The passionate years starting from the college entrance examination

Chapter 266, mentally and physically exhausted

Chapter 266, mentally and physically exhausted

In the final months of the First World War, Sir Hugh Trenchuck, the father of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain, submitted a report on the bombing:

There are two factors, spiritual effects and material effects, and the goal is to get the maximum effect on both.

The best way to achieve this goal is to attack industrial centers, to cause military losses and loss of life by attacking military material centers, and to have the greatest impact on popular sentiment by attacking the most sensitive parts of the enemy's population.

This was the original theory of strategic bombing.

After that, Clausewitz's "On War" was released, and bombing theory became an independent knowledge.

It's just that it was after World War I, and the aircraft's carrying weight and flying distance were very limited.

Therefore, this strategic bombing is just a relatively simple theory.

After World War II, strategic bombers gradually developed and took shape.

Nowadays, strategic bombers are an important weapon of a country and have a very high status.

Ni Ma, if the biochip that Chen Guohua traveled through had such super black technology, it might not be that simple.

In the next two days, Chen Guohua went to the Yamen office several times in order to persuade his superiors, and finally decided.

Afterwards, Chen Guohua took out the design drawings and hoped that Qiu Zongyue could take a closer look and tell the superiors not to cut off the research and development funds of Zhenhua Research Institute.

"Leader, I don't mean stealth in the complete sense. I just mean that our bombers will not be detected by the enemy's radar system and other reconnaissance systems."

Because of this, he loves to play and often runs around, so his body naturally consumes energy very quickly.

Whether it is bean paste or black sesame paste, they are all ingredients for making Yuanxiao.

Just when the two siblings were still reluctant, their parents came back from get off work.

"How can this be?"

Chen Wei, the kid, picked up the pastries with both hands and started to gnaw them.

Busy and busy, it’s already the Lantern Festival in a blink of an eye.

Fighter engines are not as small as super-mini turbofan engines, and the demand for materials is very large.

Very scary!

Without money, many projects cannot be carried out normally.

"Slow down, don't be anxious, you'll have something to eat."

There were two little ones beside them who were laughing all the time, staring at the ingredients for making Yuanxiao, and they couldn't bear to look away.

Chen Guohua picked up the little guy and quickly understood the little guy's intention. Aunt Hu Ping also laughed and talked about the two brothers and sisters wanting to eat.

The funding needs of its laboratory alone account for half of the entire Zhenhua Research Institute’s funding share.

Qiu Zongyue breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Chen Guohua was so awesome that he could develop transparent materials.

"Are you so hungry? You can't eat these yet. You can only eat them after they are cooked. What is this?"

After settling the matter, Chen Guohua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is really difficult for him to go back to the hard life of living frugally once he is used to living a life of extravagance.

This kind of transparent material is simply like a myth and legend, unbelievable.


Hearing Chen Guohua's words, Qiu Zongyue opened his mouth wide and almost blurted out:

It is indeed impossible. Being invisible doesn't mean that no one can see this plane?

When Chen Guohua heard this, he immediately understood what Qiu Zongyue meant. He couldn't help laughing and explained:

When Chen Guohua put the Guixiangcun pastry in front of the little guy, the more fragrant food immediately made the little guy grin and reach for the pastry with his little hand.

If it's the kind of completely transparent invisibility, then it's Wakanda's super high-tech. Chen Guohua thinks, should he have some vibranium material?

So, Chen Guohua and Qiu Zongyue went to Di'anmen Street together.

However, it is obvious that Qiu Zongyue cannot make the decision.

Chen Xiaomei, Chen Xiaomin, Chen Yuanchao and other young boys helped Hu Pinggu make Yuanxiao.

Hu Pinggu, who had quick eyes and quick hands, stopped her with a smile.

However, Chen Xiaomei blocked it with her body and jumped directly onto his aunt.

"Leader, the strategic bomber I plan should be an aircraft with medium and long-range strike capabilities and capable of stealth flight."

The research and development funds of Zhenhua Research Institute have not been cut, and some shares will be increased as appropriate, depending on the progress of engine research and development.

All little kids are like this, especially Chen Wei, who is over two years old. He can walk, run, talk, and is very curious about many things.

