Chapter 225, Blacklist Threat (please vote for me)

Late September 1961, Hong Kong Island, China Resources Company.

Howard came to Hong Kong Island again, proudly wanting to negotiate a big deal with Liu Guanzhong.

"Mr. Liu, I am here this time hoping that your company can provide me with 10 million diapers in the next six months."

"This time, I brought three million US dollars, hoping to sign such a big contract with you."

As a fledgling businessman, Howard was so sincere, naturally to dispel Liu Guanzhong's idea of ​​arranging people to go to North America to compete with him for business.

Therefore, come up with a big contract and bind it to China Resources.

Only in this way can he make big money smoothly.

The three million U.S. dollars were not all his money, because he registered the company and borrowed a sum of money from the bank.

At the same time, I went to Wall Street to raise a lot of money.

That's why he has such a large amount of money in his hands now.

As a result, Howard himself was halfway through speaking when he noticed the calculator in Liu Guanzhong's hand and was suddenly surprised.

"Mr. Liu, what is the equipment in your hand? Why haven't I seen it before? Is this a new product of your company?"

"Yes, it's our company's latest product. Do you want to try it?"

Liu Guanzhong asked with a cheerful smile.

He has been sitting here for a while, and the calculator in his hand is the bait, and the other party has taken the bait.

High-tech products such as calculators were originally planned to be sold directly to North America.

But after what happened with diapers, it’s better to be cautious first.

As long as the patent application is approved, then everything is not a big problem.

If someone in North America is shameless and wants to go beyond patents to cause trouble, then naturally there will be people like Howard to deal with them.

Therefore, after all calculations, the current cooperation method is the safest.

There is no way, who makes the current China Resources not strong enough?

Howard took the calculator and was immediately shocked.

The small and exquisite calculator made him unable to take his eyes away.

"Mr. Liu, what kind of device is this? A calculator? Is it the same device as a computer?"

Soon, after figuring out what the equipment was, Howard started playing with it.

After a while, he had played through most of the calculator's functions.

It is indeed a good thing, and the market is completely blank. No one should have used such a device at present.

If such equipment really exists, then it should be available in Europe and the United States.

Howard spent several months in the Sears department store, and he knew very well that among the calculation tools used in those places, there was no palm-sized calculator like this.

Just because the calculator in front of me is so convenient.

Especially suitable for business people like him.

But soon, Howard thought of it, is there any possibility of bringing such products back to North America for sale?

Then he thought about it, he hadn't done any market research yet, so it would not be a good thing to act rashly.

For now, let’s take care of the basics of diapers first.

However, he still purchased ten such calculators from Liu Guanzhong.

The price is US$899 per unit, which is very expensive, but Howard can afford it.

Liu Guanzhong understood Howard's caution very well, so there were no surprises or repeated sales pitches.

As for the big contract of 10 million pieces of diapers, Liu Guanzhong would certainly accept the offer.

As long as the payment is in place, nothing is a problem.

With a transfer station like Hong Kong Island, the risk can almost be said to be shared.

China Resources only needs to run its current business on Hong Kong Island well, and that's all.

Howard left happily, and here on Hong Kong Island, it was time for the annual merchandise fair.

The emergence of the calculator caused a sensation, but the price of eight to ninety-nine dollars still scared off many people.

But those powerful companies pay more attention to the portability and practicality of the calculator, and it also looks very beautiful.

The calculator made of metal has a very attractive texture and a heavy hand feel.

In fact, the calculator is not very heavy, but the alloy metal is relatively heavy.

If plastic technology advances further and costs are lowered, Chen Guohua feels that calculators made of plastic will be better.

Therefore, Chen Guohua has begun to arrange typists to come up with relevant plastic technology and then hand it over to the plastic factory for production.

In the future, a calculator with lower cost but more beautiful design will be produced.

On Hong Kong Island, there are many well-established companies purchasing calculators.

The financial departments of these companies definitely need calculators. Only in this way, maybe a few accountants can be laid off.

