear as a spring.

Deep in her heart, it was like an uneasy deer was gently touching her soft heart, whispering softly: "I have embarrassed my brother so much. He won't retaliate against me and spank my little ass when he comes home, right?"

Jiang Li looked at the seventh question and found that he still didn't find out where he had made a mistake.

Fortunately, he focused on knowing his mistakes and being able to correct them, so he silently changed C to B.

We must quickly capture Lin Xiafei! When the time comes, there will be a reward for improving her academic performance, and she will be slapped in the face!

This is called taking from the people and using it for the people.

Looking at Jiang Li's somewhat malicious eyes, Lin Xiafei felt a little baffled.

Jiang Li closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath, as if to draw out all the power deep in his heart. Then he declared loudly and word by word: "Thirty years to the east of the river! Thirty years to the west of the river! Don't bully me." The young man is poor!”

After saying his harsh words, Jiang Li continued to answer questions.

Teacher Lin Xiafei looked at Jiang Li's taciturn but determined look, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and said in a slightly teasing and caring tone: "Oh, if you don't study hard, don't ask me to help you when the time comes. Recite the sentence 'Don't bully the middle-aged to be poor, don't bully the old to be poor'."

Seeing that Jiang Li stopped responding, she turned her gaze away from Jiang Li's contemplative profile, turned to the homework in front of her, and decided to continue correcting it.

At the same time, Su Yunyun on the other side, under Su Xianxian's gentle but determined call, had no choice but to reluctantly evacuate from Jiang Li and no longer disturb Jiang Li from doing the test papers.    For a while, the office was extremely quiet.

Soon, Lin Xiafei finished correcting his homework, but found that Jiang Li was still writing the paper.

She sighed. It seemed that Jiang Li's basic knowledge was not that bad.

There is a long way to go, there will be more tutoring in the future!

I looked back at the three sisters. They were all doing their homework seriously.

After all kinds of chatting, Lin Xiafei finally held the "love letter" written by Jiang Li himself and carefully handed over in his hands again. She looked again with complicated emotions in her eyes.

At the same time, he was still thinking about one thing in his heart.

Because one of the things she must do in her memo is to send a love letter.

It's just that she is no longer the girl she was back then. It would be shameful for her to write love letters now, no matter how you think about it!

But now Jiang Li actually took the initiative to write this 'love letter'.

Well, it can barely be considered a love letter.

So Lin Xiafei thought about it and decided to write Jiang Li's 'love letter' as a must-do of sending a love letter.

"Teacher Lin, haven't you left yet?"

This greeting echoed in the empty office, breaking the peaceful atmosphere where only the pen tip scratched the paper and the pages occasionally turned.

Although this voice was calm, it had an intensity that could not be ignored and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Suddenly, the light at the office door changed subtly, and a tall figure came into view.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and raised their heads, all focusing on that figure.

I saw the dean of students standing in the half-open doorway, with a gentle but slightly surprised look on his face.

"Huh? Director, what's the matter?"

The dean was stunned when he saw four students besides Lin Xiafei in the office.

His steps paused slightly, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

After taking a closer look, I found that these four were students who were late in the morning.

"Teacher Lin, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiafei had a faint smile on her face. She sorted out the test papers at hand and responded in a firm and responsible tone: "Oh, director, I'm just trying to score the students."

The dean took one look at the test paper in Jiang Li's hand and said nothing more.

"By the way, have their self-review written yet?"

The dean paused and stated the purpose of coming here.

Lin Xiafei's stern look in the morning always made him feel a little strange.

He had some doubts about whether Lin Xiafei deliberately put on that appearance to deal with him in order to protect the students.

So after school, he thought of coming to see if Lin Xiafei asked those two people to write a letter of apology.

(End of this chapter)

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