Nowadays, the aerospace engine laboratory has a higher priority, causing the laboratory's demand for funds to directly reach its peak.

The two siblings tried to steal the food, but failed.

Moreover, both of these things are delicious, and of course they are very attractive to little kids.

Cuihua Hutong, Lao Chen’s house.

Chen Si, who can already walk, pointed at the black sesame paste and bean paste, shouted to eat, and stretched out his little hand to get it.

Chen Wei on the other side attacked from another direction and pounced directly on Dapen.

Chen Guohua was dumbfounded. Is this brat really that hungry?

Chen Xiaomin and the other half-grown men who were busy nearby also watched eagerly and wanted to eat.

The pastries produced by Guixiangcun Food Store are very delicious.

A few years ago, Chen Guohua often bought food for Chen Xiaomin and his three sisters. Luo Feng and his classmates also often sent some fruits and pastries from Guixiang Village Food Store.

Because of this, Chen Xiaomin and the others have been tricked for a long time.

Chen Gonglu, who had just returned from visiting his old comrades-in-arms, saw that Chen Guohua had bought pastries again and couldn't help but say:

"Guohua, I know your salary is high, but don't buy these pastries for your children so often. They're so naughty, and it's almost time for dinner. If you eat such pastries, they won't eat anymore."

"Dad, the kids are hungry. They have been wanting to eat these bean paste just now."

After hearing what Chen Guohua said, Lao Chen shook his head and did not argue with the former.

When it comes to pampering children, this is pretty much the case for the whole family.

Everyone, please stop laughing at the same time.

It is a northern custom to eat Yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival.

Being in the capital, it is natural to follow northern customs.

In fact, Chen Guohua wanted to follow southern customs, but he was very busy recently. Even the pastries from Guixiang Village Food Store were bought by Yan Shouchun.

Therefore, he had no time to mess with these foods.

There are many southerners in the capital, and there are not a few who like spicy food.

It’s Guixiangcun Food Store, which turned out to be from the south.

The lively Lantern Festival passed quickly in a cheerful atmosphere.

The Lantern Festival has passed, and this year has completely passed.

Those who should go to school go to school, those who should go to work go to work, and those who should take care of their children all perform their duties and grow up.

In the aircraft engine laboratory of Zhenhua Research Institute, Chen Guohua, An Wenchuan, Shi Jiayi and others were explaining injector technology.

"Everyone knows that the fuel injector is one of the most critical components in the aviation engine fuel injection system."

"Traditional turbine injectors are widely used in aircraft engines, such as the MiG-19 fighter engine copied by your Dawn Engine Manufacturing Factory."

"But you may not know that such an injector has relatively low working efficiency and poor fuel injection effect."

Chen Guohua, standing in the middle, looked at An Wenchuan and other researchers and talked eloquently.

"In order to improve the performance of aero engines, I have designed several new injectors, such as the aerosol injector we are developing."

The so-called atomization fuel injector actually uses high-speed airflow to inject fuel into the combustion chamber, so that the fuel is atomized into very fine fuel particles.

This allows the fuel to mix more fully with oxygen, thereby improving combustion efficiency.

But such technology is undoubtedly very advanced.

What's more, in order to achieve the highest performance of the engine, with ultra-high combustion efficiency and ultra-low fuel consumption, there must be ultra-high requirements for the design technology of the fuel injection system.

Fighters need to carry ammunition to fly, not to be used as reconnaissance aircraft.

What's more, whether it is a reconnaissance aircraft, an interceptor aircraft, or a fighter jet, it needs to carry ammunition, and the more the better.

In addition, there are bombers, which will have higher requirements for engines.

What's more, Chen Guohua also said that these aircraft are equipped with stealth functions.

Therefore, not only the fuel injection system requires very strict technical requirements, but also the combustion chamber and nozzle need to be specially designed to reduce infrared radiation and smoke emissions.

Only in this way can the concealment effect be achieved and the enemy cannot detect it.

Nowadays, both Moscow and Washington have satellites.

Although satellites have a lifespan, it would be very uncomfortable if they launched a few satellites into the sky every month just to monitor Chen Guohua and the others.

Therefore, the research and development of fighter jets must be kept confidential.