After all, with a calculator, efficiency can be improved a lot, so there is no need for so many accountants.

Da Kun, a Southeast Asian businessman, also saw the calculator and was shocked for a moment.

Because his calculation ability is average, he can quickly mentally calculate transactions with small amounts, but if the amounts are larger, it will be difficult.

So every time he goes out, he always brings an assistant with good math skills.

Even before signing a contract, he would calculate it several times before signing the contract after he was sure.

As a result, the efficiency is very low.

For him, an artifact like a calculator is simply tailor-made for him.

So he did not hesitate to start with the five stations. He used one himself, and the remaining four needed to bring back to Southeast Asia.

"Boss, on the first day of the exhibition, we sold 1,500 units. This is good news."

After the event, the staff came to report the results of the trade fair to Liu Guanzhong.

Compared to the ecstatic staff, Liu Guanzhong was much calmer.

After all, like Qiu Zongyue, he has experienced large orders for transistors and chips. Those were large orders worth tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

Today, there are 1,500 calculators, and the total order amount is only more than 1.3 million US dollars.

Nothing to be proud of.

The entire exhibition lasts for three days, which is not a long time, but it can definitely sell thousands more units.

But Liu Guanzhong learned that the four production lines of the China Electronics Technology Manufacturing Factory in the capital were at full capacity.

Under such circumstances, selling several thousand devices does not seem to be much.

In North America, after Howard got off the plane, he went straight to the company.

After briefly handling the contract matter, I went to Wall Street.

On Wall Street, Howard met his shareholder Coverdale:

"Coverdale, this is a big contract for ten million diapers we signed with China Resources. The first batch of one million diapers will arrive in North America in ten days."

"In addition, I saw this equipment from China Resources. It is the latest product of China Resources. You can take a look. I think this is the latest profit growth point for our company."

Coverdale curiously opened the cardboard box and saw the calculator inside.

Compared with another calculator that is more practical, this one is more beautiful.

And the instructions inside are in English.

Except for a few English words in small fonts that say "Made in China", overall, it is a thoroughly North American product.

After marveling at the calculator's extreme appearance, Coverdale quickly became familiar with its functions.

After a while, he was amazed again and again.

Then he suddenly thought of something, got up, walked outside the office, and went directly to the financial department.

"Dani, what do you think of this calculator?"

At this time, Danni, the beautiful accountant of their company, looked up at Coverdale, and then took the calculator.

Next to her desk, there is also a calculator.

It was a Big Mac calculator, an Anita calculator purchased from Great Britain.

As everyone knows, the Anita calculator is about the same size as a twenty-four-inch television and as thick as two and a half aluminum lunch boxes.

Imagine that such a big TV is placed on the table and used as a calculator.

Well, it's not that pretty.

Dani held the calculator in surprise, it was really beautiful and it captured her heart instantly.

After learning that this was a calculator, Dani started to control it directly.

Then she exclaimed in surprise, spitting out many words from her pretty red lips, but her vocabulary was relatively lacking, so she only said a few words over and over again: Incredible! God, that's amazing!

"So Dani, you also think this calculator is very useful and great, right?"

Coverdale asked with a smile.

At this time, Howard was standing nearby, watching this scene with a smile.

Obviously, the evaluation from Dani, a professional accountant, is the best product experience opinion.

At the same time, Howard also noticed the huge calculator next to Dani's desk.

"Of course, it's incredible. That's awesome. Coverdale, if this is your gift to me, then I'm willing to accept your date."

As she spoke, Dany boldly gave the other party a wink:

"Such a small and exquisite calculator, it can help me solve a lot of troubles."

However, Coverdale has no idea of ​​dating at this time. Compared with beautiful women, it is more practical to make US dollars.

What's more, his position in this financial company is not yet secure.

The reason why he is in his current position is because he signed a contract with Howard and successfully invested in the latter's company.

In today's market, products like diapers are definitely considered popular products.

Since the baby boom began in 1946, it has continued to surge every year until now.

