Chapter 224 Flying to the Moon


When the medical intelligent robot 'Xiaobai' appeared in front of the club's customers, it instantly caused a huge sensation.

People who can come to Yuliang Club are all wealthy people, and after experiencing Xiaobai's professional medical services, they want to buy it.

In response, Yu Liang naturally declined politely, saying that this was not for sale.

If they couldn't buy 'Xiaobai', they asked where the robot came from? Going to order one too.

Yu Liang did not tell them that the robot was made by his own hands. Instead, he said that it was a laboratory test product and that it was not for sale. As for any additional information, it was considered a commercial secret and could not be disclosed.

Two days have passed

Zhou Bingyi, an associate professor at Nanzhou University of Science and Technology, came to the club to find Yu Liang.

Yu Liang also expected that he would come.

In the living room, Yu Liang looked at Zhou Bingyi, who was sitting opposite him and was smiling. He picked up the tea in his hand, took a sip, and then asked knowingly: "Why did Professor Zhou take time out of his busy schedule to come to see me?" ?"

Regarding Yu Liang's cold attitude, Zhou Bingyi naturally understood what was going on. He smiled and said: "Yu Liang, I am deeply sorry that my previous promise was not fulfilled."

"But you have to understand that this happens for a reason."

After hearing these words, Yu Liang replied with a slightly surprised expression: "Oh? What's the reason?"

Zhou Bingyi replied: "The lidar protection system you made is already a confidential technology and needs to be used in some special fields."

"Then, what does this have to do with whether I join the University of Science and Technology?" Yu Liang asked with a smile.

Zhou Bingyi was silent for a moment and said in a slightly serious tone: "You must understand that heroes always have to be unknown!"

"Hero? Obscure?"

Yu Liang sneered at Zhou Bingyi's answer. This situation did exist, but in Yu Liang's view, his skills had not yet reached the level of 'heroic obscurity'.

Yu Liang stretched out two fingers and tapped them gently and rhythmically on the table. Zhou Bingyi's expression gradually became relaxed.

"to be frank!"

After hearing Yu Liang's inquiry, Zhou Bingyi told the reason why he could not join Nanzhou University of Science and Technology.

It turns out that he, the associate professor, stole Yu Liang’s achievements!

Zhou Bingyi said in the report submitted to the superior that Yu Liang was just a technology enthusiast. He cleverly assembled a laser obstacle clearer and a portable phased array radar purchased online into a remote control car. He did not have any actual technological level. Similar to those gimmick bloggers on the Internet.

In the academy, there is also special research on lidar protection systems.

Zhou Bingyi summarized some technical issues on laser radar that Yu Liang asked about into a research report, and submitted his name to it, thus laying the foundation for his promotion.

"Zhou Bingyi, you have really tarnished such a good name as Bingyi!"

After hearing his words, Yu Liang couldn't help but sigh, and then asked him the real purpose of coming today.

Zhou Bingyi came with a mission to check out the medical intelligent robot that Yu Liang had just made. The real purpose in his mind is actually to take advantage of Yu Liang's scientific research results. Before arriving, Zhou Bingyi had already done analysis and research on Yu Liang's medical intelligent robot.

The main one is "self-vectoring" robot technology. As long as he obtains information about other technologies from Yu Liang, he can put his name on this medical intelligent robot technology report.

Ju Zhou Bingyi said that he often did things like this, and the academic research of his students was often misappropriated by him. Not only that, he also often committed academic fraud. As long as students dare to disobey his orders, he threatens them with graduation. In recent years, four of his students have committed suicide by jumping off the building because they could not graduate!

"It seems that you have not only tarnished the name Bingyi, but you are not worthy of being a human being at all!"

Yu Liang looked coldly at Zhou Bingyi who was sitting in front of him. He didn't care much about the embezzlement of his achievements, but Zhou Bingyi's poor students were intolerable to Yu Liang.

"When you go back, first make your crimes public, then leave a suicide note of repentance and jump off the highest building in the college!"

Seeing the hypnotized Zhou Bingyi leave as if nothing was wrong, Yu Liang sighed again, there really is rat droppings everywhere!

One day later, Yu Liang saw the news of Zhou Bingyi's suicide on the news.

'A huge scandal broke out at Nanzhou University of Science and Technology. The professor committed academic fraud, falsified teaching materials, suppressed students, deducted students' labor fees and many other academic misconduct issues. After being exposed, he couldn't bear the pressure and committed suicide by jumping off the building. '

In the comments below this news, everyone commented that they were social scum, academic scum, and deserved to die!

Yu Liang sighed, then flipped over to watch the next piece of news.

"my country has made a breakthrough in nuclear energy battery technology. Shuke Beta New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. announced the successful development of the micro nuclear energy battery BV100, which uses nickel 63 nuclear isotope decay technology and my country's first diamond semiconductor to realize the world's first small nuclear battery, fifty Stable self-generated power every year... has passed the pilot test stage and is about to enter mass production and enter the civilian market."

Then read the news.

"my country's National University of Defense Technology has conquered plasma shield technology..."

Looking at these science and technology news, Yu Liang couldn't help but recall the news information about science and technology that he had seen before.

He suddenly discovered that since the country went to the back of the moon, science and technology has begun to develop rapidly. Advanced technologies such as electromagnetic catapult aircraft carriers, laser weapons, various missiles, and perfect aero engines have been unveiled one after another.

Even the newly developed aircraft carrier was originally planned to use two steam catapults. However, during the construction process, electromagnetic catapult technology made a breakthrough and met the conditions for boarding the ship, so it was decided to modify the hull cabin structure and other subsystem, replacing the steam catapult with an electromagnetic catapult with higher ejection efficiency and better safety.

"What did you find on the moon?"

Yu Liang stood up and looked at the sky through the window. Although it was daytime, he could still see the moon in the sky.

Since ancient times, people have had the desire to fly to the moon. Could it be that this is not only a yearning for beautiful things, but also because there is something on the moon that attracts them?

It's a pity that although Yu Liang is strong now, he still doesn't dare to go to the moon, because the stronger he is, the more he knows how dangerous it is outside the earth.

In the universe outside the earth, high-energy charged particles formed by the solar wind are flowing all the time. If the earth had not had a huge magnetic field to resist it like a protective shield, not a single living thing on the earth would have survived.

Wait a little longer, and when your strength becomes stronger, go and have a look on the moon!

Sitting back in front of the computer, Yu Liang looked through some black technologies and academic research that he had not noticed much before.


(End of this chapter)

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