Of course, research and development can be carried out within the Zhenhua Research Institute, but when the engine needs to be tested, its parts will have to be dispersed and transported to the wind tunnel laboratory in the suburban base for testing.

After the parts are transported to the wind tunnel laboratory, they are assembled instead of transporting the assembled engine from the Zhenhua Research Institute.

Because whether it is a fighter or an interceptor, their engines are very large.

With such a large engine, the target is naturally very large, and it is naturally very difficult to hide it.

So breaking it into parts is the best way.

The technical explanation of the entire engine injector is quite fast, but the fuel injection system is not just a fuel injector, it also has fuel injection technology.

Therefore, Chen Guohua came to the side again and explained this part of the technology to Zhu Fanchang, Shen Zhiyang and others.

As another important environment of the aeroengine fuel injection system, the injection method of fuel in the combustion chamber has a great impact on the performance and energy consumption of the aeroengine.

"When I was talking about fuel injectors just now, I mentioned atomized injection. Its advantage is that it can form a good mixture and improve combustion efficiency, but..."

When everyone heard the word "but" after Chen Guohua, they all became more serious.

In fact, there is nothing new about the fuel injection system of aircraft engines.

However, these seemingly innocuous designs are actually technical barriers.

The aerosol injection method is not bad, but it will produce more harmful substances such as soot and carbon monoxide.

Of course, hazardous substances were nothing in this period of the 1960s.

After all, environmental protection and so on are just clowns in the face of absolute strength.

In any case, neither Washington nor Moscow will pay attention to the slogans of these so-called environmentalists.

What's more, at this time, most people's environmental awareness is still very weak.

Many people don't even know what environmental protection is. Talking to them about this is simply worse than playing the piano to an ox.

What Chen Guohua needs to deal with is the smoke! ! !

Just because Chen Guohua had already made one point clear at the beginning of the design: invisible!

Whether it is a fighter jet, an interceptor aircraft, a reconnaissance aircraft, or a bomber, it must achieve the function of invisibility.

Therefore, things like smoke must not be discharged from the engine. Otherwise, it will not be invisible, but a bright target.

"So, between this, I proposed two points in the design drawings, one is premixed combustion, and the other is direct injection."

Listening to Chen Guohua's words, the expressions of Zhu Fanchang, Shen Zhiyang and others became more solemn.

If you don't listen carefully, you will easily fail to follow.

If you can't keep up with Chen Guohua's thinking, you will be drawn to answer a question. If you can't answer it, you will be extremely embarrassed.

Premixed combustion is an efficient fuel injection method that premixes fuel and oxygen before injecting it into the combustion chamber.

This combustion method can not only reduce the production of harmful substances, but also improve combustion efficiency, making the engine performance more superior.

The direct injection mentioned by Chen Guohua is another new and more excellent fuel injection technology.

Direct injection can inject fuel directly into the combustion chamber and maintain a high-speed rotating air flow to fully mix fuel and air, making combustion more efficient.

As a result, the material requirements for the combustion chamber are higher.

It is not just as simple as high temperature resistance, but also requires the materials used to make the combustion chamber to have good mechanical properties at high temperatures.

This is different from the performance requirements of aircraft surface materials.

Chen Guohua has said before that fighter jets may fly at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters, such as 40,000 meters, 60,000 meters, or even 80,000 meters.

In this way, it is necessary to ensure that the surface material of the fighter jet can maintain the mechanical properties of the material itself at ultra-low temperatures.

Otherwise, such a fighter jet will suffer a devastating blow when it flies to an altitude of 60,000 meters or 80,000 meters.

Of course, Chen Guohua is already arranging new materials for making combustion chambers, and there is no way there will be a shortage of such materials.

It can be said that almost all technologies and materials, from a screw to an entire engine, are brand new.

In other words, Zhenhua Research Institute needs to develop it itself.

After explaining the fuel injection technology, Chen Guohua wanted to take a break, but he didn't expect that Meng Dehai was already waving to him.


What a hard life!

One of the core technologies of the engine is actually the combustion chamber.

The injectors, fuel injection technology, new fuel circulation system, etc. that surround the combustion chamber are all top priorities.

Chen Guohua had no choice but to keep an eye on it.

Even if he goes to the bathroom, he is not allowed to take any time off.