The emergence of the baby boom directly gave birth to emerging companies such as Procter & Gamble.

So Howard, as the spoiler, was able to take away a big contract from China Resources and bring back so many diapers.

This alone is already awesome.

Although the profits of diapers are not high, small profits but quick turnover.

And it has always been very popular, almost sold out every time.

As long as we master the channels and slowly negotiate with China Resources to lower prices, Howard Diaper Company can have more profit margins.

The current situation is that Howard not only got a large contract with 10 million pieces of urine, but also brought new products.

"Dani, let me ask you, how much does this calculator cost?"

Coverdale did not respond to Dany's words, but pointed to the huge calculator on the table and asked.

"Two hundred and fifty dollars, what's wrong?"

Dany blinked, wondering why the other party didn't respond to her words. You must know that this kid was buzzing next to her like a licking dog.

Why are you pretending to be deaf and dumb now?

"Thank you Dany!" Coverdale thanked him and took the calculator from Dany's hand.

Then he took Howard back to the office.

"Howard, let's go back and have a talk!"

Dany was left alone and messy in the wind: bastard, Fake, don't come to beg me again, hum!

In the office, Howard and Coverdale became more and more excited as they chatted.

Without further ado, they planned to head to Hong Kong Island immediately after arranging other things.

Because Coverdale knows very well that there is no palm-sized calculator on the market today.

And the Anita calculator is priced at $1,250.

What's more, it's so big that it's not convenient to carry.

Finally, there is the calculator produced by China Resources. It is not only beautiful and easy to carry, but the key is that it is of high quality and low price!

The price is US$899. In Coverdale’s opinion, this is a very cheap product.

"We must seize the time to go to Hong Kong Island and win their contract faster."

"The wages of their workers are certainly not high. We still have room to lower prices, such as directly ordering 50,000 calculators."


Howard took a breath, he didn't have that much money.

But he didn't need to worry about money, Coverdale would take care of it.

Before that, one thing must be settled: the distribution of interests between the two parties.

Because this time, the amounts involved in the calculator are very large.

And Howard still needs to take care of diapers, so it is impossible for him to spend more money to invest in this business.

So, after the final negotiation between the two parties, the profit was 19%.

Although Howard was unwilling to do so, if Coverdale left him behind, it would be impossible for him to make any money by himself.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, a plane departed from New York and flew directly to California, then from California to Hawaii, connecting to Tokyo, and then to Hong Kong Island.

No way, there are no direct flights in this era.

And they were walking in a hurry, so they could only make one more turn. Otherwise, they could just fly directly from California to Tokyo.

As for traveling from New York to London, then from London to the Middle East and then to Southeast Asia, then to Hong Kong Island.

Haha, that distance is longer.

It’s all very convoluted anyway.

Raymond, the president of Cray Company, had people bring newspapers. The newspapers came from Hong Kong Island, and there were Chinese and English newspapers.

Ever since he signed a contract with China Resources and purchased the chips, Raymond has been paying close attention to the news on Hong Kong Island.

Especially in recent months, China Resources has started a diaper business after losing its transistor and chip business.

In Raymond's opinion, this is either not doing his job properly or lying dormant, waiting for a blockbuster moment.

He didn't believe that a company that could produce a chip with two thousand built-in transistors would sink like this.

You know, in recent months, including Cray Company, they have been actively developing photolithography machines.

However, even Fairchild Semiconductor, which has taken the lead, still has not been able to come up with a photolithography machine.

And a few months have passed, I'm afraid China Resources can already produce a chip with five thousand or even ten thousand transistors, right?

Based on this, everyone is very vigilant.

It's just that China Resources has always been unknown, and it's not clear what big move it is planning.

Therefore, Raymond could only pay attention to the situation at China Resources Company by reading newspapers.

He arranged for people to purchase these newspapers from Hong Kong Island every day, and then handed them to the airlines to bring them back to North America.

Otherwise, it will be difficult.

As for why not send a telegram directly or other methods.

Haha, only newspapers can help us understand the situation on Hong Kong Island more quickly.

What's more, the staff there are not only responsible for purchasing newspapers, but also need to get information from China Resources.

After reading several newspapers, Raymond suddenly became serious.

Because he saw the news reported by Sing Tao Daily about the Hong Kong Island Product Fair a few days ago.

Among them was a product called a calculator, which attracted his attention.

He soon determined that the product was a product produced by China Resources Company.

Raymond immediately flew into a rage and asked someone to send a telegram to Hong Kong Island, asking why such a big news was not informed in advance.

And what about products like calculators? Why didn't you purchase one?

After the news was sent, Raymond thought about it in the office for half an hour, and finally ran to the technical department for a walk. Then he asked his secretary to book a ticket with the airline and fly to Hong Kong Island immediately.

He doesn't want to wait any longer!

From the newspaper, Raymond could see clearly that it was a calculator the size of a palm.

This should be regarded as an epoch-making product.

The newspaper also briefly introduced the functions of the calculator, including four calculation functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as a few slightly more complex calculation functions such as square roots.

In this way, it is already a very good product.

Such a product is more practical.

It is dozens or hundreds of times better than the Anita calculator launched from Great Britain in the first half of this year.

Finally, the price is US$899, which is much cheaper than the Anita calculator.


The more he thought about it, the more Raymond couldn't sit still.

Therefore, he left North America almost at the same time as Howard and others.

However, it was Raymond who arrived on Hong Kong Island immediately.

Just when Raymond and Howard were about to arrive at China Resources Company, Liu Guanzhong had already received three guests from Tokyo in the conference room.

Saburo Yumon of Sony, Ichiro Otsuchi of Fuji and Taro Jono of Toshiba arrived at China Resources at the same time.

Yumon Saburo and the others are all very aware of how excellent a product like a calculator is. Because of this, they couldn't sit still.

Especially Saburo Yumon of Sony Corporation, they are even more impatient to purchase such products and take them back to sell.

In fact, Sony wants to develop it by itself, produce it by itself, and sell it by itself.

But obviously they can't.

A few days ago, after China Resources took out the calculators, Yumon Saburo immediately purchased several calculators and then took the earliest flight of the day back to Tokyo.

Here at the headquarters, Sony researchers dismantled these calculators themselves.

Through technical analysis and testing, they were almost certain that Sony could not build it.

The first is the chips in the arithmetic units and memories, which they cannot manufacture.

They have no idea what technology is used in memory chips and how are they made?

It is well known how high the cost of chips is.

Secondly, it will take a lot of time for Sony to restore its technology at this time.

Even if it is developed, it is impossible to determine whether the production line can be implemented and how much it will cost.

The last point, and the most critical thing, is that they are not sure when they will be able to come up with such technology.

If it is within half a year, it may be slightly better. What if it is one year?

If they develop it by then, they will also bypass China Resources' technology patents.

When they release a new product, China Resources will cut the price. Are they going to be dumbfounded?

China Resources has done a lot of work on price reduction strategies. It has tortured Sony, IBM, Fairchild Semiconductor and other companies before.

Because of this, Sony's technology research and development department has decisively abandoned after confirming that it cannot achieve the leading advantage in technology.

In other words, they should be second-rate dealers first and make the immediate profits first.

Even if China Resources' price is US$899, that doesn't matter.

After the product enters Tokyo, the price will be $1,000, or $1,010, or even higher. It’s not Sony who has the final say.

Even after mastering the channels, we will be able to force China Resources to reduce prices.

Liu Guanzhong looked at the three people in front of him with a smile, as if he was looking at the boy giving money.

"All three of your companies hope to obtain exclusive operating rights. Haha, this is impossible. We at China Resources only sell goods and will not participate in the struggle between you."

"If you want to purchase calculators in large quantities, that's no problem, but it's impossible to reduce the price unless you purchase five million units."

Hearing Liu Guanzhong's words, Youmen Saburo and the others could not roll their eyes.