No, as soon as Chen Guohua came out of the toilet, there was someone waiting for him at the door.

The leader Qiu Zongyue has arrived and is waiting in the director's office.

Seeing this, Chen Guohua had no choice but to go to the office. As for the aerospace engine laboratory, he had to wait a little longer.

In the director's office, as soon as Chen Guohua walked in, Qiu Zongyue said directly:

"Guohua, the 10,000 high school students and 500 college students you requested have been recruited."

"Okay, leader, please arrange for them to go to the base to receive military training when the time comes, and at the same time, do a good job in confidentiality and other aspects of training."

When Chen Guohua heard this, he nodded immediately.

These people will be arranged in advance to go to the base for training.

Their role is also very simple, that is, to receive technical training for later technical maintenance of aircraft such as fighter jets, interceptors, reconnaissance aircraft, and bombers.

More than 10,000 people may not be enough, but arrangements must be made in advance.


Because fighter jets and other aircraft represent the latest high-tech achievements in the mainland, their technical content is far higher than that of previous aircraft.

As for why not to transfer personnel from the active army, haha, it can't be done.

Which technician in the army is not the elite of each department?

It is impossible for these precious little ones to be transferred away, otherwise, these departments will probably have to stop working.

As for the other soldiers, it's not that Chen Guohua looked down on them, but they had specializations in their craft.

For example, when the drone was tested at the base, the team that protected the drone, Niu Erzhu, had superb marksmanship.

It is most suitable for such talents to stay in the army.

It is undoubtedly a waste of talent to let him do the later technical maintenance of fighter jets.

Therefore, directly select from the existing high school students, such as repeat classes, etc., and select the best from the best.

If you join the army directly, your salary will be the same as that of a cadre, so you don’t have to worry about them not agreeing.

After all, they have graduated from college and that’s what their salary is.

Therefore, when faced with the country's recruitment, they all flocked to it instead of rejecting each other.

Of course, this does not mean that everything will be fine after they join the company.

Instead, technical training is required. If you are qualified, you will stay. If you are not qualified, you will go to work in other sub-level departments.

Anyway, technicians who have undergone a series of technical training are still talents even if their skills are not up to standard.

There is no need for these technicians in the fighter logistics force, but other units still have a very rare need for such technicians.

When Chen Guohua does things, he likes to take one step at a time and see the next.

Especially in today's era, he, the Amazon butterfly, has instigated the situation, and the international social structure has begun to change drastically.

Then he must be more vigilant.

Qiu Zongyue nodded when he heard this and did not continue to talk about this matter. Instead, he talked about the progress of engine development. this point is very important.

After all, Chen Guohua had made a big cake before, and both the top and Qiu Zongyue were very full.

If the progress is slow, Qiu Zongyue will definitely be very worried.

In response, Chen Guohua had no choice but to answer truthfully, and also made a request: more manpower!

It is definitely impossible for the Fifth Academy to allocate manpower to help. After all, the priority of missiles is currently the highest.

So the place where manpower can be allocated now is the college students who are about to graduate in July this year.

Chen Guohua is thinking of recruiting more college students, so that the number of researchers at Zhenhua Research Institute can be increased.

Currently, more than half of the aerospace engine laboratories, or laboratories that provide technical support for the two major projects of fighter jets and bombers.

Equipment R&D laboratories almost all serve these two major projects.

In addition to the optical instrument laboratory, CNC machine tool laboratory, memory laboratory, software programming laboratory, transistor laboratory, photolithography machine laboratory, chemical vapor deposition equipment laboratory and other laboratories, other laboratories are for aviation Engine laboratory and services.

In fact, as a result, the demand for college technicians will naturally increase a lot.

As early as 1960, when the Zhenhua Research Institute was first established, the institute's annual quota of college students had been determined, which was about two hundred places.

It even decreases year by year. For example, there were 150 places before, and there were 50 other places, all of which were recruited from other units.

This year is a special situation and very different, just because Zhenhua Research Institute is now engaged in two major projects.

"Didn't I promise to allocate 300 college student places for you before? The total number is 450 places. Adding the 20 places you previously recruited from other units, there are a total of 470 places. not enough?"