It’s true that people’s hearts are so weak that snakes swallow elephants.

A contract for five million calculators. How big of an order must this be?

That is a big contract worth nearly 4.5 billion US dollars. How is this possible?

We are not fools, how could we agree to such a contract?

But Liu Guanzhong is not stupid. He puts everything on the table, so there is no way to fight under the table.

"Mr. Liu, aren't you afraid that we won't buy your company's products?"

Taro Jono asked solemnly, this was a naked threat.

When Liu Guanzhong heard this, he was not angry: "Please, you can unite others now not to buy our company's products."

"Also, let me remind you that your company was previously blacklisted by our company. You should still remember it, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Taro Jōno's face suddenly darkened and became extremely ugly.

The same goes for Ichiro Sledgehammer next to him.

At first, the two companies wanted to cancel the contract orders at the same time. Although they failed later, they still had to suffer this hidden loss.

But later they were still on the blacklist, and finally they paid Liu Guanzhong for help, and then they were removed from the blacklist.

Now that the old things were brought up again, Taro Jono's verbal offensive was instantly shattered.

Faced with Liu Guanzhong, who was unable to make any progress, Taro Jono and the other three were helpless.

China Resources, with its advanced technological products, has every advantage and does not need to be afraid of any threats.

Even if they don't want China Resources' products to enter their Tokyo market, some people will definitely take risks, or some people will complete such a transaction through other means.

By then, Sony and the others will definitely be furious.

At this moment, Raymond came immediately, and the staff called Liu Guanzhong out.

Seeing this scene, Yumon Saburo and the three of them suddenly felt an ominous feeling in their hearts.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Guanzhong came back in high spirits.

"I'm sorry to inform you three that if you still want to sign a contract with our China Resources Company, the supply time will not be until November."

"Why? Who signed the contract with you?"

Taro Jouto and the three others stood up and asked in a bad tone.

Liu Guanzhong did not indulge them:

"Please pay attention to the attitude of your words and apologize to me now, otherwise, you will be included in the blacklist of our China Resources Company."

Blacklist threat again, damn it!

For the sake of profit, they can only endure it.

After apologizing, Liu Guanzhong said that Cray Company had just signed a contract with China Resources for 50,000 calculators.

As for saying that it will only be shipped to Sony in November, that is not a lie.

In fact, the production capacity of China's electronic technology manufacturing plants is only 50,000 units per month, and cannot be any more.

Unless we build three more production lines, it won't be possible.

Of course, establishing a production line also means that the production capacity of other upstream raw materials also needs to be expanded simultaneously.

For example, alloy materials, keyboards, etc., the raw materials for these parts can only be purchased from Jingcheng Steel Factory, Jingcheng Plastic Factory and other places.

Therefore, this can be said to be a matter of affecting the whole body.

Then the production capacity needs to be cautious and cautious.

After hearing Liu Guanzhong's words, Taro Jono and the three of them suddenly stopped caring about so much and signed the contract quickly.

The three of them each signed contracts for 20,000 pieces of equipment, no more, no less.

After all, the market in Tokyo is still huge, but the calculator is a new product, so we have to test the waters first.

As for the pricing in Tokyo, the three of them must reach an agreement.

Everyone’s costs are the same, so the price depends on the profit.

After sending away the three Sony companies, Liu Guanzhong was extremely happy.

The four companies together have orders for 110,000 calculators.

Based on the unit price of US$899, the total order amount is US$98.89 million.

The price of calculators in the Mainland is 200 yuan, which means that 200 yuan is the cost.

If calculated this way, the profit would be almost 220 million yuan.


This money is really easy to make.

Soon, the capital received good news from Hong Kong Island.

Qiu Zongyue grinned happily, and his whole body became high-spirited.

"Sure enough, that brat Guohua's intuition was right. He earned more than 90 million US dollars in one fell swoop. He's always making money."

However, he was not happy for long. More than an hour later, he received a report from Hong Kong Island again.

It is said that there is another purchase contract for 50,000 calculators. The total order amount is 44.95 million US dollars, and a deposit of 10 million US dollars has been received.

Since there have been previous cases of Fujifilm and Toshiba canceling orders before the delivery date, Liu Guanzhong will impose stricter regulations on contract deposits for such matters.

Anyway, if you don’t get the deposit in advance, don’t even think about signing the contract.

Because they will not start production until the deposit is in place.

In fact, ten million US dollars is already far more than the cost.

After all, based on the cost of 200 RMB, the cost of 50,000 calculators is 10 million RMB.

One U.S. dollar is equal to the exchange rate of 2.46 RMB, which is naturally far higher.

Another order came in, and Qiu Zongyue could no longer sit still.

Because the total order amount directly exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars, which is a huge amount.

He had not received such a large amount of funds for several months, so of course he was overjoyed.

So he stopped caring about the work at hand and hurried to report the news to his leader.

The leader was also very happy. He did not expect that calculators could develop so quickly. It was indeed incredible.

A palm-sized calculator can also leverage a market worth over 100 million US dollars.

Even more!

Although I was happy, I was also glad that I had agreed to pass Chen Guohua's proposal.

After coming out of the office, Qiu Zongyue went to Zhenhua Research Institute.

"Guohua, we have good news, we have a big order..."

Chen Guohua looked up and saw the leader outside the laboratory. He couldn't believe it: Is this still the leader?

Isn’t it too unstable?

A few minutes later, in the office, Chen Guohua already knew about the big order from Hong Kong Island.

There were five orders in total, but Sony and the other three companies only requested 60,000 units of equipment, which surprised Chen Guohua.

Logically speaking, they should want more quantities.

In the original history of time and space, Sony not only launched transistor radios, but also launched transistor calculators, both of which achieved great success.

Before Sony introduced these transistor radios and calculators, Texas Instruments had also tried it, but they failed.

"It seems that in this time and space, the calculator is not their company's own product, and there are two competitors, Fuji and Toshiba, so they are so cautious, right?"

Chen Guohua thought to himself and immediately shook off these thoughts.

Why bother with so much, just let nature take its course.

Anyway, in this time and space, Chen Guohua will not give them a chance to develop.

Qiu Zongyue came here today just to share the good news. At the same time, he also wanted to discuss with Chen Guohua: Should we expand production?

Chen Guohua was slightly surprised when he heard the leader's question:

"Is this the leader's intention or the higher-ups' intention?"

Previously, Chen Guohua proposed to build another Chinese electronic technology manufacturing plant and place it under the Zhenhua Research Institute.

The leaders above disagree.

Later, it was Chen Guohua who moved him to express his feelings and reason, and then his superiors agreed.

The reason is quite simple, that is, Chen Guohua wants to use high school students as technical workers.

Since the 1950s, the admission rate of universities in mainland China has not been low, at around 25%.

This means that most high school students will not enter college.

Except for some who will repeat their studies, other high school students will go to the countryside.

Going to the countryside is a general trend, and Chen Guohua wants them to join the army.

This is the key point.

The army needs elite and strong troops, not just a few.

Fortunately, this calculator device is selling well overseas again, so it will be worth it.

"Is there a difference?"

Qiu Zongyue didn't elaborate on the matter, and Chen Guohua didn't ask further.

Regarding the expansion of production capacity, Chen Guohua is definitely supportive.

However, his idea was to stabilize his position for the time being.

He would rather know IBM's reaction before making a decision.

For now, there is actually a certain upper limit to the global sales of calculators.

Unless he is willing to lower the price.

However, it is undoubtedly a foolish decision to lower the price before there is an effective competitor.

The price of Anita calculator is already US$1,250.

Even though the other party's machine is very bulky, it seems to be worth the price.

But the exquisite and compact Huayue calculator should be more popular in the market, and the price of 899 is really very affordable.

"But if production cannot be increased, doesn't it mean that our shipments will be much slower? The contract has already been signed, so we can't voluntarily breach the contract, right?"