Qiu Zongyue's eyes widened, his expression full of disbelief.

In this regard, Chen Guohua directly gave the other party the researchers needed for the computing project:

"Leader, let me give you a simple calculation. A small component like the fuel injector requires at least ten researchers, and the entire fuel injection system requires fifty researchers."

"The combustion chamber will require more researchers. The number of researchers developing combustion chamber materials alone has reached 87."

"In addition, there are also major parts such as the intake duct, compressor, turbine and tail nozzle."

To be honest, even if there are thousands of technicians required for an engine, it will not be too many.

However, Chen Guohua does not have that luxury and cannot attract so many people.

Therefore, he could only select the researchers himself. Most of the time, he did it himself instead of waiting for the researchers to come slowly.

But even so, Chen Guohua is only one person after all. How can it be so simple to handle the research and development of these technologies?

Not to mention, this is a fighter and bomber project started together, and most materials, screws, etc. can be used each other.

But we still need a lot of researchers.

Qiu Zongyue felt a headache after hearing this, and could only say that he would continue to help Chen Guohua.

With so many places for college students, coordination with other departments is bound to be necessary.

Fortunately, Zhenhua Research Institute has sufficient technical reserves and a lot of applied materials. Many departments have benefited more or less, either directly or indirectly.

In short, these departments must accept the favor of Zhenhua Research Institute.

What's more, Zhenhua Research Institute is now engaged in large-scale research and development projects, and the leaders of those departments are aware of this situation.

Therefore, it is impossible not to release people.

March has not yet arrived, and more than 10,000 high school students and college students, as well as 800 college students, have been transferred again. All of them have entered the Zhenhua Research Institute sequence and come to the base to receive training.

As time enters March, the electronic product market in North America, Europe, Tokyo and other places has once again set off a big wave.

Tokyo, Sony Corporation.

"Bagayalu, why are our radio sales still so bleak? This is our latest product, are you all pig-headed?"

In the president's office, Akio Morita was so angry that he cursed.

The several executives and technical directors in front of Akio Morita all bowed their heads and said nothing, and had nothing to refute.

At Sony, Akio Morita is a being who covers the sky with one hand, no different from a tyrant.

Of course, if the work is done well, then Akio Morita is also a very kind person.

It's a pity that in today's sluggish radio market, even if Sony launched the latest TR718 radio, it still has not achieved miraculous results.

Since the end of last year, when the two major aircraft carrier fleets of Great Britain and North America appeared in Victoria Harbor on Hong Kong Island, China Resources' products can only be sold on Hong Kong Island.

Since it cannot appear in other markets outside Hong Kong Island, it is huge good news for companies such as Sony Corporation.

In January of this year, Sony spent US$718 million in advertising expenses to build momentum for the TR radio when there was a shortage of radio supplies in Hua Hin.

As a result, it took nearly two months from the launch on New Year's Day to the end of February now, but it was unable to achieve the originally set sales target.

To be precise, not even a quarter.

In this way, Akio Morita can almost be said to have lost money and made money. Not only did he not make any money, but he also spent advertising fees on it.

As we all know, the unit price of radios is not expensive.

The price of Huaxin radios in North America has always been US$59. Until February, the price on the second-hand market exceeded US$100.

However, the price of TR610 has dropped to thirty-five US dollars per unit, but no one is interested in it.

The unit price of the TR718 radio is US$, which is very expensive and remains at US$.

Because of the Hua Hin radio signal, the quality of the headphones, and the many radio stations it can receive.

As a result, Sony invested a lot of money in developing the TR718, raising its cost.

The cost is high, but the sales volume is not high.

The profit is very low, plus the advertising fee of 10 million US dollars, so losing money is normal.

Then it is completely normal for Akio Morita to be so angry.

When he was angry, Akio Morita took a deep breath, changed the subject, and asked about the sales of calculators.

After the senior executive answered a few words, Akio Morita couldn't help but became furious.

Just because the sales volume of the calculator developed by Sony is very average, it is no different from the negative profit of the radio.

Similar situations to Sony include Toshiba and Fuji.

But Toshiba is relatively better, just because their company has established a cooperative relationship with China Resources before, and can sell Huaxin radios in the European market.

I have been a second-rate dealer for more than half a year, so Toshiba still made a little money.

Although the money earned is not much, it is still much better than Fujifilm and Sony who did not make the profits of second-rate dealers.

Tokyo is like this, and Europe is also half-dead.

As the back garden of North America, the European market is flooded with a large number of North American products.

For example, although the sales of calculators, computers and other products launched by IBM are average, they have really opened up the market.

Whether it actually makes money is unknown.

Anyway, IBM's stock price has gone back up a lot, which can be regarded as a bit of dignity restored.

Enterprises such as Stewalk, Italian Microelectronics, Gallic Thomson, Siemens, etc. have also launched new electronic products one after another.

However, neither the radio nor the calculator could work.

More consumers in the market still miss China Resources' electronic products rather than other companies' products.

But it should be said that the personal computer launched by IBM still surprises many people.

However, the price of this personal computer called IBM903 reached US dollars, which was simply not affordable for ordinary people.

In the entire European market, a total of 300 units were sold, and the revenue was only 9 million US dollars.

Of course, time is still short and the future is still long. Senior executives such as Watson Jr. feel that they will definitely be able to perform better in the coming months.

In fact, this 903 personal computer is just an advanced calculator, and there are no other auxiliary systems.

So, it just takes up a name.

Product sales were not very good, so Watson had to turn his attention to other big projects.

The computer project in the Apollo moon landing program was handled by IBM.

Watson has been holding back on this project for a long time, thinking about using this big project to make a comeback.

After all, when the stock price fell during that time last year, Watson Jr. arranged for people to acquire a lot of stocks.

He was buying stocks in the name of other people, but no one would find out.

It is commonly known as white gloves.

If the stock price falls, take back some of the shares. When the stock price rises back up, you can make a profit by selling them again.

Therefore, little Watson planned well and was waiting for the Apollo moon landing project.

IBM has invested US$360 billion to develop the third-generation integrated circuit computer S/ system. Once the research and development is completed, it will bring massive financial income to IBM.

Of course, not all of the US$5 billion is IBM's own funds, but some are funds from state appropriations and the Apollo moon landing project.

But no matter what, Watson is already looking forward to it.

You can’t make money with small projects, but there is absolutely no problem with big projects.

Because big projects are all national projects, buyers like the state will definitely not be short of money.

Moreover, a large part of the early research and development funds have been spent, so there will naturally be no shortage of remaining funds.

Time flies and it’s already March.

In the season when the grass grows and the orioles fly, our Comrade Tang Dake is in no mood to appreciate the surrounding scenery. He is busy making a lot of money.

Since early February, he has been selling the 3,000 "Ping Pong" arcade machines he has on hand.

As of March now, more than half of them have been sold.

The average selling price reached 6,800 US dollars per unit. Adding in the rising game room and transfer fees, Comrade Tang Dake made a fortune.

Time entered mid-to-late March, and Comrade Tang Dake finally sold all these game console rooms.

Not counting the transfer fees and other revenue from the game room, from just 3,000 game arcade machines, based on the average unit price of a game arcade machine of 6,800 U.S. dollars, Comrade Tang Dake's revenue would have reached 20.4 million U.S. dollars. .

The cost he paid was US$4,000 for a game arcade machine, and the transportation cost was US$780,000.

There was no other way. Three thousand game arcade machines were transported back by contracting three planes.

Because there were three of them together and all were owned by the same airline, the price was reduced to US$780,000.

In addition to these two costs, there are also related costs such as transportation of these 3,000 units after returning to North America. This part is not that expensive, so it is calculated as 220,000.

If calculated this way, his cost would be 13 million US dollars.

So his net profit is US$7.4 million.

In addition, if there are thirty game arcades per room, then there are one hundred game arcades.

The transfer fee for each company is 20,000 yuan, plus the game console room itself has a profit of 10,000 yuan, so the total profit is 30,000 yuan.

In this way, if there are one hundred companies, then it will be a profit of three million.

Add one more, then Comrade Tang Dake directly made a profit of 10.4 million US dollars.

From December last year to mid-to-late March, he earned over 10 million, and he is only a 17-year-old boy this year.

As the saying goes, when the spring breeze is triumphant, a horse's hoofs are broken, and you can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

This sentence could not be more appropriate to describe Comrade Tang Dake.