After hearing Qiu Zongyue's words, Chen Guohua immediately said:

"What contracts? Isn't the contract supply in batches? Didn't you say that it was completely supplied at one time?"

However, in fact, the contract given by China Resources is indeed a one-time shipment.

However, for the three Sony companies, they will be divided into batches, twice in total, and each company will receive 10,000 devices each time.

If this is the case, then based on the monthly production volume of 50,000 units, supply to Sony will only begin in November.

Even so, the orders from Cray Company and Howard and Coverdale are a bit troublesome.

Both orders are for 50,000 units, totaling 100,000 units.

According to the principle of first come, first served, Cray Company will supply the goods first.

But both of them are North American companies, and the market is the same. If Clay Company gets the goods one month first, it will be a disaster for Howard and Coverdale.

Although they are not sure what the market capacity is, it is self-evident how many customers will be left if 50,000 calculators enter the market.

No matter who it is, they definitely want to make money first.

Therefore, Howard and Coverdale will definitely have trouble by then.

After listening to Qiu Zongyue's words, Chen Guohua was speechless. Doesn't China Resources know the output in Beijing?

Why do you still sign such a contract?

After a second thought, Chen Guohua understood again.

In an era where making money is the main focus, Liu Guanzhong's behavior is absolutely normal.

Forced by debt pressure and the desire to make things happen after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is indeed human nature for Liu Guanzhong to choose to make money first in this era.

As for the production issue?

With such a large population in the mainland, are these problems?

"Then temporarily stop the other production line that was originally dedicated to the mainland and focus on producing Huayue calculators for export."

"As for recruiting new technicians, I'm afraid it's too late."

"Then we should seize the time to recruit a group of workers and expand production according to strategies such as using the old to lead the new and working in three shifts."

Chen Guohua said thoughtfully.

This method is just a last resort.

The three-shift strategy means that people can rest, but the machine keeps running.

Newly recruited employees focus on the simplest assembly line work, such as focusing on a certain action.

For example, for the action of assembling a keyboard, we directly set up an assembly line, and then divided into groups of more than a dozen people to complete such work.

In this way, you can quickly become familiar with the work and avoid making mistakes.

As for the assembled keyboards, dedicated personnel will transport them to other assembly lines to continue the next step of the process.

Only in this way, while efficiency is improved, output can be increased a lot, and at the same time, newly recruited workers can quickly complete their work faster.

"Hey, Guohua, I knew you must have a way."

After Qiu Zongyue heard this, he was stunned.

With Chen Guohua's plan, even if he is just an ordinary migrant worker, he can complete his work quickly.

After all, most of the work has been split up and simplified.

Repeat simple tasks, repeat simple tasks.

In this way, the monthly production capacity can definitely exceed 100,000 units.

After all, with only eight hours of work during the day, the monthly production capacity can reach 50,000 units, and with the three-shift strategy, if the machine keeps running.

The output of 100,000 units is more than enough.

This method is indeed worthy of promotion.

Chen Guohua, who was praised, shook his head and laughed:

"Leader, this is just a temporary transitional measure. The best way is to let the workers understand the technology."

"Because there are many parts of the work, it is still difficult to complete without technology."

Assembly line factories do not require technology. On the contrary, the requirements for technology are higher.

Especially the quality control aspect is often disappointing.

Product quality inspection must be strictly controlled, otherwise, haha, it will be a big trouble.

Now that China's electronic technology manufacturers are recruiting new people, the possibility of product quality problems is very high.

This is something that needs attention. Another issue is the supply of raw materials upstream, which cannot be ignored either.

"I don't think the problem is big. The method you are proposing now is absolutely feasible."

After Qiu Zongyue finished speaking, Chen Guohua suddenly thought of something:

"Leader, have you ever thought about whether someone will gossip if you do this?"

In an instant, Qiu Zongyue also clearly thought of something.

Hiss, it’s not easy to do!

It seems that I need to report to the above first!

(End of this chapter)

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