When you make money, of course you have to spend it.

Tang Dake is very good at spending money, and he also enjoys it very much.

So he directly spent money to buy a top-level apartment on the 72nd floor of a building in Manhattan.

Although his family is engaged in real estate, he just likes to live in a penthouse apartment.

With money, in addition to buying a house and overlooking all living things, it is also a luxury car.

The Ferrari 250GTO model is a super sports car launched last year. Only thirty-three units of the first batch of models were produced.

The price is $18,500.

As the most advanced sports car of this era, it monopolized the world sports car championship in its heyday. The price of Ferrari in this era was only US$18,500, nothing more.

For Tang Dake, this little money is just a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, Comrade Tang Dake ordered two super sports cars of different colors directly from Ferrari.

"Dear Mr. Tang, the engine of our car has a maximum output of 302 horsepower and a maximum torque of 333 N/m. It only takes 0 seconds to accelerate from 100 to 5.8 kilometers."

The salesperson with a stunning figure introduced the products vigorously and tried his best to say good things.

Comrade Tang Dake's eyes wandered back and forth between the car and the beautiful salesperson.

In the end, I couldn't resist the increasing amount of dopamine and chose to surrender.

"This car is delivered to this address. I want to drive this red sports car away immediately. Beautiful lady, do you mind having a meal with me tonight?"

Hearing Comrade Tang Dake's words, the salesman suddenly smiled.

The beauty in the sports car is definitely the most eye-catching girl driving on the street.

However, at night, in the top apartment on the 72nd floor, Comrade Tang Dake was questioned.

Well, World War I lasted shorter, but World War II lasted longer.

"Tang, come out and have a chat?"

After a while, Howard couldn't hold it any longer and couldn't help but call Comrade Tang Dake.

"it is good!"

Seeing that it was almost April, Comrade Tang Dake thought it was time to start preparations.

After all, he spent a lot of money in the past half month.

Minors are not allowed to drink, drive, etc., and he does it all.

Not only that, he also rented a yacht and went out to sea for several days.

If Howard had called a day earlier, no one would have answered the phone.

After living and drinking for a while, Comrade Tang Dake finally saw Howard, but the moment he saw the latter, Tang Dake was still startled.

"Hey, Howard, what have you been doing lately? Are you so haggard? Are you working non-stop every night? Is it World War II every day?"

Anyone who has studied history knows that World War II lasted a long time.

This means that Howard produces powerful output every day and exchanges magic with the water magician every day.

No wonder it looks so ghostly.

Facing Comrade Tang Dake's joke, Howard smiled bitterly.

This is bullshit World War II. He is mentally and physically exhausted, okay?

There is a saying that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. This is a perfect word to describe Howard.

After returning from Hong Kong Island last December, Howard quickly sold his China Resources products.

As a result, he had no income from then on.

What a waste!

So uncomfortable!

Although he is just sitting back and eating in vain, which is much better than companies such as Sony Corporation that lose money and make money, but people are like this. Once he is accustomed to delicacies, it is impossible to get him to go back to the days of eating braised vegetables.

That's why Howard feels so uncomfortable.

Exhausted mentally and physically, he became the ghost he is now.

"I know you have made a lot of money recently, but I have not made any money. I would like to ask you, when will you go to Hong Kong Island?"

Comrade Tang Dake heard this and suddenly screamed:

"Are you crazy? There are still two major aircraft carrier fleets docked in Victoria Harbor. Don't hold me back even if you want to die."

Deep in his heart, Comrade Tang Dake was filled with emotion. Sure enough, everyone was not a fool and had thought of this.

After all, interests make people crazy!

Nowadays, in the second-hand market, the prices of various electronic products of China Resources Company have increased to varying degrees.

He just resold the "Ping Pong" game arcade machine less than half a month ago, and the average unit price is still around US$6,800.

Before this, the unit price of a game arcade machine was only US$3,999.

When Comrade Tang Dake finished speaking, Howard suddenly said:

"I called Raymond a few days ago but couldn't get in touch. Then I asked someone to investigate and found that Raymond had already boarded a flight to Hong Kong Island the day before yesterday."

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(End of this chapter)

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